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74.02% Different Sex Story / Chapter 513: Mother Tongue, Son’s Helper

Capítulo 513: Mother Tongue, Son’s Helper


Son's Point of View

Professor Flores stared daggers at me as she sat behind her desk. She was known for being the toughest professor on campus. Unfortunately, I needed her approval on my application to spend a semester in Spain. It had been a dream of mine to study in Barcelona, since our family is from that region.

The professor sharpened her gaze through her thick framed glasses. It was intimidating for sure. But what was surprising was that she was actually pretty hot. She was in her 40's, and if she smiled a little more (well, a lot more), then guys would be fawning all over her.

Instead, she was blatantly under-fucked and seemingly had a chip on her shoulder. Based on the gossip around campus, Professor Flores loved to target male students, and in a bad way. Apparently she grades male students much tougher. It was as if she only wanted female students for the study-abroad program!

"Chris, your work is unsatisfactory," Professor Flores said coldly. "This level of work may be acceptable at a community college. But does this entitle you to a coveted spot overseas? You are dreaming."

She was driving me crazy because I had been working so hard. My Spanish speaking skills were equal to those of the other students in my class. It was weird, but when she frowned at me, it only made her look sexier. I was sure that was accidental. There's no way a cold-blooded woman like her could ever be interested in sex.

I pleaded, "I'm doing the best I can. Honestly, we've all been studying Spanish together, and our speaking skills seem to be at the same level..."

"Enough," she said, cutting me off. "I will not have you questioning my grading methods. For the record, if your Spanish was as good as the other students, you wouldn't be sitting in my office."

I swallowed my pride. "You're right."

"I'm glad you finally agree. Now stand up straight. Try it again, but be ready. There will be no more free passes, young man."

Taking this abuse was agony. I had never received a grade below a C in my life. For a moment, I actually considered dropping the class.

But I really wanted to study in Barcelona and needed a C in order to be eligible. The professor handed me another paper with sentences written in Spanish. Only this time, the words and phrases were even harder.

I did my best to read it aloud and I only got about half right. She cringed as I struggled to speak the words.

Professor Flores shook her head. "May I suggest a tutor?"

"I'll try to find someone," I said in defeat.

"Chris, there are plenty of competent Spanish speakers on campus. I suggest you find someone fast. And if you really want to study in Spain, you better try something drastic."

Luckily, I had someone in mind. My Mother is proud of her Spanish cultural roots, though she was born in America. Not only is she fluent in Spanish, she's also a professor at this same university. My Mother teaches European History. As a teacher (who gets GREAT reviews from the majority of her students), she would surely be able to help me with this.

What's the worst that could happen?

Mom's Perspective

Elana laid in bed next to her husband, staring at the ceiling. Just as her husband finished his nightly reading and was about to turn the light off, she stopped him. He had a flight to catch tomorrow, but there were important things on Elana's mind.

"Can you believe it?" Elana fumed. "Our son has stellar grades! He deserves to go on that trip to Spain. At any other institution, they'd be begging him to go. He's a great representative of America."

"I'm sure it'll get worked out," her husband replied, ready to sleep. "There's still time, right?"

"Yes, but still. That's not the point."

"Then what is the point?" he asked.

Elana seethed. "That teacher is giving Chris a hard time on purpose! His Spanish is at a level where he should make it into that program! But she's holding him to a much higher standard, clearly."

"What makes you think that?"

"Believe me, faculty members talk," she explained. "I've heard about Professor Flores before. To be perfectly honest, she's a cunt."

"Are the claws coming out?" he asked.

"I'm too old and dignified for that. Still, this is a travesty. If Chris can't have a semester in Spain because of a professor's personal bias, it would really be unfortunate. Just think of all the amazing opportunities he'd miss."

"I know. I know. Look on the bright side. If it doesn't work out, we could always take another family trip to the region. It would be fun, like old times."

"That's not the same," Elana complained. "Studying abroad opens up all sorts of doors. It's an amazing experience."

