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100% Zack Fair on Remnant / Chapter 44: Kindred Spirits

Capítulo 44: Kindred Spirits

The day of the wedding.

Inside of a chapel, everyone there was dressed in suits and dresses while waiting for the wedding to start. Yang, Blake, Pyrrha, and Glynda were wearing dresses as they stood as one of the bridesmaids while the rest were seated in the front row. On the other side, Oobleck, Port, James, and Taiyang were all in suits as they were the groomsmen with Taiyang standing straight 'normally'.

Standing near at the altar were groomsmen and bridesmaids with the maid of honor being Raven but in her usual outfit as she threatens anyone who forces her to wear a dress while behind the groom was Zack as the best man. Standing at the center was Ozpin, wearing a priest outfit, and Qrow in a suit. Everyone was smiling happily for Qrow and Akari that even the best man and the maid of honor haven't dropped their smiling faces even once.

Everything looked perfect for the wedding.

Everything would've looked normal and ordinary at first glance... if one ignored the hollow look of the groom while his left leg was chained to a large concrete ball. The groomsmen and the guys seated are looking at Qrow with annoying smirks on their faces except for Taiyang. The inside and outside of the chapel were crawling with female officers fully armed and greenish-blue Grimms wearing sunglasses and suits.

"...Ozpin, I did everything you ever asked so please I beg you… don't do this…" Qrow said as he looked at Ozpin pleadingly while maintaining his poker face.

"...I'm sorry Qrow… you don't understand, Akari spoke to me before all this… she said she'd break it…my right arm" Ozpin replied while looking at something far away.

"...Tch, if it was only-" Qrow was cut off by Ozpin before he could finish his question.

"She said, she would break everything... except my right arm," Ozpin continued while maintaining his poker face.


Qrow's back was quickly covered in cold sweats as he looked for anyone to help him, he suddenly thought of someone trustworthy, his son.

"Zack, my son, I know we have slight differences but I implore you-" Qrow immediately looked behind him at his best man but he suddenly cut him off too.

"Mmm, did you say anything, father?" Zack replied quickly while smirking at him.

"..." Qrow grew speechless at his son's reply but he didn't give up easily.

"My son! I know you're an-"

"Hmmm? I don't know what you are talking about... but father, let me entrust you some useful wisdom… Karma is a b*tch and now… your gonna marry one," Zack said while grinning at him annoyingly.

"..." At that point, he realized that he couldn't count on his son.

Qrow looked at everyone present that he could rely on for help.

He saw his sister as the maid of honor but her face was exactly like his son's so he immediately ruled her out. He looked for Taiyang but as he saw him, he was tied to a pole with his mouth taped so he also ruled him out.

He desperately looked for anyone willing to help him but every one his eyes focused on, would either grinned at him annoyingly or avoid his gaze completely.

*Tring* *Tring*

Qrow's attention was quickly drawn to the bells ringing. For everyone else, they all stood up and looked at the bride arriving but for Qrow, he just heard Death calling his name.

So, Qrow, being a respectable professional huntsman and upright citizen of Vale… he immediately turned around and was preparing to run away as his life depended on it but before he could fully turn his son, behind him, hold him in place while his sister, at his side, quickly went over and taped over his mouth.

"MMMmmmMMM!!!!" Qrow struggled with all of his might but for the life of him, Zack effortlessly holds him from escaping. What Qrow didn't see was Zack's eyes are glowing in greenish-blue while part of his hair turned to silver.

Everyone inside watching Qrow in his demise was indifferent to this but the men amongst them couldn't help look at Qrow in pity but not once did they thought of helping him come into their minds as they all still like to have children in the future.

The ceremony started with Qrow still being held down by his son.


"Do you, Qrow Branwen, take Akari Kōmoto as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" Ozpin asked after asking Akari the same thing.

"Mmmmm!!" Qrow quickly shook his head furiously as he struggled more.

"Yes, yes I do," Qrow's voice suddenly rang out as Qrow immediately stopped and looked at the source. A recorder at his breast pocket, as he noticed this he looked at his sister grinning more than before at him.

"MMMMMM!!!!" Qrow struggled even further than before.

"If anyone has any objection to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace," Ozpin said for formality sakes as no one was stupid enough to say anything.

