Kace's eyes went wide with shock! He never expected such a large beast to bury itself. What made their current predicament so dire was the fact that the ground level was slowly rising! This meant that the creature must have just woken up and was currently in the process of getting out of bed! They would be unable to deliver the damage they hoped for before the Hydra noticed them with their current position.
"This is. Perfect!" Grugda roared enthusiastically, soliciting a loud hiss beneath their feet as the Hydra became alerted to their presence.
Hey guys, so you probably guessed something was up. Basically I'm having to get minor surgery tomorrow. I was moved to a ward that didn't have access to wifi or a signal for my own devices. Which meant I couldn't publish the chapters I wrote. Have no fear cause I wrote them all! So here are the ones that were missed. I've also fully written a full weeks worth of chapters to keep you going until I no longer need painkillers and sedatives after my op.
See you all soon!