"So you'll be tutoring him?"

She nodded. "I've never had to teach anyone Spanish before, but I know I can do it. He already understands it when I speak to him. I just need to help his pronunciation."

"Can you help him in a short amount of time? He only has a week, right?"

"It's doable. Chris already has a solid base. With the right discipline and work ethic, he'll be ready."

"How about your mouth?" he asked suggestively. "It's a great motivator."

Elana looked confused. "You mean yell at him? I don't want to be as bitchy as his teacher."

"You know what I mean. Your magic tongue. The one that always helps me prepare for big meetings or presentations."

She gasped. It was a shocking thought and Elana stared at her husband to gauge his mood. After a few painfully long seconds, she was certain that her husband was serious.

"With our Chris?" she asked.

"He's a young man now."

"He's also our son."

"Come on," he replied. "You know how much my mother helped me with my engineering degree. I owe everything to her."

Elana blushed. She always loved hearing about her husband's past sexual relationship with his mother. It excited her to know he had done something so completely taboo. Every so often, she'd pry her husband for more details as they made love. It always spiced up their relationship.

Even after all these years, hearing about his incestuous acts made her blush and soak her panties. However, regardless of her own personal feelings on the topic, this was her son!

"Men aren't all the same," she said. "Just because you liked doing that with your mother, doesn't mean Chris will."

"How do you know?"

"Maternal instinct."

"So you know what goes on his mind?" he asked, amused. "Because if you think you know what men like, or don't like, you're mistaken."

Elana paused at the notion that her son would be open to such a taboo act. Even more shocking was the idea that she would consider using sex as a motivator. In all her years as a mother, the thought had never occurred to her.

"Suppose he's interested," she asked hesitantly. "You'd be okay with that? You wouldn't be jealous?"

"Obviously you're not going to divorce me for our son. If anything, it could make our marriage stronger. Think of how turned-on you will be."

She smiled suggestively. "Even after all these years, you're still enamored with memories of your mother."

"Absolutely. She's made me the man that I am today. And I think it's only fair that you do the same with our son. Mothers really do have a profound impact, you know."

"I'll have to think about it," she replied. "But if I do it -- and that's a big if -- then it'll be under strict terms. I'm his mother and certain boundaries need to remain intact."

He smiled, "That's how it always starts."

"You think it'll go further?" she smiled back.

"I'm just saying, once these things start, it's difficult to stop. All that matters is that Chris succeeds in whatever he's doing, and that you're happy as well."

"Well, I'm happy with you, and I'll miss you while you're gone."

Elana turned the lights off and giggled as she kissed him all over.


After dropping off her husband at the airport, she returned home with a sense of resolve. All morning she had been conflicted. Surprisingly, her husband hadn't mentioned their conversation from the previous night. She figured that he was letting her make her own decision on the matter.

It was a Saturday morning and Chris had just returned from a study group. Finals were coming up and her son maintained a strict study schedule for his rigorous courses.

She saw Chris's car as she pulled into the driveway. For several moments, she sat there with the engine turned off. As a mother, she took her responsibilities seriously. She owed him a good future.

With her mind made up, she entered the family home. Chris had just finished changing his clothes and they engaged in their usual banter.

"We'll be home alone for the next few days," she said, lingering by her son's doorway.

"More chores?" he joked. "I'm kinda busy these days."

Elana flashed him an 'if you only knew...' expression.

"You're about to become busier," she said. "Sill need tutoring for Spanish?"

"It's a nice offer, but I think I've peaked."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Think about weight lifting or running," he explained. "A person can only improve so much in a given period of time. I've studied like crazy and still bombed because of the professor's ludicrous standards."

"You're giving up?"

He thought for a moment. "I have another appointment next week. Honestly, she just keeps raising the bar for me. What's the point?"

"What if there was a technique that might push you harder?"

"I've tried them all. The people I study with are super smart."

"How about other methods?" Elana asked. "Something fresh. Something that will reward your positive actions."

