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91.34% Zenith: Last Revenant / Chapter 92: Chapter 88

Capítulo 92: Chapter 88


(AN: Before we start... While Zenith will not be abandoned here on this platform (WN), but the priority will shift to P@treon (>>> (change the @ to an a)<<<) in the near future. At the same time, if you visit our discord at >><< you can find the alternative site where I will gradually shift more and more of my attention to.

For the reasons behind this move, some may have some ideas already, but regardless, feel free to ask on Discord and I'll be more than happy to reveal them! :)


Now for some much needed shameless plug:

Over at P@treon ( change the @ to an a), you will be able to support not just this poor book, but also all of my (and quite possibly OUR) future works as well.

The bonuses will include:

* Early Access to future chapters WEEKS ahead of schedule (in a few days the first draft of 89 should go up for example)!

* Bonus Materials, including but not limited:

>> Spencer SUPER detailed Character Page (More than 1800+ characters long!)<<

>> Detailed PDF about Planet Omon, Shard of Letum (Spencer's first Artifact), Platinum Corps (including with a new Oath!)<<

>> Penance and Bio Ship Information Page (PDF format as well!) <<

>> E-Book version of the completed volume(s) whenever they are ready for all novels with no extra cost! <<

>>> (change the @ to an a)<<<

And most importantly: You would help me to get back from the massive red I have declined into due to the many unfortunate events that had plagued me during 2021. As for those that are not aware: I suffered through Covid at the start of 2021, then my sister was diagnosed with Cancer which she is still struggling with after 9 full months of chemo therapy, and have now got Stem Cell Treatment. Both my parents have diabetes, not because they are obese but due to a complication because of a Family Tragedy.

Oh yeah, and my good old laptop has died like just before Christmas... :D

Anyway, by all means, your support is optional and while I would be forever grateful for every bit of help I can receive, if you do not feel like it/ can't afford it, do not worry. I will keep on updating the novel here until its completion (/ or my demise, whichever comes first! :D).

Okay, I guess I have wasted enough of your time and page... without further ado, let's get back to where we left off...



Traversing the calm, silent, empty void of the endlessly expanding cosmos, a strange and unique phenomenon could be observed by almost all intelligent life.

Small meteoric objects whooshed by with immense, unimaginable speeds, traversing through galaxies in mere seconds.

From amidst the myriad creatures and intelligent life-forms inhabiting the universe, many cast their gaze towards the stars, looking at the strange platinum comets that flashed by.

Whilst for most of them it was just a fleeting scene, a strange mystery that may never receive an answer in their lifetimes, for a select few, it was the start of an unbelievable journey.

The platinum comets, Spencer's Platinum Corp Gauntlets quickly traversed through the vast universe, looking for suitable hosts.

Whilst the requirements may not be too harsh, it did require the host to possess an exceptionally strong mind and an indomitable will. To be able to withstand the transfusion of the gauntlet's powers, anything less would most likely end up similar to Spencer's earlier experiments, or the complete loss of a being's sanity.

Still, even with matching these conditions, not every selected host would actually turn out to be a suitable candidate. With the peculiar nature related to the souls of mortals, nothing can be certain.

One of the main reasons Spencer created several million replicas of the original Platinum Gauntlet was to factor in this wild variable.

After that, yet another trial awaited the potential candidate. Once his fusion was complete and he would gain the powers granted to him through the now tribal-looking markings on his or her body, the very first task would imprint itself on their minds.

They now had to make their way towards their new home, and appear before their new master on Omon.

Knowing the harsh, cruel nature of the world, Spencer decided to use this method to make sure that those that eventually find their way back would be fit for service and would be the proper guardians of the people he would soon bring over.

Sailing across countless galaxies the gauntlets scanned through the inhabitants of the planets in mere fractions of a second, only taking the time to cross through to judge the many mortals if they were 'worthy'... or suitable.

One by one, they each eventually changed their trajectory and hurled entered the atmosphere of the homes of their chosen hosts...


One of the gauntlets, entered a familiar-looking moderately sized planet similar to Earth in its scale and appearance, albeit with a slightly more rosy, reddish hue.

Just like countless times before, the Platinum Gauntlet sent its sliver of the infused divine essence and swiftly scanned across the inhabitants of the planet, just like each and every time before.

However, this time, it suddenly felt a response, a brimming luster of a soul. Burning with a fierce passion amidst the many gray and colorless ones. It found its first potential candidate, a hopeful host!

