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46.02% I Own a Brothel in Another World / Chapter 110: Jackpot [ * * ]

Capítulo 110: Jackpot [ * * ]

Wrapping up our short break, we get into the formation again and move out. It would be great if we found a decent spot for the night before we get too tired and exhausted. We've been fighting for quite some time and we've also been walking on the surface for a bit before the worms sent us into the abyss.

Granted, pretty much all of us are tougher than common Humans, and the other, non-human girls do have my support, so we can go for a bit longer than normal people. Still, that doesn't mean we should. Especially when constantly in a hostile environment. We should take any rest we can.

Therefore, while following the path leading up from time to time, we mostly focus on checking the caves and chambers to find a nice place to set up a small camp. There's no doubt the hour is quite late as of now. Again, it doesn't impair me even a little yet, but better safe than sorry if we do stumble on a decent spot.

The underground passages aren't exactly completely empty. Fortunately, we do not walk into the territory of another subspecies of Arachnes, like a different tribe that is hostile to the other one, I don't know, like red spiders this time, so there's that at least. I'm honestly starting to think in cliches and such. I can see them around every corner.

I'm not exactly sure about the ecosystem of this underground area but we can spot some flora too, not just the usually very aggressive fauna which attacks first and asks questions later, or just feasts on your corpse. I guess it is survivable here or there wouldn't be so many different monsters snooping around.

My guess is that most of them lived on the surface in the past or something. My lore senses are tingling. I could bet that the Barren Valley wasn't so barren originally. Or at least not so deadly. All the scorpions, spiders, lizards, and other species must have evolved a lot to fit in the spooky, dark underworld.

So, as time passes, we move forward, slowly continuing our journey while fending off the occasional ambushes or straight-up attacks from various monsters. Our party is decently balanced so there's not much of an issue dealing with any opponents. We almost always have something acting as the enemy's weakness.

It is quite creepy, though. As one would expect, there are more spiders and each species looks even creepier than the other. I'll omit the details as it's really easy to imagine with just basic knowledge about arachnids from back on Earth. They come in all sizes, shapes, textures, and such.

Thanks to our duo of amazing archers, most of the light-armoured enemies are turned into porcupines before they can react or reach us. Ghilerie is having a lot of fun with her new weapon and I catch her smiling at it at times, surprised with the amount of power she can now put into her arrows thanks to that clever magnetic system Sirgia came up with.

Shino is in her own world down here. Fighting in darkness is a boon for her. All her shadow-based abilities and skills work twice as efficient and good. She turns into a literal angel of death, teleporting from place to place and beheading or mutilating her targets.

I can also tell that Teffith enjoys herself at least a little bit. A good thrill of battle was certainly what she needed after sitting at the mansion since she has been freed from that public execution. She's a magnificent fighter with her naginata. And her tail is just as deadly as her polearm. I know that from experience, though.

Four hours later, we've made some decent progress, definitely moving closer to the surface but still not close enough. I'm pretty sure we've come across everything this place has to offer in terms of its fauna. And man, there's a lot. Great training place. We are visibly getting better at fighting together.

Our front guard gradually slows down in front of an intersection and Shino starts glancing around. We stop and also examine our surroundings. Nothing out of the ordinary catches my attention.

"Can you feel it or is it just me?" Shino asks, looking back at us.

"The air seems different… From one of the paths, I think," Kamil replies.

The rest of us come closer and try to catch whatever our friends noticed. After arriving at Shino's side, I realise that they are right. One of the tunnels gives off a warmer feeling. It's now easily noticeable. And perhaps… more humid?

"That one is clearly different from the others." I point at the tunnel with the less-cold air. "What do you all want to do? Check it out? Skip?"

"I'd say check it out. Maybe it will be less dangerous and hostile than the middle of these tunnels," Marcia answers.

"Or it could be a lair of something even worse," Ghilerie adds.

Marcia shrugs. "Then we'll just kill it. Or run away. Or, if it's a female, Al can just seduce it."

I roll my eyes as she giggles to herself. During a few fights, I have naturally tested various skills and abilities, including Charm Magic. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Sometimes it worked too well and the enemy threw itself at me with a different purpose than to mutilate me.

