The dark brown-haired girl hops excitedly on her heels as Afton grips her finger, "Look Christine, he likes me!" she quickly says, trying to restrain her voice.
"Maybe we shouldn't be bothering him Veronica, young babies like Afton need a lot of sleep don't they?" she asks hesitantly.
"He's the son of Zachary and Verna, he's gotta be strong enough to handle this! Plus, look, I read that babies usually don't react to you until they're two-months-old," she says, massaging the baby's chubby hand.
While the massage felt pretty good, Afton still couldn't bear being the object of attention for these children, if they began to stick around him like flies to shit he'd never get anything done. "Fua oof" he babbles, causing both the girls to stop.
"Er, Veronica, did the baby just tell us to-"
"No... Must just be a coincidence..." she interjects, refusing to believe a baby would first of all be smart enough to tell them to "fuck of", and secondary even if it was, would tell them to do so.
"Ara? Veronica, Christine? I don't remember inviting you to see Afton." his mother saves the day as she walks in.
"Uh, we just... Got lost!" Veronica chirps after a moment of hesitation.
"Y-yeah! When we say how cute Afton was we couldn't resist... What a coincidence, right? haha, ha..." Christine continues, trying to follow Veronica's story.
Verna smiles at them both, "Is that so? So you wouldn't mind if I too your parents about this then? It was an accident after all."
"Please don't!" both exclaim, getting a small chuckle from Verna.
"Oh, I'm just joking... I'll forget about this just once, but if you want to see Afton you have to ask me first, I trust you both but things can go wrong even if you have the best of intentions, okay?"
They two children quickly nod at her, "Yes ma'am." they reply in unison.
"Now, you two should be off, I heard Elder Elijah was looking for you Veronica, and you Christine, shouldn't you be studying for your initiate tests?"
Both their eyes widen and they quickly rush out of the room, brushing past something metallic going off of the sound it made when hit... Come to think of it, whatever it was it was moving towards him.
"Honey? I've received orders to lead a patrol." his father's voice comes from outside the room as he enters.
Verna glares at him, "Zachary Parker. What have I told you about wearing that around Afton?" she asks in a cold voice.
Afton himself had his mind blown when he spotted his father... The man walked in wearing some kind of heavy metal armour, his 6ft height had been increased to 6.5 and he had a distinctive looking helmet under his arm.
"P-P-P-POWER ARMOUR!?! WHAAAAAT!" He screamed in his mind, forgetting how to breathe as he sees it. In his other hand rested what could only be a Gauss rifle, one of the best long-range energy weapons in Fallout 3.
The fact that he was apparently now inside the Fallout universe shook his mind, he simply hadn't even considered that this was possible. The small bits of information he'd gathered thus far started to make sense, the desolate building he was in, the strange robes people wore, the Codex he was constantly read...
"Bonds of Steel" now made a whole lot more sense now that he knew the context, though, the rule itself didn't seem to match his previous knowledge on the Brotherhood in Fallout 3... The Axiom sounded more selfish than what he'd come to expect, perhaps it was just a loosely followed rule though.
"Calm down Verna, he'd have to see it eventually, best he becomes familiar with it before his training begins." he father says, attempting to calm his wife.
"Yeah, but... I think he should be allowed to grow up a bit before he knows about his responsibilities."
Zachary walks up, places his helmet on a nearby helmet and wraps an arm around Verna's waist, "He'll be fine honey, our son is new weakling, he'll be one of the best, and we'll be right behind him, watching and encouraging his growth." he says before giving her a peck on the lips.
Afton slowly managed to regain his composure, momentarily giving his father a "100/100 speech check success" within his mind, if nothing else, the man knew how to handle his wife.
"Like what you see son? When you're older you'll get a set of your own, cool right?" he chuckles with a boisterous grin.
"What's Nolan sending you out for anyway?" she asks.
"Apparently the Elder's gotten a whiff of some buried old world technology, we're to patrol the area, clear out any hostiles and remove any locals that are currently in the area." he recites his orders.
"Remove any locals? Hm.." she mutters worriedly, "Try to talk to them first, we were at fault for what happened last time... We can't go around constantly making enemies."
Zachary nods, "I know, I know, I'll try my best but in the end it isn't my call to make. If the Elder wants it then we have to give it to him, Nolan's trying his best to achieve peaceful solutions but you know the Elder..." he says with a sigh.
Verna nods in understanding, giving him another kiss before handing him his helmet, "Be careful out there, if I hear that you've done something stupid then Deathclaws aren't the biggest problem you'll have." she says with a glare that quickly softens.
