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Capítulo 3: First Time Jitters [*]

Tanner had gotten home around noon. He'd had to wait nearly an hour at a downtown bus stop to get a ride back but after that he'd wasted most of the day in a sort of fugue state. He'd opened and read over his system multiple times but the whole thing seemed so surreal. A sex system? Really? It was like a bad web novel. Hell, he'd read quite a few novels with almost the exact same plot. They all turned into Giant smut-feasts where the MC pretty much stuck is cock in anyone even vaguely willing. Often using his abilities to go invisible, mind-wipe people, or do other pretty terrible things. It all seemed a bit rapey to Tanner and had never been his cup of tea exactly but now that was his life.

He agreed with his system in that regard. He had power now, an odd sort of power but like spiderman always said, power means responsibility. It was his job now to try and use that power for good, instead of being selfish. That was the speech his dad had given him. He could do this. Flings were fine, and would likely happen. He didn't have to love a girl but he wasn't going to fuck just anyone for the sole purpose of getting System Points.

He snorted to himself. He'd never had sex in his life and now he was acting like he'd have to pick and choose because so many girls would be throwing themselves at him. He laughed out loud and felt better for it as he sat in the computer room playing an FPS.

All his good humor died when he heard the knock on his front door. Tanner closed his eyes and sighed. It was time to face the music. He just hoped his male pride could stomach telling Sandra something so incredibly embarrassing. He opened the door and smiled at Sandra, waving her inside.

She was wearing light-blue jeans and her coat as usual, and her cheeks had flushed in the late November cold.

"Sooo…. How's it feel to be on this side of things?" Sandra asked with a happy laugh. Tanner thought about the question as Sandra came in and tossed off her coat, revealing a sweatshirt with the Northford Knights school logo on it.

"It… Feels pretty much the same honestly." He said, philosophically.

"I've been telling you that for years. A system is a part of you.. But it's not all of you. Think of it like a Job. Everyone does something different, but just because you're a Truckdriver or a CEO it doesn't define you. It just tells people what you do to make money." She lectured. Tanner rolled his eyes at her. She had been harping on about things like that for years, but it was easy to do when she had one of the better systems he'd ever heard of.

She couldn't use mana at all but her system allowed her to hone her body to a supernatural degree and even gain some use of Ki. Although Tanner was never sure if that was real Ki, or just some function of the system. Either way, she could do some incredible things. She was easily in the top three fighters of the entire school and he was pretty sure her system was level five or six, which was extremely high for someone still in high-school.

"So…. Stop stalling and spit it out, what did you get?" She asked finally. Tanner winced internally and looked away for a moment. Well, it was going to come out eventually but that didn't mean he couldn't procrastinate a bit.

"It's a support system." He said. She blinked at him waiting for more but he didn't elaborate.

"Yeah… Honestly a support system likely fits you best. You're a decent fighter, and quick on your feet but you never really showed much love for it. On the other hand you're always trying to help people. A support system fits you well." She said. Tanner nodded but didn't elaborate and the silence lapsed until it because awkward.

"Are you going to tell me? Or keep dragging it out. It can't be that bad." She said, now sounding a bit annoyed.

"I wouldn't say it's bad exactly… It's just embarrassing." He said, his face going red. Mentally he berated himself. He'd already decided to tell her. Why was it so hard just to say it?

"What… Did you get a dancing system or something? Saw an Indian girl with a belly-dance system online. She was awesome and the buffs were strong. Pretty sure she's tier three now and…...."

"I got a sex system." He blurted out over-top of her. She stopped talking and the room fell into silence again. Tanner covered his eyes with his hands.


"I got a sex system." He said more loudly, still covering his eyes. "The [Better Health Though Sex] System to be exact."

That seemed to shut her up and Tanner smiled.

"Holy shit. Tanner the eternal virgin got a sex system?" She said incredulously. Tanner scowled at her.

"Eternal virgin….What do you mean by that?" Tanner shot back. "I only turned eighteen a few months ago. I mean I know girls sometimes lose there's around 16 or 17 sometimes but I mostly thought that was just older guys being kind of skeezy, honestly."

"That's not too far from the truth." Sandra said more seriously but her smile came back. "It's not about your age though. It's just about how you act. You always fade into the background. Athletic, but nothing stand-out. You get good-grades, but not great grades. You're handsome-ish, but nothing special."

"Ou….." Tanner muttered. "Don't pull your punches, or I might have some self-confidence left when you're done." He added bitterly.

"Ohhh…. Sorry…." Her laughter had faded and she did sound sorry. "I mean. You're a great friend Tanner, and we've been through alot together, even if we aren't as close as we used to be. You're just like... The classic nice-guy."