"Mom, I'm not a dog," he joked.

"I know. You're a young man. And young, strapping men like yourself have certain needs to be met."

Chris looked puzzled. "What are you suggesting?"

"Look, I'll just be blunt," she sighed.


"Your dad knows about this, so don't worry about him. In fact, it was his idea. He wants me to do this with you because it works.'

"What is it? Money?"

"My tongue," she forced herself to say.

"Your tongue? I told you already, I'm not a dog."

Elana giggled. "What do all men want from a woman's mouth?"

There was a short moment of silence between them as Chris wondered if this was some bizarre joke.

"Really?" he asked.

"Well, to a certain extent. I won't outright suck you off."

"Whoa, whoa, mom! What's going on here?"

"I've made myself clear," Elana said. "If I see improvements in your Spanish, I'll use my tongue to make you feel good. It's that simple."

Still, her son seemed skeptical. Admittedly, it was an unusual offer. Mothers don't normally do things of this nature, but Elana would do anything for her son.

"And dad knows about this?" he asked, cautiously.

"This is your father's idea. I won't go into all the details, but we'll never speak of it openly. It would make for awkward dinner conversations."

"So if we do something, whatever it is, don't tell him?"

"I'll tell him. But I don't want you going around the house talking about it."

"I get why you'd feel that way," Chris acknowledged.

"Does this mean you're interested?"

There was a moment of hesitation, as if Chris was assessing whether or not this was a hoax.

"How would this work?" he asked. "I mean... you're really going to..."

She nodded. "Oral favors. Small kisses. Licks."


Elana felt a twinge of excitement as she watched her son come to life. Why on earth was she enjoying this so much? She could understand why Chris would like it. But as a mother, these feelings were definitely inappropriate.

"Your face," she said. "Around your lips. Maybe kisses. If you greatly improve, then---"


She gulped. "I'd be okay with licking around your crotch area. Something titillating. I will not suck your dick, though. That's off the table."

There were stars in his eyes and Elana strangely felt proud, because unlike other moms, she was willing to do whatever it took to help her son succeed.

"Would you be mad if I accepted your proposition?" he asked hesitantly.

"Why would I be mad?"

"You know, if you're kissing down there, my body might react."

She blushed. "You mean a hard-on? You can speak to me like an adult. And yes, I'm okay with that. Frankly, I'd be disappointed if you remained soft."

"Then I accept your offer for tutoring," he smiled.

She winked. "I'll be your teacher."

Elana could practically feel her pussy twitching.


After a quick review of advanced material, Chris was ready, and so was Elana. They decided to work in Chris's room where he'd be most comfortable. It was time to begin.

"We'll start with something easy," she said. "Remember, when speaking Spanish, the words need to roll off your tongue. It helps you pronounce things more accurately."

Just like Professor Flores, she handed her son a paper with a typed paragraph. Except this was a bit more reasonable.

As she watched her son review the words, Elana felt a growing sense of anticipation, realizing she'd soon have to use her tongue in a sexual way Initially, she felt a sense of panic and regret. When she saw Chris's confidence, her regret turned to excitement. She actually looked forward to giving him a reward!

Chris recited the words with decent proficiency. He spoke at a reasonable pace and made sure to accentuate the rights vowels and syllables.

"That was pretty good," Elana noted. "I'd pass you, to be honest."

"Thanks, mom. As you can see, Professor Flores is really, really strict. Allegedly she grades male students harder than female students."

"You can go ahead and say it. Professor Flores is a cunt. Every faculty member thinks so."

He laughed. "Too bad, since she's super hot."

"You think your bitchy teacher is hot?" Elana asked, shocked.

He tensed. "No, I mean, nevermind."

Instantly, Elana wondered if any of her own students found her attractive. A lot of male students came to her office hours on a regular basis. Had she missed some cues? Certainly, she was better looking than Professor Flores! Sitting up a bit straighter, she swiveled her hips and arched her back ever so slightly, accentuating her ample cleavage. If Chris noticed, he didn't let on.

