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65.89% Hollywood RE:CODED / Chapter 83: Chp 83 : Ghost of Past?

Capítulo 83: Chp 83 : Ghost of Past?

Hello, today's new chapter.

First of all, I wanted to tell you all that the theme of this chapter has little supernatural elements. Only giving a hint a little about future chapters.

This book won't tuned into kind of xianxia novel which he got cultivation power or sci-fi involving an alien attack or building base in Saturn.

Because I've been told by my friend patron that this chapter could be affecting my reader interest.

But I promise this kind of supernatural theme of this story only appeared for like 1 or 2 chapters in futures.

Also, stay for a mini chapter today.

Enjoy the chapter!!


On the eerie maze underneath Buckingham Palace. Its wall was carved from stones and the narrow hallway was brightened by the warm glow from torches.

Al, Robin, Ione, and their new little friend, Bill were walking side by side searching for a way out of this maze until they stumbled upon another fork. This was not the first time they have come across these forks nor would be the last.

This has been repeated many times until they thought that they were just walking in circles and went back to their starting point.

"Left or right?" Ione asked.

"Left."; "Right." They spoke at the same time and squinted at each other in disagreement.

"Guys, please not again. Bill doesn't like hearing you argue, right little Bill? Who's the cutest little boy?" Ione bent over and tickled Bill's belly, making him giggled.

"Fine! Let little Bill choose the way then. Bill, do you want to go to the left or right?" Al asked, he hoped Bill would be their lucky charm, although he was also the one who made them stuck in this situation.

"Wight!!" He shouted.

"Right it is," Al smiled in triumph and Robin snorted in response.

Why the hell were they trapped in this A-maze-ing situation? He started to recall what happened a few minutes ago.

As soon as they have heard Robin's father reminiscing about his past, he dragged Ione and Robin for an escape. Luckily, their escapade remained unnoticed, except for Mary, maybe.

The succubus's whisper, it's said that no men could resist it, including him as a normal man.

That was what happened to him, listening to a succubus in the form of human flesh called Robin Graham, that was his first mistake.

Let's explore Buckingham Palace she said, it would be fun she said, it's a one-in-a-million chance she said.

They've explored some sections and even trespassed to some forbidden rooms, though it was filled with nothing but a historical text or medieval armors and weapons.

As they traveled almost every room, they somehow stumbled upon a room where only a boy, at least 3 or 4 years old was alone, playing with his toys.

Looking at his lonely figure, playing with toys alone brought out sympathy for them. Al liked children, Ione has motherly instinct, and for Robin, although she won't show it, she was an empathetic individual.

So they took their time playing with Bill, who said it was his name. He only remembered being called Bill.

They heard a sound of people was coming to the room and decided to end the playtime and back to the party.

As they wanted to leave, Bill didn't want to part with them and started to cry, a big one on top of that and stick his body to his leg.

This alert many guards and the sound of many footsteps were heard, and bound for this room.

Panic appeared on his face, without much thought, he carried Bill on top of his shoulder and ran away.

They decided to hide inside one of the small cabinets with a lot of old bookshelves.

A cliche thing happened, Robin took one of the books and one of the bookshelves was moving like those in the movie.

Once again, a warning, never trusted a succubus's whisper, it could be a downfall of men, also women.

Ione tried to stop them and threatened to back away and leave them. However, her threat went from one ear to another. Al and Robin still wanted to explore the underground secret passage.

Ione was conflicted. She always knew this would happen. Somehow if Al and Robin together, their IQ shrank back to a kindergarten level.

So as the adult in this room, she finally decided to accompany them.

As Murphy's Law said, "If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong."

They entered the secret passage and suddenly, the door immediately closed and they can't find any hilt, handle or lever to open the door.

So here they were, stuck in this maze for hours and unable to find the way out.

"So, no way out then? Are we gonna die here?" Robin asked. Her question may be dreadful but she looked relaxed when she said that.

"No way, I still didn't get the Oscar for Best Director yet, no way hell I will die here."

He continued, "Look, didn't you find it weird? The maze was still illuminated with a torch, looks clean, so there must be someone who gave maintenance and clean it every day. Maybe we're stuck in a British reality show or something." Al reassured.