Although, considering the builds of a few of them, the end result would be pretty much the same. I do seem to be compatible with other races quite a lot, but I'm pretty sure it isn't the same with monsters or beasts. And I would rather not try.

Everyone else agrees to at least take a peek and we walk into the suspicious tunnel. Step by step, the atmosphere grows warmer and no one is left unaware of that fact. Just as I have initially observed, the humidity of the air rises gradually too. I'm starting to get an idea of what is in front of us.

We reach the exit after a few long minutes and stop close to the corner. Small and faint clouds of steam float into our corridor like a charming, magical mist. Shino nods at us and takes a peek inside. Her eyes widen instantly.


After a few seconds of glancing around, she steps into the open and we follow after her. Kamil whistles in awe while Marcia jumps in excitement.

"Fuck yes! Jackpot!"

In front of us spans a decently wide and tall stone chamber. The floor is made of a pure-black rock with streaks of white wherever a crack follows. A few pools of various sizes litter the ground, catching everyone's eyes with their white colour and hot, steaming liquid filling them to the brim. Most of these have at least one small waterfall falling into them from the holes in the also black-white ceiling.

"An underground hot spring! Just what we needed!" Marcia shouts happily.

"Calm down. We need to check if it's water first and not some acid or worse," Paul shoots her down instantly.

Marcia deflates a little with a sigh but nods, knowing well he is right.

We walk inside while looking around and examine the natural cavern to make sure we are alone and there are no surprises hiding somewhere. With the whole place scanned thoroughly, Ghilerie and Teffith move to check the hot, crystal-clear liquid with the other girls.

"Seems to be water and not much else. Should be fine to take a dip. I think we could use a little bit of relaxation to get rid of the tension in our bodies," the dragonewt says.

"I agree. This could be nice after so much time in the desert," the elf adds.

Marcia grins, grabs her top and prepares to yank it off when Teffith catches her wrist.

"Why don't we let the guys go first this time?" she asks.

"Eh? Buuuuuuut…" Marcia pouts a little but stops after glancing at the other women. "Ohhhh. I guess that's only fair, hahaha. Well then, boys, do us a favour and check if the water is nice for the ladies. We will take the first watch."

She winks at us and walks towards one of the two exits with Natalie in tow. Ghilerie and Teffith choose the other one. I stop Shino for a moment before she follows either of the groups and plop my hand on Hecate's hair.

"This person here is my mate, alright?" I ask the silent spidergirl.

She nods faintly.

"Now, I would like you to go with her for a moment, okay? You can rest in her lap just like in mine. I will be safe so you don't need to worry. Is that fine?"

She glances at Shino, who smiles at her warmly, and then back at me. After a short moment, she nods again. I brush through her short silvery hair with a bit more affection and turn her around to my samurai girlfriend.

Shino slowly takes her hand and they walk away together towards my other companions. Hecate sends me a few glances over her shoulder as they increase the distance but obediently accompanies Shino just as I asked her.

It pains me a little to kick her out like that but I don't want the other guys to be uncomfortable with a naked girl on my lap as we take a dip together.

Not wasting any time, we choose the biggest pool with white flooring and step in after getting rid of our clothes. The depth is varying at different spots and most of the area has water reaching slightly above our waists, more or less. It gives us the perfect opportunity to sit down almost fully submerged and throw our arms over the edge while leaning back.

Sighs of pleasure and relaxation, accompanied by a few groans, fill the quiet atmosphere, broken only by the pleasant hum of the small waterfalls. Paul positions himself under one and the cascading water pours onto his back to his delight.

After a few short minutes of just lying or sitting there doing nothing, we switch to washing ourselves from all the dust and dirt to not forget it later. Just like the last time, I don't bring out any detergents so as not to poison this underground spring.

"Fuuuuuuuck… I would kill for a cold one…" Kamil groans after we enter full chill mode again.

Paul nods silently, sprawled over the edge just like all of us. I think for a few seconds. Hearing the sloshing of water accompanying me standing up, they open their eyes and look my way.

I move a bit closer, stopping between them, and wave my hand. A sealed wooden barrel pops into existence and drops onto the black ground behind their backs. With another wave, three wooden mugs materialize between my fingers.

