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94.69% Naruto: Of Bone and Ice / Chapter 107: Chapter 107: The start of war!

Capítulo 107: Chapter 107: The start of war!

Fuyōna had given the order for two battalions to be sent to the front lines in order to help the hidden leaf. One would be going to battle with the hidden sand, while the other would be heading towards the north, in an attempt to stop the stone from advancing on the leaf.

Fuyōna was thankful that the Hokage had honored the alliance agreement, even after the death of Danzo at his own hands, something he had worried would effect their relationship.

Still, it was his idea to enter an alliance with the hidden leaf that led to this. And in some ways, he blamed himself for it.

But nothing good would come of worrying. No, the only thing he could do now was to prepare for the battles to come, prepping his nation and its people for the horrors of war.

Many questions were swirling around inside of his head. After all, he currently possessed more power than anyone in the Naruto world at this moment in time.

With it, he could take the fight to his enemies and destroy them without a second thought, finding little resistance to deal with his current abilities and forever changing the shinobi world in a mere instant.

But if he did that, he would most certainly turn the rest of the world against him, inciting a total shinobi alliance to form against the mist. He knew he would have to be careful in this war, as the world was watching his every move, and the last thing he needed was to give them another reason to side with the sand.

Fuyōna had come to the conclusion that the best thing he could do was to have his generals lead the armies while he oversaw them from the mist, only interfering in the battles when absolutely necessary. After all, not many Kage entered the fray of battle lightly and without consequence. However, doing so seemed wrong to him, knowing that he would never be able to live with himself if he simply stood by and let his men die while he did nothing.

"Are you serious?" Ao asked as he sat across from Fuyōna with Mei who was sitting closer to her husband.

"I am," Fuyōna said, already expecting this response from him.

"You really intend to send clones out to both the battlefields at the same time? Do you have an idea how much it will escalate the battle when you are spotted in combat?" Ao said, clearly not stressing how important it was for him to remain out of the battling as much as he could.

"Look Fuyōna," Ao said, skipping the formalities as he spoke freely.

"I know you are strong... In fact, everybody knows you are strong. But that's the point. You are too strong, and it scares people." Ao said, looking him in the eyes.

"If the other nations learn that you are fighting on the front line right off the bat, they will resort to desperate measures, potentially uniting an even greater motive for the rest of the world to attack us," Ao said speaking sense.

"Ao! How dare you speak to him like this!" Mei suddenly shouted, giving him a deadly glare at the disrespect he had just shown.

"No... Mei it's ok." Fuyōna said after a moment, taking Ao's words to him as his friend, and not just as a leader.

"I understand your concern Ao. I really do, and I also agree with that outcome. It is true that the other nations have seen too much of my abilities, and will be keeping a strict eye on the battlefields for my involvement, giving them the right to escalate things even further.

"But, I will still be sending clones out to each of the battlefields," Fuyōna said as he slowly stood up from his seat.

"But Fuyōna!" Ao said in protest, still trying to argue with him.

"As the fifth Mizukage, it is my sworn duty to defend my village and its people as best I can. And if that means that I have to take on the world to do so, then so be it." Fuyōna said as he stood proud and strong.

Ao didn't have any more words to say, seeing that Fuyōna's resolve was so strong. He knew nothing he said would change his mind, and only had one course of action left to take.

"So be it... I will follow you to the end, no matter what." Ao said as he stood to his feet to match Fuyōna, extending his fist as he did.

Fuyōna smiled as he saw Ao's reaction, and extended his own fist to bump Ao's as a sign of friendship and respect.

"Mei." Fuyōna suddenly said as he turned to her.

"Y-Yes?" She asked.

"Give the order to assemble," Fuyōna said, flashing her a confident smile.

"At once," Mei said, smiling back at him, falling in love with him all over again as she looked at his expression.

"Ao, make sure everyone is prepped and ready." He then said as he turned back to Ao.

"At once, lord Mizukage," Ao responded as he bowed his head, this time showing the proper respect.

Fuyōna soon found himself standing on top of the Mizukages mansion, overlooking his entire village as the mist sat heavy in the air, keeping the streets from view.

Fuyōna stood with the other generals of the village, and their most trusted Anbu squad captains as the final preparation had been made for the troops to be assembled into their units and battalions.