"Let's continue okay? Because I know every maze has a different path but the same exit." He lied through his teeth. He knew he didn't have to make the situation worsen.

As they continue to walk, they finally arrived at the end of their destination, a door with a flower carving.

He looked at Ione and Robin for confirmation and they both nodded as a sign of approval.

The door was heavy, and a bit stuck with the ground. As he pulled it, it created a loud scratching sound.

Once the door opened and they looked inside the room. They were all flabbergasted. It was a room with a Victorian-era decoration. The weird thing is, the room was clean. He needed to touch it first to feel the dust that stuck to the furniture.

But what made him surprised was, he saw an old man who wore a British gentleman outfit, with balding hair and a full beard on his face, sitting alone by the hearth.

Behind him, was a huge portrait of himself clad in royal attire. They knew who this person was and should be impossible to meet him now.

"Well, this is a surprise. I never have a visitor for tens of years." The old man amused.

Ione suddenly passed out but before she hit the ground, she was caught by a shocked Al.

Robin wanted to scream but unable to as she could only let out air from her mouth. Bill who still didn't understand anything seemed confused at their reaction.


"Holy fucking shit! I didn't know we can see a ghost and talking to him like this?" Robin was staring amazed at this old man, lightly poking out his translucent body "Shit, it's like like we're..."

"In the <Twilight Zone>!?" Robin and Al shouted at the same time.

Robin gave an acceptance stare and gave him a hi-five. "E.D., you watched it!?"

"Absolutely! That show was ahead of its time. Guess what, I have the VHS for the 1959 series, wanna watch it together?"

"Gosh, I knew you are my soulmate from the very first time I saw you." She joked while lightly jumping in happiness and made her oversized assets bounced.

"By the love of God! Those are the most impressive baps I've ever seen!" The old man screamed and was absorbedly staring at Robin's assets.

Ione who just regained her consciousness was sitting on the sofa where the old man was sitting before and on her lap was little Bill who was still confused about everything.

She was looking at these people like they were lunatic. There was an elephant, no, a mammoth in the room and everyone seemed to act like it doesn't even matter.

Her two friends cared more about watching TV shows together and this... ghost only staring at her friend's tits like some kind of Apple of Eden.

"Al! Robin! We have something more important than watching TV shows. We need to get out of here fast and send Bill back to his family!"

Al and Robin whined but still nodded at her. First, they need to ask this old man a million-dollar question.

"Well, you probably should know me, youngsters, my name is Albert Edward but I was also known as Edward VII. I've been here since my death in 1910 and this is the first time a living person could see me."

"Why?" Al asked. 'Is it because I had "Mind Library"?' He thought, but he quickly dismissed it.

"I don't know!! That's the mystery of the world kid. I thought I would be sent to heaven or undergone purgatory in hell but here I am! Stuck in this damp comfortable room for eternity! Fuck those religions said the heaven and hell are real!" He madly said.

Al, Ione, and Robin stepped back because of his outburst and little Bill was crying because of his loud voice.

"I'm sorry little one, great-great-grandfather have scared you." Looking at crying Bill, Edward VII started to make a funny face and comfort little Bill which kinda effective.

"Wait, great-great-grandfather?" Al asked.

"What, you don't know who was this kid? You literary kidnapped my descendants!" He shouted again but it made Bill cried again.

Ione hugged Bill and comfort him. Finally, he was able to calm down but still afraid to see his ancestor.

"Damn, we kidnapped Prince William! How cool is that E.D!"

"Well, I promised to meet Princess Di's son, but not at this circumstance. Excuse me, Your Highness, my name is Alphonse Brandt, this is my friend, the big tits one is Robin Graham and the one who passed out is Ione Leitch. Can I ask you a favor Your Highness for a way out? Because we need to bring back Bill, I mean Prince William to his parents."

"Well met young Brandt. I'll show you the passage." He grunted, still pissed because they kidnapped his descendant. "Wait, I have a better plan! I will keep all of you here to accompany me for eternity." He grinned evilly.

"NO!!" Ione suddenly screamed with fear in her tone.

