A shimmer rapidly approaches him and Afton swings his Inversal axe at it, but due to its invisibility, he miss-judges the range and doesn't manage to hit it. The shimmer that'd dodged his strike leaps forwards at him, becoming visible and revealing its reptilian head as it tries to bite him.
Afton stuffs his plant arm into its mouth to prevent it from getting a good bite on him, but is forced to fire the last of That Guns bullets at another approaching shimmer. As this happens the Night Stalker that'd bitten him starts throwing itself side to side in an attempt to tear some flesh away from his arm... Fortunately, the bark-like material was simply too difficult to damage via that kind of assault.
Grunting, he lifts his trapped arm and swings the Night Stalker at a nearby shimmer, causing it to slam into one of its brethren and get thrown away, quickly becoming invisible again afterwards.
Afton notices another shimmer charging directly at him, and choosing to leap over it to dodge the attack. Though, this wasn't the best plan of action, as when he splits his legs the Night Stalker materialises and barely misses biting his jewels off.
He doesn't even have time to pale at how close that was as the offending Night Stalker smashing into the concrete wall behind him. Growling, he slams his Inversal axe into it's back, cutting it completely in half and causes the smell of burnt flesh to stink-up the room.
"Behind you!" Nyx exclaims, allowing him to spin away and avoid two charging Night Stalkers that become visible just as they bite down on the vacant spot where he just was. "Thanks Nyx." he says, slicing apart the now-visible creature and turning towards the other shimmers in the room.
He quickly sheaths That Gun and draws Lucky from its own holster, firing the revolver at the shimmers.
*Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!*
He unloads the gun at them, now having a better idea at where their heads were located. Two more drops dead, and he quickly holsters Lucky as well, uses both hands on his new axe. "Come get some you abominations!" he shouts.
The Night Stalkers apparently take this as an invitation as all of the shimmers charge him. He slices apart the first and second, but is unable to dodge as two Night Stalkers lock their jaws around each leg, another leaping to try and tear out his throat.
[Grit is in effect]
He grabs the flying Night Stalker by its neck while swinging down at the one biting his leg, cutting its head clean off. "Stop biting me, please!" Nyx pleads to the blood-crazed beasts, obviously achieving nothing.
With the added strength granted by Grit, Afton squeezes the Night Stalkers neck and snaps it, the creature releasing a pitiful squeal as it goes limp. Afterwards, Afton turns an angry gaze to the last Night Stalker still chewing on his leg. It seems to feel his glare and stops chewing for a moment as it looks up at him.
Realising it was outmatched, it lets go and tries to bolt, slowly turning invisible as it retreats. Afton doesn't take kindly to this and grabs its rattle-snake-like tail, slamming it into a wall, a broken fridge, desk, and eventually the floor.
By the time he was done throwing the creature around, it was nothing by a pile of bruised flesh and broken bones. He spits on and checks on his armour and the wounds he'd sustained. He was well aware of the venom these creatures had, it was pretty obvious due to their snake-like heads and fangs. "Nyx, can you take care of the anti-venom? I think I still have a few left."
"I will begin the procedure... Would you be so kind to patch the new holes I've acquired too?" she asks and Afton looks at the torn pieces of fabric the Night Stalkers had managed to get through, though, it was only their frontal fangs that'd actually pierced it.
"Will do, Nyx." he says, allowing the AI to observe the slow repair of [Mechanicus], it wasn't like he could hide it from his sentient clothing, was it?
Afton glances around at the dead Night Stalkers and wonders if he should try to scavenge anything from them... Their pelts were probably useless, first because he'd cut most of them apart, second because they were all disease-ridden and in bad condition in the first place, third because Night Stalkers weren't known for having good hides in the first place.
If he wanted, he could cut their tails off, drain their blood, and see if any were carrying eggs... But didn't see the need to... He wasn't desperate enough to spend an hour cutting them apart for some rather pitiful rewards. It wasn't like he was going to walk away from this place empty-handed though, he'd still acquired a Stealth boy.
He makes his way back up to the room where the holodeck was and approaches the last door. There was a large terminal next to it, and once accessed it only had a single option...
[Unlock elevator to test chamber?]
Shrugging, he selects it and hears a click coming from the metal door beside him. "So, er, what kind of tests will we have to do?" he asks, hoping Nyx would answer.
"The tests accessible at the X-13 Research Facility all include some form of sneaking and or infiltration. Luckily, with me helping you we'll sneak so hard even the sneak-detecting unsneakable robots will struggle to locate us."
"Uh huh... And what stops me from just using the Stealth boy?"
"Why, that would be the proximity mines."
"Wait what?" he asks in slight bafflement as they ride the elevator down to the test chamber.
