"Mother, what are you saying?!" Fan Rou glared daggers at his own mother. He was keeping all negative feelings he was feeling these past few days and did not actually plan to burst it out. But this touched his very bottom line. As a parent of Jin Rou, it seemed that his opinion regarding this matter was pointless!
"Mother, please calm down." Seeing the intense atmosphere breaking out of the void, Xu Rou meditated. Even though she was also enraged at this moment, what comes first should be the bigger picture. She knew her husband well if he snapped, things would get worse and the foundation of their family, as the ultimate ruler, would be shaken,
"Why are you looking like that to your mother, Fan?!" Lao Rou, Yanlu Rou's husband, lashed out to Fan Rou. His eyes were emitting a terrifying intent that made Grenas choke all his saliva down his throat.