"MMMMMMM!!!!!" except for the groom, that is.

Again, everyone there overlooked the struggling groom.

"I now proclaim you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," Ozpin robotically said as he is missing his favorite mug and coffee right about now.

"MMMMMM!!!" Qrow didn't give up as he struggled to break free but before he could do anything Akari, his wife suddenly ripped the tape over his mouth in which Qrow yelled out in pain.

"Ahhh-Mmmmmm!!!" Qrow screamed at first but as Zack pushed him toward Akari, she took hold of his collar and kissed him in one fluid motion.

After a few more seconds, Akari retreated from the kiss as she smiled innocently at her husband. Qrow, seeing all this, was prepared to run away but again before he could take a step, a gun was immediately pointed at his little brother. He was taken in surprise as his wife still maintained her innocent smile while her hand was holding the gun with her finger at the trigger.

"I love you, Dear… now, you're supposed to say something back to me," Akari said while smiling but her smile didn't reach her eyes as her finger at the trigger tightened.


"I-I l-l-love y-you too, D-dear," Qrow reluctantly said as his back is covered in cold sweats.

"That's better," Akari smiled innocently.

*Clapping sounds*

Everyone clapped at the new husband and wife as Akari quickly hid her firearm while she grabbed her husband's arm and dragged him to walk down the altar.

*Clapping sounds*

Everyone couldn't help notice the night and day expression of the groom and bride. The bride was smiling happily while nodding at everyone while the groom was pale white with a hollow look at his eyes.

As they exited the chapel and were about to enter the car, Akari stopped as she remembered the flower bouquet in her hand.

She looked behind her as many ladies including her bridesmaids lined up as they got ready to catch it.

"You ready!? OOORRRAAAA!!!" Akari brought out her flower bouquet then in a fluid motion, she took a pitching stance and threw the flowers in the air.


"ITS MINE!!!" Every lady that was lined up in there, yelled out as they all chased after the flowers and that includes Yang, Blake, and Pyrrha that are at the front.

Every guy and the rest of the ladies that stayed there couldn't help but think, 'This is normal, right?'

"Ladies please, *Sigh* Amateurs... Raven, can you do a favor?" Glynda said as she approached Raven and asked.

"Hmm?" Raven curiously looked at Glynda.

Behind everyone, Zack saw everything as he quickly summoned one of his reliable summonses.

"Get that thing before any of them could take it, fly it away, burn it, or even destroy it! I don't care, it mustn't fall in their hands at all cost," Zack ordered seriously.


Back at Yang, Blake, and Pyrrha.

They were at the front as they were the closest ones in catching the bouquet.

"It's gonna be mine!!!" Yang shouted as she used her semblance to increase her speed.

"Back off you two!! By the order of my mother, that bouquet is mine!!" Blake replied as they both used their weapons and semblances to go even faster.

"Sisters! I ask of you two! Please behave like respectable ladies and stop these unsightly behaviors!" Pyrrha yelled out innocently as she continued to run.

"..." Yang and Blake curiously looked at Pyrrha's innocent act but then they all noticed a red portal forming in the sky near the bouquet then Glynda walked out as she used her semblance to balance in the air and smirked at them victoriously.


"YoU b*tCh!! @#$!!! &%#$!!" Pyrrha's behavior took a whole 180 and cursed like a sailor then used her improved semblance and flew straight at the bouquet.

Blake saw this as a chance and used her weapon to hitch a ride with Pyrrha but as Yang saw this, she hung on to Blake's leg. Pyrrha barely noticed those two as she concentrated on getting the bouquet first. She became even more anxious as she saw Glynda using her semblance to take the flying bouquet towards her hands.

"DaMnIt!!!!" Pyrrha couldn't help yelling out in frustration.

Glynda's smirk grew even more as she saw that those three won't be able to reach it first before her and controlled her semblance on the bouquet to fly faster towards herself.

Glynda's hands were about to grab it but to Glynda's frustration and the relief of those three flying towards her, a greenish-blue manticore snatched it and flew away quickly.

"Damnit Zack, I know this is his doing but if you think this would discourage me… your DAMN OUT OF YOUR MIND!!" Glynda said calmly at first then she used her semblance to chase after the panicking Zack's minion as it was the center of the four ladies' bloodlusts.


