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100% Alistar Bumblebee / Chapter 27: Some time later

Capítulo 27: Some time later

Studying with the Aspects flew by so quickly for me that I didn't even have time to come to my senses. Now, it seems that quite recently, I stepped into the cave of Malygos, and now I am leaving the place of residence of Alexstrasza after four years of training. Let's just say ... Eight years passed in an instant.

During this time, the whole world has changed somewhat. Orcs were almost wholly destroyed or pushed into a slave position on various reservations. It was they who became that cheap, practically free labor force that rebuilt everything. Everything that the Horde destroyed, the Horde rebuilt. Orcs could not find love and tolerance from people, and this is understandable. They were, after all, the ones who killed children, their parents, brothers, and sisters. They burned down numerous cities, leaving many for a long time without a roof over their heads. Although, on the other hand ... This war shook the world like some kind of dirty water. Many new contracts have been signed. The old ones were updated or simply closed. In eight years, the world has changed a lot.

A quiet time began only when the Alliance reached the very Dark Portal. They tried to go through it, but they failed. On the other side, there was only a lifeless wasteland that could not possibly be habitable. Mages did not dare to go there, just like ordinary warriors. However, there were calls to go there and bring destruction to the orcs' home world. That's just how they would be different from the same orcs after that. Those who sympathized with the fate of the orcs flickered, but they could not in any way cause the people around them to sympathize with the orcs.

The Amani trolls, who supported the orcs, suffered a crushing defeat in their lands from the Alliance forces' hands. This brought additional lands to the elves and Lordaeron, which they divided among themselves. In general, nothing is interesting there ... Elves gladly destroyed their former enemies, knowing no mercy. Sometimes the pictures I saw made me scared. But I never stopped Alleria and her sisters from hunting these creatures and even sometimes helped. So, I am also "dirtied" there.

Anduin Lothar managed to return to his kingdom. Still, after the devastation arranged by the Horde, it will not soon return to big politics. As an Alliance army commander, he had very significant influence, but it was slowly fading away. The knight's age slowly approached, adding gray hair to his head. During his entire reign, he never managed to have a child. This means that other rulers will gladly put their own man in Lothar's place after his death. Even if the kingdoms were in one union, each pursued its own interests.

Alterac, because of his king, who betrayed the Alliance, received the most minor profit in territories and resources. They were also lucky that they were not put in the same cohort with the Horde. The King of Alterac, who decided to turn his back on the Alliance, was executed in the capital, in front of a large crowd of people. His execution was accompanied by the soldiers' joyful roar, who did not like that their "brothers" fell in battle because of this. Perhaps, if Alterac had not betrayed the Alliance, then the war would have gone on a completely different track. Less bloody for humans.

The goblins have partially managed to get away from responsibility for their fellows who helped the Horde. Their barons themselves executed the troublemakers and brought their heads on a platter. This made the Alliance's leaders very happy, and they left this race in a questionable position but free. The goblins did not care. They continued to live their lives, sometimes provoking dwarves to petty fights.

The Alliance gave force to the development of some areas of science. And since crazy "scientists" were involved, their research was mad, and the results were strange. A car on square wheels, with a magic engine, or, for example, a prototype of a helicopter familiar to me from the past world, but the pilot sits upside down. This boom in development has not touched magic. Here, silence in development remained strong.

I studied from the Aspects all this time. My magical knowledge became deeper and deeper. If I said that before that I knew a lot, now it looks foolish. I can say that I was just a schoolboy who only left his desk and began to learn the big world of magic. I "devoured" the wisdom of dragons like locusts. And if someone thought that in two years, I managed to find out everything ... then they are very mistaken. I barely managed to learn the heights of time control. Space magic was easy for me, but not time ... Although I could stop it for a few heartbeats, it cost me almost half of the reserve. From the Aspect of Time and Space, Nozdormu, I learned in more detail what magic is, and my ability to manipulate magical energies without a spell only grew from this. In two years, I was able to control an area of just over two hundred meters. In this area, I was the third after God. My magic became concentrated.

