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100% Ghost Rider vs Horror Movies / Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Alien vs. Predator

Capítulo 22: Chapter 22: Alien vs. Predator

In a dark corridor made of stone, a blue portal appeared out of nowhere.

And shortly after, the ghost rider came out of the portal riding his motorcycle.

And when the blue portal disappeared, the ghost rider looked around. And then he prepared to leave the place, but the moment he tried, very strong pains attacked the rider's body. Making him fall off the motorcycle, while writhing in pain.

Falling to the ground, the ghost rider writhed in paint seconds before coming to a stop.

And when he stopped twitching, black smoke accompanied by some luminous blue dots began to leak from the rider's body, lasting only a few seconds before the leaks stopped completely.

When the leaks stopped, the ghost rider's transformation fell apart. Revealing Lucas asleep on the floor, completely oblivious to a white dot that appeared at the end of the dark corridor.


Gradually regaining consciousness , Lucas opened his eyes and coughed a little, before realizing that he was lying on what appeared to be the floor of a dark corridor.

Although feeling a little dizzy and confused, Lucas got up from the floor and staggered a little as he managed to get to his feet.

(Lucas): " Huh !?"

When he managed to stabilize himself, Lucas felt he had kicked something, which did not appear to be his motorcycle.

And when he looked at what he kicked, Lucas saw what looked like a white tail on the ground.

(Lucas): " Wow ! "

Startled, Lucas jumped away, almost tripping and falling back to the ground, looking at the strange animal that didn't move, despite the contact.

When he walked away from the animal, Lucas looked at it from a distance and saw its white shape that looked like a large spider with a huge tail in the middle of the darkness of the corridor.

Seeing the animal he had kicked, Lucas opened his eyes wide in disbelief at what he was seeing.

(Lucas): "No, you're kidding me"


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hearing a loud roar, which sounded more like a hiss, Lucas felt the entire corridor shake. Until minutes later the environment became deathly silent.

Feeling a slight chill down his spine, Lucas didn't have a good feeling coming from the abnormally dark silence of the place. And suddenly a flash of light appeared at the end of the corridor, completely engulfing the place.


Coming out of a dark hallway, Alexa Woods, an environmental technician, who came on an archaeological expedition located in Antarctica, entered a large stone room inside a large, ancient pyramid buried beneath the ice.

And when she looked into the room, Alexa saw what appeared to be several pedestals containing strange eggs made of flesh on display in the middle of the room.

Having a slight idea of ​​what these eggs were about, Alexa looked to the side and saw several people on the walls who were members of her exploration team, trapped in the walls with a huge hole opened in their stomachs.

Startled by the sight of her dead team members, Alexa steps back a little and looks at the ground, and sees a pistol lying next to her.

And upon seeing the pistol, Alexa quickly goes to it. And the handle on the floor, despite the gun being all dirty with a sticky, transparent liquid.

(???): " Aaah ..."

Hearing a groan, Alexa looked towards the deeper parts of the room's walls. And she saw that one of her team members was still alive.

( Alexa ): "Sebastian"

Hearing Alexa 's voice , Sebastian looked at her and unconsciously asked for help.

(Sebastian): "Help me, Lex"

( Alexa ): "I'm going to get you out of there"

(Sebastian): "It's already late. It's inside me"

( Alexa ): "I'm going to get you out of there"

(Sebastian): "No, gulp ! It cannot"

While trying to get Sebastian out of the goo that was pinning him to the wall, Alexa saw what appeared to be red laser light appear in Sebastian's chest area.

( Alexa ): "No! "

Stepping in front of the red laser, Alexa looked back and saw a humanoid figure, which did not appear to be human, wearing light metallic armor with a mechanical arm coming out of its back holding a small cannon that constantly followed the positioning of the red laser coming out. of his helmet.

It was the alien hunter that Alexa had allied with.

( Alexa ): "No! "

Running up to the hunter, Alexa confronted the alien's large, seven foot tall muscular body, trying to push him back in an attempt to try and stop the alien hunter from doing anything to Sebastian.

( Alexa ): "No! "

( Alexa ): "I have to help him "

Stopping his advance, the alien hunter looked towards Sebastian and changed his default vision to x-ray vision. And he saw that inside Sebastian's body there was a Xenomorph that was close to being born.

(Sebastian): "Lex! They can't go to the surface. Gulp ! They can't go to the surface! Ah ...!"

( Alexa ): "I know"

Holding the pistol she had picked up, Alexa , shaking a little, pointed the pistol at Sebastian's head. And with a bit of hesitation, she squeezed the gun's trigger.

(Sebastian): " Gulp ! Go. Shoot! "

Bang !

