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9.03% My (Monster?) Hero Life / Chapter 30: The Bloody Web

Capítulo 30: The Bloody Web

As Gregory's fist came blasting towards Kace's face yet again he finally caught a break. [Instincts: Activated]. As that notification popped up Kace felt an outside force take control of his body.

As his head dodged the incoming blow he grabbed hold of Gregory's arm. With quick movements he threw Gregory over his shoulder, sending him sliding a slight distance away.

As Gregory let out a grunt of surprise Kace readied himself. He had bought himself the space he needed. He cast a wide area [Spider Thread] to trap Gregory with nowhere to go. He had a plan in mind.

As the web closed in Kace followed close behind. Gregory snorted as though this was foolish. As the web came into contact with Gregory and wrapped around him he smiled. His form once again faded away. Causing the web to fall uselessly to the ground. Kace knew what was coming.

As Gregory reappeared Kace smiled. [Stampede]! Activating to pull away from him. This time Gregory was not his target. With the swift movement and damage immunity nothing stopped him. Blasting away from Gregory and bypassing Rose the point of his sword found its way to David's throat.

As he drove it in and out through the back of his neck, he made a swift sideways motion. David's neck now looked like a botched beheading as blood flew out, giving the hallway a new coat of paint. His eyes were wide in disbelief as his life fade. His head hanging off to one side as he fell.

"David!" Rose screamed.

"I'll kill you, you fucking demon!" Gregory roared in anger.

Not wanting to waste the shock effect from his actions, Kace tossed a few daggers at each of them to keep them preoccupied. Gregory easily blocked them however Rose was not so lucky as one embedded itself in her leg. With a smile Kace dove headfirst through the glass window next to him.

Using [Spider Thread] he quickly drew himself away from the battlefield. It attached itself to the roof of a large house that neighboured the mansion.

As he deactivated [Kinetic Vision] Kace knew that if he had stayed there was no doubt that Gregory would have brought him down. Beyond that, when he was in the hallway he could hear the mansions guards converging on their position. Their fight had caused quite the commotion.

As the guards finally entered the hallway they gasped at the scene before them. Their lords eldest son lay dead in a pool of blood as well as two others. Another was injured and only one was standing unscathed. As they stood there dumbfounded at the scene Gregory spoke.

"You!" he said, pointing at the nearest guard, "Run to the Mercenary Guild. Tell the Master his son his son is dead."


Kace raced across the rooftops, afraid he would be chased. Only after a few minutes did he realise there was no one behind him. Collapsing onto the roof his breathing was ragged. 'I thought I was going to die!' he complained to himself.

'My health is so low, I can't afford another encounter. I wonder how the others are doing?'

As if reading his mind bells started chiming throughout the town. Sitting up he glanced around. The town had come alive with people yelling. Like disturbing an ants nest soldiers were suddenly flooding the streets. 'It's too soon for me to be the cause. Has one of the others been caught?'

[Notification: Awarding exp for 3 slain Mercenaries. +100 Exp Awarded.]

[Notification: Congratulation! You are now level 4! Class Liberation will be unlocked at level 5!]

[Stats will now be adjusted. Adjusting stats. Complete.]

[You have gained: +40 HP, +20 AP, +20 MP, and +2 to all attributes.]

[You have performed a Legendary feat! Awarding title: Predator. You have performed the successful assassination of a leading figure where many have failed. You are truly blessed by the shadows.]

[Three or more titles detected. Liberating title effects.]

[Glutton: Double all beneficial effects of anything you eat.]

[Man-Eater: +20% damage to all humans.]

[Predator: +25% damage dealt from stealth attacks.]

Kace's eyes went wide with glee as he read through the series of notifications. 'I never expected titles to have such a benefit!' he thought. With his level up and the effects of his titles he had gone through an immense change in combat potential.

The only thing that pissed him off was that he had essentially took another step on the road of an assassin. 'If I'm going to be forced down this road I need more skills to survive when I'm found.' he thought while rubbing his chin, 'It's excellent when I catch a lone opponent or launch an ambush but I can't keep up with those who specialise in head on combat.'

These thoughts expressed the pain in his heart. He would not always be able to operate this way so sooner or later it could become a massive problem. 'For now I have to get out of here.'

Feeling renewed from his bountiful gains, even though he had not actually recovered, he set off once again. As he neared the wall where his team had entered the town he could hear the sounds of battle.

All of his goblins were present and accounted for atop the wall. Holding of an encirclement of town guards. Fortunately it seemed that none of them had been killed. Kace launched himself from the roof he was on to land amongst the guards. With swift, fluid motions he let out a series of jabs and kicks to incapacitate the surrounding enemies. Causing the others to back off.

At this moment Grugda had noticed his arrival and began to form the staircase they had used before. As the goblins descended Kace gave his every effort to holding off the guards. When the last goblin had made it to the ground he instantly retreated.

The guards who tried to follow soon found themselves buried beneath the earth as Grugda released his hold on his spell. Instantly crushing the life from them. The alarm bells from within the walls continued to sound. 'The whole town must be awake by now.' Kace though, 'So much for being subtle.'