"Sir, the troops are ready for you," Ganryu said as he stood next to Fuyōna, letting him know everything was in order.

"Very well, the time has finally come," Fuyōna said, allowing Ganryu to take a step back, standing with the other generals.

Fuyōna took another step forwards so that he was now on the edge of the building, overlooking the entire village before he raised his right hand.

With one sudden burst of chakra, the mist that had separated Fuyōna's view from the village was suddenly dispersed by a massive amount of wind, revealing the large units of hidden mist troops below as they lined the streets awaiting their leader to make his appearance.

Fuyōna stood strong and proud before them feeling as all of their eyes were on him, watching him carefully as they waited for him to speak.

Fuyōna stood silent as he looked over his village, taking the sight in as he could feel the eyes of each and every one of them weighing down upon him, waiting and hoping for him to give them the strength and courage they needed to march to battle.

A moment of pure silence went by, as nothing but the empty sound of anticipation could be heard by all. Each and every man, woman and child waiting for their leader to speak.

"I stand before you in this solemn hour, to dwell upon our repeated efforts for peace with the other nations." Fuyōna suddenly said, gaining everyone's undying attention.

"The other nations who have seen fit to so wrongly march to war, as their dead generations weep at their sacrifices made in the wars fought before." Fuyōna said as the wind picked up, causing his cloak to blow in dramatic effect.

"Once again, our generation will be faced with the horrors of war. With only you men and women, whose co-operation will be essential and whose comradeship and brotherhood are indispensable, is the only foundation upon which the trial and tribulation of past wars can be endured.

This righteous conviction is what alone affords the ever-fresh resilience which renews the strength and energy of our people in the long, and dark days that are to come." Fuyōna vociferated, as he did his best to look each and every one of them in the eyes from his postion.

"Outside, the storms of war will blow and the lands may be lashed with the fury of the enemy's jutsu. Alas, we must never forget, where we come from. Or what we are fighting for!" Fuyōna roared, getting everyone's attention as his words echoed in their hearts and they fed off of his emotion.

"When I was young, I was forced to fight for this land and its people, fighting for nothing but the decree and ideals of others, being forced to watch as my fellow shinobi were cut down before me.

I wanted nothing more than to turn my back on this god-forsaken nation. Asking myself why I continued to fight for such an accursed leader..." Fuyōna said, taking a small turn in his words.

"But I am not that leader! Yet those very decrees and ideals have become my own... I am Fuyōna Yuki, the fifth Mizukage, and it was not until today that I truly knew the weight that came with the title of Mizukage.

I now stand before you as I ask you to lay down your lives for your home, for your nation, and for its people! I ask that none of you surrender to your fear and doubts of the impending doom that lingers on the horizon. I ask only that you place your faith in me, entrusting all of your disconcertment in me..."

"I now say to you, what a wise and powerful man once said to me as he passed the mantle of Kage down, entrusting me with the hopes and dreams he once had for our land," Fuyōna said with a burning fire in his heat.

"Where the mist falls, one shall find its people. Ever-changing like the water, they will give rise to more mist, which will forever preserve the village and the generations that will come to flood it!" Fuyōna shouted, getting a mighty roar from the entire village as their hearts ignited, burning with such ferocity, that the very sound of their cheers would surely echo in the hearts of their enemies.

Mei and Suiren stood back with the other generals, feeling proud of the man they loved, knowing that he was giving everything he had to the village and its people, as they listened to their cries.

Ao and the other generals also looked toward their leader with a burning desire to fight with him, knowing that following such a leader into battle would be nothing less than an honor.

"Well, he's one hell of a speech giver," Mangetsu said with a smile on his face, knowing he would be willing to die in battle for him after showing such resolve.

"You truly underestimated him, cousin," Kogetsu said as he stood next to his older cousin with a smile.

Mangetsu didn't say anything else, simply listening to the roar of the troops from below.

"Alright men, let us march to war!" Fuyōna then said, getting his generals and captains ready so they could head down and lead their own units.

"Yes sir!" They all said as they gave their own battle cry, showing their devoted loyalty to their Kage before making their way down to their units, leaving Fuyōna alone with Mei and Suiren.

"The time has come then," Mei said as she gave Fuyōna a solemn look.

"I am afraid so," Fuyōna said before Suiren suddenly jumped at him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"You have to be careful, please. Promise me nothing will happen to you." She said, worried for him.

