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91.26% Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector / Chapter 188: Ch. 187 The Resurrection Stone

Capítulo 188: Ch. 187 The Resurrection Stone

The days following my wedding were blissful and relaxing.

It had been far too long since I spent time without taking care of my lordly duties, my business/borderline Illuminati or mafia empire, classes or planning the grand finale. Just spending time with my new wife as we lazily enjoyed our time together, making love, walking the beach near the private vacation house I bought on the southern coast of Italy, visiting old Muggle and Magical sites, partaking the local culture as we wine and dine'd, and just enjoying ourselves with no hurry nor planning.

This honeymoon of ours was probably the most relaxed and peaceful I've felt since I came to this world, even as the final act drew near. None of it mattered when I was with Tory.

It was a refreshing change of pace for the both of us.

Too bad it couldn't last more than two weeks, but duty called for us both. Myself for reasons stated beforehand and Tory for her status as the rising star of St. Mungo's and the best mind healer in Europe. We were busy people.

And as predicted a lot of work was still piled up upon our return, even after delegating as much as possible.

'*sigh* I am so going to stop running things after I kill Voldy and all his brown-noses.' I thought as i began going through the paperwork on my desk.

Nothing much has changed for most of my businesses.

Fortress Protection was mostly on standby across the UK and Ireland, aiding in the vampire hunt and border patrols alongside Ministry forces. These operations kept Oliver and Elaine quite busy for the time being. (Oliver Gunn is the head of Fortress Protection and Elaine is the Golden Wand Hit-Witch.)

The Herald was moving with fervor as they made many ministry officials who weren't already part of our people very careful during this time. No one wanted to be caught with their hand in the cookie jar so to speak or have some of the skeletons in their closets revealed. But they also broke down the reforms happening under mother's orders as the ministry itself was undergoing massive and very much needed changes.

Natural cultivation was expanding some of the farms they had already established in various extreme weathers and environments, while stabilizing both the Creature and Herb island projects. Christian and his family were doing great as they helped on both. And the Merpeople relations were still going strong as they begin to limit the numbers allowed to settle there, aiming to have new immigrants form villages and towns nearby instead.

Breaking Grounds was still consolidating instead of expanding, making sure everything was solid while they produced the supplies in case a war beyond my plans occurs. Potions used for healing and poisons for killings were essential after all. But they were still receiving many submissions for improved potions and experts asking to join for the benefits across Europe and Africa.

FIRM was actually on high alert at the moment. I couldn't predict if that insane fool would suddenly decide to make an example of someone or something to strike fear in people after his defeat, and if he decides to do so FIRM was far too appealing a target. Especially since I couldn't tell if he would still order the abduction of Ollivander due to Tom not experiencing Priori Incantatum after his revival. But I had mother give me permission to reinforce the wards and protections around Diagon Alley just in case.

My Spymistress, Sherry Holmes, was subtly helping in the various hunts and sweeps for dangerous beasts smuggled and vampires smuggled into the country by feeding information to her agents, identifying rats, and doing her best to identify none Death Eater Voldemort supporting families for us to target. Always glad to have her on my side and I made sure to reward her lavishly for her efforts.

The Muggle ToyBox was working with Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes to make some new innovative products at the moment, creating some amusing cooperative works which wouldn't even break the statute of secrecy. They also developed a model of motorcycles based on my personal ride, which they believe could be manufactured on a larger scale within a year. But since the ToyBox was very much something Tom would target, it was on high alert and granted extra protection as well.

Next was BonesWorks, which saw a boom in sales because of my White Magic finally making the rounds and people fearing Death Eaters. I didn't have much hope for the vast majority to learn anything beyond the most basic spells from that book, but at least it would be something. Haven't had much time to work on personal projects which I could actually sell lately, but that was for after the purge.

And finally, the Muggle/Muggleborn Sanctuary was seeing good numbers gradually moving in after the announcement of Voldemort's return. The majority being adult muggleborns and first or second generation magicals with families, with some magicals married with magical being partners, but very few muggles with magical children were taking the offer so far. That last one was something to rectify before unnecessary deaths happened.

Going through all of that took three days due to my backlog, but I was finally done. It did help having a few house-elves around and a loving wife at home to help relax.

Interestingly enough, a few days after conquering my vast amounts of paperwork, I received an invitation from the Headmaster for an important matter. A request to meet in his office and to clear my schedule for the day. I had a few guesses as to why, but I would wait until confirming with him.

And so the next day I arrived at his office in a Muggle attire of white sneakers, blue jeans and white t-shirt. Not like I was obliged to wear robes when it wasn't the school year.

"Ah, Aedan thank you for coming." Dumbledore said with a smile as I entered.

"No problem Headmaster. But what needed such meeting?" I asked as approached his active Pensieve.

"I believe I have found the location of one of Tom's Horcruxes." He answered seriously as his expression hardened slightly due to the topic.

"Where?" I simply asked, although I knew which of the remaining he would say.

"Little Hangleton. Where Tom's family originated and where I believe he made one of his Horcruxes by murdering his father and framing his uncle." He answered without any hesitation. (Can't remember if Dumbledore knew this already or not.)