Coming back to the task at hand, she shook her head. "Men, you want to screw anything, even a woman who's trying to deny you a trip to study in Spain."

"What? Women aren't attracted to the wrong guys?"

"A reasonable point," she acknowledged. "And to be fair, Professor Flores is sort of attractive. Ironic, isn't it? If she wasn't such an Ice Queen, she'd be a serious catch."


Elana remained peeved that her son lusted after a teacher who was causing their family so much grief. But, boys will be boys, she thought.

Feeling petty and jealous, Elana handed Chris a more difficult sheet to read.

"This is more in line with what you'll be getting," she said. "Remember, let the words roll off your tongue."

Chris gulped as he scanned the page. Then he began. It was more advanced, and as expected, he spoke haltingly and with many errors.

"No, no," she said. "The words aren't rolling off your tongue. You aren't pronouncing the words properly."

"Okay, got it. I'm trying."

"Here, I think it's time I give you some extra motivation."

Elana got on her knees, right between the legs of her stunned son.

"Are you sure?" he asked, looking down at her.

She nodded with resolve. "Pull down your shorts. I'm serious."

"Just remember, this was your idea."

Chris pulled down his shorts and Elana was left in the awkward position of staring at her son's rather healthy sized bulge. Was it always this size? Or was he actually aroused?

Curling her fingers into the waistband of her son's underwear, she pulled it up, almost giving him a wedgie. But there was a reason; it was to expose the sides of his crotch, without revealing his cock.

She looked up into her son's dazed eyes. "Well, what are you waiting for? You won't get your incentives until you start working."

"Oh, right," he said, clearing his throat so he could read and speak Spanish beautifully.

Elana watched intently as her son looked over the paragraph. She loved that he seemed distracted by her sitting so close to his crotch. She inched forward until her face was nearly touching his underwear. Perhaps this would give him proper motivation, or would it make him more nervous?

The first sentence went far better than the last attempt and she almost noticed his cock swell through his underwear. Was he expecting to have his dick sucked as a reward? Regardless, he did deserve a reward for this, she thought. She licked up the right side of his groin.

Elana alternated between long, slow licks, and short quick laps. From Chris's sharp intake of air, she could tell that he had never been licked like this. It was satisfying to show her son why a lot of men found older women sexually exciting. Against her cheek, she felt his dick grow to full strength.

To Elana's amazement, Chris tackled the second sentence with ease. Maybe there was something to this method? The assignment was finished with everything pronounced more smoothly, thanks to her tongue action. She rewarded him by blowing cool air on the skin she had just licked. She enjoyed watching goosebumps appear and noticed his hips bucking a bit.

Elana's shifted her head to the other side and latched her plump lips onto his skin. As she began to suck on the delicate flesh, she felt her son rumble his pleasure. Her lips released and she began to gently nip on the left, before moving back to the right. She hummed while performing her duty.

Stopping abruptly, she looked in his eyes.

"Great job, babe," she winked at him, then giving more kisses to his skin.

Rising, she ruffled his hair with her hand and left the room. For a moment, she felt guilty about leaving him high and dry, but it really wouldn't be proper for a mother to suck her son's dick. Would it?

Son's Point of View

It was the big day and my last chance to impress the professor. I had just finished breakfast and Mom seemed nervous about my meeting.

Mom was usually dressed before coming downstairs for the day, but today she wore a silk robe. I wondered if she was naked underneath. Given all that had transpired between us, it was a real possibility. After all, Dad wouldn't be home for a few more days.

"Don't be intimidated," she reminded, joining me at the table after pouring herself a fresh cup of coffee. "If your voice sounds shaky, your diction will suffer."

"Have you ever seen Professor Flores glare at people? It's intimidating. But you've trained me very well. My nerves are like steel after all this."

She smiled, "That's my boy."

"And I've been properly incentivized too," I joked. "I was hoping we could, you know, continue someday. I have tough classes next semester and some of your, uh, teaching methods could be useful. If you're interested...."

