Borous looks to be struggling to process what Afton had just said... Perhaps he hadn't considered himself an animal due to his robotic components? Or perhaps he had just never been challenged on his rather drastic views.
Afton couldn't blame the scientist though, being worried about communists was the right state of mind two-hundred-years ago, and he wasn't wrong about animals either. Though, there was one thing that made Afton slightly annoyed... "Anyway, my name is Afton Parker, a proper post-U.S citizen, a pleasure to meet you Dr. Borous."
"So... You the Lobotomite, was just a... U.S citizen? Not a communist spy?" the scientist questions.
"So, the other people we lobotomized were also... U.S citizens?" he quietly asks.
"I... I'll need to consider this further..." Borous says, clearly not having realised who they were experimenting on.
"Hang on, I still need your help Borous." Afton says, holding up a hand before the robot can head to their room.
"Do you?..."
"Yeah, you can rethink your life choices later, for now, think of this as recompense for lobotomizing me." Afton states with crossed arms.
"... Very well..."
"Earlier. You said something about calling Cyberdogs to your side? Care to elaborate?" he asks, remembering the powerful cyberdogs that attacked him outside the Think Tank the other day.
Afton bringing up this subject seems to cheer Borous up... Slightly. "Oh, my Cyberdogs are one of my favourite creations. Combining the loyalty of man's BEST friend, with the durability, power, and ADAPTABILITY of robots!"
"So, you control them?" Afton asks.
"I do. Currently, all of my Cyberdogs that aren't in X-8 are patrolling around Big Mt to find any COMMIES that might be trying to break in. Though, I doubt any are smart enough to get past the fence."
"Youknow, I was attacked by some Cyberdogs earlier, Borous. I'd appreciate if you could stop that from happening in future..." Afton asks tentatively.
"Why, ofcourse they attacked you! You are, or were, designated as a COMMIE!... My apologies."
"So, I won't get attacked by them again?"
Afton nods at one problem being rectified. "You said Cyberdogs were your 'favourite' creations, what other creatures have you made?" he asks, more curious than anything.
"Why, I've made many creatures in my time here... Industrious Cazadors and Happy-go-Lucky Night Stalkers were among those that actually survived the BRUTAL experimentation." Borous explains.
"Wait, so you created Cazadors, one of the most dangerous creatures flying around the wasteland? Their poison so vicious that your flesh will literally melt from your flesh, stingers so large that getting stung is like receiving a sword wound, so fast that they can outrun VEHICLES!?" Afton asks loudly, astounded that this man was solely responsible for the Cazador infestation across the world.
"Hm, nice to hear someone who appreciates my work. They were terribly difficult to create, always EXPLODING when spliced with the wrong specimen..." he mutters.
"Borous, you are aware that Cazadors have literally killed hundreds of thousands of people, right?"
"Implausible. There weren't that many people inside Big Mt." Borous says, completing rejected Afton's words.
"Yeah, but you haven't counted the people outside of Big Mt... Your Cazadors managed to somehow escape and start infesting the rest of America."
"Oh, now I know you are pulling my manipulator. All Cazadors in Big Mt were sterilised. CASTRATED. I made sure of it myself! And I'll have you know, I PRIDE myself on my ability to castrate specimens."
Afton shakes his head, "Well, you must've missed a couple, because swarms of Cazadors regularly destroy settlements outside of Big Mt."
Borous growls, "Even if I did miss a COUPLE, they would not have escaped the fence!"
"What if they, I don't know... Flew. over it?" he blankly questions.
"Fly over it?... I. Never considered that."
"Yeah, it's not just Cazadors either, Night Stalkers are also all around the wasteland. Killing stray travellers who find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time." Afton adds.
"And you want me to believe that my Night Stalkers FLEW over the fence with the Cazadors!?"
"No... It isn't like you guys used to have a train system leading out of Big Mt. I'd hazard to guess that those invisible Night Stalkers managed to make their way through there."
"Indeed. That would explain where some of them had gone..." Borous mutters. "How many American deaths do you think I am actually responsible for..."
"Truthfully? Are you sure you want to know Borous?"
"I NEED to know. I never knew how... Far, my experiments had gon. How many American lives I may have affected."
Afton briefly counts how many people may, or may not have been killed by Cazadors and Night Stalkers. He didn't have much data, but he could make a good guess. "I'd gander over a million people have died from those two creatures alone."
"Guhk!" Borous squeaks upon hearing the number, but Afton stops him from breaking down... For now at least. "Hold up. We haven't finished talking yet, so before you go to your room to cry about what a monster you are. We need to finish talking."
"Tell me about the fence surrounding the crater." Afton asks.
Borous seems to sigh, "The fence, a 'formerly' impenetrable barrier that prevents ANYTHING organic from getting in, or out... Unless you're able to fly over it apparently... Or use the tunnels beneath it... Or disable it... GAH! IS EVERYTHING I DESIGN USELESS!"
"No, I think the fence is good. You just didn't take into account airborne threats... So, how does it work? I heard something about 'radar' the other day."
Borous shakes his monitors, "'Radar' is a misnomer. It's more appropriate to call it a Tesla Fence, each Pylon is capable of spitting enough electricity at an intruder to render them charred flesh and bones. Of course, when something tries to exit the fence the teleportation array activates and prevents them from leaving. Wouldn't want to scorch our research now, would we?"