"How did. It go?" Grugda asked as they ran. Obviously concerned they had failed due to the commotion.

"All targets were eliminated on our end sir." one of the goblins reported.

"Then the mission was a success." Kace replied to Grugda after hearing this.

Little did they know that there actions that night would be forever recorded as the advent of the 'Green Moon'.

As they rushed for across the plains for the forest Kace felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Glancing over his shoulder a giant [Fireball] swiftly made it's way towards the group from the town. Grugda having noticed the disturbance in the surrounding mana, countered with a large wall of earth.

The impact was brutal but failed to make it past Grugda defense. As the spell exploded against the wall a fierce gale of hot air blew past the party on the other side. The heat made them feel stifled. 'If Grugda wasn't here we'd literally be toast!' Kace felt a new sense of appreciation for the Eljein welling up in his heart.

As the effects dwindled Grugda dispelled the wall. From the direction of the town a large force was currently closing the distance between them.

"Tch, looks like they won't let us off so easy." Kace announced, "Everyone! Get to the forest as quickly as you can! We'll try to lose them there!"

The party ran as fast as their legs would carry them. Though every now and then they were forced to stop so Grugda could counter the incoming spells. By the time they reached the forest the force from the town had closed the distance considerably.

Not long after they had entered the forest the pursuit force also entered. Unable to lose their pursuers Kace began to consider as many options as he could think of. 'We're going to have to use guerrilla tactics to try and deter them. I can't afford getting caught in a desperate fight though.'

"Grugda. Take four goblins with and split from our group. Act on your own to create traps and change the terrain to slow them down. Kill as many as you can but only if you're sure you won't lose anyone." Kace commanded.


Grugda and his party swiftly parted ways with them. Kace nodded, happy that there was now two pairs of tracks for the enemies to follow. 'That'll definitely force them to separate.'

After travelling a fair bit further Kace ordered his group to halt.

"Take to the trees." He ordered, the goblins responded by scaling high into the treeline.

Once the ground was clear he cast multiple [Spider Thread] around the area. Draining himself of his remaining mana. Some were webs meant to be seen while others he had made slim enough to practically be invisible.

Once his preparations were complete he also scaled a nearby tree. It did not take long for a group of scouts to enter the area.

"Sir. I don't think they went this way. This looks to be a spider nest." one of them said.

"We have to be sure though. The Guild Master will have our heads if we don't track them down." another replied.

'Hm? Guild Master? Is this something to do with Roger? They did seem to be connected to the Mercenary Guild in some way. Fuck! That explains the numbers.' Kace thought as grew perplexed.

He waited patiently for the group below to move deeper into his trap. Suddenly one of them yelled getting himself caught in one of the thin threads. The more he struggles the deeper it cut into his leg causing fresh blood to flow.

With a signal Kace and his goblins dropped on their unsuspecting prey. Several of the scouts instantly fell to the biting of the goblins blades.

"Fuck! Ambush! Group up!" one of them yelled.

The two sides clashed, the sound of metal on metal sang out throughout the forest. The mercenary group had to watch their movements. Afraid of being caught in another trap. This forced them into a disadvantageous position.

Kace kept an eye on the situation as it unfolded. Whenever it looked like one of his goblins would get cut down he would interfere with a timely dagger thrown at the offending mercenary. In this manner the mercenaries numbers swiftly dwindled.

He watched as one of his goblins jumped a mercenary from behind and bit at his throat, while driving a shortsword between his ribs. 'What a pitiful end.' Kace thought, all the while a sadistic grin plastered on his face.

'We need to end this before more arrive.'

As the goblins distracted the final two survivors Kace decided to unburden them of the legs. With viscious slashes he severed the pair's legs from their bodies. Allowing the goblins to swarm over them as they hit the ground.

Their screams and curses echoed into the night as the goblins bit chunks out of their flesh as they beat and bit them. 'Hopefully those screams will cause the rest to slow down and be more cautious. This will be our chance to escape.'

Taking his blade he roughly dismembered the bodies of the scouting group. Tossing various body parts into the web's he had set up to serve as a warning to their pursuers.

"Let's go guys. This won't buy us too much time."

As they disappeared into the thick of the forest they felt a tremor run through the earth. Originating from distance away. Flames lit up the night sky in the distance. Apparently a brutal battle was on going over there. 'Must be Grugda and whoever cast those fireballs at us. Hopefully they'll make it out ok.

Kace changed his mind. He could not afford to lose the support of such an excellent companion. He beckoned for his group to follow as he made a beeline for where the flames and tremors were coming from.

"C'mon Grugda! Just hang on!" he swore to himself as he ran.

Before long the echoing, pained wails of humans came from behind them. 'Guess they didn't like my present.' Kace chuckled to himself. Sometimes a mental blow could be more damaging than a physical one. Especially when dealing with a group. It sets in like a poison, dealing more damage as it spreads.

He began laughing madly as his group spurned themselves onwards. His golden eyes glinting in the dark. 'I'll show you exactly what kind of monster I can be!'


