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73.01% The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED] / Chapter 43: The First Move

Capítulo 43: The First Move

A/N:: Sorry, I just woke up after a 4 hour nap, and then began writing.


1144 AD: 180 Years(17)

It was two days before we decided to leave for the rescue mission. I spent the days looking over the Ravager space ship, and programming Omega to build one for me, similar, but more. It'll probably be prepared once I return or something.

But, for now, we were taking the Ravager ship. It looked similar to what I remembered Quill's ship looking, only more.. beat up. But, thankfully, it was in food working condition.

The two dumbasses, Kevin and Joe, were in the brigs of the ship, while 5 elves, Blinky, Dobby, Mangy, Tobey, and Tommy, were moving around the ship.

I was in the Captain's seat, and Omega was already inside the systems. He had made a subroutine, so he could keep an eye on us.

"Alright. Omega. Flight checks." I say, flipping a few switches. We were currently on Avalon, as I had brought the ship here 2 days ago.

"Engines, check. Rudders, check. Fuel, check. We're good to go, Captain." Omega says.

I nod, and take over the controls. Let's go, baby! It takes a few minutes to reach the jump Point, after which I say, "Target locked. 14 Jump Points located. Everyone ready?"

I look behind, and all 5 elves were seated, and buckled up. They nod at me, so I push the lever, sending us through one hell of a nasty trip.

The elves, are going to do the most important job in this mission. Infiltration.

Once we meet the Kree contact that was going to meet with Nick, I'll use Telepathy on him, to take control of his body. The Elves will disguise themselves as human kids, and hide their magical abilities from anyone not me.

Anyway, it takes 10 minutes to get to the Centauri system, where the contact was supposed to meet, and 15 more to land the plane down on the designated spot.

It was on a remote planet, too far from the Alpha Centauri star for the Centaurians to even notice us coming.

I immediately connect to the Star, and feel myself absorbing the Solar energy. I look back at the almost puking elves, and say, "I found him. He's coming here, and will be here in a minute. You all alright?"

Blinky nods, and gulps a huge breath of air. She says, "Yes, Master Baldur. This be the first time we be doing something like this."

I nod, understanding her words. I then ask, "Is your magic okay? Being far away from Avalon does not hurt you, or anything, does it?"

My Magic is fuelled by my Internal energies, and supplemented by the Universe itself, along with the Light Dimension, and the Stars I've connected to.

But I don't know about the elves. If they take magic only from Gaia, they'll be in big shit from now on, and I should have predicted something like this.

But, fortunately, Blinky and the elves shake their heads, and say, "NO! Master Baldur! We be okays. Our Magic be always with us, no matter where we be."

Welp, either Gaia's magic has connections deeper than visible in space, or Elves take their magic from another source.

I shake my head and say, "Well, he's here. Disguises, and get hand cuffed immediately."

Elves, without saying anything, snap their fingers, and put up pretty solid Illusions of young kids, from 5-8 years of age. I have them walk outside, behind me, with a defeated look on their face.

Unfortunately, they had had a lot of practice with that look thanks to Ekrizdis, but we were getting better now.

The Kree starship lands a few dozen meters away from me, and I wait, wearing the solid Illusion of Nick the ugly bastard.

The Kree soldier comes out, showing that he was not a blue Kree soldier this time.

"Who're you?!" I ask, gruffly, staying in my role.

"I'm.. no one. I've taken over for your previous contact, as he died in the war. Now, hand me your account details, and we'll both go our separate ways." The white Kree says.

This feels fishy, so as I go to hand him the tablet which has the Xandarian Bank account details of Nick, I quickly enter his mind.


Turns out, he was actually not lying. The previous contact, Jon-bovi, did actually die in the war. And this dude, Gon-rogg, was the replacement sent by the Supreme Intelligence, to get the subjects to Torfa as soon as possible.


Because they were experimenting on them! They were experimenting on a lot of alien races, so they can get more soldiers, powerful soldiers, for their war against the Xandarians.

They would inject Kree blood into the subjects, and make genetic changes, so that the subjects awaken some sort of power. Inhumans. They were creating Inhumans.

Failures would be drafted into the slave trade, or the mining of a radioactive metal on Torfa, while successes would be drafted into the war, made to fight against Xandar.

This project, while supported by the Supreme Intelligence, was not that popular with the other higher ups, though. Only one branch of Kree were carrying on with the experiments, while the other were trying to stop them from happening.

Oh, they weren't doing this out of the good of their hearts. They were afraid that the enhanced soldiers would rebel, and then they'll have a two front war to fight.

As soon as he was done with transferring the credits, he gave the tablet back to me, which I slide into my jacket.

I motion the kids to move forward, and turn my back on them, leaving with the ship. Or at least that's what he saw.

What actually happened, was I sent my Illusion to the ship, and made Gon-rogg believe he had seen my ship fly, while Omega simply made it invisible, and undetectable from anything, and I, invisible, went along with him, and the pseudo kids, to his own starship.

Thankfully, it was big, and had nicer brigs than the Ravager ship. I stayed with Gon-rogg, while the elves were thrown in the brigs. But, they were okay. Their magic is still there.