Fuyōna smiled as he looked down at her, slowly wrapping his arms around her and placing his head on hers.

"I promise Suiren, I promise I will stop this war as soon as I can." He said, doing his best to reassure her.

"Don't worry, Suiren. I will keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." She said as she placed her hands on her hips, causing both of them to smile at her.

"I know you will Mei, but make sure you are careful too," Suiren said, giving her a stern look.

"I will dear," Mei said to her fellow wife, trying not to laugh as she did.

"Alright, we had best get a move on," Fuyōna said as he slowly broke the hug between him and Suiren.

Mei nodded in agreement as she prepared herself.

"I'll head down now." She said, knowing Suiren would want a little more time with Fuyōna.

With that Mei headed off, leaving the two of them alone on the roof, still overlooking the village.

"Promise me you will be safe," Suiren said as she placed her hands behind her back looking nervous.

"I don't mean to nag, it's just..."

"It's ok to be worried Suiren. I know this is scary and what the future holds is uncertain. But know this, I will do everything in my power to make it back alive." Fuyōna said, looking deep into her eyes.

Suiren nodded as she tried to hold her tears back.

"I know." She said softly.

Fuyōna pulled her back into his chest, holding her tight in his arms and embracing her.

"Do you promise?" She asked, slowly looking up at him.

"I promise." He said, looking down at her before he leaned in and kissed her softly.


The other villages including the sand and stone had already assembled their troops, having taken the advantage of the early tidings of the war. The stone had sent an advanced battalion of 8000 to the border of the hidden leaf via the hidden grass. Such a force traveling was no mere sight, and no easy task, as it came with its own logistical problems, such as food and supply convoys that would have to be sustained for the duration of the war.

Any village that happened to be in the way of their warpath was in a dire panic, knowing full well that the soldiers would happily help themselves to anything they wanted, including food and even girls if they so wished.

There was only one main route that lead through the hidden grass towards the leaf. The kannabi bridge, this bridge had been a huge staple in the previous war, having even been blown up to stop the stone from advancing further in the war.

Since the third great war, the bridge had been rebuilt over time, and once again would be used to supply the war effort for the hidden stone, with them taking more care to guard and protect it, learning their lesson from the last time.

The leaf had been forced to deploy troops to the border to halt the advance of the stone, however, the sand had, had the same idea and deployed their own troops of 8000 men, including siege and artillery along the border of the land of rivers, heading towards the land of fire.

Therefore the hidden leaf had been forced to split its manpower to deal with both threats at the same time. Being forced to request help from their new ally, the hidden mist who had sent reinforcements to their aid.

The only question now would be whether they could hold the lines until the reinforcements arrive, or if the enemy would press through and advance further into their lands.

Although war had been declared by all three of the other nations, the hidden cloud had yet to form any sign of response, holding off on their attack for the time being. This left the hidden leaf in two minds about how they would deal with the situation, knowing that if the cloud decided to attack from the north, they would be left with little manpower to respond.

Unlike the mist, which was an island nation surrounded by other small islands and rough tides and currents, giving it an already impressive natural defence. The leaf was a large nation, being surrounded on all sides by the other great powers.

The leaf could currently amass a force of 10,000 to respond to the current threats coming from the sand and the stone, already leaving them short. If the cloud decided to attack, the Hokage would once again be forced to use every able-bodied man woman, and child to defend their nation, as he had been forced to in the previous war, something he did not wish to do again.

Fuyōna watched as his troops, numbering 8000 marched out of the village towards the many docks and ports, knowing that with their combined units with the hidden leaf, they would stand a good chance of pushing back the initial assault that was coming from both sides. And he planned to do this as quickly as possible.

"The time has come." He said to himself as he raised his hands, forming the hand signs to make his ice clones.

Five clones of Fuyōna formed from his ice jutsu, standing next to him on the roof of the Mizukage mansion, looking at him as they waited for the order.

"You know what to do." He said, giving them the signal for them to move out.

The clones didn't waste any time as each of them created their own ice mirror and walked through it, disappearing in an instant and leaving the original alone on the roof.

"Let us begin," Fuyōna said as he looked too the horizon, listening as the trumpets of war begin to sound.


That's the end of this chapter, we have just hit chapter 190 on my P.atreon page, go and check it out! As always thank you for reading.

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