"While I would rather not indulge in any alcohol in our current predicament, even if we do have a few spells or abilities to clear out any intoxication, I think this should be a good choice too."

I bring the mugs under a small tap mounted on the barrel's side and fill them to the brim with golden, bubbly liquid. Then, I dismiss the chilly container so it doesn't lose its frosty temperature, turn around, and slide down the pool's uneven white wall back into the water.

Kamil and Paul grab a mug each after I hold them out towards them and take a sip. The former's eyes turn literally into saucers.

"Holy fuck, dude! This is not beer?" He looks at me in shock.

A small chuckle escapes my lips after I also taste the quite similar-looking beverage. "No alcohol in this one. We've tried to come up with a plethora of drinks for the establishment to match everyone's tastes. This is just one of the byproducts. Quite a lucky one."

Kamil chugs his whole share in a blink and sighs in bliss. I chuckle again and resummon the barrel behind me so that he can easily reach it for a refill whenever he wants. We sit and chill like that, sharing a pleasant dip with a good cold drink together.

"Damn. Marcia was kinda right. You don't really seem like a bad guy…" he mutters while swirling the beverage in his mug.

I shoot him a glance and he avoids my gaze by downing the rest of his drink. Look at that. Someone is getting shy?

"I would honestly have thought you would be a bit angrier at me now," I reply.

He refills his cup again while furrowing his brows a bit. "Why?"

"Well. Marcia." I shrug. "I'm pretty sure I noticed her talking a few times about our last dip in the water."

Kamil rolls his eyes and groans while sitting back at his spot. "She can't stop talking about the fuck of her life and how you railed her so hard you toppled a tree and proceeded to destroy all her holes on the trunk."

I chuckle and shake my head. "That's not exactly what happened."

He looks my way while tilting his mug, raising a brow at me mid-sip.

"I can't deny the last part but the tree came down because I slammed my fist into it. We somehow ended up talking a bit and she mentioned her troubles and how they most likely came to be. I got a little riled up."

Kamil snarls into his cup and slams it onto the black ground by his side.

"Fucking piece of human trash! I would have gutted that shit-eating cocksucker if he was still alive! Taken that fucking acid of his and shoved it up his ass and dick until his head popped off from pain! I fucking trashed half of my room when she told me!"

With a groan and a few more slams into the floor, he breaks the wooden mug, leaving only the thin arc in his hand.

"Fuck. Sorry about this."

I smile while already filling up a fresh one and pass it to him. "It's fine. Just a piece of wood. And I get you."

He takes a big swig and sighs afterwards.

"That man. Did something happen to him? I'm not sure if there's capital punishment there or something," I ask, picking up on his outburst.

"Nah. Fucker got jailed. It didn't take long before he slipped on a bar of soap and splattered his brains over the floor. They said he must have been running to hit the floor so hard."

"Right. Unlucky." I smile wryly.

A brief silence follows before Kamil sighs again.

"There was a time when I got a bit… too far ahead of myself." He returns the conversation to its proper tracks. "We both fucked around all the time back on Earth and knew about it. But when she said she had hots for your cock, it kind of irked me a lot. I even lashed out at her in front of everyone. If it was anyone else, they would have certainly been mad but she turned the situation around into a lecture. She's always been like this."

I nod while sipping on my own drink. Paul just sits in full relaxation and chill like the man of few words he is.

"So… it still feels a little weird… but I don't really care. She's purposefully bringing that up a lot just to fuck with me. That's nothing new."

He then looks my way.

"Well… Sorry again for… all of the shit. It was… kind of stupid…"

I raise my mug towards him. "It's in the past. We all make mistakes. The only way is forward. And it's more fun when everyone is on board."

He hesitates for a moment but brings his forth too and we hit a small toast. Paul joins in for another and we all take a sip after tapping our mugs together. We chill in silence for a few minutes longer.

"Alright. I gotta get out before I turn into a dried plum. I've always been bad with water," Kamil says as he raises himself.

"I guess we should let the girls have their turn now. This was nice." Paul also stands up.

"I agree. You can let each side know they can start preparing. I'll join one of you in a second," I add.