Afton watches his fathers back as the man leaves, his attention entirely on the armour that clanks heavily as it moves. A small smile makes its way onto his face, it seems his goals would have to be altered... School, college, and work were no longer factors, all that mattered now was knowledge and strength. Most would see that as a negative, but Afton saw it as an opportunity, he could only imagine what adventures awaited him in this new strange world.
Bam, the great reveal. Hopefully you guys enjoyed the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
With the revelation of the situation, he currently found himself in he continued his training with renewed vigour. He had no idea how similar the world would be to Fallout 3, but knew if he was half-hearted he'd be an easily killable NPC.
At least he started with the equivalent of a silver spoon in his mouth, he couldn't imagine anywhere better to be born than in the Brotherhood of Steel. Power armour was basically cheating in the wasteland, completely covering yourself in thick armoured plates that made you immune to most damage was broken enough, but with the addition of the mechanical parts underneath that increased your strength and speed you became almost unkillable.
This was not to say you couldn't die though, the wasteland was full of crazy creatures like Deathclaws that could shred steel with ease, or Super Mutant Behemoths that could crush you with a single step.
Personal strength was the first thing Afton had to aim for, having strong allies and knowledge was great but if you were negligent for even a moment your life would be snuffed out... All it took was misstepping where a random raider had laid a mine and boom, you're a goner.
That is not to disparage the strength in numbers, especially when considering the Brotherhood of Steel, an army of Power armour clad men wielding Gatling lasers would annihilate any potential force. Though he was unsure of the situation of the chapter where he'd been born, if everything was perfect then they'd not be living in some dingy rotten building...
Of course, having knowledge of the region and the surroundings was a must, even if he had the best gear in existence he wouldn't survive if he accidentally wandered into a Deathclaw den...
On that topic, he doubted some of the mechanics in the game would be the same in this new world, would he be able to level up? Would Stimpacks instantly heal you? Would you be able to take bullets to the head and still survive? All of these questions were valid and incredibly important.
In the game you'd access your inventory, stats, and everything else with a Pipboy, a machine you strapped to your wrist and helped wit various things. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like he'd be given one as only Vault Dwellers seemed to possess them.
From what he knew, Vaults were not actually designed to help people survive the apocalypse, instead, they were more like science experiments to see how humans would react in certain situations. For instance, he remembered hearing about a vault that contained one woman and almost a thousand men... He didn't know any details but he imagined the social hierarchy would quickly breakdown and chaos would ensue.
After thinking over it, he was probably lucky not to be one of the Vault Dwellers, who knew what kind of sick experiment he'd be subjected to. One thing was for sure, if he saw one he'd have to go for it, the slight chance that he'd get the advantages you have in the game was too great to ignore.
A few more weeks pass and Afton had started being able to produce specific sounds, it still sounded like babbling but with a bit more practise he'd be able to form words soon... They'd not be clean or concise due to how weird not having teeth was.
He would have to be careful when speaking, if someone observed him while he was practising it'd raise more questions than he was comfortable with... Being called a genius was fun and all, but being too smart at an early age would attract the attention of important and powerful people.
It'd been a month since he'd been born, his training had gone relatively well, he was sure his muscles were stronger than what an ordinary baby would be, and he was now able to speak, even if it did sound broken and high-pitched.
Afton had started to notice more people walking outside his door in the hallway, it was clear something was going on, and his assumptions were validated when his mother walked in while clad in red robes with a smile on her face. "Heya, how's my Afton doing?" she asks even though she's not expecting an answer, "It's time to move, are you ready? Do you wanna leave this place?"
Leave? What did she mean by that...
His father walked in next wearing his Power armour, "You ready yet? The Elder wants to relocate somewhere, we've already scouted the area and created the safehouses."
"Give me a moment, I need to pack Aftons toys, clothes, and blankets." she says, packing a rough-looking pack with everything of worth in the room.
"Well try and be quick, the Elder wants to leave as soon as possible... I don't know why but he's got the weird look in his eye again."
"Should we be worried?" Verna asks after closing the pack and picking Afton up.
Zachary shrugs, "I'm not sure... I respect the man and his position, but sometimes it feels like leading the chapter is not his top priority. You'll be in the middle of the convoy with the other mothers, scribes, and newborns so I'm not worried about that. What concerns me is where we'll be heading, it's not as defensible as our current position and is quite far from any clean water source.
If it were up to me, we'd prepare for a longer journey and get further into the Mojave. Less chance of any confrontation with the NCR that way... I'm not the Elder though so we'll just have to make do."
"Atleast Afton will finally see outside, I can't imagine being stuck in this cramped place is good for him..." she looks down at him, "You'll love feeling the sun on your face Afton, trust me." she says, gently bouncing him up and down in her arm.
Zachary smiles at them, "Susan, Darian, and Christine will be accompanying you, so at least it won't be boring."
Hope you guys like the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.
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