"I get it…." He said sourly. "I'm basically a isekai protagonist. Completely mundane…." Tanner met Sandra's brown eyes with his blue ones and his next words came out with all the confidence he could muster. "You're just lucky I didn't have enough points for my Lust Aura. Otherwise I'd be making moves on you."

"Oh you would, would you?" She said. Her eyes were challenging and Tanner nodded firmly."Then I await your eventual seduction… but not today. I've got way too much stuff to do and I'd crush you like a grape." Their locked eyes again for a moment and whatever it was in the air between them dissipated.

"Fair enough.." Tanner said.

"So.. What's your Core skill do?" She asked. Tanner explained it to her, as well as his other abilities and her laughter came back. "Thats... I don't even know what to say."

"That was my first reaction." He said, mirth in his own voice now. Setting here talking to Sandra about it made everything so bizarre. He couldn't help but let out a laugh, which made her laugh and soon the two were busting up and rolling all over the couch as they tried to get control of themselves. Eventually the laughter died out and silence fell again. This time it wasn't awkward, or charged, it was just comfortable.

"You know… I miss hanging out with you." Tanner said eventually. He looked over to Sandra and saw her smiling back at him.

"I miss hanging out with you too.. But I'm still not having sex with you." She said back. Tanner smiled and let the silence settle again. Eventually the moment broke and she stood up.

"Welp, I'm gonna get back home. I've got a session at the dojo tonight." She put on her coat and was heading back towards the door when she paused. "Does your skill really improve training?" She asked.

"It says it does but it's not like I've ever used it." Tanner told her. "Why, you change your mind?" He asked her with a sideways look.

"No." She said firmly. "But there is this girl at the dojo, well woman really. She'd like twenty-four or five or something. Awakened a battle system but I don't think she's ever fought with it. She can earn some SP's by sparring and training in the dojo but she's just a mess. Always worried about everything and wound so tight I can hear her gears grinding everytime she moves." Sandra said, looking thoughtful.

"Are you trying to pimp me out?" Tanner asked incredulously.

"Why not? You've got a support system and I know someone who needs support. She'd get what she needs and you'd earn some SP's while helping someone out." Tanner just looked at her and she shrugged. "Look… With a system like you have your life is going to be bizarre, especially once you get a few levels and buy more abilities. You might as well get used to it." She said before she walked out into the wan evening sunlight. Tanner watched her go and wondered what his life was going to turn into.


A fist slammed into the heavy bag as Tanner stepped aside, trying to maintain good footing as he launched another set of lightning fast jabs. The bag thundered under his fists and Tanner smiled. Odd system or not he was faster than he used to be and had much better stamina. As he was now there was no way Jay could beat him without using an ability. He doubted he could win, but he wouldn't be easy to pin down.

He launched into more punches, testing his new cardio-vascular system as he threw punch after punch digging deep to see how far he could push himself. Sweat ran down his face and back but his breath stayed even, even as his arms ached and his shoulders burned. He was just about to stop when the doorbell rang.

He hopped back from the bag and wiped at his sweat with the towel nearby. His dad had installed a decent little gym in the basement and although Tanner usually wasn't one for working out he did like to come down and beat-up the heavy bag once in a while. He'd been curious to see how much his system had improved him and he was more than happy with the results.

The door rang again and he slipped the towel over his shoulders and ran upstairs and to the front door. He yanked it open and blinked at the pair standing in the doorway. Sandra was there in her normal coat and jeans but behind her was an older girl with pale skin, a parka, and one of those fuzz-ball topped stocking-hats.

"Let us in already. It's freezing out here." Sandra snapped as she plowed her way inside. The other girl followed her and the pair started to take off their coats and Tanner shut the door behind them to block-out the freezing wind and snow. He hadn't known it was snowing. He'd spent most of the morning on the computer and in the basement.

Sandra flopped onto the couch like she owned it. Whereas the other woman perched herself on the very edge. She looked like a frightened doe who might bolt at any moment. Once she'd taken off her coat and ridiculous hat Tanner saw that was adorable. She was curvy, maybe even a bit chubby with milk-white skin and black-hair in ringlets down her back. Her face was heart-shaped with a small nose and thick-looking glasses. She had light-eyes but with her looking down at her feet he couldn't tell what color they were. She was wearing a blue turtleneck sweater that was really showing off her excellent breasts.

"Janel… This is Tanner. He's the one I was telling you about with the sex system." Sandra said in a coaxing voice. Tanner rolled his eyes at her as he watched the woman, Janel, blush all the way to the roots of her hair. Tanner couldn't let this go farther.