They nod, get out, dry themselves up and put their gear on. Meanwhile, I take a few more blissful moments while listening to them shuffling around, aiming to jump out when they finish.

But, in what feels like a second, I begin hearing a multitude of footsteps heading my way and open my eyes. All the girls are walking towards me, soon reaching the edge of the pool with crystal-clear water.

"Aw, shit. I dozed off, didn't I?" I groan and swipe down my face. "I'll get out imme—"


Opening my eyes, I notice Natalie catching leather shorts falling from the air and a completely naked Marcia emerging from under the surface of the water after she has jumped in at a deeper section. She lies down on her back and floats around with her impressive tits standing tall and proud like mighty mountains.

"Mhhhhhnnnnnn… This hits right in the spot…" She almost moans into the open air.

Shino, with the sleeping Hecate in her arms, comes closer to the wall by the side of the pool. She summons a comfy-looking sofa from the storage ring I have given her and places the peaceful spidergirl on the cushions. Taking out a thin blanket, she covers her before turning towards the steaming pond.

All the girls start slowly undressing, helping each other out. My gaze shoots towards a certain blonde beauty, who is also following suit.

"Wait. You too?" I ask, slightly surprised and unsure.

Her calm blue eyes meet mine. "It would be suspicious if one of us stayed behind. Besides, it's not my first time appearing naked in front of others. Neither is seeing others naked." She faintly glances down towards an obvious spot in full display under the clear water.

As composed and collected as usual. No doubt she was an incredible actress back at home. Although her appearing naked or half-naked on screen is a little doubtful considering her age, what the hell do I know about the industry?

"I still should get out, nevertheless. Both to not make you uncomfortable and so that the guys won't notice me missing." I start raising myself up.

"They won't," Natalie answers me again. "Each of them will think you are with the other. As long as no one lets them know." She glances at Marcia, who dives underwater and comes out in front of me with a big grin.

I look at the others. They are already naked too and either sitting on the edge, dipping their legs in the hot water, or standing by it. My gaze lands on Natalie's perfect figure, especially her shapely chest. I quickly look away not to ogle her and catch Teffith smiling at me.

They planned this. That's why she stopped Marcia earlier. In just that brief moment, they came up with this whole operation. Damn. Women are scary. And impressive.

The girls enter the pool one by one and take various spots around the edges, swim a little, or just walk while pouring the hot water over their beautiful bodies. The redhead in front of me brushes her hand up my thigh while moving closer, almost pressing herself into my chest.

"Do we add some more liquids to this spring now or later?" she asks with a beguiling tone, her hand lazily sliding towards its target.

I look past her once more and catch most of them glancing back at me. Figured they didn't aim for this just to take a bath together as I did with the guys. And I don't really mind having some quick fun in a charming underground hot spring, but…

My foot touches Marcia's underbelly and her grin grows bigger as I smile back at her too. My toes brush against her toned stomach, tracing a few circles over it, and trails up. She bites on her lower lip as my foot slides between her breasts and… suddenly launches her backward with a light kick.

She is sent flying a bit and crashes into the water shortly after. Emerging from under the surface, she whips her hair to the back while giggling.

"You brute! Is this how you treat a lady?"

She shoots me an enamoured gaze but I ignore her for now and pass by her side as I slowly make my way through the waist-deep water. I can literally feel her raising a brow at me but I stop in front of Shino, who is standing in the centre of the pond, gingerly covering her girly parts.

I pull her closer to me and brush her cheek with my thumb as she looks up into my eyes with a crimson flush covering her pretty cheeks.

"You okay?" I ask quietly.

She gives me a faint smile and a nod. "I'm fine, Sensei." She fumbles with her petite hands a bit.

"Don't force yourself into something uncomfortable. I know you aren't the best with others around."

She moves her hands to my neck and brings me down to join our lips together for a brief and affectionate kiss.

"It will be hard to always be alone. I want to try doing it with everyone. And this place is really charming. Very… romantic. And we could use a bit of boost for a few days," she replies timidly.

"Damn. How can you keep it soft in a situation like this?" Marcia's voice arrives from below as she pokes my junk with her finger.

