Somewhere within a large red tent sat a man wearing a skinned wolf's head and modified sportswear. The desk in front of him was littered with reports from all across the Mojave. Unit movement, NCR plans, maps detailing NCR bases and vital places that could potentially be sabotaged, there were even simple rumours that'd be sent to him.
Vulpes Inculta was a stickler for knowledge. If someone died in the wasteland, he wanted to be the first to know about it. If the NCR suddenly decided they wanted to add another pocket to their uniforms, he wanted to know about it. If an NCR soldier started eating too much fibre than his diet required, he wanted to know about it.
Of course, there was a good reason for his almost obsessive attention to detail. He was the Legion's foremost strategic planner, the schemes he had lead were some of the most successful that'd ever been conducted in the red empire. Sure, he was insulted, belittled, and sometimes even attacked for his methods, but he saw all that as meaningly. All that mattered was the outcome, the means he used to get there were paltry afterwards.
The Legion conducted itself in the same manner as the long-dead Roman empire had, all under Caesers direction of course. Honour, and front-on brute force were favoured compared to how he conducted his men. This was likely why the great Caesar himself took an interest with him.
While the others of his group wanted his head for disobeying his captain, sneaking through enemies lines, and capturing the enemy chieftain, Caesar saw potential.
And now here he was, in an outpost deep within NCR territory looking through a mountain of paperwork. Usually he'd see this as fine, but his Legionaries weren't the brightest bunch and their reports left much to be desired... He was sure some were even struggling to write. He hoped they wouldn't go looking to the locals for help in creating their reports, otherwise he'd have them strapped to a cross and executed.
Atleast the job wasn't boring though. The back and forth of battle between two superpowers would always be exciting, regardless on whether or not the Legion was winning. Though, lately there have been some issues he's been struggling to deal with.
Some mercenaries have recently made a name for themselves. Now, Vulpes Inculta wouldn't even pay attention to this sort of dishonourable ruffian unless he had plans to send them on a suicide mission. But the group of three had definitely caught his eye.
All the effort he'd gone through to secure Nelson from the NCR, and two people cut down a huge portion of their camp. Sure, the Legion wasn't known for its expert marksman, but he'd have thought atleast one stray bullet would've caught one... But no, his reports stated that the people responsible came out with not one injury... Not a single one! Either these two were incredibly lucky, gods among men, or had been planning this assault for days, even weeks.
Using explosives to dislodge rocks and create a rockslide? Vulpes Inculta had send many Legionaries to inspect that area just to prevent that kind of thing from happening. He knew that the NCR wouldn't dare do it in-case they injured the hostages they kept in Nelson, but it was still a threat he needed to keep an eye on.
And then here comes two random mercenaries, throwing a couple sticks of dynamite and blammo, rockslide wipes out a significant portion of his troops.
The worst thing about this situation? He'd already met these intruding fools! In Nipton, they were the people he'd requested to spread fear among the Mojave. Perhaps his overeagerness to induce despair in the NCR had come back to bite him. Though, these mercenaries hadn't given any indication that they were particularly attached to either side.
It was highly likely that they were only accepted jobs from the NCR due to the fact that they were the ones that controlled the region, and thus the caps. He wondered how many caps it'd take for him to gain their allegiance... Having people as skilled as that would open up many new avenues for him and his plots, perhaps dealing real damage to the New Vegas strip would be a possibility.
He looked down at his desk and rifled through the papers to find the latest report on their movements, eventually finding some information that caused his eyes to widen... The mercenaries were more capable than he'd first expected, even able to acquire a pre-war vehicle.
Vulpes Inculta silently sneers, he wished he was able to get one of those for himself. Of course, the Legion would destroy as soon as they saw it due to their primitive mindsets. He understood why Caesar wanted to limit the use of technology but it still caused many, many problems for himself.
"Legionary?!" he calls out, a couple men wearing red quickly entering the tent before standing to attention.
"Here are the latest reports on some people I've taken an interest in. I need you to find and approach them while undercover, offer the mercenaries a substantial reward should they enter the services of the Legion. Be cautious, they are extremely dangerous individuals and their loyalties are still unknown." Vulpes Inculta quickly states while pushing some papers towards them.
These were some of the more intelligent Legionaries he had at his disposal, they'd know what to do even if he just handed them the reports... But, he needed this to succeed no matter what, so he'd personally tell them what he needed.
The two nod and are about to leave the room, but Vulpes calls out to them. "I will remind you, while their past actions have negatively affected the Legion, you will show them the utmost respect. Not just for your safety against them, but against me. If I hear that your actions cause them to refuse my offer... You will be punished." he says, causing the Legionaries to audibly swallow their saliva. They'd seen what happens to people who displease him before, and they had no wish to experience it for themselves.
Once they leave Vulpes Inculta slumps back into his chair, "Hopefully those imbeciles won't botch this up.
So yeah, usually I just kill Vulpes in Nipton. I never really realised what an interesting character he was until I started researching... He's literally the backbone of the Legion in the Mojave, without him the Legion wouldn't have been able to even cross the river, let alone capture territory!