"Look... " He said, crouching down in front of the woman to catch her eyes. They were a bright green and beautiful but he ignored that and pressed on. "I have no idea what Sandra told you but yes. I have a sex system. I can see you blushing and you should know that I'm blushing too. I'm a virgin. I've never even been past second base with a girl and I got a system that revolves around sex. That's just strange no matter how you look at it."

"I don't know what you were expecting or how you expected this to go. I didn't think Sandra would just bring someone over here and expect us to... " He stopped himself from using a crude word. "Well.. You know. If you don't want to do this. Just say the world, or don't say anything and just leave. I don't want to pressure you at all, but you're beautiful and if you really do what to go through with this. I'd be more than happy to explore it with you." He said, honestly. He tried to put as much sincerity as possible into his voice. Janel was a knockout. She had that shy, super-big boobed thing going on like a girl in an anime and Tanner was getting hard just thinking about her. Still, this was WAY too weird to be anything but completely upfront.

"Oh course she wants to. She came here didn't she?" Sandra said, sounding annoyed. "I mean who follows someone to a random guys house for sex unless she's willing."

Janel's shoulder slumped and she tried to bury her face into her sweater. "You are so not helping." He snapped at Sandra while he moved his hands forward and gently cupped the woman's face. He slowly tilted her head up to meet his gaze.

"There's no pressure here. I'm not going to be mad if you say no, but I do hope you say yes. You don't need to feel embarrassed. You don't know me and I don't know you. That makes this embarrassing for both of us but that also makes everything simpler. No-one is going to judge you for what happens here." He said, then slowly leaned forward until his lips were pressing against hers. He wasn't sure why he did it. It just felt right. This woman needed reassurance and he wanted to give it to her. He made the kiss an invitation and a promise.

The kiss was slow and he held it for a long three-count. The girl didn't kiss him back but she didn't pull away either. "Now, I'm covered in sweat because I was down in the basement working out. I'm going to go rinse off in the shower. If you want to go through with this. My bedroom is the one at the end of the hall to the left." He told her, then he stood up and went into the bathroom.

He forced himself to take his time in the shower. He was so hard it hurt but he forced himself not to jump out of the shower and run into his room. He thought about rubbing one out just to take some pressure off and let him last longer but that seemed a bit disingenuous. He felt that with Janel being clumsy and awkward would be important. She wouldn't want someone too practiced.

He walked into his room eight minutes later and Janel was sitting on his bed looking around awkwardly at all his game and band posters. Her hands were in her lap and she was wringing them. Her head snapped up as the door opened and Tanner took a moment to just look down at her. Her face turned red but she did meet his gaze.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" He said as he walked towards her. She nodded but didn't say anything. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to her. He didn't look at her and instead looked at the door he'd just come in from.

"I'm not really sure how to start this…. I mean. I had a girlfriend before but that was years ago and we never went very far." He said as he put an arm around her back. She stiffened for a moment but then forced herself to relax.

Tanner decided that if he wanted to get this show on the road he was going to have to do it. Janel seemed almost cataonic with fear and embarrassment. He pulled his feet up from the floor and slid behind her. He started with a trick he'd found online. Like most boys his age he'd done quite a bit of reading up on the mechanics of sex in junior-high and highschool. He knew about the G-spot, and the clitoris, and that women were all different so it was best to try and work from their reactions, rather than go in with a set plan.

One of the things he remembered reading though was about how women were much more tactile than men. They liked to be touched and it was best to work them up a bit before going straight to more sensitive areas. He placed his hands on either side of her neck and started to work his hands into her thick black hair. She shivered slightly and Tanner started to massage her scalp, working up her neck and forwards around her ears.

He bent forward and let his breath hit the back of her neck. She shivered again so he placed a kiss on the back of her neck. He didn't push things too fast. He just ran his hands through her hair and placed kisses on her neck, then up onto her ears. He noticed his hands were trembling and let out a silent laugh. With his lips on her ears it apparently was too much stimulation for her because she stiffened up for a moment.

"Sorry…" He whispered to her. "Was just laughing at myself. I'm so turned on my hands are shaking." That relaxed her again and she laughed.

"I know the feeling. It's been…. A very long time. Not since college." She said softly. She had a sweet voice, high-pitched and bell-like. Tanner kept up his efforts, eventually he moved his hands away from her head and down her sides, taking care to avoid the sides of her very nice breasts. He kept kissing her neck and ears and eventually she started to press back against him. He took that as a sign to move things along.

He grabbed the hem of her sweater and started to pull it up. She flinched but didn't stop him as he pulled the heavy-fabric up and over her head revealing acres of snowy-white skin. Her bra was a sky-blue and as heavy-duty as the hooks looked it must be holding up the weight of the world. He really wanted to flip her around and get at those massive globes but he forced himself to keep working slowly.