But the biggest gain in the knowledge I got from Alexstrasza, who was the Aspect of Life. I never thought there was so much information here. Life has many faces, and to understand it, you need to study the opposite side of being - Death. Alexstrasza hates using this side of life. She only showed it to me once, and I was impressed. I think I will remember this for the rest of my days.

During the training, the main issue was the development of the soul. I received a lot of information and later managed to implement it. The slots to complement my soul remained free. I could not find what would suit me in any way. Although, there were ideas. For example, I want a spatial pocket that will be tied to my soul. Then, no matter what happens to me, he will always be with me. It would be handy to me. I loaded canned food, gold, and jewelry there and some other things without worrying about the contents. So far, this is just an idea.

Krasus, by the way, also took an active part in my training. He clarified some questions I did not understand. Only now have I know how much dragons are superior to ordinary magicians. Especially the old dragons. I would not wish for anyone to become their enemy or fight against them. Besides being smart ... Their magic is perilous and deadly. If the orcs did not have the Dragon Soul, they would not even be able to swim to Lordaeron but would be destroyed.

Dragons also differed in personal characteristics, but at the same time, they were very similar. Each of the Aspects with whom I was trained has some oddities that can be attributed to insanity. Thus, Nozdoromu communicates with his past and future self all the time. I will not say that it is interesting to watch it. When he has a seizure, the timeline is simply erased, and I can see the three Aspects at different time intervals. This is how I began to understand Time ... However, it is still too superficial. Malygos, the Aspect of Magic, is too deeply immersed in this magic and sometimes drinks it from the world itself. But, fortunately, it stops in time. If he didn't, it would cause some problems for Azeroth. Alexstrasza ... does not let go of her dragons anywhere, controls their every movement, every sneeze. And also ... she has no desire to join the mediator of mere mortals. She has completely withdrawn from her affairs as an Aspect that embodies life. Prison gave a massive blow to her mental health. Too many dragons died during her imprisonment.

In general, each of them had its own "quirk," which in the future could result in significant problems for all sentient beings. At any moment, any of these dragons can break down and act entirely without realizing their actions. And that's not counting Neltharion and Ysera. Neltharion is a common enemy, and Ysera did not even show up to thank for restoring her essence. She is such an ungrateful dragon.

It wasn't crucial for me, but it would still be nice. It's just that I won't do anything in the future if she needs help. However, I'll think about it. She has not yet done anything wrong toward me to treat her like that.

The relationship with Alleria developed, but very slowly. Neither I nor elf none of us wanted to take the next step. I am ready for it, but if the elf does not insist, I will not do anything... Until I will ... Still, training during these eight years took too much time for me, leaving almost no free time. I spent that free time with her. Relationships are not just about sex, laughs, and giggles. It is also hard work that both partners should enjoy.

The Kirin Tor has not changed at all during this time. Only the sixth member of the Council of Six was taken by some magician who is a good acquaintance of Wanda. Well, here I was right, in that she would try to drag her ally here ... Except ... it didn't bring her any significant profit. I did not participate in the meetings, but I could quickly get the information and conversations I needed using the magic of time. This magician is very furious that all Krasus' decisions are supported by other archmages, without any questions. And no matter how she tried to approach them, nothing worked for her.

I spoke with Krasus about this, and he agreed. He added that he was interested in watching how she would act in a given situation. He showed me his collection of dirt on Wanda. I will say that the amount of material there is off the scale. And at any moment, the archmage can use it against the sorceress, thereby making him an outcast in Dalaran. Although Krasus also revealed that he will not use him shortly, he will leave the Kirin Tor to be with Alestraza and help her raise new dragons.

They never found Khadgar or Kel'Thuzad. This means that they have hidden very well and are not going to show up in the world any time soon. Although who knows. It may be that they just decided to take a break and will be ready to shoot a new war across the continent.

After leaving Alexstrasza's cave, I teleported to Alleria. She was at Silvermoon at the time and was training a new recruiting of Pathfinders. Well, new, it is still very simply said ... This new elven generation in this matter may be more experienced than any of an ordinary person.