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Afton raises a brow at what Borous had just said... Teleportation relay? He knew they said something about teleportation, but never had an opportunity to bring it up. He also doubted they would be willing to explain the technology to him, mostly due to the fact he might be able to use it to escape... Though, he'd be very, very wary about leaving without his brain...
"Teleportation array?" he asks, hoping the guilt trip he'd put Borous through would pull his attention enough for him not to notice him asking about this.
"Indeed. A technology that the American government sought, and funded... Unfortunately, we only managed to create it after the bombs had dropped. With us not wishing to leave the safety of Big Mt, it's all just been collecting dust... Aside from kidnapping... Unfortunate American citizens..."
"Explains the functions of this 'array' to me."
"The Teleportation array? Its the combined technology that facilities teleportation. It uses various relays via satellites to send an atomized person's parts to their desired destination... Usually intact. Of course, recently, one of our satellites seems to have been knocked out of the sky by some space junk, that's the one that abducting you I think."
Afton nods, from his vague, half-dead memory that matches up with what he saw. "Where would this 'teleportation' array be?"
"Why underground ofcour-I mean. You aren't SUPPOSED to know that... Do you have something else to ask? Truthfully, I am barely holding myself together... I thought such emotions were above me, such an irrational reaction..."
Afton nods sympathetically, "Last thing. The X-8 Facility. Is there anything I should know before I go there?"
"Oh, very much so. The various tests that you must pass to acquire the Sonic Emitter upgrade are rather... No, incredibly dangerous. Of course, I designed them that way... I thought that only our commie prisoners would be forced to go through them. Again, you have my apologies."
"What tests?" Afton asks.
"Tests where you'll be forced to fight sentry turrets, Cyberdogs, and the Lobotmites that seem to have broken into the facility... My old dog, Gabe, is still within the facility as well..." he adds, somewhat remorsefully.
"Your dog, Gabe?"
Borous nods his monitors, "He was a good boy. Used to be so happy back when I was human, his silly wet nose, playful demeanour... Appetite for chems." he growls the last part.
Afton raises a brow, "Wouldn't that make Gabe around two-hundred-years old?" he asks, wondering how on earth the dog was still alive.
"Ah, well. Cybernetics prolong an organic being's life. The... Experiments I conducted on my old pet drastically extended his lifespan... You might be forced to... Put Gabe down if you encounter him, I remember that he'd buried the Sonic Emitter schematics in the replica home." Borous leans in and whispers, "The others would say 'good riddance' so a failed experiment, but... After all I've done... Could you spare Gabe? He doesn't deserve what I did to him, even if it was in the pursuit of knowledge."
Afton shrugs, "I'll see what I can do... Any chance there's a way to avoid killing any of the other Cyberdogs in the test areas?" he asks, no wanting to kill potential assets. If he could gain control of the Cyberdogs, he'd be able to create an army of them... An army of durable Cyborg dogs that're able to fire sonic projectiles from their mouths... Yeah, sounds pretty good.
Borous appears to be in thought for a moment before nodding his monitors, "The test areas require Cyberdogs to be present... Or, at least, something similar to Cyberdogs. If I'm not mistaken, a shipment of Night Stalkers were sent to X-8 while the other staff were still alive. If you can gain access to the kennel before conducting the tests, you can replace the Cyberdog participants with Night Stalkers."
"Alright, that's fair... Do I need a key or some passcode to access the kennels?"
"Err, I am unaware of where the key currently is..." Borous admits.
Afton sighs, "Great." he'll just have to cut his way in like he had the VR room. "Alright, I'll leave you to mope about all those millions of people you indirectly killed, as well as the many innocent American citizens you Lobotomized." he says, giving a small wave.
In response Borous gives a short cry and quickly floats towards his room, the other scientists turning and watching this. Afton couldn't tell what they were thinking, but it must be something disrespectful to their colleague.
To be honest, Dr. 8 and Dr. Borous seemed like the only scientists that he'd 'get on' with. Once Borous came to terms with his actions and their consequences, perhaps he'd be more willing to ally with him and turn against his colleagues... Hm, he'll see in time.
For now, at least he had an idea of what is held in X-8. He'd gain access to the kennels, replace the Cyberdogs with Night Stalkers, see what he could do about Gabe, and finally retrieve the Sonic Emitter upgrade.
"User, sensors have been recalibrated. I did not find the issue, but trust I will be at 110% sneakiness onwards." Nyx's voice says.
Afton nods, "Thank you. Don't worry, I doubt another error like that will happen for... At least a week." he says, smirking slightly despite the fact he was referring to his recent death. Thinking on that, he did need to take less risks until his Perk was ready for use again... Maybe he should spend the rest of the day in the Sink to recover from the injuries he'd taken.
He wasn't exactly on a time limit, and he doubted Karl, Boone, and Anja would need his immediate assistance anytime soon. Plus, he was expecting to stay in Big Mt for a while, even after recovering his brain. He wanted to tinker with some technologies and try a couple things out.
Shrugging, he leaves the Think Tank and heads back up to the Sink to get some food and rest until tomorrow.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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