Releasing a shot, the pistol in Alexa 's hand was empty. And Alexa , who was shaken by killing her companion, ended up dropping the pistol and letting it fall to the floor.

And soon after, Alexa , still trembling, turned and passed the hunter next to her, walking towards another corner of the room in silence.

Seeing Alexa walk away from him silently, the alien hunter came out of his battle mode. And then, he used his hand to grab something that suddenly flew towards her.

(???): " Hsss !"

It was a small xenomorph that had just been born from Sebastian's corpse.

And without any hesitation, the alien hunter twisted the neck of the little alien that was in his hand, taking its life instantly.


(Alien Hunter): " Grrr ..."

Making an annoyed growl, the alien hunter threw the small alien corpse onto the ground. And then, he heard the loud roar of the xenomorph queen , which sounded more like a great hiss echoing throughout the pyramid.

( Xenomorph Queen ): " HHHsssssssskkkk !!!"

Hearing the roar, Alexa approached the alien hunter and saw him typing some things on an electronic device fixed to his arm.

Noticing Alexa 's gaze , the alien hunter stopped typing and mimed so she understood that he was setting up a bomb.

And when Alexa realized this, she nodded in agreement. And then, the hunter started typing again, finishing activating the bomb.

Disconnecting the time bomb from his wrist, the alien hunter threw the bomb into the middle of the room where the xenomorph eggs were . And then he ran out of that place together with Alexa .


After leaving the pyramid, Alexa and the alien hunter will run to the tunnel that leads to the surface.

And when they arrived at the tunnel, Alexa went to the metal plank that served as an improvised elevator and began to adjust its climbing speed.

Hssss !


(Alien Hunter): " Grrrr ! "

Noticing the hunter's scream, Alexa stopped typing and saw that an adult xenomorph had jumped on top of him. And stuck the sting of his tail into the hunter's shoulder.

Quickly grabbing a gun next to her, Alexa aimed at the xenomorph 's head and then pulled the trigger, blowing off a third of its head.

( Adult Xenomorph ): Hssssk !


With the xenomorph dead , the alien hunter pushed the xenomorph 's corpse away from him.

And then, as the corpse fell to the ground, Alexa and the hunter saw a bunch of adult xenomorphs standing not far from them.

Seeing the xenomorphs , Alexa and the alien hunter quickly jumped onto the metal plank and activated the device that quickly pulled them upward towards the surface.

Boom !

Climbing at high speed through the hole, Alexa heard an explosion noise. And then she noticed that a huge amount of flames started to rise through the hole at high speed, almost reaching them.

Taking off at high speed, Alexa and the alien hunter were spit out of the hole. Landing a few meters away from him.

And soon after, a large amount of fire began to leak from the hole they came out of.

Sssssss !

Quickly getting up from the ground, Alexa and the alien hunter quickly run away from the scene. As the ice ground began to collapse behind them.

Crack! Crack!



Hearing the sound of explosions from the ground collapsing behind them, Alexa and the alien hunter reached the edges of where the ground was collapsing. And then they jumped to the safe area of ​​the ice ground.

Breathing heavily, Alexa got up from the ground along with the alien hunter. And she saw the huge hole that was left where the abandoned village that led to the underground pyramid was.

Contemplating the aftermath of the explosion, Alexa was silent for a few minutes, until she noticed that the alien hunter had turned towards her.

Disconnecting some thin hoses from his helmet, the alien hunter removed his helmet and revealed his non-human face to Alexa .

(Alien Hunter): " Grraurrr !"

Letting out a small roar towards Alexa 's face , the four jaws surrounding the alien hunter's mouth shook. And then he pulled out a finger from an adult xenomorph that was hanging around his waist and showed it to Alexa .

I understand what the alien hunter wanted to do, Alexa stood still in silence.

And then the alien hunter used the adult xenomorph 's finger to make the same scar that was drawn on his forehead on Alexa 's left cheek .

Ssss !

( Alexa ): "Ah ...!"

Feeling the burn on her cheek, Alexa let out a small muffled scream. But she held her ground until the alien hunter finished what she was doing.

When he finished marking Alexa 's cheek , the alien hunter gave a satisfied nod. And then, they both heard the sound of something breaking. And when they looked towards the sound, the ground not far from them exploded.




Directing their gaze to the location of the small explosion, Alexa and the alien hunter saw a huge figure emerge from the hole that had just formed.

(???): " Hssss !"

The figure that came out of the hole revealed itself to be an adult queen-type xenomorph standing over four and a half meters tall, who looked at Alexa and the alien hunter releasing an intimidating hissing sound to express her deep hatred that she felt towards them. to them.

