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93.33% Remnant's silver light / Chapter 14: Juane mans up and Raven's reasons

Capítulo 14: Juane mans up and Raven's reasons

The marauder

Nobody's pov

Jaune and the rest of his team have been flying for about a week looking for raven branwen. Yang's birth mother. So far looking for the branwen tribe is proving more difficult than they originally thought. Jaune putting the marauder on auto pilot turns around to talk to his team.

Jaune: This has been a crazy month for us hasn't it?

Ren nods at him.

Ren: I would have never expected to suddenly join a group whos goals are bigger than I thought possibly.

Nora whos next to him starts shaking his shoulders.

Nora: HEY! We get to go on missions way more fun than just killing grimm, we use powers never thought possible and dont forget live in a freaking SPACESHIP like come on this is awesome. And for once I finally feel like I have a place where I belong aside from ren. You guys and and the others plus vergil aren't freaked out by my personality and treat me as family so I think this is the best decision i've ever made, ain't that right ren?

Ren just smiles and nods

Pyrrha: We are learning more than we ever could at beacon. This is an amazing opportunity and the best part isn't just the benefits its the fact that everybody treats me normal and not like this unapproachable warrior. This is the family I've always wanted since my family always treated its children as warriors sure you get stronger but theres no love just battle. Now I have a sworn brother and great friends that I can get stronger with.

She smiles while thinking of all the good things that have happened to her. Jaune was stunned by her beautiful smile but snaps out of it,

Jaune: Well I faked my way into beacon so I can become a hero like my grandfather but then I realized just having a goal or dream isn't enough you have to work hard. Now look at me sure I can't compare to pyrrha and vergil but I can take care of grimm and not die now.

Pyrrha puts her and on jaune.

Pyrrha: If you keep on training with the same spirt you have now, you'll get to our level sooner than you think.

They stare into each others eyes but a cough interrupts them.

Rem:*cough* Were coming up on the last known location of raven's tribe.

They both blush and let go of each other.

The marauder starts to come up upon a base camp.

Jaune: Alright land the marauder here well make our way to the camp on foot. We don't know how the branwen tribe will react to us might as well come in as peaceful as possible.

NPR: Yes sir.

Jaune smiles but leaves to the back to get his gear.

NPR stays for a bit.

Nora: Don't you think jaune is fitting his leader role more and more by each day that passes?

Ren: Your not wrong it seems like vergil has taught something beacon couldn't.

Nora: Oh and whats that.

Pyrrha: Confidence!

Both look to her.

Pyrrha: I always said jaune would make a great leader not because I was being nice but cause I actually believed that. Jaune's problem wasn't that he was weak it was his confidence. Every since we joined vergil, He has been training jaune not only in battle skills but tactics and strategy. When ever we took a mission from the guild haven't you noticed that jaune has sometimes taken the lead and gave orders to everyone even vergil, it's because vergil was trying to bring up his confidence and he succeeded.

Ren and nora think for awhile but ends up agreeing. Jaune comes back in with his new sword and armour. ( Same armour and weapon when he got his up grades in mistral)

Jaune: Alright were setting out now. We should reach the tribe by noon.

NPR nods and gears up them selves.

Jaune: Jarvis once we leave put the ship in stealth mode.

Jarvis: It will be done.

Once everyones geared up the leave and start hiking through the forest getting closer to the tribe. Several grimm groups come at them but there handled pretty quickly since everyones able to use haki and grimm bones aren't so hard to take out anymore. After an hour of hiking they come across a missive wooden gate that has the branwen tripe symbol on it. when they reach the gate two grimm mask wearing guards stop them.

Guard1: Halt what bussniess do you have here.

Jaune steps forward.

Jaune: Hi me and my friends are here to see your leader and speak of an important matter.

Guard 2: Our leader doesn't know you and you seems two weak to talk to her turn back before you get hurt.

Jaune not backing down.

Jaune: Look I'm not here to cause trouble I just need to deliver a message to raven can't you just let me pass through.

Guards: ONLY LEADER AND THE STRONG GETS TO ORDER US! And since your not our leader it seems you have to prove your strength to get in.

Both grab there swords and charge. Jaune was about to ask for a peaceful talk again but then he remembered what vergil told him during one of their training sections.

Flash back

Raza training room

Vergil and jaune just finished another spar and jaune was on his back sweating. Vergil comes up and throws him a water bottle and towel. Jaune sits up and wipes his face then begins drinking.

Vergil: Jaune what do you think the most important thing about being a leader is.

Jaune thinks for a while but says.

Jaune: Hmm when to fight and when to be peaceful about things.

Vergil chuckles.

Vergil: True but no. A leader most be strong yet loving, calm yet gutsy. Look Jaune a leader must never back down when challenged.

Jaune looks confused.