Edward VII then laughed loudly, "Just kidding kids, I can't even touch you." He tried to touch Al but his hand was passing through his body.

"Yes you are Your Majesty, but you can hide the truth about the way out from us or maybe lead us to our death, and accompany you here forever," Al said with a serious tone.

"I'm not that evil," He shook his head in regrets, "Although I miss the conversation with normal people, I have someone to accompany me here. Besides, I'm pissed at the higher beings, not an innocent brat like you."

"That solves it, I thought you are lonely here, who is it, Your Majesty? A fellow noble or your family?" Al said and released his breath, he also afraid this old man would shut them here forever.

"Nah, they were not here, I don't know where they died. I have few friends though, for example, that mirror." He pointed at the mirror on his left side, beside a bookshelf.

"You talk to yourself?" Robin teased.

Edward VII did not seem to be pissed at Robin's remark, maybe because of her big tits but he still said, "You can see it for yourself girl."

Beaten by curiosity, Robin approached the mirror and cried out in fear after she saw what inside. She hurriedly reeled back and hugged Al in response, hiding her face at his chest.

Al asked what happened to her, but she was unable to let out a voice from her mouth, still trapped in fear. He caressed her hair and soothed her. Finally, she was able to regain her composure and said she was okay.

Shit, if somebody could make Robin scared stiff like this, it must be something scary.

"Careful, Al."; "E.D." Robin and Ione said.

Al also took a look at the mirror and he saw something frightening and ominous, but not yet made him crumbled like Robin.

It was a red-haired woman, wearing all red cloth. She was beautiful, not the kind of pleasant to see, but odd and creepy. She was smiling coldly at him but seemed harmless. Like she was only teasing him and everyone else.

'Bloody Mary!! Shit, she's that urban legend!' He waved at her and she waved back at him, then vanished.

"Alphonse, you have met Mary it seems, and still kicking like a horse. Even I was frozen stiff when the first time I saw her, but she was decent companion unlike the other spirits here."

"There's more!?" They said in unison.

"Well, this tunnel is connected to the all underground passage over London, built by my ancestor. So, some of the Londonian ghosts sometimes came to visit me to say hello or just passing by. Of course, the first time I met them, I was scared to death!" He laughed at his own joke.

"Unfortunately, you can't go back to Buckingham Palace because the secret passage was only one way." They suddenly became down at his words.

"But I know the way to the Clock Tower, that's the only way to get out from this tunnel. I can only point you the way, I can't really escape within the boundary of Buckingham Palace."

At long last, they heard good news after experiencing series of unfortunate events.

He told them where they should be headed and the tunnels where he should take. Luckily with his eidetic memory, he could remember it all. Even Edward VII was impressed with him.

"Wait young Alphonse." He approached Al and started to inspect his face.

"Hmm, interesting... maybe that is why you able to see me... maybe or maybe not. Are you British, young Alphonse?"

"Err, no, I'm not. I have German and Jewish descent though."

He caressed his beard and said, "Hmm, German, it answered all the questions. Would you mind taking something on my bookshelf, young Alphonse? On the top of the shelf."

Al followed his instruction and found some kind of medal as big as his hand, with an eagle insignia on it.

"This one, Your Majesty?"

"Exactly, young Alphonse. It's for you, maybe someday you'll need it."

"Really? What's this, some kind of key to a secret vault?" Al joked, but he was wide-eyed after Edward VII nodded in response and grinned.

"Now all of you go, it's almost midnight. Some of the ghosts here became active at that hour."

That made them scared and wished to quickly escape from this maze tunnel.

Before he left, Al asked him, or more likely made sure of something, "Your Majesty, they said the ghost cannot go to heaven or hell because they have unfinished business, do you have one?"

Edward was silent for a while when relaxation struck him, "I have actually, one was fulfilled after you came here actually."

"What does that mean?" But his question was ignored by him, as he continued.

"Second is, I wanted to watch this kingdom last for an eternity. Although I was a bit mad with my descendants when they've stopped the colonialization. Maybe that's why I was stuck here, to watch this kingdom until it passed its glory and fallen through time." He sighed.

"Young Alphonse, can you watch out little William for me? He could be a good monarch. And you have stronger ties with him more than you realized." He said vague words.