Mom's eyebrows raised and I wondered if I had just made a huge mistake. She seemed to mull it over and gave it serious consideration.

"I'll give you a blowjob if you pass," she said firmly.

My jaw nearly dropped. "You mean..."

"Yep, we'll go all the way, orally speaking. Since you were respectful, I'll be willing to help once in a while. I admit, I enjoyed it. What can I say?"

"We make a great team."

She winked. "We do. I'll have a lot to explain to your father when he comes back. Until then, it's just the two of us."

Mom stepped forward, grabbed my shirt and pulled me close. It was the first time our lips met since I was little. It was a hard, lip-smacking kiss. Then her magic tongue worked its way into my mouth. My mother's tongue is truly impressive and I had never been so excited in my life. Her mouth pulled away.

She glared sharply at me. "Remember, only Professor Flores stands between you and an epic blowjob. Have a good day, sweetie."

I could hardly breathe. Mom looked eager and aroused, like she wanted this more than I did.


About an hour later, I entered the office of Professor Flores. This time, I felt confident, mostly because of the 'relief' Mom had given me to calm my nerves. Her incentives worked like a charm.

Professor Flores sat behind her large desk and didn't bother greeting me. Ironically, she looked like one of those super strict teachers you'd see in porn. I wonder if she knew that.

"Ready this time?" she asked sarcastically, seemingly delighted by my predicament.

"I've been studying harder and smarter."

"We'll see."

The test began. She handed me a piece of paper with a paragraph typed in English. I had to orally translate everything into Spanish.

When done, I was sure I nailed it. The professor looked at me in disbelief.

"One more," she said, with an angry edge.

She gave me another piece of paper. This time it was a bit longer and there were more complex words and phrases. I had to think for a moment. Then I closed my eyes and thought about Mom and her tongue. It focused all my energy in the right direction.

I recited the paragraph slowly and with care. Professor Flores wanted perfection and that's what I delivered. The look of disappointment on her face boosted my confidence level.

"How did you improve so quickly?" she asked, in an accusatory tone. "I've been teaching Spanish for over a decade. Students never improve this fast."

I smiled, "Like I said, lots of practice."

Professor Flores paused. "I think you were purposefully holding back during our previous meetings."

"Huh? Why would I do that?"

"I think it was a case of self-sabotage. Deep down, you don't really want to go to Spain, so you held yourself back. Now that your grades are at risk, you've decided to step up your efforts."

I couldn't believe it. When I did badly on her obscenely tough exams, she seemed delighted. Now that I finally managed to do well, she was accusing me.

"I swear, I've always done my best," I replied. "I've just managed to study a lot smarter."

She sharpened her gaze. "How?"

"My mother's been helping me," I admitted.



The look in Professor Flores's eyes changed; for a brief moment, they warmed. But it was hard to read her body language since she's always so cold.

"How has she been helping you?" the professor asked. "How was she able to help you improve when you've been studying with more proficient students for months?"

I tensed. "She has ways of motivating me, I guess."

My response was as vague as possible, but the professor gazed deeply into my eyes to discover the truth. Had I given away my secret? The professor crossed her legs and pursed her lips.

"I still don't believe you," she said, reverting to her rigid posture.

I was stumped. "What else can I do? How am I supposed to prove myself?"

"You could always bring your mother in here. I'd love to hear her side of the story."

Now this was getting bizarre. Professor Flores and my mother were roughly the same age and had the same level of seniority at this college. But now, it seemed to be turning into some sort of twisted power-play.

"Are you sure?" I asked, confused by all this.

She nodded. "Yes. Bring her in and we'll sort this out. If I'm satisfied that she helped tutor you, then maybe, just maybe, I'll approve you for the study-abroad program in Spain."

"In that case, I'm sure we can work something out."

Naturally, I was thrilled by the news. It was still really weird though. What exactly did Professor Flores want with my mother?

