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12.98% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 37: Kanto - Cerulean City

Capítulo 37: Kanto - Cerulean City

[A. N.: I decided to add LGBT tag to keep BL haters away! I don't know why they fear it so much?

Sorry though BL and GL lovers this book will not have any romance but I'm not in the mood to deal with LGBT haters so, just added the tag to keep haters away.

Should have done it in the beginning actually!]

The group stayed at the camp for another day and night when they had to give their statements and what happened. Ash and the others explained what they were doing and how they ran into the group and started to help them. The investigators looked at Jessilina like she grew a second head, pretending to be one of them was a pretty ballsy move. They reprimanded Ash and Misty for getting involved, as they had just started their journeys but also applauded them on following caution and staying safe while helping others. Jameson, Seymour and Brock explained their parts as well, the reason they were there and their parts in the battle. The league decided to help Seymour in keeping the the Mountain in good condition and asked him to get in contact with some of the rangers. They would be updated on what happened here and will help him in keeping this mountain safe legally. No one was allowed to stay at the mountain for more than two weeks, it was the law, Seymour gave a sheepish laugh at that.

Ash and Lucario met with Misty outside, "Hey Misty!"

Misty looked up from hugging Poliwag, "Ash! Are you done?"

Ash nodded, "Yeah and hungry, man who knew it would take so long. It helps I had video and photo evidence as well."

Lucario grumbled, -I understand, why Red complains a lot about these meetings now.-

Misty, "Nice!"

Brock joined them, "Hey guys! Shall we get lunch?"

Jameson was walking with Meowth, "We have been in their for a while."

Misty nodded, "Just waiting for Jessilina to join us."

Jessilina, "I'm here, don't worry."

Ash got up, "Great let's go eat, I don't want the Doctor on my case for ignoring my hunger."

A voice called out to them, "Wait!"

Ash turned, "Yes?"

The trainer stopped in front of them, "Hi, I'm Lisa and I just wanted to thank you for helping me out yesterday. And Miss Jessilina, I really admire you for what you did. It was awesome how you challenged that crazy woman. When I am older I'm going to be just like you."

Jessilina blushed, "Ah, it was nothing, plus someone had to do something right? I might as well do it, instead of waiting for someone else."

Lisa had stars in her eyes, "That's actually a really smart idea. I hope I meet you again, bye!"

Misty gave Jessie a shit eating grin, "Looks like someone has a die hard fan."

Ash snickered, "Yup!"

Brock, "That's to be expected!"

Jameson smiled, "That's my Jess! By the way Jess I think someone over there likes you."

Jessilina, "Huh? Who are you talking about?"

Misty pointed towards the corner, "Her or him, don't know but they have been following you."

Jessilina looked behind and saw a Sandshrew looking back at her, "Oh hello!"

Sandshrew was shy but came out and approached Jessie who bent down, "Hello there. Aren't you one of the Pokemon we helped escape?"

Sandshrew nodded it's head and rubbed their head against her hand, "Wanna come with me?"

Sandshrew nodded again and Jessie caught it in her pokeball and the others congratulated her on her new Pokemon. They spent the day at the camp and the Doctor gave Ash the green card to carry on his journey and training like normal. Ash was relieved and the team left the next day, after saying farewell to Red and Blue who would be returning as well by evening. The clean up had gone well and they had managed to get a few evolutionary stones from the loot Team Rocket had collected earlier. Misty had two Water stones and an Everstone, she just needs a King's rock, Jessie had a Dawn stone, Leaf stone and Everstone, James got two Leaf stones and a Dawn stone, Brock had two Fire stones and a Leaf stone and Ash got a Water, Fire and Thunder stone and thanks to Jigglypuff he had a moonstone too. The Jigglypuff's mother had gifted it to Ash when Jigglypuff made it clear, she was going with Ash. Ash in turn promised the Wigglytuff and Cleffable he would take good care of her.

Misty was in cloud nine, "This is so cool, once we get to Cerulean, I can let my Poliwags decide on what they want to evolve into, a Poliwrath or a Politoad! I hope they each pick one."

Brock smiled, "I'm sure they will tell you what they want soon."

Jessilina, "Can't wait for the next gym battle, however once we reach Cerulean, we are going to have to split up."

Ash, "Eh? Why?"

Jameson, "We need to check in on our family business and that might take a while. Don't worry, we'll meet you at Vermillion city."

