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43.24% It Seems Like I Married to a Dame-Ningen / Chapter 14: 14 Wife & Husband Things

Capítulo 14: 14 Wife & Husband Things





It took a little while for the two to calm down. Looking around for a way to properly communicate with Komi, Tadano pointed at the chalkboard.

[How did you know?] Komi wrote with a tidy writing style that was easy to read.

"I thought something was weird from your way of acting."

"Hasn't anyone noticed it?" Tadano asked.


... Awkward silence passed between the two due to the incapability to come up with a conversation, but the sound of chalk began ringing not too long after.

[I couldn't my lunch.]

[In truth, I want to talk with people.]

[I get nervous in front of people. My face freezes up and I get scared.]

[But actually, I want to talk.]

[At my junior high, it pained me as I eat alone and watch everyone enjoy the food together.]

[I wanted to join them, but I was scared]

[How do I start a talk?]

[What should I do after starting a talk?]

[What if I messed up?]

[What if I was boring?]

[What if I couldn't bring up the response they're expecting?]

[What if I was ignored?]

[What if they think I am disappointing?]

[What if I am like this for the rest of my life]

Tadano silently watched as Komi asked the questions of her life.

[Anyway, I am sorry to have caused so much trouble for Tadano-kun because of my cowardness]

Although now is not the time to say it, Tadano was genuinely happy that Komi remembered his name at the moment.

[And I am sorry to have talked too much. Please forget what happened here]


Laying down the chalk, Komi turned her back to Tadano, preparing to leave the classroom.

However, just as Komi passed the door, noticing Shirasaki who was sneaking up on them, the tapping sound of chalk once again rang, stopping her steps.

[Isn't the weather nice today?]

[Yes it was.]

"A little bit more thoughts, please,"

[The cherry blossoms were beautiful]

"Haha, Komi-san please relax more," Tadano bitterly laughed as he saw Komi nervously move her chalk.





The perspective returns.

As the chalkboard began filling up with the records of Komi and Tadano's conversation, the spring winds passed by the room gently fluttering the curtain in the air, as the sunlight entered from the window.

Along with the sound of chalk that left the classroom, the white powder slowly fell like a tender flake of snow.

"Haa~ Emo~..." I heard a voice from nowhere that surprised me.

"Woah, when were you there," finding not too far away was a girl with almost the same or lower sneaking level as my wife.

Her bang hid her eyes but that wasn't enough to hide her beautiful figure and sweet satisfied smile. 'a player!?' I thought at first because it was past the class time at the moment.

"Huh, Shirasaki-kun? You were sneaking up as well?" the girl said to me.

Let me explain as an author. The girl in front of Shirasaki Karma, Emoyama Yuragi was a girl who basically knows anything that happened in the manga.

Her 'emo' is short for 'emotional' and simply explaining, it meant 'wholesome.'

"I was worried for Tadan- huh, she's gone?" the girl came in like a wind and disappeared like a wind.

Then, the sliding sound of a door could be heard as Komi-san's perfect figure could be seen exiting the classroom.

'Ah, shit...' Apparently, I was good at sneaking up on people but sucks at hiding myself until the end.

However! I am a person who's learned his lesson.

"ZZzzz...." I pretended to sleep.

You may find a student, sleeping by the door of a classroom during lesson time super weird but I had no choice.

'...' Sensing no sound from the other side, I thought Komi-san left and so I opened my eyes.

'She. Was. There.' I almost felt my heart jump out of my mouth being stared at by these two pairs of eyes as I smiled nervously.

"Ah, Um... Komi-san, can I be your 2nd friend...?" I searched for a topic to laugh off my eavesdropping, I requested to be Komi's 2nd friend.

Komi-san in contrast began panicking and she finally stopped doing so when Tadano-kun exited the door as well, making the atmosphere even more awkward.

[I thought you already left...]

"S-sorry, I was interested to see how an extrasensory person and a person I don't understand what they're thinking about's communication would go on," I rubbed my head awkwardly.