Archers fired at targets, and almost no one smeared. I myself am no archer. I tried to master cold weapons, but I was like walking to the moon before mastering even a simple sword. However, I know that if I take this matter seriously, I will achieve good results. With my skills and knowledge in magic, I can quickly bring my body to the proper physical condition. It will take no more than three days. It might still be worth doing this in the future. What about? Stamina is never too much. Sitting on a chair that I had grown from local grass, I began to read one of the books that Krasus gave me when it was the last day of my training with Alexstrasza. This book was a tutorial on some exciting topics like portal creation. I can be considered a specialist in the magic of space, but still, I am far from the Aspect. To reach his level, I need to live at least as long as he lived.

I felt that some elf magician approached me. He cannot compare with me in terms of strength, but in terms of skills ... anything is possible. I never thought about it, but I have not participated in duels for a long time.

"Alistair," he called me in Elvish. "I'm glad to meet you."

This caught the attention of Alleria, who turned sharply to me. A smile appeared on her face. Leaving the elves to continue training, she came over and hugged me without any words. I answered her in the same way. My heart felt so light and warm for a second.

"Um," moaned the magician, distracting us from the hugs.

"Sorry, Valinor," I replied to the mage. But he kept a straight face and did nothing. "I'm glad to meet you too."

Valinor was one of the elf mages who always loved to face me in magical duels. He is much older than me, but this does not prevent him from rejoicing in fights like any other magician. Especially if his opponent is worthy. Previously, I was not a "worthy" opponent for him. I lost most of the magic duels, but then, over time, I got the much-needed experience, and the number of losses decreased. When I went to study with the Aspects, these duels had to be stopped. I didn't have any time for them. And now ... the time has just appeared.

"To the field?" He asked me, raising an eyebrow.

"Come on," I answered him. I'm not going to restrain myself, as I need to understand and compare myself against other strong magicians. Focusing only on dragons is entirely wrong. They are already stronger than almost all magicians.

"I'm coming with you," Alleria said flatly. "I wonder what Ali has learned during this time."

I told many that I was going to study, but I did not specify with whom. It was enough for many that Krasus approves of my choice. Still, he would not approve of him ...

"Ok! Linden detachment, if you want to watch a duel of magicians, you can follow me," said Alleria.

The squad she trained almost unanimously agreed to look at it. Duels between magicians are not uncommon, but I'm sure they've gotten fed up with the same duelists. And with the new faces, they believe that they can learn something new.

Polygons for training magicians in different spells were located outside Silvermoon. During the war, they did not suffer much ... Although there was actually nothing to destroy, only protective barriers that protected the audience from the magicians.

Valinor activated the protective field when we went inside, which covered us, and shook his head. The other elves just stood around and watched with interest. I am sure that they will root for an elf than for a human ... But it doesn't really touch me. Let it be.

"Are you ready, Alistair?" asked me Valinor, reflexively stomping a tune with his staff. From this, small and barely noticeable waves of energy went along the ground.

"Of course," I nodded to him.

The next second, without any warning, Valinor attacked me. A stream of lightning began to approach at high speed. It left behind melted earth, as well as burned grass. With my staff's strike, I stopped all these lightning bolts a few meters away from me. I just needed to change a small configuration of the space. At the end of my training with Nozdromu, this manipulation became quite simple for me. With a slight shake of my hand, all the lightning in an instant began to fly to where they came from, namely in the direction of Valinor. He twirled his staff and created a shield that glowed from the hits.

"What was that ?!" He asked me loudly and surprised. "Is this some new type of protection?"

"Yes and no," I grinned at him. I'm not going to talk about my spells so simply. "Let's continue."

The ground under my feet turned into a trampoline in the next second and threw me in the air for several meters. An interesting spell, but I did not resist it. Still, I only changed the space configuration again, and the effect on me had no harm. Going into a counterattack, I created a powerful fire spell that somewhat pushed the boundaries of space. The spell overtook Valinor in an instant. As soon as his shield burst, I dispelled the spell. Space began to slowly recover to its normal state.

