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58.06% De Luna / Chapter 18: Adventure on the Sky and the Disappearing Flames I

Capítulo 18: Adventure on the Sky and the Disappearing Flames I

Just as the Knock Up Stream start to disappear, the three Blackbeard Pirates and the horse along with their Captain were sitting on the biggest piece of a tree trunk which that was the only thing left from their giant raft now.

''Zehahaha!! We lost! They got away!'' Blackbeard laughed as he was dripping wet. While the sick looking old man, who's coughing and trying to eat an apple, saying that they were lucky

''Don't say it like it doesn't matter. Our prey just got away!'' The self-proclaimed Champion yelled out as he looks at Teach, looking so serious as he also had disappointed glint in his eyes ''Think of something, Captain! Hurry, chase them down and bust them up!''

''Zehahaha! Quit worrying, Burgess. It's not like they're gone forever. We'll meet again soon, as long as they stay on the Grand Line!!'' Blackbeard said with a laugh, looking like he doesn't care and sure that they will see them again somehow

''Exactly.'' the long, slim sniper, who's name is Augur, said with a calm tone ''Since this world makes all who are on the path to becoming strong meet each other. Just like a giant gear.''

''Zehahaha! Right?! You'll see!'' Blackbeard said, causing Burgess to curse to himself, clearly looking not satisfied but a moment later, he made a big smile

''Wiiihahaha! She rejected you though!'' he said with a big smirk on his face as he looks at the sky. He knew the next time she saw him, she will come at him to kill and he couldn't get more excited

''Zehahaha!! It doesn't matter!'' Blackbeard laugh evilly with wide open arms as he also looks at the sky


Merry was now standing under the bright sunlight with her broken wings and damaged sails as every Strawhat's were spread out on the Merry's deck, soaking wet and panting for air as some of them were coughing up water.

''Heavy...'' Luna lowly said as she was trying to control her breath ''Did we died? Is this the heaviness of my sins..?'' she asked with her eyes still closed

''No, they are just Chopper, Nami and Usopp'' Robin said as she pants for air, causing Luna to blink and see the bright sunlight around them and glancing down, she saw three of them were laying on each other as she was at the bottom

''Damn..'' Zoro's voice croaked out ''What happened? Is everyone alright?'' he asked though none of them answered as they were still trying to catch their breath. Soon Luffy got back up and was looking around excitedly

''Hey, look guys! Outside the ship!'' causing others to also slowly get up to their feet and look around with shocked faces, except Luna who's looking with a shiny eyes

''As beautiful as always'' she murmured as she looked around, to the fluffy, sea of clouds that was surrounding all around them

While Chopper and Usopp were yelling with amazement as they were also looking around ''On top of the clouds!! How are we even sailing on clouds?!'' Nami gapped, wondering what was keeping them from falling

''Of course, we can sail on top of it. They're just clouds'' Luffy answered to Nami with his reasoning, looking at them like how could they not even know this, causing Zoro, Sanji, Usopp and Chopper to look at him deadpan and wave their hands in front of them while saying that's not possible

Nami, on the other hand, was mumbling to herself ''So this is the sea of the sky'' as she was looking around to find the island but not seeing anything but clouds, she looks down at the Log Pose ''Luna..'' getting Luna's attention ''The Log Pose is still pointing up'' She said as she held up her wrist and showed her

''Yeah, we are only about seven thousand meters up.'' Luna explained to her before she also adds ''All sky islands are ten thousand meters up'' surprising Nami along with Robin and Chopper, who's with them while Sanji and Zoro start to bickering at each other for something again

''So that means we have to travel even higher?'' Chopper asked cutely ''How?'' as he was sitting on the railing

''I don't know'' Luna shrug before she adds ''It's not like I sailed on the White Sea before'' Causing them to made confused faces

''White Sea?'' Nami asked with a slightly tilted head as a splash voice come to them with Luffy's cheerings along with Chopper which he was gone there in a blink of an eye a moment ago after seeing what they were doing

''Yeah while this part of the sea clouds was called the White Sea, ten thousand meters up were called White White Sea, and our sea is called the Blue Sea'' Luna explained before she turned to Luffy and Chopper, who's cheering ''What are you guys cheering?'' She asked with curiosity, causing them to turn to look at her with a big smile on their faces

''Usopp dive right into the fluffy cloud sea!'' Chopper said happily while Luffy was saying that he wishes he could swim in the clouds too but Luna was looking totally panicked

''He did what?!'' as she starts to run over to railing ''Ro! Eyes! I need a lot of eyes!!'' She yelled out while waving her arms up and down with panic before she got on the railing, surprising Robin as she didn't understand why Luna was suddenly panicking and asking for eyes but as calm as ever