Anyway with Tadano-kun's help, we somehow managed to get out of the awkward situation and I somehow became Komi-san's 2nd friend.

After that, the day ended after a long scolding from the teacher for skipping the P.E.

At home, I researched every student who attended Itan Private High School's information and I ended the day at 9:00 PM.


I sighed deeply after waking up in the Playing Room.

'So many things happened today.'

'I look cool, huh...'

'Tadano-kun was very kind.'

'It's kind of a drag to talk with those girls.'

'High school students have it rough, don't they?' I repeated today's memory as I treasured it deeply.

[You have a message from Tadano Hitohito]

[Even though we got scolded, today was a very fun day, wasn't it? Once again, thank you for being friends with me, Shirasaki-san. If you weren't been there for me, I probably couldn't deal with the atmosphere of class today and wouldn't have discovered Komi-san's communication problem. I'm being persistent, but for the final time, thank you for becoming my friend, and I look forward to studying with you for the next year.]

I replied with a smile face both because I knew that even without me, his story would have progressed, and I was tired to reply with a long text like Tadano-kun.

Just as I finish replying to Tadano-kun, I suddenly felt something launched at me with tremendous momentum, and in the next instant, I was being embraced.

"I hate you..." Chloe said while hugging me tightly, as if afraid that I would go somewhere else.

"Is something the matter, Chloe?" I hugged back while questioning my wife.

"I don't know! I don't know I don't know!" Chloe wailed as she started lightly hitting my chest with her hands

Then after a little while, she stopped doing so.

"I feel so uneasy..."

"Even I am aware that Komi-san is more beautiful than me, Amami-san would probably be a more splendid wife than me, and Tadano-kun is more thoughtful than me."

'Huh, why did Tadano suddenly appear?' I thought while listening to what my wife had to say.

"Are you being jealous over Fantasy Being?" I whispered to Chloe while genuinely being surprised at the side of my wife I'd never seen before.

While the creature inside the Fantasy isn't exactly an AI and is closer to an actual human, the world we lived in is entirely different.

"Ahh!! Shut up! Shut up! You are making a mess in my head!" Chloe hugged me tightly before tiptoeing and also covering her embarrassment.

With little movement, Chloe managed to lock our lips together.

Even after our lips separated, the softness and sweetness yet, numbing sensation lingered in my lip, as if wanting more of it.

Although it was an action to hide her embarrassment, it was a kiss of her own will without me asking for it.

Despite my insensitivity, the feeling behind her action was clearly transmitted to me. It was a kiss of love. It was also a kiss of jealousy, and it was also a kiss of uneasiness.

"I hate you... p-please... don't leave me.., please stay with me for the rest of my life," My wife suddenly lost momentum as she began melting under my arms.

Under the hugs, I could feel her nervousness through her pounding heart and slowly, our heartbeats slowly began overlapping.

I couldn't find a word to respond back to my wife.

In truth, my whole 'resolution' thing was because I felt that I am weak and cannot protect my wife at the most important moment.

I wanted to be the person who choose my wife, I didn't want to say the word "I will be with you forever."

After all, if I were to say something like that, it would sound like an answer on the spur of the moment. An empty answer which I can't protect.

"Jeez, this wife & husband thing is very hard," I rubbed my head in the struggle as I sought the word yet fails.

"Chloe, I..." just as I opens my mouth to apologize to Chloe, she shook her head and kissed me again.

"I'm sorry for being hard for you. I will wait until you can say those words stuck in your mind for sure," Chloe opened her closed eyes as she reluctantly distant her lip from mine.

I nodded.

"Hm... I won't let you wait for so long," I shook my head at my wife's contradictory action.

This side of her combined with how she usually acts is maybe what caused me to propose to her.

Chloe kissed me a few more times later that day.


I admit I don't know how to write this kind of scene.

I have to time skip sooner or later or the combat scene would be too late

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