Shino giggles adorably, pecks my lips one more time, and slides down to kneel in front of me, quickly arriving face-to-face with the sleeping beast. She starts raining loving little kisses on it while gently cupping up the dragon's precious jewels. Naturally, I let it gradually wake up from its slumber.

My gaze lands on Natalie again, sitting submerged in water to her perky nipples a bit further in front of me, supporting herself over the edge.


"Don't mind me. I'm not some sheltered, pure maiden with no knowledge about the world or who hasn't ever watched porn," she speaks before I say anything.

"Well, yeah, but… If I remember correctly—"

"I turned eighteen a month ago. I know of your principles, Mr Car—Alastair. You don't need to feel uncomfortable."

"Ah. Late happy birthday then. I'm sorry I missed it."

She nods with a tiny smile. "Thank you."

I smile wryly while rubbing the back of my head. Not wanting to push it too much, I glance down at Shino, who is doing her best to caress my member with her tongue now, looking up at me. She still seems embarrassed but I can also discern a bit of pride in herself, perhaps from overcoming that little shyness. I brush through her black hair to show my appreciation.

Something soft presses into my back and two arms partially covered in crimson scales wrap themselves around my waist. Teffith's head appears over my shoulder and our eyes meet after I turn my face towards her. She smiles warmly and we enter a kiss as her fingers run all over my chest.

Some weak slushing follows and an elf with golden hair and rosy cheeks shows up at my side. Ghilerie peeks at my face, then down at my crotch, and finally moves closer while lowering herself a bit. Her hands join Teffith's over my front but she also brings her face to my skin and starts to tickle my nipples with her tongue, carefully observing my reactions.

"You girls! What am I supposed to do now? You left me no space!" Marcia groans from somewhere behind me. "I don't think Al is into some strap-on action, is he?"

My butt clenches a little and all the women around me giggle or chuckle, including Marcia. I would appreciate not being attacked from behind while unaware. It might be fun to test a thing or two out, but this isn't the best moment for that, honestly. And I do prefer giving over receiving.

My muscles tense again when someone's hands land on my behind but soon relax as Marcia's head squeezes between my legs to deliver a multitude of pecks to my sack from below.

And so, four girls work me all over with great effort. Shino's blowjob is really giving me pleasant chills as she swirls her tongue around my glans, stroking the shaft gently with her fingers. I don't intend to prolong this too much so the pleasure coming from all the angles slowly builds up in my core as I use one hand to brush through her hair and the other to caress Ghilerie's pointy ear.

I let my precious samurai girlfriend know about an upcoming explosion and she proceeds to receive my everything with clear determination, sucking me dry to the very last drop. She happily drinks all of the creamy delicacy like many times recently, with our little experiment still ongoing. She's been getting better at it too, definitely doing her best to learn my good spots.

All the other girls step back, leaving only her in front of me. I bring Shino up by extending a hand to her and we share a loving kiss before separating. I quickly summon a wooden plate with Hall of Serenity already drawn on it and throw it aside. It will let Hecate sleep peacefully and mute out our fun here.

"My turn now," I say while grabbing her hands.

She stops me and smiles sweetly. "It's okay, Sensei. I've been… ready for some time now… We can move on…"

I nod and walk with Shino to a bit shallower part of the pool so that water doesn't inconvenience us too much. She leaves a peck on my lips and turns around. Looking back at me over her shoulder, she spreads her buttcheeks to the sides, revealing her cute butthole and pretty slit.

With such an invitation, I step closer and very gently enter her to the very end. She sighs contentedly from my cock filling her up as I wrap one arm around her slim waist and grab her wrist with the other hand. We both lean a bit forward when I make the first thrust and stop, realizing we have arrived quite close in front of Natalie.

"Sensei?" Shino glances back at me.

"Nothing," I answer her questioning gaze and begin moving again, slowly increasing the tempo of our tender lovemaking as both of us gradually feel better and better.

I guess she doesn't mind getting pounded in front of her best friend that much. It would be hard to believe that she hasn't noticed where we are. I'm pretty sure they have locked their gazes at least a few times.

Well, as long as Natalie doesn't look uncomfortable or bothered by it, I don't mind either. As usual, though, I can't get a clear read on her. I just hope she would say or show if watching her best friend getting railed from behind wasn't up to her alley.

