'I'm pretty sure of it... something is indeed weird...', the voice captain kept on saying that as the feeling of unease kept on growing strong.
Mia stayed with him since she thought that the Vice captain's instincts couldn't be wrong.
She just sat near him on a rock that was kept there.
He raised his guard even more and kept on looking here and there while others were relaxing and chit chatting slowly with each other.
Suddenly he felt something strange yet again and when he took a oook towards the members, there were only 11 left.
'Huh...? I... I am sure, they are vanishing...', he was about to shout and alert all of them about this when suddenly the man who wanted attentions from others, started shouting.
All of them turned towards the sound only to find that the man was missing.
'I knew it... something was wrong!'
"Guys!!!", he shouted and all of them reflexively lived back.
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