Brock, "That's fine, although, dear Jessilina, I will miss seeing your beautiful face every.... gawck!"

Zubat, "Zu zu!"

The group laughed as Zubat once again blocked Brock in his flirting. Misty was praising the little bat wholeheartedly on keeping Brock in line and the Zubat was preening at the praise. They continued moving through the forest following their usual routine, which now included meditation for Ash. Half way through, the group started to notice something different about Ash and the Pokemon, especially the wild ones, who would usually avoid them would come to Ash in curiosity. These included a few Mankeys, Butterfrees, Spearows, Diglets, Sandshrew and a few Pidgeys. Ash did not shoo them away and instead invited them for lunch after their training was over. Brock decided to broach the subject on the third day, because no matter how you look at it, it was not normal wild Pokemon behavior.

Brock watched Ash rub a Mankey's head contently, "Sooooo, mind explaining why the wild Pokemon have been joining you during meditation?"

Ash hummed, "I'm not sure how to explain it."

Jameson, "You have an idea though?"

Ash nodded, "Yes, do you know what aura is?"

Misty, "Isn't it the primary essence of a Pokemon? They use it for their attack and defense moves and healing."

Ash, "That's the basic definition, yes. But there's more to it, according to Lucario."

Meowth's eyes widened, 'What the? No way!'

Jessilina, "Can you explain?"

Ash leaned against Lucario, "Well, according to what Lucario explained, aura is inside everyone and by that I mean literally everyone."

Brock sounded surprised, "Everyone? Even us?"

Ash nodded, "Yes, aura is present in every living bring except the ghost types because well, they are dead already."

Misty was wide eyed, "Are you saying we could do what Pokemon can?"

Ash grinned as Pikachu rubbed their cheeks together, "With training yes, from the training we are doing or rather I'm doing we would act like energy supports for our Pokemon."

James, "What do you mean?"

Ash, "Back when we were fighting Team Rocket, in the mountain, I was sharing my aura with my Pokemon, making their moves stronger and more efficient. But you saw what happened to me after the battle ended."

Jessilina frowned, "You had us worried when you didn't wake up, but I think I understand, there will be a price for power. I don't want you using it again, please."

Misty nodded hugging Staryu, "Yeah, I thought something bad happened."

Ash, "Actually Misty, you were doing the same thing I did, but at a lesser amount."

Brock looked Misty over, "Are you sure?"

Ash smiled, "Lucario confirmed it, actually. When a human trains side by side with Pokemon, they are able to connect with them. Some are able to connect in such a way they can use certain abilities with limits of course. It's not easy to use abilities, our bodies are not built for it, so there is always a limit to what we can do."

James frowned, "That's why you fainted after the battle. Your body is not used to it."

Ash nodded, "Yes, luckily it was just exhaustion and not coma."

Jessilina decided not to comment on the coma part, "Does meditation help? I have noticed you meditate more."

Ash, "Yes. I know, I can use aura but unfortunately I still can't access it by my own will. Back then, it was because of adrenaline and instinct that I was able to support my Pokemon with my aura. I didn't even know I was doing it at all."

Misty looked down hugging Poliwag as well, "You said I was doing it too but not as much as you were. Is that why I was exhausted?"

Ash, "You were exhausted too?"

Brock nodded, "Yeah, she almost fell asleep while eating."

Ash, "Do you want to learn?"

Misty fidgeted, "I don't know, it sounds useful but, is it worth it in the end?"

Ash, "Well think about it properly, the reason I'm learning is because I accessed more than the safe amount, accidentally! And leaving it just like that is not safe for me."

Misty nodded, "If I need help, I'll ask."

James, "Well, are there other people who can use it?"

Ash nodded, "Red knows two of them, one is a healer, her cousin is a fighter."

Brock, "So, can they help in learning more about this?"

Ash rubbed Jigglypuff's head, "I could ask them, but they are..... Well, they have their own problems, I don't want to bother them with this. Plus, they had a few organisations after them because they thought the two of them could help in finding and controlling the legendary Pokemon."

Jessilina grimaced, "I certainly don't want to learn it then, can you imagine being treated like an object?"

Misty shivered, "Yeah, I'm happy with how I am right now, but if push comes to shove, I will consider it."