Zack's summon couldn't help groan out as it quickened its pace as the four ladies were already catching up.

Unknown to them including Zack's summon, in their chase, they all didn't realize that the manticore accidentally dropped it long ago as it landed on a table in front of the Yogurt shop.

Coincidentally it fell in front of a young woman that has the appropriate trio of colors in her hair and on her outfit that coincidentally resembles a Neapolitan ice cream.

She curiously looked at it first then she saw four ladies chasing a greenish-blue Grimm that looked like it was crying. She suddenly understands the situation as she heard from local news that there is a wedding going on today.


She giggled playfully then took it and looked at the flowers as she continued to eat Roman's Froyo.

"NEO!! For the last time! Stop taking my Froyo when I'm in the bathroom! You could easily buy yourself another one," Roman's voice rang out as he came out from the Yogurt shop while wearing his disguise, a big fake mustache on his face.

Neo looked at Roman then innocently giggled.


"Ugh! Don't give me that, now I have to buy another one," Roman said as his shoulders dropped in defeat and came back inside again.


Neo giggled at Roman's response as she continued to look at the bouquet. She couldn't help but imagine her imaginary husband and her at the altar while surrounded by Neapolitan ice cream and different kinds of Froyo with Roman being the priest.


She smiled dreamily as she was lost in her thoughts while ignoring a grumbling Roman coming back with his precious Froyo at hand.

2 days after the wedding, things have gone back to normal as foreign students went back to their respective academies and a few buildings, shops, and homes are still being rebuilt but with the help of the military, it's progressing much smoother than expected.

In the middle of the day, Zack is walking alone through Vale.

*Sigh* "Even the wedding of my pops to that demon and becoming a man, which was through forceful means, it still doesn't change the fact that those chocolate stores were innocently destroyed," Zack sighed as he couldn't help the lack of his so-called 'basic sustenance'.

Zack Fair, the beta MC of this story, was ***** by his girlfriends during the first day he was captured but as soon as he got his bearings, he counter-attacked and dominated his lovers. At the end of those 2 days, he left with his girlfriends extremely satisfied but at the cost of his stamina.

To this day, he still can't fathom how it got to that point. One moment he returned to himself in exhaustion then, in the next moment he was captured and locked in with his four lovers looking at him like a piece of meat.

'If Aerith and I were like this back then, I'm pretty sure we already have a kid' Zack thought jokingly as he tries to distract himself.

As Zack walked aimlessly, he stopped by in a nearby Arcade shop.

He walked in and the first thing he saw were numerous kids playing different games. His eyes wandered all over as this was his first time in a place like this.

It was filled with different kinds of games but mostly about Huntsman and Grimms related ones.

He walked to the counter as he remembered from his past modern self, he needs tokens to play one of these things. As he reached the counter, he saw a guy who looked suspiciously like Roman Torchwick but as he has a big mustache on his face so the moron dismisses it.

"H-hello young man! Welcome to my humble establishment, what can I do for you?" The guy at the counter said while sweating slightly due to nervousness as Roman still remembered Zack's face clearly.

"Mmm, I'd like to exchange for some tokens," Zack said as he brought out his wallet and handed a bill.

"O-oh, s-sure! Young man, enjoy yourself!" The guy said as he took the bill and gave Zack a dozen tokens.

"Thanks," Zack commented and went along to any available games to kill time.


He grew curious at one fighting game, a black-haired young girl in pigtails eating a lollipop sitting on one side with no opponent. The strange thing he noticed was that almost all of the games are unavailable except that one but he could see many people standing and waiting for anyone to change with them like they didn't want to play with the girl with a lollipop.

He shrugged it off as he made his way there and took a seat and immediately everyone playing and waiting for their turn, looked at him like a daring hero. They all stopped what they were doing and watched him which freaked him out.

*Insert Coin!*

The sound of the game drew his attention as he saw the girl with the lollipop is now looking at him and motioned one of her fingers to bring it on in which Zack immediately inserted a coin and started the game.


"Hah! Don't come crying to me when you're beaten-

*Combo!* *Combo!* *Combo!* *Super!!*



-before… you… even… know! The Hell!" Zack shouted in shock as the girl didn't even let him do anything.

