Still with his eyes closed Brian briefly released the link of his lips with Elena just to change the position of his face and get as much oxygen as possible. After he had had enough, he reconnected his thick lips with Elena's thin lips and began to sip the sweet taste that came out of Elena's lips again.
Brian let go of his lips slowly. Back in his cup Elena's beautiful face. He brought his face closer and kissed the corners of Elena's lips alternately. After that he moved to kiss Elena's eyelids and ended up on both cheeks. Elena smiled when she saw Brian smile.
"I love you." Brian really never gets tired of saying love words to Elena. I don't know how many times he said it this morning.
"Me too Brian. I love you, too." Brian was so happy to hear that. He slumped so that he was now kneeling on the floor — right in front of Elena. Elena who understood what Brian meant immediately straightened her seat.
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