She moved, and used her hands to cover up the rolls of fat on her sides. She was plump, but anyone would have rolls there while sitting down. He placed his hands over hers and held them there.

"You don't need to be embarrassed." He whispered in her ear.

"I'm fat…"

Tanner growled. "You're not fat. Women are supposed to have curves, not be stick-figures. You guys are always a lot harder on yourselves than most men are on you. We like girls with meat on them." Tanner said moving his hands forward over her belly and then up to cup her breasts. He couldn't see them but they felt massive. She had to be rocking at least DD's.

She gasped slightly at the sudden movement and tanner didn't let his hands linger for more than a single soft squeeze.

"These are magnificent. Now let me get a look at you." He said as he released his hands and slowly spun her around. As he moved his towel finally got twisted enough to fall away and he was naked when she was finally facing him.

She glanced down at his throbbing member and blushed. "I know. It's not much." He said self-consciously. He wasn't a very large man and it showed down below as well. He had maybe 51/2 inches and he was harder now than he'd ever been. That would have bothered him a lot more if he didn't know he could increase it with a few SP's.

"It's perfect." She said as she reached out a hand and grabbed him. Tanner nearly came off the bed. She picked now of all times to get aggressive? He had to grit his teeth to keep from spilling right there but he was glad she was finally showing some initiative. He pulled her closer and started to kiss her and she kissed him back with feror.

Things moved quickly from there. Their kisses grew bolder, less hesitant, and Tanner pushed her down onto her back as he worked the hooks on her bra. She moaned into his mouth as her tongue pushed past his lips. Finally the bra sprang free and the massive orbs rolled out onto her torso. She had the lightest pink nipples and massive areolas. Tanner couldn't resist drawing one breast into his mouth as she undid her pants. His hands ran down over her bare legs and he could feel the heat of her core from nearly a foot away. She wanted him and it was glorious.

He wanted to rip off her panties and bury himself in her but he honestly expected to last about three pumps in his current state. He'd have to use his mouth if he wanted to get her off. He reluctantly detached from her nipple and started kissing down her stomach. She did have a paunch but he didn't mind at all. She was smoking hot and ready to go for him. She started to make a mewling sound as his mouth ran lower and her whole body shuddered and wiggled as his mouth ran down over her mons to the heart of her.

He kissed her twice through her panties and she nearly sobbed before he hefted her hips up and pulled them down. Then he buried his face in her vagina. He was too keyed up to use any sort of technique but she didn't seem to mind.

"Oh God…. Right there… Don't…. Stop…" She keened. Tanner tongued her frantically before he wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked hard. Her whole body seized up and she let out a scream that had to have echoed through the whole house. Then she started to shake all over as juice spilled out of her and into his mouth. Tanner smiled as he kept licking her through her spasms. He struggled against her violent motions before she finally managed to buck him off and close her legs.

She sighed as she came down from the orgasm and Tanner knew it was now or never. He spread her back open and guided himself into her wet heat. She groaned low as he entered her and Tanner had to bite his lip to keep from spilling right then. She was so tight and so wet. He knew sex was supposed to feel good but this way better than he'd expected. He pulled out slowly, groaning with the sheer decadence of it before he thrust back in. He lasted longer than three pumps but Janel was just starting to heat up again when he popped. He shuddered and collapsed on her as his own release overtook him.

He rolled off her and the two lay next to each other just looking at the ceiling and breathing. Tanner had no idea what to do now but was saved from trying to initiate some aftersex small talk when his system popped up into his vision.

Congratulations! You've Earned System Points

Encounter Rating C+

You did a good job of making her feel comfortable and started slowly. Once the main course got going however you ignored most of the cues she was giving you and attacked her with very little technique. Fortunately for you she was a rather quick-shot.

[Sp Earned: 1625]

[250(C+ Base)X1.3(Level 3 system)X500%(Long Abstinence)]

Tanner reached out to Janel and she rolled over and put her head on his chest. His mind was completely clear and he felt amazing. He didn't want to screw it up by saying anything stupid. So he let the silence fill the room.

"Thank you…." She said finally. "I'd forgotten how much fun that can be." She said with a smile. Tanner smiled back and he was sure his grin must be splitting his whole face. He felt like king of the world in that moment and the feel of her massive chest laying on his already had his member stirring for round two. Janel caught the motion and laughed.

"As much as I'd love another round I do need to get home. If you're free next weekend though I wouldn't mind another go." She said, her face blushing at her own boldness.

"I'd like that…" Tanner said honestly.

An hour later Tanner was alone again. He wasn't sure where Sandra had snuck off to but he really didn't care. He was in too good of a mood.

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