When I got up to leave the office, I noticed the professor uncrossing her legs and breathing deeply-- whatever that meant.

Mom's Perspective

Elana was furious that the professor would ever insinuate such things. She sat with her son in the dining room, plotting their next move. Chris even suggested giving up on the study-abroad program, but Elana was a fighter, especially when it came to her son.

As they discussed the situation, another concern lingered in the back of her mind.

"You didn't tell her anything... did you?" she asked, delicately. "You didn't make any mention of our study methods, right?"

He shook his head emphatically. "No way! Not even a hint. Nada."

"Good, because gossip in the faculty lounge spreads fast. The last thing I need is for rumors to spread about how I lick my son's crotch."

"Is it a rumor if it's true?" he asked with a sly grin.

"Very funny."

"Sorry, I couldn't resist. Anyway, let's just forget about the program in Spain, ok?"

Elana raised an eyebrow. "Why? You don't think I'll show up?"

"Will you?"

"Of course I will. Professor Flores is a lunatic and it's time someone puts her in her place."

"But you're colleagues," he pointed out. "Couldn't you just call her or something?"

"It's frowned upon to use academic privileges this way. I'm going to her office purely as a concerned mother. Not as a fellow professor."


"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Sounds like you're ready for a fight."

"Just let me do all the talking," Elana said, briskly. "I know how to handle women like her."

The fire in her heart was real. She would defend her son and emerge victorious. That was always the ultimate turn-on.


Going to the teacher's office with Chris was far more degrading than Elana had expected. It made her feel as though her son had done something wrong, when in fact, he had done everything right.

However, don't ever underestimate a competitive mom who's been pushed into a corner. That was exactly how Elana felt, as she stared Professor Flores in the eyes. She and Chris sat next to each other on the couch in the office, while the professor pulled up a seat in front of them.

"So, this was all your doing?" Professor Flores asked accusingly. "You somehow made your son into a modern day Don Juan?"

Elana's jaw tensed. "For the record, I'm sure that my son's Spanish is more proficient that many of the other students you've approved for the study-abroad program."

"Oh really? What makes you so certain?"


What Elana actually meant was, 'You are a cunt.' The tension was palpable as the two women stared each other down, while Chris sat nervously near the crossfire.

"Unfortunately, I think Chris has been engaging in self-sabotage," the teacher said, with confidence. "I think, deep in his subconscious, he has concerns about going overseas. It's perfectly normal for students to be intimidated by spending several months in another country."

Elana shook her head and laughed with derision. "You're way off the mark. Chris has always given his best effort for your class."

"Oh? Then how did he improve so quickly? How did he suddenly learn to roll his vowels and syllables like a true Spaniard?"

"I... helped him," Elana said, vaguely.

"How? Until you can prove it, I won't feel comfortable approving his application."

It was the moment of truth. Elana had been dreading this moment. Deep down, she never thought it would come to this. She had assumed that the professor would fold the moment they locked horns. As it turned out, Professor Flores was a formidable foe.

"I gave him proper incentives," Elana said. "Chris is a handsome and virile young man. I simply motivated him with my... skills."

Two audible gasps followed her admission. Chris was shocked that his mother had revealed such a private thing. And Professor Flores was stunned by the suggestive revelation. In fact, from the looks of things, Professor Flores's cold demeanor seemed to have melted.

"To which attributes do you refer?" Professor Flores questioned, her voice barely above a whisper.

Elana stared her down as the dynamic had shifted. "My tongue."

This was it; Elana found the weakness for which she had looked. The typically cold professor seemed to be panting, while she licked her lips! She was positive that the professor was secretly aroused. Chris may not have realized it, but Elana could spot the tell-tale signs of female arousal a mile away. After all, for a short time in her college days, Elana had enjoyed the 'company' of several women. It was with them that she honed her tongue maneuvers.

"You cannot be serious," Professor Flores said, once again composing herself, icy demeanor intact.