"Wait, what did you mean?"

"So long young Alphonse, may we meet again." Suddenly, Edward VII disappeared from their vision.

"Damn, that's scary," Robin said. "You okay E.D?"

"Yeah, but that old man is weird like he knew something about me. And I got this nice souvenir." He showed them his medals.

"How much if it was pawned?" She asked while checking the medal.

"A thousand of pounds maybe, or it could reach a million if we say it's from Buckingham Palace." Al grinned.

"Guys, elephant in the room?" Ione patted William's head.


As they followed Edward's instruction, they finally arrived at the door that led them to the Clock Tower.

Luckily, there was a stair that could lead them straight to the entrance of the Clock Tower.

"Hey, I heard there will be fireworks right at midnight. How about we watched it from Big Ben?"

Al said it was a great idea, but Ione opposed her plan again, one trouble was enough for them. She said they need to bring back Bill to his parent as quickly as possible before they were branded as a fugitive for kidnapping a royal baby.

Robin decided to do a vote, Ione knew she would be lost again, so she suggested that Bill have also to vote, and if the result is a draw, she automatically wins.

After the vote, with a heavy heart, she finally agreed to their plan because she loses again. Al agreed to Robin's plan, even little Bill supported Robin.

Ione felt dejected, she was the one who been taking care of Bill, and now he betrayed her.

As the lift brought them to the top of Big Ben, the sound of fireworks was heard.

They opened one of the clock's doors that led to the outside of the tower and saw the colorful flames painted the night sky.

"Beautiful." Said Ione. The one who told them it was a bad plan but somehow, she didn't regret it.

"Yes," Robin said, but her sight was not to the sky, but her, or is it?

Robin approached Ione and pressed her lips to Ione. Al quickly covered Bill's eyes as this was a PG-13 scene.

Her kiss to Ione was soft but turned harder and fiercer without using a tongue because Robin was still new to this thing and unsure about how to do it.

"Well, congratulations both of you." He said.

Ione was still stunned and unable to say any words but for a moment, she finally able to regain her standing.

"Robin, that, that, why are you kissing me!?" Ione asked with fury.

"Ione, I need to tell you something." Robin conflicted about how to say the words but a comforting hand suddenly appeared at her shoulder.

She looked at those warm hands and turned out, it was Al's who gave him a supporting smile. She smiled back and regained her confidence.

"Ione, I am a lesbian, and I like you for a very long time."

A thunder sound, either from the fireworks or Ione's mind was vibrated to her heart. She turned her head in Al's direction and he gave her a warm smile.

"It's okay Ione, you don't have to answer it. I just want to tell you that I'm a lesbian. Are you disgusted by me?"

Ione suddenly felt offended. Is Robin looking at her as a shallow person? A homophobic?

"No way! Why would I? You are my friend Robin, nothing can change it, even if you have a different way of sexuality. But the kiss!" She lightly hit Robin

"It was bad, you need more practice. I can recommend a person though." She grinned and stole a glance at Al.

Robin gave Ione and Al a lopsided grin.

'I've got a bad feeling.' He said on his mind. However, before he could say something, Robin threw her arms to his neck and kissed him.

This time, she tried to use her tongue but her kiss was wet and sloppy. She was forceful and didn't follow any of his rhythms.

Her heavy body made them stumbled to the ground as she was done kissing him.

"Robbie!? Why I thought you were lesbian?" He was gobsmacked at her. He even questioned her if she was bi.

"Because that was just a practice and you are an exception." She grinned.

His eyes were twitching, he was no more than a practice dummy for her, so he decided to tease her. "But Ione is right you know, you need a lot of practice. That was the worst kiss I have ever done."

Robin lightly punched his chest, "Hey, cut me some slack! That was my first time kissing a guy. Besides, I am your 1986 first-year kiss, you should be grateful."

"Yeah right." He rolled his eyes. "This is how to kiss someone properly." He suddenly leaned forward and kiss her, which was caught her by surprise.

"E.D.!! No, I'm kidd... hmm." She moaned at every kiss she received.

To Be Continued...

To Be Continued...

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Michael S Mifsud

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