Hopefully you guys like the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.
Afton and Boone make small talk with Samuel as they eat their meals. It isn't the best thing they'd ever eaten, but it sure beats dry rations or rad scorpion meat. Karl had eventually come back after selling everything, distributing the caps which added another 650 caps to Afton personal stockpile.
The trio shared a couple shots of Vodka with one another, Samuel joining in as they had a small celebration that none of them had died yet. Yes, it was slightly morbid to be celebrating that specifically, but the group didn't care all that much.
Something Afton found funny as well as irritating was the fact that even after many, many drinks. Boone still wouldn't relax. The man was always on edge, ready to spin around and start shooting...
Afton shakes his head and leaves the two of them to continue drinking, he was a bit tipsy, but he had something else to work on right now. It might take a day or two, but it'd definitely be worth it.
Pulling out his tools he walked over to the Protectron sat next to Dirt-Bird and started dismantling it. His maxed out repair skill had already given him all the knowledge he needed to know to properly disassemble the robot without damaging any of its components.
It was a bit freaky to have the robot asking him to stop as he pulled it apart. It didn't recognise him as a RobCo mechanic and was programmed to request him to stop... The reason for this? Most Protectrons were powered by a Fission Battery. The problem was in its name, "Fission", the robot was nuclear powered and any damage to it or mishandling could potentially cause a small nuclear explosion... Yeah, not something you'd want happening.
Of course, there were protections in place to stop that from happening. Things within the battery itself to prevent the typical chain reaction that'd produce such a destruction explosion. Still, RobCo made sure to remind you that potential atomic death awaited you if you continued pulling their robot apart.
In a few hours he'd taken off the alloy casing and started looking into the internals. The chips and other parts responsible for its voice modulator, personality, movement, combat abilities, etc. With his Repair skill he knew what things did what, but his science level wasn't high enough to allow him to modify any of it yet... He lacked the equipment and specific knowledge about this unit to make it possible.
Once he found the emergency power button he turned the robot off to stop it constantly asking him to stop. Once that was done he proceeded to completely take it apart. Removing its arms, head, and everything else that could potentially be useful.
Something interesting he'd found was the fact that the robots laser weapons were linked with the Fission Battery... This meant that it could potentially shoot for years on end. Though, it also meant that the lasers were rather weak.
Protectrons weren't meant for direct frontal combat so that was probably the reason for this. The weapons were enough to scare off any would-be thieves, but that was it. Afton wasn't bothered as getting rid of thieves was what his goal here was.
Karl and Boone slowly woke up, painful hangover's immediately ruining their moods. Fortunately they'd passed out at the bar itself so Samuels daughter Michelle just slid some glasses of water in front of them.
"Ah, thanks." Karl says and immediately downs the drink.
"No problem. Dad hasn't had that much fun in years, it was good to see him acting himself again." she says before directing a look towards Afton, "Your friend is a bit weird though."
Boone and Karl look over to where Afton is and raise a brow at the relatively large pile of scrap he was surrounded in. The Protectron that'd previously been there was nowhere to be seen, and Dirt-Bird seemed to have some new additions...
"Kid, what on gods ruined earth are you doin'?" Karl asks in exasperation.
"Kid?" he asks again after not getting a response.
"Ah! Karl? You're awake?" Afton asks after rubbing his eyes with his sleeve. His hands were covered in grease. Large black bags were under his eyes, indicating he'd not slept. His skin was slightly pale but seemed to be regaining its vitality under the morning Mojave sun.
"I'll ask again, what're you doing?"
"Huh, oh this? I was just modifying Dirt-Bird... Cool right?" he says, but no one else could see what modification he'd actually made...
"What'd you do with the robot?" he asks, but gets an unexpected response.
"This unit appreciates your concern, I have been modified and integrated into a new device known as 'Dirt-Bird'" a robotic voice says from the motorbike.
Boone and Karl are struck silent by this, but Michelle gives a broad smile and approaches the bike after hopping over the bar. "That is soo cool! You did this in one night?"
Afton nods tiredly, "Yeah, I'm dead tired though..." he mutters.
"So, what does it do?" she asks.
Afton grins at her, "You wanna know? I'll give you guys a good show then." he says standing up and grabbing a large piece of scrap metal before propping it against the concrete railing of the overpass.
"Dirt-Bird, that scrap metal is a thief!" he says.
"Target acquired." the robot states as two thin arms sprout from the back of the bike and point at the metal. A whirring sound starts for half a second before a spray of laser fire starts pummeling the metal.
This continues until the metal is white-hot and starts melting into the ground. The others staring at it in shock and surprise. Even with their painful hangovers, they could see potential in this. Though, Michelle almost shits her pants at the abrupt violence.
Afton sits on the bike and strokes one of the arms while looking at them, "Cool right?"
[Scare a humanoid shitless. 17/50]
Karl rubs his face, "You're mad kid."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to, I'd appreciate it.
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