"The proximity mines will detect you regardless of your ability to bypass regular visual sensors. Though, I suppose the laser traps might not work?" Nyx questions, apparently not knowing the answer herself.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Afton steps out of the elevator and Nyx suddenly speaks up, "Data collection array, online... Please use the terminal below to begin user synchronisation."
"What does that even mean?" Afton asks.
"The observation room will track our movements, and upgrade my firmware with every test we complete." Nyx easily explains.
Afton nods, he probably needed to complete all the tests to retrieve the complete schematic that Klein had asked for. Not that he wouldn't do so anyway, upgrading Nyx to her full capabilities sounded like a fantastic idea.
Looking around the room he was in, it appeared to be the second floor which allowed for observation of the first. A terminal sat nearby but it didn't have much other information he'd not already seen.
Instead of heading downstairs to begin the tests, Afton elected to look at the entire test area before doing anything. This way he'd know where to go, potential threats, etc.
The observation areas themselves were full of junk, displaying the scientists rather lackadaisical attitudes towards the tests. This is probably the reason why Nyx still hadn't been fitted with the best firmware they had at their disposal.
He continues circling around until he returned to where he'd started. This time heading down the stairs and approaching a high-tech-looking terminal while ignoring the heavily armed sentry turret sitting in the corner.
Currently, there was only one option he was able to select on the terminal.
[Begin Basic Infiltration Test]
Without much choice, he confirms it and hears the hum of old machinery coming back to life. On the terminal instructions for the test are quickly appearing... Apparently, he needed to sneak through the test area, avoiding the robots that are patrolling around and steal a document from a safe... Easy enough, right?
"Movement detected." Nyx states as he crouches into a low position and pushes his way through the double doors to the test area.
The test itself isn't all that hard, the robots follow a strict patrol pattern that is very easy to observe and avoid if you have the patience. Afton's Sneak Skill was already maxed out, so with the help of Nyx, he was easily able to bypass all the tests defences and make it to the end.
The safe at the end of the trial isn't even locked, allowing him to pull out a piece of paper with 'X-13 Document' written in large bold letters. Though, it didn't seem official in any capacity as instead of actual writing, it contained squiggles that looked like writing from afar.
"Test data processed. Suit updated to firmware Version 1.1."
Afton raises a brow and checks the suit via his inventory to see what'd actually changed... He was immediately able to find what was new... The suit had gained an extra +10 to sneak, making it a full +25, the highest he'd ever seen. If the first update was this good, he wondered what the other's would be?
Deciding it'd be better to complete the tests sooner than later, he walks back through the test area and activates the terminal again, this time selecting the new option that was available.
[Begin Advanced Infiltration Test]
He begins the test and quickly finds what is more 'advanced' about this test than the previous one. Laser tripwires completely cover the test area, making it difficult to sneak around without stepping on one.
Fortunately, with Afton's incredible agility, he's easily able to bypass these too, as well as the robots who had returned to the same patrol route as the last test. It takes no time at all to reach the safe and acquire the document.
"Test data processed. Updated to firmware version 1.2" Nyx states robotically.
Checking via his inventory, this next update gave the stealth suit +1 to Perception. How was this the case? Afton didn't really know, that's just what his inventory told him... Maybe Nyx's detection abilities had improved?
Regardless, Afton continues running the various tests, the next having proximity mines scattered throughout the place, that would even detect him through walls. After completing that test, he immediately started the next, one called the [Robot Compliance Test].
This forced him to go through the test area and manually deactivate the patrolling robots, which wasn't all that hard due to their inattentiveness and ineffective rear sensors. Once all was said and done, Afton had fully upgraded Nyx and acquired all the firmware updates.
[Stealth suit Mk II]
DT : 14
Weight : 25
Effect : +25 Sneak, +1 Perception, +1 Agility, +20% crouched movement speed.
Value : 50000
If Afton hadn't already taken a liking to Nyx, he might've considered trying to sell her... Though, he doubted anyone would be willing to buy her at the price she was worth... "How're you feeling, Nyx?"
"Whole." she states simply.
"Alright, let's get out of he-"
"What!?! X-13 breached!? No... Even that stealth suit won't hide you from my Robo-Scorpion army! Sting the intruder my pets! Sting them until they're all stupid!" Mobius suddenly roars over the building's intercom.
"Uh oh... Many enemies approaching!" Nyx chirps, sounding somewhat worried about the sheer number of forces headed to them.
Afton looks at the closed double doors that lead to the hallway, it was the only exit, and would likely already be flooded by Robo-Scorpions... He doesn't despair though, instead, a smirk finds it way onto his face. "Don't worry Nyx, I got this." he says, pulling out the Stealth boy and activating it, causing light to ripple and distort around him, before rendering him invisible to the naked eye.
"Wow, this feels weird." he mutters, touching his invisible arms and face.
"Ooooh... I feel so... Sneaky." Nyx moans, and almost causes Afton to blush at the sensuality of it.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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