"Ahhh… Ahhhh… Nhhhhh… Sensei…"

Shino's adorable moans fill the air inside the barrier as I slide myself in and out of her finely tight pussy. Her petite body jumps back and forth from my rhythmic pounding as I shower her beautiful neck with loving kisses.

"Ahhh… Sensei… Ahhhnn… More… Please…"

I speed up a little and pull Shino's wrist to the back, using it to draw her onto my rushing cock as I push my hips forward. Her cries grow a tone louder and she grabs my arm wrapped around her belly with her free hand to steady herself. Regular clapping of my waist against her petite bottom resonates through the pool as we fuck passionately.

"Ahhh… Ahhh… Ahhhh… Ahhhnnn… You can… Ahhhh… Stronger…"

Knowing that her high is slowly building up, I let go of Shino's wrist and move my arm to her small chest, joining the other one coiled around her slim waist. Hunching us together just a bit more, I pull her body into me.

"Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhhh! Sensei! Ahhhnn!"

Shino's feet lose contact with the ground and flail a little as this change brings her a bit up. I hammer her pussy relentlessly while she holds onto my arm wrapped around her navel like onto the safety bar of an extreme rollercoaster. And with how much her small body shakes from my pounding, she could pretty much be riding one.

"Ahhh! Sensei! I'm coming! Ahhhh! Ahnnnnnnnn!"

As Shino quickly approaches her peak, my eyes briefly jump onto Natalie again. The sight surprises me a little. With slightly parted lips, she looks straight at her best friend's climaxing face while her hand rubs her girly mound up and down below the surface of the water with a moderate speed. I guess even she isn't immune to this much stimulation.

With my eyes locked on that view, I release an abundant load inside Shino's snug passage shortly after it constricts itself around me from her own orgasm. The waves of creamy seed fill her up one after another as she trembles in my arms with an adorable moan leaving her dainty lips.

I pull myself out of Shino's incredible insides and bring us down into the water. She smiles at me adorably with that flushed face of hers and giggles as Natalie scoots closer to help me support her. I leave my filled and happy samurai in the hands of the reliable bard and turn around after winking at the black-haired princess.

Teffith and Ghilerie walk my way side by side with a seductive sway of their hips and curvaceous bodies. Seems like they have grown to like double-teaming me together.

"Step aside, bitches!"

They are suddenly shoved aside and fall into the water with a loud splash as Marcia rushes ahead in full sprint, as much as the knee-deep water in this segment allows for it, forcing her to make comically high water-spitting steps.

She throws herself at me and I grunt as she slams into my waist, wrapping her legs behind my back. She snickers at me and hastily wiggles her butt until her craving snatch finds the tip of my spear and she plunges her thirsty pussy down without hesitation, impaling herself on my cock before I push her away again.

"Yessssssssssss…" Marcia whines into my face as her nails scrape over my chest, her eyelashes flutter from the pleasure this mighty penetration brings her.

Again, with no warning, she leans to the back, almost causing us to fall into the water, but I manage to react in time and grab onto her plump sides. She hangs from my body like the little line from the letter L, with my dick buried deep inside her frivolous folds.

She puts her hands behind her head and grinds her pelvis around with a cocky smile.

"Come on, strong man! Can't destroy my pussy in mid-air?"

I smirk at her. "Careful what you wish for."

Squeezing my hands on her waist more, I draw back and thrust into her with pretty much everything I have, smashing into her bottom with an incredibly loud smack. Her mouth opens wide and her eyes widen to the brim.

Before giving Marcia any chances to react, I start pounding her insatiable cunt like a madman. She quickly loses all her bravado and starts flailing around as my powerful thrusts throw her body into a state of pure chaos.


She comes in a flash and starts shivering on my dick. I don't stop even for a moment and keep drilling her tightening insides with no mercy. You act cocky and rude to others, dicking around all the time, I dick you down back to the proper manners.


It doesn't take long for her to reach another peak under my intense care. Plenty of love juices splatter onto our navels from her flooding honeypot. Each time I shove myself deep into her, another wet, squelchy splash lands on us.