Once I was alone with Gon-rogg, I did the same to him as I did to Nick, as Omega was busy taking over the systems. I burned him for all there is.

This member, while not as fanatical about the Supreme Intelligence, was still very much intent on watching the scientists carry out their experiments. So, yes, I burned him.

"Blinky." I say, once I'm wearing Gon-rogg's face and sitting on the captain's chair.

"Yes, Master Baldy?" Blinky says, still in child form, appearing near me.

I punch the coordinates of the planet Torfa, and say, "Those other kids in the brigs? Keep them safe, okay? Once I leave you all with the scientists, you'll have to play the role for a few more hours. If anyone tries to experiment on you guys, feel free to confund anyone you want. But don't get too much attention."

Blinky nods, and pops out.

There were 3 more children in the Kree starship, along with my elves. They were pink skinned, and looked like the Kree, so my guess was, they were the Pink Kree. Racism, even amongst aliens. He kidnapped them because they were Pink Kree, and not Blue.

Anyway, I push the lever, going towards Torfa, a very dangerous planet. It was situated in the middle of the Xandar and Kree occupied space, but it was mostly used by the Kree.

The planet was rich in a radioactive metal, which was one of the strongest metals they'd found, and could take blunt attacks by the tons. Yup. Torfa was rich with Vibranium. Only, they knew it only as 'the metal'.

So, yeah. The Kree carried out experiments on this planet, had the failures either enter mines, slave trade, or the fighting rings. Like legit, gladiator fighting rings. While the successes were taken to Hala, where the Kree Supreme Intelligence would brainwash them to be loyal to the Kree.

They call it "re-education" but I call it as it is.

It takes 20 more minutes to go from Centauri, to Torfa.

I, knowing what to do from Gon-rogg's memories, give the relevant codes, and get permission to land near the labs.

Guess we'll directly work on the rescue then. I drop all the children in my ship, and grant custody to an unimportant foot soldier. He takes them to the basement of the labs, where most new subjects are kept, while I go towards "my" rooms on Torfa.

Once there, I connect to the almost dying sun of the system, and scan the planet for everything.

There were 3 buildings that worked as labs, and Gon-rogg only knew about one of them, this one. Along with 3 labs, there were 17 mines all over the planet, and 15 dumping grounds.

I... won't tell you what I saw in the dumping grounds, but you can probably guess. This just makes me kill them even more. And I'm gonna do this, as Surya the Wizard, with only conjured swords as weapons.

First, I use my Telepathy, along with the star I'm still connected with, to connect to each and every captive's mind on the planet. I say, "Well, hello there people. Don't panic, your salvation is here. Your captors can't hear me, and they haven't noticed your shock at my voice. Now, questions. Who wants to leave this desolate place?"

Almost everyone on the planet, other than the Kree, jumped after they heard my voice in their heads. Looking around tells them that only they and other prisoners can hear the voice, so they get a bit confident.

That's good. I don't need a rebellion carried out by unconfident people.

"Guessing by your emotions, you all want to leave. I don't blame you. I will help you, though." I say, and wait for them to get curious. I continue, "In one hour, you all will hear a loud blast coming from the Black Crater. That's your cue. All the Kree will be distracted, and most of them will go to check on the explosion. Your job, will be to disable, or kill, the other Kree present. Don't worry about the kids, I'll get them out myself. Good luck."

Saying that, I disconnect from the minds and get to work. The Black Crater, is a giant 2 mile wide, and a hundred yards deep crater. Unknown to most of the Kree here, and all of the prisoners, the Black Crater contains the study results, along with a lab. Yup, there are children there too.

So, without any delay, I fly over to the Black Crater, and you know, start killing, but not before Omega disabled all the communication devices.

None of their blasters work on me, and they simply get deflected. I punch, and cut my way through the lab, all the while the kids are made unconscious by a psionic pulse.

Within 20 minutes, the lab is clear of any hostilities, and I walk into one of the labs, where a tine green skinned girl is asleep. Unfortunately, I was too late, as the Kree blood was already injected inside her.

I'll deal with the blood when she's on Avalon. I create a portal to Avalon, and shout, "HERBY!" who immediately appears near the portal, outside the Medical Wing of Hogwarts.

"Yes, Master Baldy?" She asks.

I wave my hand at the Zen Whoberi, and say, "There are children in this building that need immediate healing. Bring a group of Elves, and settle them all down in the Great Hall. I'll bring more later.

Getting immediately serious, Herby snaps her fingers, summoning 5 more elves, and gets to work. They go through each of the rooms, even hidden ones, and gather a staggering 27 number of kids from this one lab alone!

Of those, 5 were Zen Whoberi, 12 were Pink Kree, 4 were surprisingly terrans, 2 were from Kylos, meaning the planet of Drax, and the other 4 were from races I didn't recognize.

Once everyone was out and back in Hogwarts, I speak out loud, "Omega, you got everything?"

Omega flickers from my wrist watch, and answers, "Yes, Sir. It was surprisingly easy, despite the Supreme Intelligence's firewalls. She's not.. Supreme after all."