Vergil: When you are leading you team they follow not because your the strongest but because they trust you and know that you can handle your self and them. When someone challenges you its not just a fight, your defending your right to lead. Who wants to follow someone who is scared to to use the violent option when necessary. Sometimes you just have to man up and hit something. Rules don't matter in this world only the strong have the right to make choices the weak follow the strong thats just the way the world has always worked. And no it does not mean the strong bully the weak I don't remember who told me this but its a life style I follow

Flash back end

Juane chooses to man up and let his fist due the talking for once. He turns to look at his team who just smiles at him

Jaune: Guys let me handle this. You two want to see how strong I am well lets do this.

Jaune gets into an MMA stance since he doesn't want to use his sword. Guard one cahrges at jaune and swings his sword at jaunes shoulder. Jaune doesn't block and lets it hit him. The guard smiles thinking he one but that smile fades quickly when his sword breaks. Jaune used Armament haki on the part the blade hits. When the sword shatters jaune waste not time and knees the guard in the face breaking his mask, then picks him up before he falls and throws him to the other charging guard. When G1 hits G2 they both get launched into the gate. The force of the hit pushes the gate open and both land infront a tanned short haired girl.

Jaune: Oh great you want some too! Whats with this tribe?

???: OI hold up blondie I came to get you and your group since it seems like you knocked out these weaklings dam they need more training. Well come along raven don't got all day.

Jaune: Ugh (facepalm) Anyway high the names Jaune this is team JNPR

Pyrrha: Hello there im pyrrha.

Ren: Lie Ren.

Nora: NORA!

??? shakes her head

Vernal: I'm Vernal, so your from beacon hmm.

Jaune: Something like that now please take us to raven.

Vernal: Chill I was going to do that anyway.

They walk into camp to see a bunch of tribe memebers giving them all types of looks. Some give a look of respect since they beat the guards, others give JNPR a look of distrust. Most just have curiosity on there face. After 5 minutes they reach the chieftain tent. AKA raven's

Vernal walks in first then they hear.

???: I don't have all day come in already.

JNPR walks in to see vernal standing next to a lady. She has pale white skin and long black hair with red eyes. She's wearing a black and red combat outfit with a skirt and sword on her waist. If yang had black hair and red eyes they'd assume shes her twin. The lady motions them to sit at her table.

Raven: I'm Raven but it looks like you know that already.

Jaune: Yeah we do I'm here to deli....

Raven: Im curious why did you fight the guards up front you dont look like the macho type you seem to be the shy one.

Jaune is a little mad she stopped him but answered non the less.

Jaune: Well your guards stopped us and pretty much said beat me to get in.

Raven: Yes I know that but why did you fight you seem like the fight only when necessary type.

Jaune: I was but a friend told once me "Rules don't matter in this world only the strong have the right to make choices and that the weak follow the strong." so i took that to heart and here I am.

Raven seems shocked at jaunes words and he sees this. Raven grips her sword under the table.

Raven: Who told you that phrase!

JNPR looks confused

Pyrrha: Why do you care?

Raven yells.


Jaune: It was my friend vergil! why are you so shocked.

Raven takes a breath and calms down again.

Raven: Vergil now this all makes since of of how or why would find me.

JNPR is confused again.

Ren: Why does it seem like you know our friend.

Raven has an absent look on her face then smiles.

Raven: Because I raised him since he was a baby and he is apart of the branwen tribe or at least he was.

JNPR and Vernal: WHAT!

Raven chuckles and vernal is shocked again since raven is showing so much emotion today.

Raven: Let me explain but before I do did vergil ever tell you about his life.

Pyrrha: He told us he cant remember anything past 13 years old and he's lived in a forest ever since he can remember.

Raven: Well that is kinda true the full story is Me and his mother Eva were best friends at beacon along with rubys mom summer. I had a bad night and ended up sleeping with yangs father tai and getting pregnant with yang around the same time eva was pregnant with dante both of our kids were born around the same time but I didn't love tai and it really was just a night I let yang live with tai and later summer when they to together while I just visited everyday. Than eva got pregnant again with vergil while and summer for the first time with ruby. I didnt really know vergil and dante's father he was always around when nobody else was. Anyway one day summer went on a mission for ozpin and suddenly disappeared. me, Eva, Tai and qrow got worried and looked every where for her until ozpin says that she was KIA. Everybody was heartbroken me too but I grew suspicious of ozpin since he never sent a search party. plus we never found a body. I never trusted ozpin for multiple reasons but I won't tell you thats a story for another day. Since summer died I quit working for ozpin and started working for my tribe full time but still kept in contact with yang and eva. One day eva told me shes gunna disappear with her husband and to take care of dante and vergil. I was confused and about to ask but I saw the look in her eyes it showed sadness and love for her kids plus hope for me to take care of them. So I agreed too and was planning on bringing them to the tribe but on the night I was supposed to dante was gone and only vergil with his fathers sword was their I assumed dante snuck away to go with his parents. So I took vergil to the tribe and raised him to be part of us. I trained him and he was a quick learner especially when it came to the sword. he was three when I took him in I trained him for 10 years until one day I told him It was the day for him to get his own grimm bone mask and officially join the tribe he was so happy and excited. I told him to go the forest where and collect some grim bones for his mask. He leaves but after a couple hours hasn't come back I got worried and went searching for him but when I found him he was on the ground bloodied and a ursa was about to eat him I killed the ursa and ran to him. But I was to late his heart stopped beating and he died. I cried for an hour because I thought I failed my best friend. But then suddenly his body starts to glow silver and his wounds were healing rapidly, all the blood on the ground and his clothes started flying back into him. Then when the process was over he opened his eyes which I noticed were now silver but when he looked at me he seemed confused and didn't recognize me. So I figured something went wrong with his soul while healing and the price must have been his memories so I knocked him out and brought him to the patch where I thought he would awaken and find tai but I guess I was wrong and he apparently stayed at that forest and trained till he meet you all. Vernal the reason you don't know about this is because you came after he was gone and I told the rest of the tribe to forget him.