"The results speak for themselves. The fact is, I've made my son a much better student, simply by using my tongue. I even promised him that if he does well today, I'll give him an epic blowjob. So tell me... who's the better Spanish teacher? You or me?"

It was like the air had been sucked out of the room. Elana was positive that the teacher was now dripping wet, since her legs were clenched together and her nostrils flared.

Professor Flores breathed deeply and bit her lip. "Prove it."

"Are you sure? The results could be messy."

"Yes, and if I'm satisfied that you're telling the truth about this study method, then Chris can go on the trip."

Elana turned to her son. "Chris, I want you to stand up so we can show your teacher the proper way to motivate a young man."

"But... but..." he stammered.

"Just do it," she said, with complete authority. "You deserve the reward I've promised. After all, you will pass this class and go to Spain."

Professor Flores raised an eyebrow. "We'll see about that."

Elana was inpatient for Chris to stand, but he seemed to be in slow motion. She sensed he really wanted the motherly blowjob, judging from the newfound bulge in his pants. Knowing Professor Flores was making him nervous, she grabbed his hand and turned him to the side. That way, she could be sure the bitchy professor could properly enjoy the show.

Sinking to her knees, Elana unbuckled and lowered his pants and underwear. She was definitely shocked at seeing his huge, manly cock. It was the first time she had seen his penis in many years, and it was fully erect! Knowing she was the one that made him stiff had filled her heart with maternal joy.

Elana typically gave passionate, wet and sloppy blowjobs that drove her husband wild. But in this setting, she decided to make a point. Chris was handsome, smart and respectful. She decided to treat Chris to a highly proper, gentleman's blowjob, because that's how he should have been treated by Professor Flores.

As she began, Elana exhibited mannerisms you might expect to see from the Queen of England. With a straight back and perfect posture, she scooted forward until her face was directly in front of his cock. Gracefully, she placed her fingers around the shaft, while keeping her pinky erect.

Then out came her magic tongue. Initially, she just licked off the spot of precum that hung on the edge of his dick. Savoring it, she glanced over at Professor Flores, who had one hand at her breast and the other between her legs. Smiling like the cat that ate the canary, Elana returned her attention to Chris's cock.

She engulfed the head while moving her tongue along the underside. Then she took him to mid-shaft and began her special ministrations. Elana undulated her tongue along his staff while sucking. Chris groaned and trembled from the new sensations.

In keeping with her primary goal, Elana maintained perfect etiquette, while treating her son like a king. Though sucking and slurping, she sounded like someone having a pot of tea, as opposed to a woman sucking cock. And when a drop of saliva threatened to leak from the side of her mouth, she used her other hand to wipe it away, neatly... like a lady.

This was passive-aggressiveness at its finest.

"You're... you're b-b-blowing... your son," Professor Flores said, bewildered by the sight.

Elana casually removed Chris's cock from her mouth, holding it as if it was a priceless artifact, though it was covered in saliva. She retained her posh mannerisms while showcasing her son's throbbing manhood.

"You just stuttered," Elana claimed, victoriously.

Professor Flores tensed. "I did not!"

"You did. Now, you will acknowledge that I'm actually motivating my son with this new study method. Admit you were wrong, and that my Chris deserves to go on thezz trip to Spain. And don't keep me waiting."

She kept stroking and lovingly caressed her son's beautiful erection while she stared down the teacher with a triumphant gleam in her eye.

Professor Flores licked her lips and acquiesced. "If you make him cum, I'll let him go on the trip."

"Oh, he'll cum... and then he'll go." Elana enjoyed her play on words.

Elana opened her mouth again and dutifully went back to work. Confident in her abilities, she proceeded to bob back and forth over his veiny cock. Chris started thrusting forward in rhythm with her and soon filled her throat with his flesh.

From the way Chris grabbed her head, she knew he was close. As he withdrew, she decided to finish him off. During his next pass, she flicked her tongue once more while moaning. The incoming sensations proved to be his undoing and Chris unloaded a massive amount of cum in her mouth. Spurt after spurt of hot cum shot onto her tongue. She was relentless in milking her groaning son.