Walking with heavy steps, the queen of xenomorphs walked towards Alexa and the alien hunter emitting the cry of a large dinosaur towards them.

( Xenomorph Queen ): " Hssssssk !"

Clang , clang , clang !

( Xenomorph Queen ): " Hssk ...!"

But, when the queen was close to reaching them, she suddenly stopped when she felt that the chain of her metal collar had somehow gotten stuck inside the hole from which she came out.

( Xenomorph Queen ): " Hsssss ...!"

Clang , clang , clang !

Without giving the xenomorph queen time to react, the chain on her collar was suddenly pulled and the queen's huge body was lifted off the ground, falling straight back into the hole she came out of, due to the force of the pull.


Sssss !

As the queen fell into the hole, another explosion occurred and a pillar of flame rose from the hole the queen fell into, swallowing her completely.

Moving away a little, Alexa and the alien hunter looked at the pillar of fire in surprise, until they noticed a large object fly out of the pillar of fire and fall to the ground next to them.

And when they looked at the large object carefully, they saw that it was a third of the xenomorph queen's head .

Sssss ...!

While the two were surprised to discover that the queen had died, the flames from the fire pillar suddenly disappeared.

 And when they noticed this, Alexa and the alien hunter saw a humanoid figure, with a burning skull devoid of flesh, come out of the hole where the flames from the small explosion had previously occurred.

And that was the ghost rider, who had survived the explosion after managing to transform at the last second, before the big first explosion hit him.

( Alexa ): "My God"

Scared and confused by the appearance of the ghost rider, Alexa directed her gaze to the alien hunter who was next to her, in an attempt to understand what was happening from the hunter's actions.

And then she saw the hunter hold a small metal disc, which, when pressed, sprouted several long blades. And holding that disc, the alien hunter assumed a fighting stance, looking warily at the ghost rider.

Seeing the predator keeping its gaze fixed on the rider, Alexa also assumed a combat stance. And she looked at the ghost rider on alert, to react to any movement he made.

Looking at the ghost rider from afar, sweat dripped from Alexa 's forehead until it fell into her eyes. Making Alexa blink a little until she noticed that the ghost rider was already standing in front of the alien hunter, less than three steps away from him.

( Alexa ): "What?!"

Amidst Alexa 's surprise , the alien hunter, who was also surprised, tried to react to the ghost rider's instant approach, using his disc full of blades in his left hand.

But this movement was interrupted with another rapid advance by the ghost rider towards the center of the alien hunter's torso.

Thuud !!!

(Alien Hunter): " Gulp ...! "

With quick movements, the ghost rider stuck his entire right arm into the alien hunter's stomach area. Causing the hunter to spit out some bright green blood from his mouth, while he still remained standing.

Seeing what happened, Alexa got even more scared. And when she looked at the alien hunter's back, Alexa widened her eyes and saw the hand that had come out of the alien hunter's back holding what appeared to be a small xenomorph writhing in agony.

(Small Xenomorph ): " Hssss ...!"

Sssssss !

Enveloping his right arm with hellfire, the ghost rider turned the Xenomorph and alien hunter to ash in an instant. And then he swung his right arm, dispersing the ash that was carried away by the cold wind that was blowing there.

Shocked by how easily the ghost rider had in killing the alien hunter, Alexa 's mind went into complete chaos. Trying to understand what was happening and whether the ghost rider was an enemy or not.

And amidst Alexa 's chaotic state , the ghost rider looked towards her.

And when she realized this, Alexa was on guard, holding tight to her homemade spear.

Seeing Alexa stay on guard, the ghost rider took a step towards her. And then several bursts of light will hit the ghost rider's left side.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

(Ghost Rider): " Ah!"

Being hit by several explosions, the ghost rider was thrown into the snow, where he rolled a lot until he fell into the huge hole made by the explosion that destroyed the underground pyramid previously.

Seeing the ghost rider fall into the hole, Alexa was surprised. And then she noticed several red laser lights illuminating various parts of her body.

And when she realized what these lights were, Alexa quickly dropped her spear and raised her arms in surrender.

Looking in the direction where the lasers were coming from, Alexa saw the landscape blur and reveal several beings similar to the alien hunter with a huge ship behind them.

Taking the lead, one of the beings that looked like the alien hunter made a hand signal and all those behind him lowered their weapons without any question.

Seeing the way the beings similar to the alien hunter were behaving, Alexa judged that the one who had come forward was the leader. Then, when she tried to think of a way to communicate, a large amount of heat began to rise up behind her. Making Alexa 's expression change and look towards where the ghost rider had fallen.

Vroooom !

Ssssss !

