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84.61% Saiyan in Marvel (Completed) / Chapter 11: Fugitive

Capítulo 11: Fugitive

Tony walked in and saw Reese and his family on the couch and tapped on Reese's head, Reese opened his eyes and mumbled "You'll never get my pants.." Tony chuckled and said "I don't want 'em, but I need your help." Reese picked up his wife and kid and flashed into the bedroom, he put them down and tucked them both in before going back to Tony and saying "Whatcha need buddy?" as he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Tony said "We're going to your friend's house, the spiderling kid." Reese tried to remember and completely forgot, he didn't really like Civil War anyway, he only remembered Bucky and Tony's thing. Reese smiled and said "We suiting up to see Aunt May?" Tony smirked and said "Oh yeah!" they fist bump and did an explosion with their hands before suiting up and flying to Peter's house.

Reese knocked on the door and May opened, Reese smiled and hugged her saying "AUNTY MAY!" she didn't expect to see Reese and smiled as she said "How's Gwen?" Reese smiled and said "Good, how are you?" May smiled and said "Not too bad! Safe!" as she pinched Reese's cheeks, he smiled and Tony lifted his mask saying "Hello, Tony Stark. Nice to meet you May."

She smiled and said "Tony Stark? I remember seeing you at the wedding! Come in!" They walked in and Tony got straight to the point "I heard of Peter's grades and want him to do an internship at Stark Industries." May was shocked and said "Really?! That would be great, he's just been delivering pizzas now." Reese choked and remembered the other spiderman movies, what was with Peter and pizzas?

Peter got home and said "Hey aunt May! I'm home!" before seeing Tony and Reese, Tony said "Hey kid! Want an internship?" Reese smirked and they went to Peter's room. Tony closed the door and said "So you're some kind of spiderling?" Peter said "Spider-Man." Reese laughed and patted Peter's back, sending him flying into the closet as a Spider-Man suit fell on his head. Reese blinked and looked at his hand before saying "Dude, so I'm actually so sorry, I didn't think you would go flying." Peter chuckled and said "Me neither."

Tony shook his head and got down to business saying "Here's the sticky, I need your help to catch Cap and his little band of friends or else big trouble. Nice tech by the way, but you're gonna need an upgrade. Call Happy." Reese called Happy and said "I have a girl- A JOB FOR YOU!" the other two looked at him and Reese coughed and said "Happy just get to Peter's house." Happy sighed and said "I'm an errand boy now?" Reese said "Yep! And there's no extra pay! See you later Alligator!" and hung up.

Tony said "What was that?" Reese sighed and said "All I could think of. I'm ashamed.." Peter sighed and said "You'll get it next time." as he patted his shoulder, Reese sniffled and said "Thanks Dad!" Peter choked and Tony laughed. Reese chuckled and said "Welcome to the Aveng-" Tony clamped his hand over his mouth and said "Watch where you throw that word there champ." Reese rolled his eyes and said "The UN are just reta-" Tony smacked him and said "Anyways Spider-Boy, I'll call you okay? Prepare for a trip to Germany!" as he dragged Reese out the door, who waved and said "See you later Pete! Love ya! You should probably make a move on Liz!" May said "Liz?" Peter groaned and gave Reese the finger, as Reese laughed evilly before disappearing out the front door.

Tony and Reese flew away and Tony said "You're really just a virus eh?" Reese flew around him and chuckled "Yup. Extremely contagious. Symptoms? Extreme good looks and extreme hilarity!" Tony said "I think I need a cure..." Reese put his hands on his waist and 'walked' next to him saying "And what is THAT supposed to mean?" Tony laughed and shook his head before saying "Seriously though, you helping me catch Cap?"

Reese went back to flying and said "I don't know Tony.. Why are you even catching him in the first place?" as he sighed and rubbed his temples. Tony said "A special unit would've been sent after them." Reese spat and said hatefully "I hate those fucking morons. We save the world several times and now they want to lock us up like rats." Tony smacked him and said "Easy Tiger. We also almost destroyed it remember?"

Reese waved and said "I guess. Damn UN bastards.." Tony shook his head and said "You coming or not?" Reese said "Alright, but I won't do anything. Can I referee?" Tony grimaced and said "Just do me a favor will you?" Reese sighed and said "Alright, Alright." Tony grinned and said "Perfect, no lasers." Reese groaned and Tony chuckled as they flew back to the Tower.