"You've lost," I grinned at the magician. He only gripped the staff with strength, trying to understand what had just happened. He didn't understand why his protective spell had burst so quickly.

"It was something," he said, still in shock. "I never thought that you can attack with such powerful magical blows. If I hadn't stopped the spell in time, I would have fried until crisp."

"I agree," I nodded to him. The barrier went off, and Alleria came up to me. She looked surprised and at the same time very happy about what had just happened. And I didn't even sweat for this battle, and I wasn't tired of a gram.

The elves only discussed this encounter with interest among themselves. For them, it was fascinating, perhaps incomprehensible, but colorful. Other magicians, who also looked at this with interest, did not understand anything especially how I stopped the first spell in space because they did not see any shield. I was only mysteriously silent.

Alleria has dismissed her training squad. I hugged her.

"You know, Alistair," said Valinor. "When I was standing at the training ground, I felt that I was going to overcome an insurmountable obstacle."

"These are all the results of my training," I answered him with a smile. The magician just nodded, thinking about something for a few seconds. He looked at me with a strange look and seemed to dare to say or propose something. I wonder what is spinning in his head.

"Alistair, I want to become your apprentice," blurted Valinor. "I want to learn from you, and I'm willing to pay for it."

I stared at the mage in surprise. So that an elf wants to learn from a human. My performance must have really impressed him, and he wants to take over from me my knowledge, strength, and capabilities. And what can I answer to this? I do not understand. It just happened all of a sudden.

"Valinor," I began to say, but the magician interrupted me.

"I understand that you want to think about it, and I will not force you to answer right now," said the elf, raising his hand in a stopping gesture. "But if you nevertheless decide that you need an assistant and a student, then you can contact me."

"I'll think about it," answered him with relief. Valinor just nodded, then briskly teleported somewhere. This was a very unexpected proposal. But for now, I am not ready to get disciples, although ... perhaps it is worth thinking about it. Now I have enough strength to create my own organization for the study of magic. Of course, this does not mean that my organization will be the best or sinless. I have a goal that I want to achieve.

"You've gotten stronger," Alleria said sadly. "Now you will go even further, probably leaving me ..."

"What are you talking about?" I asked her in slight bewilderment. "I'm not going to leave you. After all, you are very dear to me."

"Is that so?" asked the elf with a lowered gaze. "I'm a simple ranger who may have some skills in magic, but I certainly cannot help you in any way."

"Don't say that," I interrupted Alleria and took her hands. "I certainly will not leave you ... And, if need be, I will take care of your training in magic."

I'm wondering... Does Alleria really feel that way, or is she just trying to manipulate me to get something from me? If this is manipulation, then it is foolish. If she asked, I would definitely make a strong magician out of her. In general, you can make a magician out of any intelligent person. You just need enough time and perseverance. So, it may be that she really thought it all up for herself and wound it up.

"Are you sure?" she asked, raising her eyes.

Without stopping to say anything to her, I kissed the elf passionately. For her, this action was the answer. She relaxed, and I felt a strange openness from her. As if I had the opportunity to put my hands in her and do whatever I want with her soul. Is it worth taking advantage of this opportunity or not? Yes or no? To be or not to be? That is the question.

In my mind, I counted to ten and quickly realized that I had to bet on "to be." Having embraced the elf even stronger, I thrust my hands into her soul and began to change her to only one goal. If I want to create an organization, then I will need extremely faithful rational ones in it. The elf loves me anyway, but if you twist some of the "strings" of the soul a little, then I will get the most devoted person. I had to turn off my emotions as I felt some disgust at what I was doing. But I have already made a decision, and I am not going to deviate from it. I don't want Alleria to even think about leaving her because she's useless. I don't want her to think about leaving me at all ... I don't want to lose her.