Name: Kace

Title: Glutton, Man-Eater, Predator

Level: 4

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Chimera (Monster)

Rank: Captain

Legendary Feats: 2

HP 54/280

AP 20/220

MP 0/80

Exp 65/1200

Strength: 15

Endurance: 14

Intelligence: 12

Willpower: 13

Agility: 19


Charm: 9

Luck: 5


Racial: Basic DNA Manipulation (Passive)

Description: Having absorbed enough DNA strands into your own DNA chain has unlocked the Chimeras natural ability to alter themselves. Using accumulated DNA points you may choose only one genetic enhancement or skill from each strand per level of Mastery. Spend DNA points to rank up. Next Level: Apprentice. Current points: 0

Just think 'DNA' to activate.

Racial: Digestion (Passive)

Description: Able to eat the meat of any living thing absorbing a portion of its Experience for your own. Slight chance to trigger Assimilation.

Racial: Assimilation (Passive)

Description: A racial ability of the Chimera. When triggered randomly increases HP, AP or MP as a percentage of subjects Max Value. Slight chance to randomly gain an ability or knowledge possessed by the subject.

Racial: Chameleon (Passive)

Description: Your Chimera bloodline his awakened the ability to give a false reading of your status. Allowing you to "blend" into the world of humans with great ease.

Tracking (Active)

Cost: (None)

Description: Heightens users sense of hearing and smell allowing them to 'see' recent paths of passing lives.

Night Eye (Active)

Cost: (None)

Description: Allows user to see in the dark.

Kinetic Vision (Active)

Cost: (1 AP/ per Second)

Description: Heightens the users ability to track fast movements resulting in faster reaction speeds.

Stampede (Active)

Cost: 5 AP

Description: A skill allowing the user to rush forward at extreme speed for up to 10 metres ignoring all incoming damage in the process.

Instinct (Passive)

Cost (None)

Description: 70% chance to detect a stealth attack aimed at the user. 30% chance to automatically react to what would be a lethal blow preventing a killing strike.

Spider Thread (Active)

Cost: (3 MP)

Description: This is the innate skill of soldier level spider monsters. Able to secrete a mana enriched spider thread. Can be made tough like steel or extremely sticky. Highly versatile.

Flame Spit (Active)

Cost: (5 MP)

Description: This is an innate skill of the Salamander. Using magic you turn air into flammable liquid in your left lung. The right lung sets natural gases on fire. When you breathe out the two mix in your throat to create a high temperature flame. As you breathe out magic power mixes in to greatly increase the propulsion rate. Please note that while magic will keep you from harming yourself internally a serious case of dry mouth may be inevitable.

[DNA] [Padded Feet] [Passive]

Increases Agilility by 5.

[DNA] [Fangs and Claws] [Passive]

Increases Strength by 5. Elongates and hardens hosts nails and grows fangs.

[DNA] [Swift Foot] [Passive]

Increases Speed by 5.

[DNA] [Mind Numb] [Active] Cost: 3 MP

Magic that causes opponents thoughts to be slightly clouded. Occasionally causing slower thought processes.

[DNA] [Curtain of Night] [Passive] (New)

Passive ability that greatly enhances the hosts natural stealth. Without great perception the host may as well be invisible to their surroundings.

[DNA] [Rocksteady] [Passive] (New)

Passive that increases hosts Endurance by 5 points.

[DNA] [Natures Pact] [Passive] (New)

Passive granting immunity from poisons possessed by plants.


Name: Kace

Rank: F

Level: 3

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

HP 220/220

AP 180/180

MP 40/40

Exp 215/400

Strength: 7

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 6

Willpower: 6

Agility: 10

Speed: 11

Charm: 4

Luck: 4


Tracking (Active)

Cost: (None)

Description: Heightens users sense of hearing and smell allowing them to 'see' recent paths of passing lives.

Instinct (Passive)

Cost (None)

Description: 70% chance to detect a stealth attack aimed at the user. 30% chance to automatically react to what would be a lethal blow preventing a killing strike.

Stampede (Active)

Cost: 5 AP

Description: A skill allowing the user to rush forward at extreme speed for up to 10 metres ignoring all incoming damage in the process.


Important Author Note Please Read

Hey folks! I've had to edit this is to quite a few chapters so that as many people as possible see it. Please read to the end as it is important.

First off. I need to thank each and everyone of you for the massive show of support in the past few days. You guys are the heart and soul of why I do this.

Second. You deserve to be rewarded. You have shown so much support that I feel you deserve something more in return. Therefore I'm going to try to start releasing two chapters a day. They may be a tad shorter but you'll end up with more to read overall.

Third. Some goals! We're doing well in quite a few of the charts. So let's aim for more. See below for targets to meet and the rewards to go with.

1. Enough votes to make it into top 100 in power Ranking. Two extra chapters to be released next Monday.

2. Top 50. You get 3 extra chapters.

3. Top 25. You get 4 extra chapters.

4. Top 10. You get 5 extra chapters.

5. Top 3. It's a secret but will be worth it.

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