Reese landed and Luna jumped at his head and said "Daddy! I woke up and you were gone!" as she giggled, Reese smiled widely and said "Ahhh my princess was scared?!" Luna giggled and said "No! I'm super strong! Beat up all the bad guys!" she did a few punches and Reese laughed and tickled her as she laughed, he really loved her. Reese flew up around the room and held her above his head and she said "I'M FLYING! WOAHHHH!" Reese smiled widely as he heard her laugh.

A while later

Reese was changing her diaper while whistling, Tony came in and said "Hey kid we need to leave." he already had a clothespin on his nose, Reese looked over with a clothespin on his nose too and said "Alright, I'll be a minute." Gwen walked in and said "I'll take over honey." Reese waved and put a new diaper on and blew on Luna's stomach as she giggled and he said "Need to get you potty trained missy, you think I'm gonna change your diapers for the rest of your life?"

Luna giggled and said "Yup!" Reese choked and Gwen laughed before picking up Luna and throwing the diaper in the trash as Reese kissed her and Luna before leaving saying "Gotta go catch a mouse! See you later!" Gwen smiled and watched him go, he turned around and gave her a look as he made a hand gesture, she blushed and winked at him, he grinned and flew away.

A while later

Tony and Reese landed at an airport in Germany, Reese sat on a service car and started driving it around saying "I always wanted to drive one of these!" as he started drifting around Tony, who was honestly half amused and half annoyed, he was waiting for Steve so they had to be quiet. Tony chuckled as he said "Be silent, we're supposed to surprise them." Reese flipped a switch and silently drifted, Tony laughed and shook his head.

Reese drove around the airport and found Pete landing, he drove over and patted the seat next to him saying "Get on dude!" Peter chuckled and got on the car, Reese drove away towards Tony and stopped in front of him saying "Uhh Delivery for Mr. Stark?" Tony nodded and said "Get on the roof spiderling, wait for my signal. Ditch the car, they're here." Reese got serious and Peter disappeared.

Reese parked the car near Tony and sat on a ladder next to him as he waited for the rest. Rhodey joined them along Natasha, Vision and T'challa, Reese looked at T'challa and waved saying "Hey!" T'challa ignored him and Reese grumbled "Didn't want to talk to you either, jeez..." Tony almost laughed but Cap's team showed up in front of them.

Tony said "Hand Barnes over, and come with me." Steve shook his head and said "Can't do it, can't you see they're trying to tear us apart?" Tony said "I'm trying to keep us together." Steve sighed and said "You did that when you signed." before turning to Reese and saying "You signed too?" Reese shook his head and said "I didn't. I'm just watching and making sure nobody gets hurt." he sighed and Tony said "Kid it's your time to shine!"

Peter shot out spider webs and took Cap's shield while also webbing his hands and he landed on a truck. Reese whistled and whispered "Superhero landing.." Suddenly a giant man grew up and threw Cap's shield back at him before throwing a truck, Reese pointed his palm and vaporized the truck to ashes as he grinned at Scott and said "Hey! Can you get like as big as you want?" Scott said "Actually there is a limit, if I get too big then I wo-" Steve said "Scott! Not the time!"

Scott swallowed his words back and said "Sorry, maybe next time!" as he threw a bunch of stuff at them, Reese vaporized every one of them and smiled as he protected Tony's group from literal giant trucks. Tony's group ran after Cap's, who were making their way towards the Quinjet, Reese looked over and pointed his finger, making a line in front of Wanda, she looked over and Reese shook his head before flying up and throwing Scott to the ground saying "Sorry." as he smashed Scott's face into the ground and pushed on his belt, shrinking him.

Scott gasped and said "How did you know that?!" Reese chuckled and said "Dude, you have a literal giant red button on your belt. I couldn't resist." as he shrugged, Scott rubbed his chin and said "I knew I should've made it blue!" he took a book out of his suit and started reading it before saying "Damn it! It said so right here!" Reese picked up the book and said "How to change your big red button to something less conspicuous" he laughed and gave the book back to Scott before walking away saying "I wonder who wrote that.."

In a different universe entirely

A man sneezed and said "That was weird." a seagull flew in through a portal and said "Another world where NewsGulls are free!" the man chuckled and said "Good job Rex." as he went back to writing another book.

Back to Reese's universe

Reese walked over to the hanger where the Quinjet was and watched it take off, Tony and Rhodey flew after it and Reese decided to follow along. They flew across the field and Sam was chasing as Tony said "Vision, shoot out Sam's flight system." Vision shot, but he shot out Rhodey's arc reactor, Reese gasped, maybe he should've watched the movie, he shot forward extremely fast and caught Rhodey before smashing into the ground, he threw Rhodey to the side and rolled on the ground into a rock, it collapsed and fell on top of him.