I spent only a few minutes on everything about everything. All this time, I continued to kiss her, sometimes moving to intimate places. After that, we moved to her home and already in bed engaged in excellent debauchery. I'm sure we stirred up the whole house with sweet and erotic groans. Especially Alleria.

After that, I spent a few more days in Silvermoon, conducting training duels with the elf mages and doing various lewd things with my beloved elf. The beast woke up in me when we were in bed. I was not afraid that she might become pregnant at the wrong time, as I took care of this both from my side and from her.

But this vacation could not last forever. I needed to teleport to Dalaran as I should return to duties. There is a lot to do, and the first thing to do is visit my father. How can I be called a son if I did not come to see all these years that I spent outside the city? I'm sure he will be angry with me.

Saying goodbye to Alleria and her family, I teleported to Dalaran. This time I did not appear at the Violet Tower but at the very gates of the city entrance. The mages immediately approached me, but I just showed them the Kirin Tor sign, and they immediately turned away. They thought they would get some profit from me.

The city hasn't really changed physically. But in the magical and emotional ... The atmosphere in him became somehow more lively and mobile. It's hard to explain. Children drove through the streets, people communicated with nonhumans. Perhaps the atmosphere has changed because more nonhuman races have appeared in the city. Dwarves and some other half-humanoid ones appeared. In general, the city revived a little.

When I passed the house where I rented a room, I saw Lola, who was walking in an embrace with a young magician, and several young children were running around them. The girl looked happy, and I decided not to approach. Let her live as she wishes. If she wanted to be with me no matter what, then I might even think about taking her into my organization. But she is already married and even has two children—so good luck to her.

Having passed this house, I continued to walk with interest, looking at the windows and people. Some of the sorcerers were looking at me with interest. Passing one of the windows, I stared at myself. In general, my clothes are somewhat worn out and should be replaced. She betrays in me a person who has spent several years away from home. In general, my appearance has changed somewhat, and I began to look more confident. Erect posture, sharp eyes, and other details ... In general, nothing unusual, as for me. Only the hair needs to be cut. Otherwise, it is not very pleasant to go with long hair. Overall, I look pretty good ...

Continuing on my way, I began to walk more focused to the Violet Tower. It was interesting for me to see how everything changed there. Although I do not think that something should have happened so quickly, magicians do not die as quickly as ordinary people and live much longer. Understanding this fact did not affect my speed in any way. No matter how longI live, I want to get as much knowledge as possible so that no one dares to encroach on me and my freedom ... Although I did it myself ... Perhaps I am an asshole. Still, interference in Alleria's soul was justified.

I can eat myself with such reflections for a long time, finding more pros and cons for this action. But if I do not stop here and now, then the arguments will go in a circle, and there it is not far from madness. And I don't need a single drop of madness.

Exhaling, I went inside. As soon as I was inside the tower, a young magician-clerk ran up to me and said:

"Alistair Bumblebee, Council of Six, is expecting you."

"Thank you," I nodded to him and headed towards the steps. Nobody stopped me, and I quickly climbed to the very top. There were several guardian mages that I had never seen there before. I wonder what happened that such magicians began to be on duty here. I don't think the archmages are so weak that they cannot defend themselves ... So the problem is something else. But here's what ... I have to find out. I don't think the problem is big.

This time I did not go inside without knocking. The guardian mages carefully examined me and took me for a harmless mage who is engaged in research. These magicians looked relatively young, and therefore I was probably not known to them. Most of the older sorcerers knew enough about me not to be looked at with such suspicious glances. And if I were a little less balanced, I would have gazed at them long ago. But so, I just stayed calm.

The door slowly opened for me, and I went inside. Six magicians were already standing there. Five of them were known to me, and the sixth was not very much. The sixth mage looked kind of arrogant. His expression, and indeed his face itself, was unpleasant. And how did he get here ... I don't understand, really for the length of service in magical research? He has enough magical power to be an archmage ... but on the other hand. His face begged to be stroked with a brick.

"Glad to meet the honorable members of the Council of Six," I said, deciding to start with courtesy.

"We welcome you back, too," Kael'thas said. "You were gone for a very long time. I hope your trip was successful."