She keeps wriggling and flailing around without any control. Her legs have lost their strength quite a moment ago and it's only thanks to my strong hold on her waist and my dick lodged in her pussy that she's still in the air, receiving the dicking of her lifetime. We went hard back in the forest the last time but not as much as now.


Marcia orgasms again and goes almost completely limp, thrashed around by my mighty strikes. I finish in her quickly and toss her aside. She lands in the water with a loud splash and soon resurfaces, floating on her back just like in the beginning. Her spasming, shivering body drifts away, leaving behind a white trail coming out from between her legs.

Somebody chuckles by my side and Teffith hugs me with her mesmerizing body, brushing her bouncy breasts against my skin.

"You really showed her." She smiles proudly and I offer her a tame kiss.

Ghilerie shows up on the other side with similar action and I put my arms around them, giving their plump butts a little squeeze.

"You girls in for a little fun together or…?"

The dazzling elf answers first. "Teffith wanted to embrace you a little more passionately… while I…" She blushes quite heavily. "So… I think she should go first…"

I brush through her long hair and kiss the tip of her adorable, long ear. "Alright. Wait a little for me, please."

She nods and steps away. I turn my focus to the charming dragonewt and pull us closer. Starting an intimate kiss, I bring Teffith up and she latches onto my waist. I carry my crimson-scaled companion to the edge of the pool and sit her down at a place that lets our lower halves align perfectly.

Teffith gives me a warm smile as I lean into her and tenderly slide inside her soft pussy. We stay connected for a few seconds, making out lovingly. Then, I begin to move very slowly, aiming to explore her coiling insides with the utmost attention.

She holds onto me dearly, releasing melodic sighs and tiny moans into my ear. I do not hurry. I give every little movement as much attention as I can. When my mate wants to do things in a loving way, I'm very much going to oblige.

"Alastair… Mhhhhhmmmmm…" She moans some more.

"Is this good, Teff?" I whisper back.

"I love it…" she purrs into my ear. "Can you play with my horns?"


I move my mouth to the twin crimson spikes and run my tongue over their lengths from the bottom to the top. Teffith shivers instantly and her fingers curl a little, leaving some marks on my back. Her moans grow a tad louder and steamier as I lap my tongue over the sensitive spikes while making tender love to her precious place.

"Nhnnnn… It feels so good… It's slowly building up… Mmmmmmm…"

She finds my lips again and we enter a delicate exchange of pecks, broken by the occasional sighs and moans she releases into my lips. To increase her pleasure even more, one of my hands slides over her beautiful tail and starts rubbing its underside close to her butt.

Teffith's eyelashes flutter a little as she gasps. I chuckle and keep tickling that spot, joining all the efforts into one machine of carnal satisfaction. Her peak starts approaching faster and faster until she lets out a beautiful cry and tightens on my cock.

With our mouths joined together, I let my semen fill her up unhurriedly. We stare each other in the eyes while coming down from our respective highs. She smiles at me softly and brushes over her womb.

"It's really a pleasant feeling receiving your warm seed deep there. Thank you for this passionate ride, Alastair."

"I enjoyed it greatly too." I smile back at her.

"I hope you didn't forget about our Elf friend." She chuckles.

Glancing to the side, I spot Ghilerie standing close while playing with her long blond hair. She blushes a little when our gazes meet. She's been waiting for quite some time. I need to reward her for her patience.

With one more peck between me and Teffith, I walk to Ghilerie and hug her from the front.

"What is your wish, my dear elven princess?" I kiss her forehead.

Her face flushes red even more and she steps away, moving closer to the edge of the pool. She leans over it and sticks her butt out. Giving me an uncertain glance over her shoulder, she twirls with a lock of her shining hair.

"You really love doggy, don't you?"

She escapes my eyes, making me chuckle. But, the fingers of her other hand show up around her pretty pinkish slit and spread her precious place fully for me to see. Damn, girls. You are really killing me today with these views.

I approach the cute elf, place my hands on her bubbly butt, and drive myself into Ghilerie's open crevice, knowing she will enjoy a rougher start. She whines in a pleasurable tone and rests her body on her elbows in the front.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Short and quick moans soon fill the quiet air as I moderately assault her alluring slit. We fuck passionately for a brief moment while I wait to see if she voices her wishes herself or will be too embarrassed with others present.