I chuckle at that, and sit down. There was still some time for the explosion, and I had the perfect bomb ready. A starship core. They were using the Vibranium mined here, to create a nuclear core for their ships.

It would have vastly improved their weapons, if it had worked. This core, had to be tested first, and it wasn't.

Once the one hour mark was almost up, I fly through the ceilings, and float on the top of the crater. This crater was about to get bigger.

Pointing my hand and the point I just came from, I fire a continuous stream of photons, right at the unstable core, made of radioactive Vibranium. Within 3 seconds, the core bursts, in an amazing green and orange explosion, that I embrace.

Radiation! My precious, Radiation.

Well, no time. Absorbing as much of the radiation as I can, I quickly fly towards the next lab, as I "see" the prisoners revolting as soon as the guards were lowered in numbers.

The slave pits had a slave rebellion, while the mines suddenly lit up in lights due to the miners using their tools as weapons.

I ignore them, and keep firing at the approaching Kree ships, without giving them any chance to flee, or even speak.

They don't deserve my kindness. Not now. Not ever.

I see 3 ships flying towards the Jump point, so using my newly absorbed radiation, I fire an intense beam of it right at the ships.

The one in the middle bursts, taking he other two with it, and I turn back towards the attacking Kree.

"COME ON! FACE THE MIGHT OF SURYA, THE WIZARD!" I shout grabbing a torpedo thrown at me, and throwing it back at the one that fired it at me.

Multitasking, I see how the rebellion is going, and it was going great! The prisoners got out with only a couple deaths and minor injuries, the miners all succeeded in taking over the mines, while my Elves dealt with the scientists and the few guards, safeguarding the kids.

Now, one last place left.

Using a quick burst of radiation, and expelling all of it, I destroy each and every ship attacking me, and even kill the few foot soldiers firing at me from the ground, in one big move.

After that, I fly towards the other side of the planet. The last lab. It was where I couldn't see inside, thanks to no sunlight going in.

So, I first scout it out with my Astral Form. The make was the same as the other two labs. Except here, the computers were somehow better, and the security tighter.

I float inside, and into the basement, and realize why the security is tighter. There's a Kronan here. A rock troll. It's still a kid, but Kronans are still strong enough to do a lot of harm. This one was even enhanced by the Kree somehow, to be even more strong. But, he was a prisoner, still, and would neeed rescuing.

Along with the Kronan, surprisingly, I find something that really, really shocked me. A small wooden tree. A small talking wooden tree. That's a groot!

Well, damn. How the hell did the even find this one? Groots don't get out of the planet, and I would have known if the Kree had taken the planet for themselves. Groots were still free, and alive as far as I remember. I'll have to talk to Heimdall later.

The rest was just normal kids of different races, computers, and lab equipment.

Coming back to my physical body, I crack my neck. This is going to be fun.

I leisurely walk to the door, while invisible, and dropping my invisibility, kick the door in, with a lot of force.

"KNOCK KNOCK, BITCHES! SURYA IS HERE!" I shout, and start my attack.

Barely 10 minutes later, the lab has only one Kree soldier left alive, on purpose, while the kids are all watching me warily.

I pick the Kree soldier up, and lift him to my height. I slap him awake, and say, "Go to your Supreme Intelligence, and tell her not to experiment on other races. If it does not stop, Surya the Wizard is coming for her. Tell her that."

Saying that, I open a portal to Hala and throw him through it.

"Well," I look at the shocked kids, and say, "Anyone hungry? I'm hungry. Let's go get you some food, and then we'll talk."

The kids nod, hesitantly, and follow me through the portal to the great hall. I show them in, and say, "Go lay on a bed everyone. My Elves will heal you right up. Meanwhile, I'll go bring in the other prisoners, alright?"

The Kronan, surprisingly, takes the first step, and lays on a bed, seeing that other unconscious kids were already being healed. The rest of the kids follow his lead.

I turn back and go meet the other prisoners, who were by now celebrating their freedom. I float towards them, and shout, "Greetings. Oh, don't point those at me. I'm the one that started the rebellion. I gave you the chance that you took for your freedom."

"What do you want then?!" A man shouts, from down below.

I wave my hand and answer, "I don't want anything from you people, except a vow. But that'll come later. If you want to survive, enter this portal. The Kree army will be coming here soon to check on the labs."

I open a portal, this time to the planet I remember seeing, when I first connected with the star from Asgard.

The prisoners, knowing my voice, and that the Kree will definitely kill them if they stay, all move through the portal, taking many of the tools, weapons, and a few available ships through.

"Omega be a dear and disconnect all those ships from the Supreme Intelligence, and disable all tracking devices." I say, and move to go towards the lab containing my elves. The portal will close itself when everyone js through.

I knock the kids out, and send them with the elves to Avalon. I trust kids with Avalon, yes. But I won't trust adults.

Let's talk with those adults now. Sigh.


A/N: MC is not going to keep every one of those children on Avalon, don't worry. He'll first try and drop them to their home planets, but if that doesn't work, somehow, then and only then will he keep them here.

The adults won't ever see Avalon. I mean the Adult prisoners from Torfa. MC doesn't trust them.

HelloDarkness07 HelloDarkness07

Ignore the minor mistakes!

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