"Thank you," I replied, nodding my head. "My trip was very successful. I'm really glad I did it."

"We have summoned you to raise the issue of mentoring Jaina Proudmoore," Kael'thas said. Krasus remained silent. "She is a great talent, and her father wants you to be her teacher."

"I'll think about it," he nodded. "Now that I have returned from my trip, it may be worthwhile to start transferring the experience to the younger generation."

"Excellent answer," Kael'thas nodded. "I will tell Lord Proudmoore that you are still thinking."

In general, getting a young student, especially with such connections, can be a very pleasant acquisition. With her capabilities and support, I can quickly get my organization back on its feet. Now you just need to decide. Whether to build an organization based on the Kirin Tor or start building from scratch. Still need to think about it.

"I have a question," I said. "Why do we need guardian mages at the door?"

"There was an incident a few years ago," said Krasus. "Our new Council member was attacked by a common man."

"Hmm," I drawled and looked at this new mage. "And what happened to this man?"

"I drove him out of the city and revoked his citizenship," the magician responded in a squeaky voice. At that moment, my dislike for this person jumped one more order of magnitude. "He attacked me and should be happy that he stayed alive."

But only one part of it was a lie. It was about the fact that he was attacked. For a second, my suspicions grew. I need to visit my father, now for sure ... God forbid, this simple man turned out to be him.

"Hmm," I waved my head. "Do you have something else for me?"

"No," Kael'thas nodded. "You may be free, but I still hope you decide whether you will train Admiral Proudmoore's daughter as soon as possible."

"Of course," I nodded, and then I thought. "I will give my answer in the nearest future."

After that, I just left this office and headed towards the exit. I felt a magician unknown to me, along with Wanda, followed me. The guardian mages were very respectful to them ... Well, of course ... If I'm not mistaken, then they must protect archmage from the attacks of ordinary people. I don't understand what's going on inside the Kirin Tor. Some intrigue, politics ...

"Magician Alistair," Wanda called me. This situation makes me feel déjà vu, and I really do not like this feeling.

Turning to her, I tilted my head slightly, examining with interest. Her strength, over these eight years, has grown very little. I would say that she has become a little bit stronger. But there was no smell of development there. The new member of the Council was a match for her ...

"Brian has some advice for you," she said, nodding at the mage.

"Yes," said the magician named Brian. "I don't think you should take Lady Proudmoore as your apprentice. There are magicians who are more worthy of this."

Closing my eyes, I tried to exhale. Something this magician begins to enrage me.

"And what can you teach her," he said. "You can't even afford normal clothes. Shmug like you cannot teach a lady like Jaina."

I cracked my neck threateningly.

"Now listen to me carefully, you two," I said with a slight note of aggression. The guards understood this and tensed. I looked at them. "Move, and you won't evade juicy fractures. So, you, Wanda, and you, Brian. I can decide whom, when, and how to teach anyone."

"How are you ..." Brian started. A spell began to ignite in his hand.

"Do you understand that?" I pressed them with magical energy. "Or will you continue to try to pour mountains of your nonsense on me?"

"I…" Brian began to speak.

"I asked: Do you understand or not?" My tone was very cold and made them feel scared. A stream of magic and mages froze in the air, unable to even move. "Shall I repeat the question?"

But there was no answer to me. Two Council of Six members looked at me with anger and even with the desire to kill.

"I'll kill you," Brian said, trying to pressure me with his magic, wanting to scare me.

"You are not mature enough yet," I answered him and made his magic collapse. He grimaced in pain, and I turned to Wanda and said: "You have not changed in these eight years ... But you were stupid and remained so. I don't think you have even small mental capability to grow."

After that, I just pushed them away with my magic, and they rolled like some kind of bottle. I understand that after this conflict, they will take revenge on me. And I am ready to respond in kind. If they were normal or at least respectful to others, then I would not react that way. But they are arrogant bastards. It is not clear how they became members of the Council. I will ask Krasus about them.