Ghilerie does shoot me a few glances as I rail her from behind but says nothing. Already having picked up on the signs she gave me earlier, I lean into her, arriving at her long ear, and speak up, not wanting her to miss a good time everyone else had.

"You could have always asked me telepathically, you know?" I whisper to her ear and bite gently over the sharp edge.

She whines quietly and a smile forms on her lips. Taking that as a green light, I lift her right thigh, placing it over the edge too, spreading her elf pussy a bit more, and reach out to grab a fistful of the golden threads lying on her slender back.


Ghilerie instantly turns much louder when I yank her head back by pulling on her hair. I also increase the force of my thrusts a little and pound her in sync with the actions of my hand. She really loves having her hair pulled, for some reason. Not that it's any bad or shameful.

"AH! AH! AH! AH! AH!"

Her insides tighten and coil around my shaft more as I keep shoving my cock repeatedly into her love nest. Rhythmic slapping accompanies our carnal pursuit of pleasure. I throw in a few ear bites into the loop and Ghilerie's orgasm builds up decently quick.

She finds my eyes in this lewd battle and I understand her intentions just from a glance. Smiling at her, I ramp up the tempo even more, getting us closer to the finale. She prepares herself for the grand finish by rolling her fingers into fists and turning her face forward. Even her toes curl a little.

Just shortly of her peak, I drive my cock deep into her while pulling on her golden hair with a lot of force.


Ghilerie orgasms with a loud cry and her tongue lolling out of her mouth. I hastily support her body with a hug while she rides her peak, filling her snug tunnel with my seed. After she becomes a bit more stable, I fall to the back, throwing us both into the water.

"Ah, fuck!" I curse in surprise immediately after we resurface, floating on our backs.

Not that far above our heads, a certain spidergirl hangs down from the ceiling while suspended upside down like a particular popular superhero. All six of her deep black eyes observe me attentively.

From what I can see, something extremely thin, almost unnoticeable, is coiling around one of her thighs, creating a spiral of slightly plump flesh. That hard to perceive wire is most likely how she hangs in the air from the ceiling. And, weirdly enough, I swear it leads towards her girly mound, currently uncovered with the black panties slid to the side.

Sitting up by the girls who have grouped up on the other side of the pool, I wave at Hecate. She rappels herself down, grabs the thin, unperceivable wire, unravels it from around her thigh, and descends until she reaches the steaming water. After touching it with her toe, she falls into the pool as if the rope suspending her suddenly snaps.

She slowly walks to our spot and stops in front of us.

"So, I kind of expected something like this after checking out your skills, but this was your thread, right?" I ask.

She nods.

"How do you make it?"

She points at her girly parts.

"I see."

I glance around, checking if any of the girls want to pick up the conversation since they are a bit more experienced with genitals of this style but their eyes seem to tell me that it's all on me. I turn my face back to the humanoid Arachne.

"Well, I'm not sure I understand it correctly."

She ponders for a moment. Then, she starts walking closer. Arriving just in front of my face, she turns around, leans forward, and uses her fingers to spread her pale slit, mirroring Ghilerie's motion. I wonder how long she's been peeking at us.

Marcia shuffles closer to me. "I don't know why but I kind of expected something… weirder. She has pussy like any of us. Maybe besides a single detail."

"Which is?"

I raise my brow at the redhead. All I can see is a pretty vagina of a quite pale colour palette. Matching her alabaster skin, Hecate's insides are light grey, looking just as alluring as in any other colour.

Natalie's finger moves closer to Hecate's privates. "Here." She points at a certain spot. "Just below her urethra, there's another small opening. I guess that's where the web comes out."

Hecate closes her folds and turns around to face us again, nodding. That pretty much confirms things.

I gently grab her hand and pull the spidergirl into my lap, starting to pat her head as she leans into me.

"Looks like we'll have to figure out something special for your underwear when we get back home. Although, I'm pretty sure you would love going commando nevertheless." I chuckle lightly.

A few of the girls laugh too and snuggle closer to me. We stay in the pool for a few more minutes, enjoying the blissful warmth and the presence of each other.

Saileri Saileri

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