The group was back on the road, speeding down the highway with a cloud of dust behind them. The occasional traveller or trader would look at them in shock and surprise as Dirt-Bird blitzed past them.
Afton didn't know if anyone else had ever recreated pre-war vehicles, but if they had he certainly hadn't heard about it. He hopes people won't get the stupid idea of trying to steal his bike, he can't protect it 24/7, but he can certainly hunt whoever has the balls to try.
The sun on his skin feels more vibrant than before, his [Solar Powered] perk making him able to appreciate it much more than he used to. He wondered how his abilities would progress the further he levelled, and if there was even a cap.
Regardless, an hour after they'd left camp he could see something in the distance. It looked to be a highway overpass but judging by how many people seemed to be congregating around it, it was probably their destination, the 188 Trading Post.
The hum of the engine and cloud of dust behind them had most people turning towards them as they approached. Afton wasn't sure whether he wanted to be the centre of attention or not, but he didn't really have a choice if he were honest. He wasn't going to stop using Dirt-Bird just because people would take notice.
The group of people part like the red sea for them to travel through, but it seems the NCR soldiers didn't appreciation the commotion they were inadvertently creating. A line of soldiers stood in their path with weapons drawn, they seemed to be shouting orders at them but were too far to hear them clearly.
"Fuckin' NCR can't keep their noses outta shit." Afton mutters as he slows down.
The bike stops to a halt a good distance away from the soldiers, Karl, Afton, and Boone all display their hands to pacify the soldier some. It wouldn't be fun to be randomly shot by some trigger happy soldier boy.
"You there, keep your hands where we can see them!" A soldier shouts as they approach.
Afton glowers at them, "You'd think with all we've done for the NCR they'd atleast cut us some slack!? What're you holding us up for?" he asks loudly, making sure the group of civilians can hear him.
"You are on New California Republic territory on an unidentified vehicle without permission. You will cede the vehicle and any other technology you have." they shout, causing Afton to scowl.
Karl scoffs at them, "Huh, is this how you guys operate now? Requisitioning people's property at random?! What makes you any better than the Brotherhood of Steel!?" he says.
"We are mercenaries who've worked for the NCR, is this how you treat people loyal to you? That'd explain why traders prefer the Legion." Afton growls, "This is my property and I will not hand it to you. Radio your superior, unless of course you want a fight?"
The leader of the soldiers gives an unfriendly sneer and pulls out his radio, stepping away to get some degree of privacy as they speak to their superior officer.
Karl looks to Afton warily, "We really going to die on this hill?" he asks.
Afton nods, "Yeah, no government lacky is going to steal from me. If the bike is more important than the loyalties of the one who made it, then the NCR is more stupid than I'd first thought... Plus, it's not like we don't have the public on our side." he says, nodding his head in the direction of the rather angry looking crowd.
They were all traders, and most had come here to sell pre-war technology they'd scavenged. So to have the NCR show up and try to 'requisition' tech from someone for no valid reason means that it might affect them too. Not to mention the fact that rumour of the group's accomplishments had already reached here and New Vegas meant they wouldn't be lacking support.
Indeed, if the NCR arrested mercenaries that'd almost singlehandedly wiped out a Legionary encampment the public would go mad. Even those loyal to the NCR would consider this a complete and utter betrayal... Of course, they could pin the group with false crimes, but that wasn't a possibility in this current situation.
Boone sighs from the sidecar, "I'd rather not gun down my former comrades... But I agree that they're treading a line they shouldn't cross."
The formerly sneering soldiers comes back with a scowl, "You. Are you Afton Parker, Karl Martin, and Craig Boone?" The group nod and the man's scowl only becomes more prominent, "You are free to go once you sign a form to register your vehicle. You will be required to pay two hundred caps for it though, if you lack the money then we'll seize the vehicle."
What kind of backwards laws are in play here? They were in the Mojave, a place that had many fucked up roads and even more fucked up pre-war vehicles lying around. Why does the NCR have procedures detailing vehicles? Did they have functioning one's back in California? Why hadn't he heard of this yet?
After a moment of contemplation, Afton reluctantly nods, "Bring the papers here and I'll sign them. I'll want your name too, once I'm in McCarren I'll ask whether this is indeed procedure... And if I find that you are cheating me... Well, you've heard of our past achievements." he states.
The man walks away without having been all that intimidated... Maybe it'd be useful to get [Terryfying Presence] just to scare douchebags he wasn't able to kill yet? It'd certainly help with the challenge that required him to scare people.
After a couple minutes of waiting another soldier comes by with a piece of paper and a pen. The paper looked to be quite old, probably because no one with vehicles ever passed by here? Afton reluctantly signed it and divvied out two-hundred caps before handing them to the man.
They walk away and return after a while with some sort of certification of ownership? It looks like one of those fake diploma's you'd get... But as long as it kept the 'man' off of his back so be it.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.
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