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77.66% Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector / Chapter 160: Ch. 160 Better late than never you bastard

Capítulo 160: Ch. 160 Better late than never you bastard

"That's good over there, that table needs to have enough room to fit two half giants so bring in the reinforced chairs now before we forget!" I yell out to a few of the wizards I had hired.

"You got it boss!" One of them shouts back as they both get to it.

"I need you four to start setting up the dance floor, the space for it has been cleared and I want it down before we do anything more." I say with a turn of my head towards other members of the crew I'd hired.

"On it. Get your off your asses boys, gotta earn those paychecks!" One the older members respond as he gets his coworkers moving.

"Alright, so after this I'll need to set up the altar properly, make sure the music system is properly protected from magic, check up on the drinks i ordered and see if Tilly didn't go full Gordon Ramsey during Hell's Kitchen on the other House-elves." I say to myself as I look at my checklist.

'After everything's in place, all that needs to be done is the decorations, but that's easy when you have magic. I've already enchanted the tents ceiling to be like Hogwarts Great Hall, but without the changing weather, so it's going to be beautiful night sky full of twinkling stars. The drinks are all here, for the underaged as well, just need to be sure it's the right stuff. I got everyone's RSVP already, so no issues there. It still needs a bit of work, but I think mother will like how the place looks.' I thought as I looked over the venue.

It wasn't anything grand, more of a family and close friend thing. At most there would be between 30-40 people present, most of it being friends due the familial situations on both sides. Strictly speaking, only Susan and myself were left on mother's side, and Sirius had the Tonks and Harry if you count godson's. Pretty lacking, so the Weasley clan minus Percy was invited, the Longbottom's, Order members like Moody, Shacklebolt, McGonagal, Remus and Hargrid, some friends of the younger generation like James, Christian and Hermione, and some dates like Madame Maxime, Victoria, Luna and Fleur.

I was notified that Luna and Fleur would be bringing at least one guardian since the former was too young at 14 and the latter was starting her last year but her family was protective due to her Veela heritage.

There was also this threatening looking letter Christian sent me about some nonsense of only bringing a friend and that I shouldn't look too deeply into it, but come on, he's making this too easy. So I just threw that one away and had little Luna sit right next to him.

'It's going to be our group with our dates at the table, so good luck avoiding everyone knowing you're basically a couple my friend.' I thought as I looked forward to my amusement.

The bridesmaids were each taking care of various things.

Susan was very adamant in setting up all the bouquets and natural decorations for the wedding. Something about going all out to make Amelia's big day extra special and giving mother her own special blessing.

Victoria was helping me manage the seating arrangements and the bridal side of things. I was thankful for that bit, mostly because I'm probably not the best person to go over hairstyles, jewelry and makeup options. Plus she wanted to help out as a future in-law and as thanks for all the times she stayed with us during vacations.

And Andromeda was in charge of making sure Sirius didn't do something too stupid or try to wuss out. That was something which surprised me when I learnt it, but the two had a fairly close relationship when they were younger. Andy was basically the only person who could put Sirius in his place because he actually felt like she was proper family and cared about her.

Then we had the Groomsmen.

I was one of them and organizing most of what was happening so skip.

Harry was going to join us up front, his job so far was basically making sure all the gifts at least looked presentable. He also had Moody with him to check if anything nasty was slipped in. One can never be too cautious around magic, plus Moody was quite satisfied with my vigilance.

And finally we had Remus, the best man. The only job I assigned him was to make sure Sirius was to attend the damn ceremony. The idiot could have all the fun he wants up until the day before the wedding, but after that Remus was to put his foot down. He also has to write one of those speeches, but that's not the hardest thing he has to do right now. If he can't reign in Sirius in time for the wedding, I gave him a little promise that I would do it personally and that it would end with both of them hanging in their underwear above Diagon Alley.

"Hehehe. That promise really got the message across." I said with a devilish chuckle at the memory of Remus' face, startling a passing worker as he suddenly sped up his work.

With everyone working on their own duties, the last few days of summer drifted by and the wedding date arrived.

It was pretty chill compared to the days leading up to it if I was honest. Kinda makes me happy that the hard work was paying off.

Of course mother and Sirius were really nervous, but that wasn't a big issue. Pretty standard fare for any wedding.