Tony checked on Rhodey before flying over to the rubble where Reese was, after confirming that Rhodey was fine. He moved the rocks and saw Reese under the rocks, bleeding. Reese groaned "Fucking rocks.." as he slowly stood up and dusted himself off, Tony chuckled and said "You alright kid?" Reese nodded and said "How's Rhodey?" as he looked at his suit and sighed "Now it's ruined..." Tony laughed and patted his shoulders saying "He's fine, a couple bruises, and I can fix the suit no worries."

Reese grinned and they walked over to Rhodey, Reese took his helmet off and said "I thought they prepared you for crash landings in the army." Rhodey let out a breath and said "I'm in hell." Tony laughed and Reese chuckled "Not yet bargain bin, might need an MRI on your head though." Rhodey chuckled and passed out, Reese threw him on his shoulder and said "Two mice escaped, what now?" Tony said "Let's just get him to a hospital first." Reese nodded and they left.

A while later

Reese was in the hospital sleeping when a team of swat came in and aimed their guns at Reese. Tony said "What's going on here?" Ross came out and said "You and Rhodey were the only ones who signed the accords, the rest have been locked up." Reese cracked his eyes open and said "You better pray to your gods that you did not touch my family." Ross said "They're in prison just like the rest." Tony turned around quickly and said "Kid, listen to me! Calm down! There are a lot of innocent people here right now!"

Reese was struggling to not snap Ross's neck as he exploded into super Saiyan, electric sparks suddenly surrounded him and his hair grew longer, all the way down to his back as he lost his eyebrows and said "Where is my family, you have 3 seconds before becoming dust in the wind. 3" Ross said "I just told you." Reese looked at him and said "2." Tony snapped "Why did you go after them?!" Ross simply said "I'm not under your orders anymore. They'll be safe as long as he comes quietly."

Reese said "You're trying to make me come with you by threatening me with my family?" Ross was silent and Reese laughed in his face, he went back to normal and Tony frowned. Reese wiped his eyes as a glint passed through them and he said "Who's idea was this? Also, who agreed?" Tony realized what he was going to do and Ross said "I did." Reese grinned and said "Perfect, bring me to my family." The swat took Reese with them and left as Reese smiled brightly at them, sending shivers down their spines.

Tony looked at Ross and said "Don't call me anymore. You're going to have to live with what you just did, though it might not be for long. Get out of my face." before walking away. Ross watched him go and believed that nothing would happen to him, but there was a small seed of fear that slowly started to sprout inside him as he considered if this was the right course of action.

A while later

Reese and tied in Vibranium chains with a Vibranium collar they kept him from making big movements. He chuckled as he passed by the rest of the Avengers and said hey to most of them, he passed Scott and said "What are you in for?" Scott said "You know, getting big and stuff." Reese laughed and went to his cell, he looked inside and said "Okay so here's the deal gentlemen, you bring me to my family and I don't turn you to ashes. Understand?" the guards started to sweat and Reese smiled "I can kill you and look for them myself if you'd like."

The guards dragged him to a different cell with Gwen and Luna, he let out a breath of relief and said "Thank god you're okay." he jumped up and kicked the guards, sending them flying into Clint's cell bars. The rest of the guards trained guns on him and he said "Now that you've aimed your guns, put your life on the line." as his eyes flashed red, the guards started to sweat and Reese laughed at them saying "Pussies." before walking into his cell and closing the door himself.

He check over Gwen and Luna quickly to make sure nothing was wrong with them, he let out a breath of relief and said "Thank god you're okay." Gwen smiled and Luna said "Why are we here daddy?" Reese smiled and said "Because some people don't like living for a long time sweetheart." everyone else in the jail got a shiver down their spine and Clint said "You're really going to?" Reese said without hesitation "It's gonna take a whole lot of convincing to stop me."

Gwen said softly "What happened?" Reese said "Ross threatened me with your safety. If I resisted then they would kill you both." Gwen grimaced and Reese knocked on the bars and said "I get a phone call here or what?" Clint chuckled and a guard came with a phone, Reese said "Dial Ross's number." the guard dialed and Reese said "Hey! Enjoying your final moments of peace?" Ross said "Are you threatening me?" Reese smiled and said "Nope. It's not a threat because you have no other options.." he gripped the bars as he grit his teeth and spat venomously "Enjoy the time you have left on this earth, it wont be for long I promise you that."