Feeling satisfied, Elana swallowed loudly. She wanted there to be no doubt that she was the Queen of Fellatio. Turning, she leveled her gaze at the wide-eyed Professor Flores.

"I think you owe us an apology," Elana said, leaving a small amount of cum around her lips and chin.

Intentionally, she let some latent cum drip from her son's penis onto the floor.

"I most certainly do not," Professor Flores countered, though her defense seemed to be weakening.

Elana crooked her finger. "Come here. Clean my lips and chin. Then I will graciously let you clean my son's dick, though you don't really deserve it. Let's be honest, you've made my son miserable this past month. Now it's time to make amends."

Without saying a word, Professor Flores lowered her head in deference as she got down on her knees. Elana stuck out her chin, expecting to be cleansed.

"Every drop," Elana commanded.

It was a real treat watching such an uptight professor on her knees, crawling over to them for a snack. Elana tilted her head towards the newly obedient woman and felt a thrill when Professor Flores stuck her tongue out and licked every last drop. Elana had to admit the professor had a pretty talented tongue herself.

This was the first time Elana had cum cleaned off her face in such a manner. It was very exciting in a taboo way, especially since Chris watched. Judging by the eager look in his eyes, he was enjoying the lewd display. The bane of their lives had now been reduced to performing a cleanup job.

The lapping ended when every last dollop of cum had been removed. Then Professor Flores licked the excess cum from her own lips, sheepishly.

"Now, clean my son," Elana said. "Then we'll be even."

Professor Flores paused. "I can't. It's against school policy for me to..."

"No one is going to tell," Elana giggled. "You already have his cum in your mouth, so what's the big deal?"

Professor Flores blushed and timidly leaned forward to take Chris's wet penis inside her mouth. To see Chris's flaccid, cum dripping cock which was covered in her saliva, disappear into the teacher's mouth, made her smile.

"Thanks mom," Chris murmured while being sucked off by his former nemesis. "You're the best."

"This is what mothers are for," she said, feeling vindicated.


Slapping sounds filled the living room as Elana's body rocked back and forth. Her pants were down and she was bent over the couch, as her son was fucking her roughly from behind. This was the sixth time they had fucked since the office blowjob.

As stellar as her son was, Elana had to keep an eye on the clock in the living room. Her husband's flight would be landing soon and they needed to be on time. Her fingers dug into the couch as she screamed from her powerful orgasm. One of the benefits of their privacy was that they could be as loud as they wanted. And Elana was certainly a screamer.

"Fuck!!!" she cried, clenching her jaw. "You're spoiling me."

15 minutes ago her hair was perfectly done for her husband. Now it was a mess from all her thrashing. Her pussy, which was freshly shaven, now had cum seeping from within. At least her top still looked presentable.

Her son pulled out after he had dumped his load, and Elana felt herself gaping after being stretched to her limits. Cum ran from her vaginal walls, past her labia, and she quickly reached over for a tissue to sop up the mess.

"Your pussy is the best," Chris proclaimed as he sat naked on the couch, still trying to catch his breath.

She wiped inside her pussy. "Put your clothes on. We'll be late."

"You're right."

Elana got a real rush out of seeing Chris wipe his flaccid cock with a tissue. She loved the sight of his soft penis being rubbed with their cum mixture. Even more enticing, he had no intention of washing since he was already getting dressed. Their combined scent would be in his underwear while they rode to the airport.

"If you're not going to wash, I won't either," she smiled, pulling up her panties, then zipping her jeans.

He chuckled. "The car might smell."

"It's your dad's fault. Now give me a kiss."

While both of them still held their cum covered tissues, they shared a sweet mother/son kiss on the lips. As usual, out came Elana's tongue. Wet, sloppy tongue kisses had become their new normal. As Chris had learned the fun way, there was no tongue like a 'Mother Tongue.' The kind of tongue a woman like Elana had. A tongue made, trained, and motivated to please her son.

The End

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