And yes, Remus managed to get Sirius here and ready, so no punishment for the two of them. Not that Sirius knew what he risked if he made me look for him, but as long as it worked I'm happy.

"Mom, you worry too much. Everything is ready, everyone is here and you look beautiful." I say in an effort to reassure the nervous bride.

Her reddish-brown hair was done in braided bun to show off her regal features, making her look like a Queen. They used some magic to bring back the fading colors. She had a bit of blush to bring out the red in her hair and masquera and eyeliner to help her green eyes stand out more.

Her dress was made from the best Acromantula silk, creating a wonderful white dress with comfort and elegance. Her arms and shoulders were covered in a lace mesh with carefully crafted flowers adorning it, joining to her upper body and letting the same pattern flow over it. Her waist was lightly bound to showcase the figure she managed to maintain even as she moves to her forties, then flowing into the layers of fabric encrusted with glittering diamond powder.

(I tried, here's a pic of what I was trying to describe but with wizard material and more expensive.)

"I know dear and you've all done a wonderful job. I just can't stop myself from thinking if this is the right time. The Dark Lords is back, Sirius and I both want to fight, we have you kids to look after and don't get me started on if we want to start a family in all this." She responded as her worries came out.

"It'll be alright mom, I promise. I'm already working of putting all those idiots into checkmate, Susan and I can more than look after ourselves, Harry probably needs a little work though, and I know for a fact that the both of you will cherish any kind of family you decide to have after we regain peace." I reassure as I hold mother's hands and look straight into her eyes, making her take a few deep breaths to calm herself a bit.

"I know you kids can take care of yourselves, heck you've probably been taking care of me and Susan more than I have, but that doesn't stop me from worrying about you two." Mother gently said as she puts on of her hands on my cheek.

"I know. I'll do everything I can to help lessen those worries. But for now, let's get that veil on. I want to make that dog drool when he lifts it up." I say with a cheeky grin on my face, getting a chuckle from Amelia in response.

"He was drooling before, now I'm going to my him howl." She then said as she gained some confidence back and placed her veil on.

"I'm sure you'll get him. Now shall we?" I ask as I offer mother my arm.

"We shall." She simply answered as she wrapped her arm around mine.

And just so you all understand, I am the one giving mother away because her father, my grandfather, has long since passed away on that fateful day, and my position as Head of the family is more than adequate as a replacement.

So here I was, walking down the aisle with mother as Pachelbel's Canon played gently. (Personal fav.)

All the guest were standing as they watched us calmly advance of the the deep blue carpet, and our own eyes remained glued to the altar which stood as our goal.

On it stood Susan, Andromeda and Victoria to the left, all wearing matching Black dresses with white accents, Victoria actually being the maid of honor.

And on the right stood the other groomsmen in properly tailored black suits matching my own, Remus a bit nervous about his role and Harry looking really happy.

Then there was Sirius standing in the middle in a proper wedding suit as well. His shaggy hair had been trimmed and styled as the wavy black locks rested a bit above his shoulder, with mustache and beard neatly styled into a clean look. His eyes completely focused on mother as we walked down the aisle.

We finally reached the altar and I pass mother over to Sirius, then take my position as a groomsman.

As the couple turned to face our officiator, Albus Dumbledore, they held on to each other's hand.

'Really surprised me when he said he could officiate weddings. He said he became certified in the magical and muggle sides because he likes witnessing bonds of love between people. From the happy mood he's emitting, it does seem like he's telling the truth. Too bad the man was never able find his own happiness.' I thought as the old man began doing his part.

"We are gathered here today, on the final day of summer, to witness and celebrate the union of two extraordinarily strong individuals, and to support them into the binding of their lives.

Both have seen the worst this world can make a person suffer through, but have been able to stand strong once again. And now besides the love of the families they have once again found, they have reignited the lost love they had for one another.

All of us have come to see these two finally reach the altar that had been out of reach for so long and we all feel joyful for this.

We gathered here to witness the truth that no matter the trials, no matter the troubles, and no matter the times we live in, love will always find a way to blossom and guide us to a better future than we could see the day prior." Dumbledore says as he gives everyone a brief reminder of what both have lost before they could truly find happiness in another and still they stand.

"Now would the ring bearer please come forward." The old man asked.

"Tilly has the rings!" The little house-elf said as she popped in right were she needed to be, while wearing her own little bridesmaid outfit because mother insisted she was part of the family like everyone else. Everyone could see her holding a small red pillow, on which rested the twin rings James had personally crafted.