I walked through all the floors of the tower, carefully studying what happened here. I didn't save on magic and looked through each floor's past, trying to find a hint of where I could find my father or what happened to him. And what I found I did not like at all.

I saw Brian simply attacking my father with magic in a vision of the past as he just walked in front of him, wiping the floor. And since my father is not a magician, he could not defend himself in any way. From the fall, he tumbled several times on the floor. A bucket of muddy water overturned and doused the pants of this new member of the Council of Six. This pissed him off, and he threw lightning at my father several times, and then with a magic blade, cut off his leg. After that, he took an artifact that confirms citizenship and ordered to throw him somewhere outside the city.

I have already begun to boil internally. This Baryan dared to attack my father, who could not answer him in any way. I can forgive a lot, but not that. Maybe I can't be called a normal son, but I still don't want my father to endure that. And with you, Brian, I will still figure it out ... You will still dance with me like a dog ... And Wanda will sing along.

Continuing to explore the past with the magic of time, I quickly established where my father was sent and immediately teleported to that place. After that, I used the magic of time again and found that some woman had picked him and took him to some village.

Following the tracks, I quickly reached the village. It looked a little poor but still not as poor as it can be. I don't think I have to worry about my father's life. Using magic, I quickly found the right home. It was not big, but inside I felt several auras. One was familiar, as it belonged to my father. The other three were unfamiliar. They all belonged to women ... No, not even that ... One adult woman and two young girls.

Exhaling, I went to the door. The villagers looked at me with interest but said nothing. They are close to Dalaran, which means that it is not uncommon for them to see a mage. There was a knock of a metal foot on the wooden floor outside the door, and the door slowly opened.

An aged face stared at me with undisguised surprise. Now I could really see that his age is not that small. During the time, my father gave way ... especially if you compare this with the last time I saw him.

"Alistair ..." he said, with a slight note of shock. "You, you ... Come inside."

I went inside and immediately saw that three pairs of eyes were staring at me. One was wary, and the other two were interested. I hid my emotions deeper and also began to carefully examine them. The girls looked very much like my father ... Did he manage to get married, and now I have sisters?

"Who is this?" The woman asked, pointing at me.

"This is Alistair. I told you about him ..." answered the father.

"Your son, the one who died?" she asked. I looked at my father with interest. When did I die? And who confirmed this information.

"I thought he was dead because the new member of the Council of Six told me so," my father said and dropped his gaze. "I'm glad to see you, son ..."

"Anka and Gina, get over here, quickly," said the woman.

"Well, ma-am," they drawled. "We are also interested."

"Didn't you hear me from the first time?" she asked sternly.

"Who is this?" I asked my father, nodding towards the woman.

"This is Nulisa," said the father with warm feelings in his voice. "She saved me and carried me out of the death. Fortunately, I had some savings and was able to put on myself a prosthetic leg. And after that, I fell in love again, and we got Anka and Gina. Shor story."

"I'm glad for you," I said to my father. I'm really happy for him. This person is also worthy of this happiness. And I won't be me if I don't help them. Looking closely at the girls, I noticed that they can become pretty good magicians. And if they make titanic efforts, then the title of archmage will shine on them. But it's in the distant future ... Although who knows, maybe they are amazing hard workers and will be able to achieve this faster.

"Sit down with us," said Nulisa, looking at me without any negative emotions. Only with interest. She quickly made a simple meal, but I will not say that it was not tasty. On the contrary ... very tasty. Simple food, but I felt that it was made with care.

The conversation went on about me and what I was doing. I also told my father that I had started dating an elf. He and his new wife just greeted it, and the girls didn't even believe it. When possible, I will introduce them. In general, my father's new family turned out to be very pleasant. All of them were ordinary people and just wanted to live in peace, raise children, and not get in the way of the mighty of this world. I'm not going to interfere with them ... My offer to return the leg to my father, he accepted calmly but refused. I did not insist.

After that, the conversation turned about my father's life and the situation in the Violet Tower.

alchoz alchoz

So, yeah.... hello!

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