"Hmm. I very likely place for him to hide his Horcrux for sure. It is far too important for him. Whether he admits it or not, Little Hangleton was where both his parents lived, where he was conceived if not born, where he killed his father and where he was reborn. And I'm guessing you called me for some assistance." I followed up as the headmaster nodded to my words.

"Indeed. Your white Magic would be ideal against whatever defenses Tom would have put in place and I do not believe my mastery of it would be enough at the moment." He frankly admitted.

"Then shall we be off?" I responded with a small smile.

With a nod, Fawkes flew over as he enveloppes the both of us is flames and brings us to our destination.

It was my first time traveling using another Phoenix. I felt that Sol was much better, but I didn't want to bother her with this since she was enjoying herself in America right now, having some Thunderbirds trying to court her.

"Our goal lies in either the old Gaunt family shack or the old Riddle family manor. Either would hold enough significance for Tom." The Headmaster said as we appeared outside of the town, close to where I knew the Gaunt Shack was.

"Then I'm guessing we are to begin with the smaller target." I spoke as I made sure no one spotted our arrival.

"Indeed. Shall we?" The old man said as we began walking towards our goal.

Now since it was the middle of the day, I casted two different notice-me-nots: one so people don't notice the old man was wearing pink Wizard robes with golden embroidery and the second so people won't notice that we are heading towards one of the two most infamous places in town. Something which Dumbledore obviously noticed, but cares not about.

We walked towards a distinct area, filled tangled tree trunks growing to block almost any possible light for anything below them. The path leading to the shack suited the nature of those who had once lived within as the lack of light and the over abundance of old trees caused this area to slowly die as no new life could grow. But then we reached the shack and I saw the end point of everything Voldemort preached about blood purity; the shack's walls were mossy and so many tiles had fallen off the roof that the rafters were visible in places. Nettles grew all around it, their tips reaching the windows, which were tiny and thick with grime.

That kind of home and living condition is exactly what taking that blood nonsense so far would result in.

"Truly regretful that such an ancient line ended up in such conditions due to foolish beliefs." Sighed the headmaster as we continued walking.

"And their progeny continues the senseless belief as he leads others down the path of self destruction." I continued as we both agreed on the irony of Tom hating his origins but continuing its belief.

The both of us felt traces of various wards and anti-Muggle traps, but nothing that hasn't been inactive for a few decades due to no one charging them. The only unique thing was a set of runes for a particularly nasty illusion and confunding combo linked to devil's snare hidden within the grass. Too bad a flare of azure flames on each rune to erase them and make the devil's snare retreat as fast as it could stopped any danger very quickly.

"What do you think Aedan?" Dumbledore asked to see if my own senses felt something different from his, neither of us bothering with the defenses I broke apart since they were made for weaker wizards and muggles.

"Hmm. This shack is saturated in dark, slippery Magic. It gives credence to the old rumor that the Gaunts only spoke to each other in Parseltongue. But I sense something a lot darker, alluring and corruptive than the rest of the house. If I'm not wrong then we shouldn't need to visit the Riddle Manor." I replied as I focused on every inch of the crumbling shack.

"Impressive as always. But let us tread carefully. We have no idea what sort of defenses Tom left behind." Dumbledore said appreciatively.

With a nod we approached the shack and entered the small residence.

The inside was just as bad as the outside, the Gaunts apparently not being entirely up to date on how to pick up after themselves as old rotting and moldy food was left laying around, rusty pots thrown around wherever and the filth of decades covering it all.

"Not the most pleasant of smells is it?" Lightly joked the headmaster.

"The decor leaves much to be desired as well." I added with a small smile.

"Indeed it does. After you." He gestured as I could feel the Horcrux.

I lead him towards the dinning table, feeling the dark temptation below it.

"It should be under this floor." I announced as I pointed at the rotting wood.

"Allow me." The headmaster said as he drew the Elder wand and waved it over to reveal a small and intricate golden box as the wood parted.

Without either of us touching the box, we began to use a few preferred analysis spells to see if the box itself was safe as we made it float before us.

"The horcrux should be what is within the box and not the box itself." I said as I finished my cautionary spells.

I had the memory of all of Tom's horcruxes and defenses except for Nagini so I knew the box wasn't cursed, but better safe than sorry when it comes to the darkest arts and souls. You don't want to trip at the finish line because dark arts mixed with a dark lord soul to screw someone over.

"I concur, so let us see this Horcrux then." Dumbledore said with an wave of his wand to open the floating box to reveal an intricately crafted golden ring adorned with a black stone which held the Peverell Coat of arms on its face.

Or for those who believed in them, it held the second of the Deathly Hallows: the Resurrection Stone.

It was funny to think that Voldemort never realized he held a Deathly Hallow due to his enormous fear of death and his efforts to conquer it. He had that ring during his later school days and even turned it into a Horcrux, but never realized the true treasure in it.