In response, the Platinum Comet changed its course and pierced through the planet's atmosphere in one swift motion. Crossing through the canopy of clouds over the sky, the fierce comet was swiftly rocketed towards an old stone ziggurat, placed in the midst of an old, ancient-looking city.

Like a fist, swung by a mighty creature, the Gauntlet didn't lose its speed and momentum even as it crashed into the top of the strange building but continued to descend further and further below its surprisingly deep depths.

Eventually, it crashed through the stone ceiling of what seemed to be a holding cell, where a familiar-looking figure was chained to two standing pillars.

His face and expression closely resembled a figure that Spencer probably have already forgotten about. To him, their encounter was merely a chance to complete his very first test on the crystal that would later become the Omonians Core.

With great effort the unknown figure raised his head, looking at the floating object looming at the place of the now destroyed ceiling. Whilst most of his features were obscured with the darkness lording over this deep underground prison, the platinum hue of the floating artifact cast a thin pillar, revealing the malnourished figure's bright pale, blistered skin.

"K… Kamala?" The figure grunted in its hoarse dry voice. Whilst his gaze was covered behind the shadows of the darkroom, his eyes flickered with a mysterious light.

With great effort it raised its chained right hand, reaching towards the floating, rotating gauntlet…


Meanwhile, back in the galaxy with only a single planet orbiting a star, Spencer appeared floating in the empty void once again.

Realizing that the best leader for the newly formed corp would be none other than himself, he recreated a similar clone like before. It held no abilities and any supernatural enhancements. Like before it was almost a simple human, with the only difference being that it held all his knowledge and memories.

With a snap of his fingers, the original gauntlet, that he then used as the original source, he warped the gauntlet unto the forearm of his clone, it immediately fused into his skin to be replaced by a platinum forearm tattoo, causing his body to be engulfed in a gentle aura of the same coloration. Once again gifting him with all that overwhelming power with all the mastery his clone needed to control it.

After feeling as all that incredible power enriched every fiber of his being, the clone's first course of action as the Primary Member of the newly formed Pride Lanterns of the Platinum Corps was to continue with the testing of his newly gained abilities and further test and push his limits.

His body seemingly flickered dozens of light-years around the vast empty space, teleporting all around in the blink of an eye. Meanwhile, it kept on firing blasts of purple energy, hurling them towards nothing in particular. Each time the fist-sized projectiles encountered a solid object a massive explosion rang out, sending massive shockwaves rippling all around.

Whenever he wasn't flickering or hurling highly destructive energies to wherever he appeared, the clone used his time training his mind by creating constructs made out of hardened light of a growing variety of shapes and sizes.

Spencer spent some time inspecting as his clone played around, smiling in satisfaction, before eventually disappearing from his place and reappearing at the very core of the ship where his Throne, his chair have been residing.

Taking his seat, he turned his attention to the side of the chair, watching for a moment as HEX was still in the process of completing the initial phases of the task it had been given.

Tapping his fingers on the armrest of the chair, Spencer pondered the next steps he still needed to accomplish before getting ready to return back to Earth and reunite with the residents of his Kingdom and the quasi-family he left behind.

"Hmm... I still need more data. The Omon Core is still too strong for the average human. Hmm... I need to do more tests."

Thinking through his options, Spencer suddenly vanished from his chair, only to reappear in Bey'on own domain, the Labs in the next instant.

"Hey! What are you up to!" He exclaimed loudly, scaring the ever-living soul out of the poor woman and causing her to abruptly jump up in a frantic manner and drop the vials holding the same bluish liquid from his hands.

Before the two vials could fall down and shatter into tiny pieces and spill their precious fluids around, they stopped in the air after a couple of inches and floated back to land on the desk.

"Can you not do this every damned time you have something to ask of me?!" Bey'on cried out, looking more and more annoyed. However noticing the stupid-looking grin stretching Spencer's visage, she could only sigh and grab her temples in defeat.

"What is it you came for this time?" She sighed, wanting to get rid of him as fast as possible.

Chuckling, Spencer raised his arms in the air, looking as innocent as he could.

"How did I earn such heavy glances this time around? Can I not visit my favorite girl when I want? Maybe I just wanted to see you!"

"Oh come on, stop with the bullshit!" Bey'on grumbled, turning her attention back on the vials now resting on the desk neatly placed in their containers. "Spill it, what do you want... I still have a lot to do... This... liquid... What is it actually?"