In the area where the ghost rider fell, a furious tornado of fire rose with the sound of a loud bang, emitting a formidable heat that lasted only a few seconds before the tornado of fire was torn in half by a pair of wings of fire that sprouted from it. inside the tornado.

And when the fire tornado was dispersed, the figure of the ghost rider was revealed by opening a pair of bird wings made of hellfire that sprouted from his back.

( Alexa ): "Oh, my God!"

Flapping his wings, the ghost rider passed over Alexa , flying towards the alien hunters.

And when the alien hunters saw the ghost rider approaching, they quickly used their portable cannons to shoot at it in order to take it down before it got to them.

But in response to the movements of the alien hunters, the ghost rider turned his body, closing his wings and becoming a spiral of hellfire that ignored the shots and fell like a drill into the middle of the alien hunters.


Ssssss !

Causing a small explosion, the ghost rider's collision with the alien hunters turned most of the hunters to ash, spreading a large amount of hellfire across the area.

Few surviving from the small explosion, the surviving alien hunters tried to avoid contact with the hellish fire, but in the center of the hellish flames several chains appeared swinging like whips towards the alien hunters.

Clang , clang , clang !

( Alien Hunters ) : " Grrr ...!"






Sssss !

Decapitating, dividing the torso or even tearing them into pieces, the currents will hit the few survivors of the alien hunters one by one, turning them into ashes in a matter of seconds after hitting them.

As the chains decapitated the last of the alien hunters still on the ground. The ship that was nearby began to close the floodgates, at the same time as it began to take off.

Moving away from the ground, the ship with its powerful thrusters produced very strong winds, which dispersed most of the infernal flames that were on the ground. Revealing the ghost rider having just collected his chains.

Seeing the ship moving away from the ground, the ghost rider jumped into the ship, managing to pass through the gates before they closed completely, making a jump tens of meters high.

And as soon as the ship reached a certain height, the thrusters changed direction and tried to propel the ship towards space. But this action was interrupted by a series of explosions that began to occur throughout the body of the ship.





Due to the explosions, the ship lost altitude, falling towards the ground, hundreds of meters from where Alexa was.

Boom !!!

( Alexa ): " Ah!"

Upon hitting the ground, the ship exploded completely, generating a strong impact that traveled through the entire ice floor beneath Alexa 's feet , opening several cracks in the ground that destabilized the place where she was.

Struggling to regain her balance, Alexa managed to stabilize herself. And she observed from afar the damage caused by the explosion from the ship's collision.

( Alexa ): " Damn!"

Being surprised to see the result of the damage, Alexa gave a small nervous scream seeing that much of the ice floor had been lost with the ship's explosion.

Feeling frustrated with the increasing difficulty of escaping the place, Alexa released a sigh. And she watched from afar as the hull of the ship slowly sank into the water as it caught fire.


( Alexa ): " Huh !?"

Another explosion occurred in the ship's hull. Alexa noticed something jump from the top of the ship's hull and fall into the water, being swallowed by a large amount of steam that emerged from the place.


After destroying the ship, the ghost rider dove into the water and a large amount of steam rose from where he dove.

And shortly afterwards the ghost rider emerged from the water, riding his motorcycle over the water at high speed.

And when the rider's wrist shook, a blue portal appeared in his path. And the ghost rider got into it, without any hesitation.


Upon entering the blue portal, the ghost rider began to ride his motorcycle inside a luminous tunnel. And in the middle of his journey, a strong pain began to appear in his chest.

(Ghost Rider): " Gulp ! Ah ...!"

Feeling the sudden pain, the ghost rider lost control of the motorcycle, falling hard into the light tunnel.


In the afternoon, in an alley in a city.

Rrrrrzzzzzzzz !

Five meters above the ground, a static crack appeared in mid-air and expanded.

And when the crack got too big, the ghost rider and his motorcycle were kicked out of it.

And both the motorcycle and the ghost rider fell to the ground completely helpless.

And after driving away the rider and his motorcycle, the static crack completely disappeared. Leaving the alley in complete silence, until the ghost rider began to mumble from the pulsing pain he felt in his chest.

(Ghost Rider): " Aah ...!"

Placing his hand on his chest, the ghost rider undid his transformation. Returning to his human appearance.

And then, crawling along the floor, Lucas managed to reach one of the alley walls, placing his back against it.


(Lucas): " Aah ...! You Must be kidding"


(Lucas): "Ah...! No no no no..."

Crack! Crack!

(Lucas): "Ah...!"


(Small Xenomorph ): " Hssss !"

And under Lucas's sigh of pain. His stomach area exploded and a small, shiny golden xenomorph came out of the area, emitting a wicked noise, which would be the harbinger of a huge tragedy that would follow from there.

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