He fired a Ki blast and destroyed the phone, he killed the guard and vaporized the rest. He went super Saiyan 3 and ripped the cell bars off before freeing the rest and saying group up. They all grouped and Reese teleported them all away to the tower. They landed in the tower and Reese broke all the chains and cuffs on him, he put them all in a box and said "Free Vibranium." the rest looked at him and Sam said "You're going to.." Reese returned to normal and smiled "Yep! Nobody threatens my family and gets away scot-free." He closed his eyes and grinned before disappearing.

He reappeared in front of Ross and said "Miss me?" Ross said "Do your worst, you're no hero." Reese tilted his head and said "And you are? Threatening a guy, who has saved the world several times mind you, with his family? Humor me Ross." Ross sneered and said "I never said I was a hero, the world needs peace not superheroes."

Reese nodded and said "But there are superheroes, and one of them wants to cripple you and leave you in a deserted island to rot for the rest of your life. What do you think about that?" Ross scoffed and said "I regret underestimating you, if I had the chance to do it again. I would take more precautions." Reese smiled "Great last words, no fear in the face of death. Very good." Reese channeled Ki into his fingers and shot through Ross' legs and arms. Reese grabbed him and flew away into the horizon.

Reese left Ross on an abandoned island, nobody who find him here, well, not while he was alive any way. Reese left him in the jungle, collapsed on the ground before saying "Enjoy~" and teleporting back to the tower, leaving Ross to stare into the sky, he took everything from Ross, he only had underwear on, just in case. Leaving enemies alive was dangerous, put he was pretty sure no one who find him. Reese decided to check in on him in a few days to see if he vanished or not, he locked onto his life signature and tracked him the whole time so that he would feel it if Ross was moved.

Reese reappeared in the tower and smiled brightly, as if he didn't just leave a man for dead on an abandoned island. He looked over and saw everyone sitting at the table silently, he walked over and said "Usually when prisoners escape they get a little rowdy no?" Clint chuckled and said "What did you do to him?" Reese waved and covered Luna's ears as he said "Crippled him and left him on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean." Clint nodded and said "Though you were going to go on a rampage."

Reese chuckled and kissed Luna's forehead saying "Do I look like a psychopath to you?" Clint chuckled and shrugged, the rest let out a breath and said "That's not too bad, we were expecting worse." Reese was stunned and sat down while pouting as he said "C'mon I thought we were friends.." Gwen giggled and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Reese sighed and said "Anyway, pizza?" Scott said "Ah yes please! Can you get cheese? Pepperoni makes me gassy." Reese laughed and nodded, he called for a bunch of pizzas and they had a little 'Prison escape party'.

A while later

Tony got back and sat everyone sitting at the table eating pizza, he was shocked and said "Already? That was fast!" Reese waved and said "I got you an all-dressed one!" Tony perked up and walked over before sitting down and having a slice as he said "So new found evidence reveals that a hydra agent framed Bucky for the bombings. It was the interviewer." Reese said "In the kitchen? With a candle stick?" Tony gave him a thumbs up and continued "I need Cap's location, I want to help him."

Sam was silent for a moment before saying "First of all, how's Rhodey." Tony said "Recovering, he had a few bruises and a minor concussion, the kid could've let him down a little easier." Reese scratched the back of his head and chuckled, Sam let out a breath of relief and said "Hydra base, Siberia." Tony nodded and grabbed another pizza slice saying "That place down the street? Pretty good." Reese said "Only like 50$ for all of them too!" Tony was impressed before saying "Alright, I'll let you guys do your thing, i'll see you later." as he left.

Reese clapped and said "For a limited Time only, i'll bring you guys wherever you want. Fugitives have to stick together no?" as he grinned, the rest shook their heads and chuckled. Clint said "My house please." Reese grabbed him and disappeared before reappearing again and sending them all where ever they wanted. It was only his family in the tower now.

Gwen sighed and said "We have to leave too?" Reese rubbed his chin and said "I don't know.. Hold on let me call Tony." he dialed Tony and said "Hey do I have to leave the tower? I'd rather not live in some third world country." Tony laughed and said "You can stay, they won't know where you are anyway." Reese grinned and said "Call me if you need me." Tony said "Will do, see ya kid."