"Well, let's just say it's going to play a pivotal role in my near plans." Spencer smiled mysteriously, evading to explain clearly.

Taking the opportunity, he changed topics. The goofy smile faded from his face, his expression turned serious. Reaching out he touched the startled and stunned Bey'on's forehead with his right index finger.

A spark of bright light zapped from the tip of his connecting finger and entered into the startled ex-martian's mind as they connected, causing the woman to involuntarily fidget and take a step back in fright.

In the next second, suddenly vast quantities of information appeared in Bey'on's mind. Knowledge relating to Spencer's dream project related to the planet he was now calling Omon, as well as their future inhabitants, the people he was internally calling 'Omonians' merged with her consciousness one after another.

Soon, she understood the purpose of this liquid, as well as the tasks related to the Cores. She instantly understood what he wanted her to do.

With each passing second, her interest and curiosity grew, the ingenuity of this incredibly potent salve made her want to experiment on it as soon as she could.

Once she processed all the information that was shared by Spencer, Bey'on looked up at him, urging him to continue.

"What I would like you to do is to prepare more of it. You can use the Replicator if you need to, or just rely on the formula. You can find all ingredients already prepared for your use... and before you ask, yes including my blood." He said, pointing towards a large glass tube filled to the brim with a crimson thick fluid.

"Anyway, I'm going to fill up the test chamber with Kryptonians to test on, but before I went ahead I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Do you have anybody, in particular, you want to see me bring back?"

Hearing his question, a vicious-looking smirk appeared on Bey'on's usually expressionless face. The image of a particularly annoying Kryptonian emerged in her mind...


"Ahhh... I really needed that!" A blonde figure sighed with a contented, satisfied expression on his face, leaning back against his chair.

Below him, sprawled out under the desk, a naked feminine body was lying lifelessly on the ground. Her naked butt was still raised. Her privates were swollen, red with the harsh treatment, the abuse she had undoubtedly suffered through. Blood, mixed together with a thick stream of milky white goo bobbed down from both cavities.

The woman lied lifelessly, no words, not even painful heaves could be heard coming from her, she long since has given in to the brutal session of this violent man. From a glance, it was impossible to tell if she was still alive and have just lost consciousness or something more tragic have happened.

Looking down at his triumphant conquest, the man combed his blonde locks with his fingers, he smirked, feeling amused by his actions.

He felt satisfied, he could finally vent the frustrations plaguing his heart because of that hateful woman and that miserable old man.

The only thing that could have topped this sensation, this growing euphoria would have been if that red-haired wench would be lying below him now instead.

Ah, that would have been pure bliss!

Suddenly, the space buzzed with an audible excitement behind him, making the half-naked man startle and jump in his seat.

In the next moment, a spatial tear opened up, sucking the stunned man into its dark depths.

Another moment later, the tear closed up, vanishing from existence just as abruptly as it came, leaving behind only the motionless feminine figure in the office only.

From start to finish barely a second have passed, not even a yelp escaped the constraints of the room...

At the same time, the situation was repeated all over the planet, pulling thousands of unsuspecting Kryptonians away from their lives.

Though the event was mysterious, inexplicable, and from a first look, seemingly random in where it appeared, still seemingly it seemed that all that have fallen victim to it, were of a similar nature to the blonde Kryptonian lead scientist...


At the same time as these events caused havoc and chaos on the planet, Spencer's figure appeared in a lush, colorful jungle biome, behind two females. Like Bey'on before, Shaya and Casssa jumped up in the sudden shock and fright like scared kittens, their tails swaying around wildly.

Spencer smiled mischievously before grabbing the waists of the two maidens and disappearing with the both of them in tow and reappearing in the labs of the Mortifier, startling the poor ex-martian scientist for the umpteenth time.

Placing the two startled Fasha girls down, Spencer winked before teleporting again once more. A couple of seconds later, a robust, bulky Fasha man, Milo was thrown to the ground as well.

"W-what is this place? W-where are w-we... Why did y-" Cassa fire a series of questions at the grinning Spencer. However, as soon as she looked at the man before them, she felt that something was different. Something changed...

Both girls looked shocked and surprised when they felt the thickness of Spencer's aura... A power that was vastly beyond their wildest dreams!

Shaele Shaele

Hope you had some fun reading the latest update. I know it could have been longer, but I would rather opt for these 2-3K word-long chapters with a more regular/stable schedule.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts in the comments down below, and once again, visit us on discord at

And consider supporting me/us at!!!

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