Everyone who watched him just sighed and shook their heads in disappointment as they got back to their games. Unknown to Zack, since the arrival of that lollipop girl, no one has beaten that girl in any games they played against her and each time you lose that lollipop girl always-

The lollipop girl slowly leaned into her sides and looked at Zack with a poker face then it quickly changed to a smirk and a snort then gave Zack the finger while teabagging Zack's character in the game.

The girl-no the tyrant always without exception pisses off everyone she beat without using her mouth and almost all of them wanted to see that lollipop girl finally get her ass handed to her, just once.

On Zack's forehead, a vein immediately popped as he looked at the lollipop girl looking at him with innocent eyes while still teabagging his character in the game.

"That's it! You asked for it! Bring it B*tch!!" Zack yelled out as he inserted another coin.


Zack quickly used his speed and went to attack but she beat him to it and as soon as she struck, she followed up with another combo again.

*Combo!* *Combo!* *Super!!*



The girl slowly peeked at him from her side then smirked annoyingly again.

"Grrrr, one more!!" Zack said in frustration as he inserted another coin.




"Someway, somehow! That's gotta be cheating! AGAIN!" Zack commented and played another round while eyes started to glow.




"SON OF A MOTHER DUCK!! AGAIN!!" Zack yelled in frustration as everyone watched him in pity.








This went on until Zack's wallet was cleaned off.

Zack kneels on all fours in defeat as the lollipop girl was still sucking her lollipop casually while looking at him in condescension.

Zack stood up slowly and faced the girl with a carefree smile on his face, the exact opposite of his attitude earlier.

"Good game, you're skilled Lollipop girl," Zack said as he went forward to the girl 'Cheating B*tch!'.


[You too, you put up a good fight]

She giggled innocently but didn't reply instead she used her scroll to type in her answer and showed it to him 'Yeah right, if you could even call that a fight, LOL!'.

"Aww shucks! I didn't even get the chance to come close hahaha," Zack replied with a good-natured smile as he scratched the back of his head. 'Thanks to your cheating b*tch ass, that is!'

[Oh No no, you were really good, thanks for the challenge]

The Lollipop girl texted in reply with an innocent smile on her face 'Really good my ass LOSER!!'

Anyone who watched this was at a loss for words as far as they have seen earlier, these two should've been at each other's throats but now, they show impressive sportsmanship. All of them grew confused by this except for the disguised Roman on the counter.

'Those two… they're still fighting,' Roman thought of while watching those two.

"I'm Zack by the way, may I know the girl with such impressive eye-hand coordination?" Zack introduced himself then asked with a smile 'So I can show you my foot-to-your-ass coordination you little cheating b*tch!!'

[Thank you, the name's Neo, don't count yourself short, you were really good]

Neo giggled first then typed in her reply while maintaining the exact smile that Zack has 'Hah! Muscle-brain jackass! Like taking candy from a baby!! LOL!'

"Well then Neo, may we meet each other some other day, I'm late for something," Zack said 'I'll be back you b*tch!'

[Alright, till then, I'll wait for you here, goodbye!] Neo typed while still maintaining her smile 'Bring it loser!'

"Goodbye then," Zack said as he waved at Neo while walking to the exit.

Neo returned his wave and in everyone's view, they both just flirted with each other after fighting each other. They all couldn't help get jealous of this display as many of them are still boys and girls so they all went back to their games to distract themselves.

'THAT LOLLIPOP B*TCH!!/HAH DUMBASS LOSER LOL!!!' Zack and Neo thought of it at the same time while still maintaining their smiles.

Roman could clearly see through those two's hidden message just from their eyes, he couldn't help but facepalm at his subordinate and his enemy.

Neo stood up and happily approached the counter towards Roman.

*Sigh* "I told you to go low for a while and antagonizing the one who beat our asses last time is not the best direction," Roman tiredly looked at Neo who was showing an innocent face.

[I don't know what you are talking about] Neo typed while tilting her head to the side with an innocent look on her face.

"Whatever, now go back to work or no Froyo later," Roman said as he pointed at someone kicking one of their game slots in frustration.

Neo stood up straight and saluted at Roman and happily skipped to the guy causing a scene.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11


You all thought I dropped this right!?

hmm... only half right though


I'm thinking about writing a new one

Anyone got anything?

و(˶╹̆ ▿╹̆˵)

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