Everybody was shocked at the news and sad for what happened to vergil and even a little sad for raven well Jaune wasn't and he asked

Jaune: WAIT WAIT WAIT, If what you say is true than why didn't you bring him directly to yang's dad and why did you abandon yang? It seems like your a loving mother or at least you were what happend?

Raven had a sad smile on her face.

Raven: I never wanted to abandon yang but I had to due to the old tribe leaders laws.

Ren: And those were?

Raven looked angry

Raven: Any children born out of the tribe must die or the tribe takes the child and kills the parents!

Everybody looked angry

Nora: THATS MAD! The child has nothing to do with this.

Pyrrha: The child shouldn't have to die nor should the parents.

Raven: I thought the same but I couldn't do anything at that time if I ran away and lived with tai the tribe would find me and kill us all so I left yang with her father and just visited when I could. But the tribe started growing suspicious of where I went everyday so I had to abandon yang so they wouldn't find her this around the same time eva gave me vergil. I could bring because I told the tribe leader that he's the dark knights son and he thought he would gain another powerhouse for the tribe. My plan was to grow stronger and take him out one day so I can be with yang again but It took longer than I thought. It ended up taking five years and when I killed the old leader and took over yang was already 10 so I thought she didn't need me plus I was ashamed of my actions so I started avoiding all her actions to find me while raising vergil. But I never would let her die so I used my semblance and was able to portal to her at anytime so I could save her at life or death threats when she was younger she took ruby and tried looking for me but a grimm got to her she was scared unconscious and I came through a portal and killed the grimm. Qrow came after and I told him my story and to tell yang he saved her since I wasn't ready to face her. After 12 years here we are

Jaune: You know yang is a pretty forgiving person if you tell her that she would forgive and maybe you can start over.

Raven starts to think.

Raven: I think your right I have to start owning up to my mistake but we got off topic why are you here.

Jaune: Well vergil started his own team and wants to go on adventures and save people.

Raven smiles fondly.

Raven: That sounds like him.

Jaune: Yeah anyway we joined his group along with yang and her team he sent us both on missions ours was to find you and give you this.

Jaune shows her the usb

Jaune: He said you'll follows us once you watch whats on it. I'm surprised that he motioned you since he doesn't remember his past maybe this is his way of slowly remembering.

Raven: You might be right because that saying he told you I taught him that. Thats why I was shocked. Anyway give me the message and wait for me outside.

Pyrrha: Wait your coming but you didn't even watch it yet?

Raven: Well it seems like vergil needs my help and I'll do my best to help him plus like jaune said I owe yang an apology im gunna face my past.

Team JNPR and vernal leave her all alone.

Raven: Lets see what he wants.

She plugs in the usb to her computer and views it's content. She was shocked at what she found. She sees a video of summer alive and reads how shes trapped on this island and that he wants her and team JNPR to get tai and qrow to come with him for a rescue. Raven grabs all the stuff she needs and walks out side.

Everyone sees raven fully geared.

Raven: Vernal your in charge until I get back. I have a friend to save and JNPR....

She outs in her grimm mask and grips her sword.

Raven: looks like team STRQ is coming back together again lets move out.

Jaune: Okay lets go then follow us.

Raven: Where are you going our bull heads are over there.

Jaune smiles

Jaune: We have something a little better than a bull head jarvis bring her down.

Suddenly in front of the camp they see the marauder uncloak.

Raven: Wow looks like vergil got and upgrade.

Nora: Believe me you haven't seen nothing yet.

They hop abaord and fly to tai location then plan to go to crow.


Next chapter will be about vergil and the rest saving summer

Some surprises are coming

and I might change yang for vergil's harem and bring some one else like velvet

Yang might go to dante after some editing.

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