Reese hung up and smiled at Gwen saying "Done deal. We can stay here, maybe you can even go to work." Gwen quieted down before saying "I'm sorry. They got Luna first I-" Reese kissed her and said "It's all okay now isn't it? Don't worry. I love you and I'm just glad you're safe." Gwen teared up and smiled as she said "I love you.. I was so scared.." she hugged him tightly and he rubbed her back and said "Don't worry, you're safe now. It's going to be okay. I will protect you until I die."

Luna popped up and said "What about me daddy!?" Reese pinched her cheeks and said "Of course my little princess is protected too! You weren't scared at all were you? A big brave princess!" Luna giggled as he picked her up, she flexed her arm and said "Daddy forgot strong! I'm super strong!" Reese laughed happily and hugged Gwen with one arm and Luna with the other before saying "Movie time?" the two girls giggled and nodded and Reese brought them to the couch.

A while later

Reese woke up from a call and grabbed the phone saying slurrily "Shitty Morgue" Tony coughed and said "I need help." Reese moved Gwen and Luna to the bedroom and Teleported to Tony's location as he hung up.

Reese appeared right in front of Tony and saw Cap's shield in Tony's arc reactor. Reese said "Are you okay?! What happened?!" as he ripped the shield out of Tony's chest, clearly panicked. Tony chuckled and said "Technical difficulties." Reese picked him up and teleported back home into the lab, Tony got his suit off and sighed "Much better." Reese said "Well, gonna explain?" Tony laughed and said "I like women." Reese blinked before saying "I have a wife."

Tony snapped his fingers and said "Touche. Bucky killed my parents, me and Cap fought." Reese nodded and said "Ohhh. Did you get Bucky?" Tony shook his head and sighed, Reese patted him on the shoulders and said "No worries big guy, you'll get him next time!" Tony chuckled and said "I have to go bring the spiderling back home and leave Happy with him, I'll see you later." Reese waved as he left before yawning and going back to his room.

He walked inside and closed the door, Gwen apparently changed and put Luna in her crib, she was wearing nothing but a loose t-shirt of his. He smiled and took his clothes off before sliding into the covers and wrapping his arms around her from behind, she smiled and pressed herself against him as his tool slid in between her legs.

She giggled and grabbed it softly before pressing it up into her as he thrusted and she moaned with her hand over her mouth, she turned her head around and kissed him as she moved her hips on her own, he grunted and squeezed her breasts, he flipped her over and bit on her nipples as he pumped his hips faster. She moaned loudly as her eyes rolled back and he filled her with cum, she pushed him over and licked him clean before sitting on him and moaning softly, he pulled her down and bit on her nipples as he kneaded her breasts, making her moan even louder.

A few days later

He got a call, he answered "City morgue." Steven said "Very funny, do you answer all your calls like that?" Reese chuckled and said "Dr. Strange, I see you've taken me up on my offer?" Steven said "Reluctantly." Reese said "I owe you a favor anyway. The place you're looking for is Kamar-Taj in Kathmandu, Nepal." Steven said "You don't even know what my problem is, how could you know what the solution is?"

Reese said "Don't worry about that, you want a solution and you're out of options right? Just go to Kamar-Taj and you will find the solutions there. Call me if you need me!" Steven sighed and said "Alright, I will. You're a terribly hard guy to find you know that?" Reese chuckled and said "A fugitive what can I say?" Steven rubbed his forehead and said "That's great, i'm taking advice from a fugitive. Anyway, I'll go. Umm Thanks." and he hung up.

Reese smiled, he kinda liked Strange, he was a funny guy. Super egotistical but funny nonetheless. He shook his head and played with Luna, Gwen was at work and he got her for the day. He was super excited because he loved spending time with her, he thought that he might not if she didn't know how to speak but she did, so it wasn't a problem.

Luna said "Psst! Daddy!" Reese looked around and said "Who's callin me?" Luna giggled and said "Psst Daddy! It's Luna!" Reese got real close and whispered "What is it baby? Spys? Ninjas?" Luna kissed his cheek and said "Nope! Just me! You feel for it! Silly Daddy!" as she laughed, Reese squeezed her and said "You like making fun of your dad?!" as he pinched her cheeks and the duo laughed together.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys! Holy fuck I'm back super crazy, i'm sure you're all super disappointed that i continued to write trash stories lol. Shout out to that one guy who just said "At least he knows he sucks" I do know okay pal and i've embraced it! Anyway! Probably some spiderman shit next time and then the start of infinity war! Crazy amazing zangy adventures await! (Not really~)


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