It was unfortunate that Dumbledore recognized it however and that its power, the power to bring back what he desired the most, was such a temptation for him. This perfectly mixing with the true danger surrounding the ring: the compulsion to wear it and its extremely lethal curse.

"Headmaster!" I loudly shouted with Magic in my voice to snap the old man out of his trance as his hand was almost touching the ring with deep yearning in his eyes.

"Aedan?!" He responded in surprise as he quickly realized what he was doing and the dangers involved with the ring still being a Horcrux. "My apologies. It would seem I truly cannot move on."

The old man still looked at the stone full of sadness, desire, pain and hope. The one Hallow he truly desired to apologize to his sister.

"I know, but you must remember that the dead are in past and cannot return. Do not become like the second brother, move forward and join her when it is time with peace in your heart." I consoled as I spoke softly to tired old man. "But if it truly means that much, let me cleanse the Hallow and you can have it until the summer end."

"Thank you Aedan." Dumbledore sincerely said.

I can't say I can understand his pain and temptation, I really can't. It would be wrong to rob him of this chance, even if it is a hollow one. The only people I might have considered calling with the Stone would have been the parents of my body, to ask if my actions would have made them proud, but that was simply to ease my conscience about taking over this body. Beyond that, no one I actually cared for had died yet in this life, much less because of me or my actions. So letting the old man have his chance to at least alleviate one of his great regrets in life wasn't a big deal to me.

And so I began the process I had planned before even going to the Headmaster's office: project compass.

An idea to use the smaller links between the fragmented souls to find the locations of the other Horcruxes by trapping one such fragment in a neat device I created.

I might not be as good a craftsman as James, but I can enchant and work runes like no other.

And to succeed this time, I set up the same runes I used for the Diadem in order to contain and isolate the soul piece before strong-arming the thing out of the ring itself using my flame and keeping an escape route open towards what would feel like a perfect new protective shell for it. The shell being a three dimensional compass made to be a trap for the soul piece which kind of looked like a Log Pose from One Piece, but it was only effective within a 4 kilometer radius.

That's the most I could do with the thing, but nothing can block the signal and I knew that except for the snake only the locket and cup would remain after tonight, meaning as long as me, Harry or Dumbledore had the thing while going to Diagon Alley or Grimmauld Place we were good. So over all it just serves as an excuse for why I knew exactly where the damn things are without revealing meta-knowledge. Plus the thing has a self destruct after being done with it to get rid of the last soul fragment.

So it was not a surprise when the ring itself started to melt from my flames that the fragment sought to escape. All fragments so far and from the movies and books did their best to 'live', because they were cowards like their creator. Thus the soul willingly went into my trap as it activated and fully trapped it within its many layers.

"What did you do with that device Aedan?" Questioned a curious Dumbledore.

"I thought that instead of destroying the soul immediately, I could use the link between them I discovered when I destroyed the other Horcrux to create a tracking device." I explained as I went through talk the functions of the 3-d compass.

"Ingenious. But what of the ring and the Stone?" Asked the old man as he stared at the molten gold on the floor.

"I destroyed the ring because it wasn't important anymore and simply held the compulsion to wear it and an incredibly deadly curse for whomever falls to the compulsion. While the coat of arms was only a protective shell around the real Resurrection Stone, meaning it wasn't the Horcrux anyway." I explained as I opened my hand to reveal octahedron shaped stone with the Deathly Hallow symbol within. (Slightly altered from canon, explanation below)

The headmaster held his breath as I handed the stone over to him, his eyes containing many flowing emotions as he gazed at the object of his desires.

"Thank you for this Aedan. I shall make the most of this." Dumbledore said as he gently closed his hand around the Stone, as if afraid he would break it.

"No problem Headmaster. Now let's get out of this rotten place." I gently replied as I apparated back to my home with my compass for a few tests, leaving the old man to follow my example as Fawkes brought him back to Hogwarts.


Extra note:

I didn't make the Horcrux the Stone itself because of a few reasons:

1. I don't think a Horcrux would be able to stack onto something with a link to Death or the dead. It is to much of an opposite.

2. Even if it did work, it would ruin the powers of the Stone and shouldn't work the same after a soul lived in it for half a century.

3. Even if the soul didn't fuck up the Stone, Dumbledore cracking it when he destroyed the Horcrux itself would have finished it off since a Horcrux container needs to be broken beyond physical and magical repair to be destroyed. This meant Harry shouldn't have even been able to use it at the end anyway. It would be like if Voldy somehow made the Elder Wand a Horcrux, and they had to snap it like Harry did and it somehow still worked fine.

So yeah, just made the ring and a shell around the real Stone the Horcrux since the Stone is supposed to be an octahedron and the ring is shown to have a round black piece with the Peverell coat of arms of it.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

So yeah, bonus chapter cause I felt like a month+ for a sex chapter wasn’t exactly fair. Skipping the full honeymoon and getting back to plot.

Thus we have the shadow empire report of all his personal operations. Not as much happening since it’s the building up stage for both sides right now as Aedan just strengthens himself further.

The ring is taken care of and Albus lives, mostly cause I felt like him dying because of it would be pointless compared to canon.


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