Primeape and Fearrow were talking with the wild Spearrows and Mankeys who had wondered close to the camp out of curiosity. Metapod and Kakuna were talking to Misty's Metapod quietly about everything that happened the last few days and Lucario was sat beside Ash relaxing and enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. Ash meanwhile explained the history of the Aura Guardian, Sir Aaron and what he had done for his kingdom almost a thousand or so years ago. They travelled for two more days before reaching Cerulean city and booked into the Pokemon centre.

Ash, "I'm surprised, you aren't going to stay with your sisters."

Misty, "I will drop in on them, in a bit. I want to check on my Pokemon after all but at the same time I don't want to get distracted from training, which is exactly what will happen if I stay with them. So I'm staying here."

Nurse Joy returned to the desk, "Your Pokemon are just fine. There is nothing to worry about."

Brock, "Nurse Joy, I would love nothing more than to bask in your beautiful.... gawk!"

Zubat, "Zu Zubat!"

Jessilina snorted, "Well I booked my battle at the gym for tomorrow. After that we need to go."

Jameson, "Yes, we need to meet up with some of our people and talk to them."

Meowth, 'Tell the boss what happened. Boy he's not going to like it.'

Brock, "I need to get going too, my friends will only be here for a day. I'll be there for the battle tomorrow."

Ash, "That's cool! I'm going to train for the contest which is in three days."

Misty, "I am booking my gym battle a day before that."

Ash, "Gym battle after the contest."

Misty left to meet up with her sisters, while James went with Jessie to help her train her Pokemon and Brock left to meet up with his friends. Ash in the meantime decided to send Pikachu to the lab so he could take a break and capture Jigglypuff. He had decided to use Jigglypuff in the appeal round as she seems to be taken by the idea of performing in front of so many people well, while Metapod agreed to battling in the second round. Kakuna did not see the appeal in contests although she wanted to battle in the gym. The two trained hard and the next day went to cheer Jessilina in her battle.

Violet, "This is a three on three official battle between trainer Jessilina and gym leader Daisy for the Cascade badge. Please choose your Pokemon. The first to win two battles is the winner."

Daisy, "Let's go Seaking."

Jessilina, "Let's go Seviper, into the water handsome."

The snake entered the water and gave Seaking a leer making her sweat.

Misty was surprised, "I didn't know she had a Seviper."

Brock, "He's well taken care of too, look at those fangs."

Misty nodded, "Daisy better be careful."

Violet, "Begin!"

Daisy, "Supersonic!"

Jessie, "Dodge and counter with screech!"

Seviper zipped through the water in high speed to dodge the attack and sent one of his own making the fish Pokemon flinch.

Daisy, "Water pulse!"

Jessie, "Counter with aqua tail."

Daisy watched as Seviper got rid of the attack easily, "Unbelievable, you are using my own element against me. Seaking drill!"

Jessie, "Thanks for the compliment. Seviper dodge then wrap followed by poison."

Daisy, "Oh no! Seaking!"

The snake Pokemon had their fish Pokemon wrapped before anyone could blink and before Seaking could move had used poison sting. Seviper did not let up till Seaking fainted due to low health, only then he let go.

Violet, "Seaking is unable to battle Seviper wins."

Jessie hugged Seviper, "Thank you Seviper, you were amazing handsome."

Seviper preened as he prepared to battle the second round.

Daisy, "Let's go Gloom!"

Misty, "When did she get a Gloom?"

Lily, "A day after you left, Misty."

Ash, "Gloom looks tough and is it a shiny?"

Lily grinned, "Yep!"

Daisy, "Gloom grassy terrain!"

Jessie, "Dodge into the water, counter with Gastro acid."

The Gastro acid neutralised the grassy terrain.

Daisy, "Clever alright, petal dance!"

Jessie winked, "Counter with surf!"

Misty was surprised, "What? That Seviper is that strong."

James grinned, "One of her strongest, not like Chansey of course."

The next thing anyone knew a large wave knocked Gloom off only to be tackled by Seviper and thrown out of the water again unconscious.

Violet, "Gloom is unable to battle Seviper wins!"

Jessie cheered as Seviper hugged her and everyone congratulated her win. She left after receiving her badge, victory money and promising to find a way to make it to the contest and the gym battles. First they had to give their boss, their own report and inform him of the traitors and also do a cleaning of their branch in Cerulean city. You never know where you might find a traitor hiding among you.

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