Those two rings were crafted from the best goblin gold, enchanted to protect from posions, potions, legilimency, magical and physical attacks three time a day, and detect disguises and barriers. As long as both properly wear their rings anyway. Both rings technically have different effect, but we were able to create a powerful link between the two, enabling them to share their powers as long as they were both worn by those permitted to.

"And now we shall bear witness to their vows.

Do you, Sirius Black, promise to love and hold Amelia Bones till your last of days? To stand beside one another in pleasant days and troubled times without fear nor hesitation? To defend her from harm, as she no doubt would do for you?" He asks seriously as he looks at the man.

"I do." The Groom declares with certainty as he looks at his bride and places the perfectly crafted golden ring onto her finger.

"And do you, Amelia Bones, promise to love and to hold Sirius Black till your last of days? To aid and support him? To mend each other's hearts and lift each other up? To never falter in the face of adversity as long as you both stand besides each other?" He then asked as he intently looked at Amelia who looked to almost be ignoring him in favor of locking eyes with Sirius.

"I do." She said softly, but with no less determination, then reciprocating the man's gesture as she placed her own rings twin onto her man's finger.

"Then with the power invested in me by United Kingdom and the Ministry of Magic, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Dumbledore joyfully declared as the two newlyweds sealed the deal immediately.

It was only after happily clapping for mother's moment that I heard something which made me heartily laugh.

"Better late than never you bastard." Amelia said with an unrestrained smile as she caught her breath.

"I'll never be late again, I promise." Sirius responded as he gave a second kiss, to the roaring approval of the audience.

"Alright you two, you'll have enough time for that after you kick all the kids out of the house for the next few months. Let's get everyone fed and start the party." I said as I stopped them from getting into a full blown make out session on the altar.

"Haha! You're right kid! Let's eat! Let's get wild! And let's dance!" Sirius happily acquiesced as he just felt too much of a rush of happiness at the moment.

"Did you have to say it like that dear?" Mother lightly complained with some redness in her cheeks.

"Yes I did. Now let's go! Can't start the fun without the two most important people!" I said as I urged them to go, something they decided to do as they were both hungry as well.

We then got everyone to relocate to the fun tent. The place with booze, food, music and dancing.

The place also looked great if I do say so. The starry night sky twinkling above head, with the deep blue table clothes reflecting light off their own sparkles. The glowing magical lights dancing to the rhythm of the music as they changed colors. And on each table rested a splendid bouquet with soft lights emitting from the flowers, set up by our lovely Susan.

Everyone sat down as pretty much everything you'd expect from a wedding was happening.

Remus gave a speech about his past with Sirius and his positive qualities, alongside a few embarrassing moments, and finally wishing luck to mother in dealing with him. A wonderful course, people drinking up their liquid courage, the cutting of the cake and then the newlyweds first dance.

After that, others started to dance to whatever music was playing and interesting couples grouped up for the slower ones.

Hagrid and Madame Maxime were rather obvious, Susan and Neville gave me pause for thought, I saw Harry dancing with both Ginny and Hermione, something to tease about later, Fleur and James was nice to see, Christian and Luna made all my friends grin at him, saw Tonks dancing with Charlie Weasley, and even Remus ended dancing with Fleur's aunt which was her escort.

"You do know you're going to have to at least match this during our own wedding right?" Victoria said during our own dance.

"Don't you worry, it'll be even better." I easily promise as I think of a few rather wondrous things I could accomplish with some spells and enchantments.

"Then I look forward to it." She happily said as she then went deeper into my arms as we danced.

"So do I." I whispered in her ear with a warm smile as I continue to dance the night away with my love.

As a result, I was barely feeling the time pass until it was time for everyone to leave. School was starting tomorrow after all and many were either going to Hogwarts or simply had work in the morning.

But I think everyone was happy to attend such an event. It is a part of what they all fight for after all.

And nobody was happier than the newlyweds as they left together to truly finish the wedding on their own.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

Tadaa, happy wedding scene which did not end badly. I would have honestly made Aedan go on a rampage if anyone tried to interrupt Amelia’s wedding.

Hope it wasn’t too cringe and that my descriptions were fine. It’s kinda hard to describe everything happening when there are so many bits and pieces to talk about during such an event.

Anyway, enjoy.

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