''Ojos Fleur!'' she crossed her arms in front of her and shut her eyes, seemingly concentrating and just before Luna also dive into the cloud sea, they could see that eyes popped out everywhere around Luna's body

''Did Luna also wanted to swim a lot?'' Luffy asked with a confused face as he blinked after her, not understanding why she was looking panicked and wanted eyes on her or why she dive after Usopp like that as well as others were also looking confused but after a little moment later while they were looking at the sea in silence with confused faces, they heard Robin

''Oh.. Seems like there was no seafloor.'' She calmly said with her still closed eyes, causing every one of them to turn to her with realization and shocked faces as Robin also add ''Seis Fleur!'' while she was also still crossed armed


Luna, on the other hand, was swimming while going down and down through the clouds as she was searching for Usopp and soon, she wasn't swimming anymore but falling from the clouds while Usopp was also falling not too far from her

''Usopp!!!'' Luna yelled out with a shocked face as she starts to wave her hands towards him and with Robin's eyes seeing this, suddenly hands start to sprout one after another out of her hands and caught Usopp, bringing him towards her. As soon as she caught him, Luna unsheathed her sword and point to up as the eyes and hands disappeared all along


Robin let a sigh as she finally opened her eyes and hold down her arms while others were looking at her with worried faces ''What?! What happened?'' Luffy asked, looking also worried

''They are coming back.'' Robin said with a sigh, causing them to relief before she casually adds ''He was falling down from the clouds''

''Eehhhh?!'' They yelled out with widen eyes

''I told that idiot not to fool around!'' Sanji said as he bites down his cigarette as he was also mumbling he caused trouble to his dear Luna-cwan just before Luna suddenly burst through the clouds, pointing up to her katana with one hand and carrying Usopp with other, who's clearly out cold.

While Nami and Chopper were crying happily ''They are coming!'' Luna yelled out and she just rise higher, confusing others for a moment as they repeat ''They?'' with confused faces but before Luna had time to say anything, two giant sea kings came up from under the clouds, one of them was a giant octopus as the other one was a long, colorful snake-like fish and both of them were going after Luna and Usopp to try and eat them

''Something followed them!!'' Nami yelled out with a horrified face

''Ahh!! They want to eat them!!'' Chopper yelled out with horror after Nami. Both of them were looking completely terrified with tears in their eyes while Luna was just kept rising, trying to get out from their reach. Much to their relieves, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji took care of them easily before Luna shut her hell down and start to fall. Without waiting, Luffy stretched his arm out and caught Luna from her waist as he pulls them safely on board.

As Luffy, Zoro and Sanji were discussing that they were both like balloons ''So there are animals in the clouds..'' Nami said as she looks at the now-dead sea creatures

''Looks like its better to think of this place as an ocean rather than a cloud'' Robin said, looking thoughtful as she also looks at the sea creatures but just then, they're all startled with Usopp's sudden screams, who had been laying on the deck out cold until now. Sanji look at him in annoyance, asking what is it now and Usopp cried out as he reached his hand into his pants

''My pants...This was in my pants..'' he pulled out a bluefish from his pants before he fainted again. Chopper cried out in worry as he ran over to see if he was alright but Usopp was just laying there and he was muttering ''Sky island scary.. sky island scary'' while all of his body was shaking

''Such a tough day for him.'' Robin commented as she looks at him before she noticed the strange fish on the floor and picked up it in curiosity ''Then... This would be a sky fish? It's the strange creature described in Norland's logbook.'' while she was examining the bluefish with Nami ''Because there is no seafloor in this sky ocean, they've probably evolved into various forms in order to survive''

''So some became flat and some became like balloons?'' Zoro asked after he heard Robin and while she was explaining that must be it, the fish was already cooked it up by Sanji and Luffy and Luna was gasping out how delicious it was, causing Nami to yell at them

''We weren't done with examing that!!'' she began to shout at them until she also tired it and suddenly her anger disappeared and she took several more pieces with Luna also continued to eat with her and Luffy was telling Sanji they should cook the bigger fish. Chopper, on the other hand, was on one of Merry's broken wings and was looking through the binoculars as he was trying to find any signs of how they will go higher

''Hey, everyone!!'' he suddenly called out excitedly ''There is a ship and..'' but his voice has just died in his throat in an instant and he just continues to stare while turning pale and start to shake

''Hey, what is it Chopper?'' Sanji asked as he noticed that he had frozen up just before Chopper dropped the binoculars and start to yell, getting everyone's attention. Sanji went on as he asks what's wrong again but Chopper was freaking out as he starts to yell that he saw a ship out there that had been just destroyed and a guy charging from over there to here. They were all looking confused at what Chopper was saying but when they look up, they saw he was right.

A tall, muscular man with a pair of tiny wings on his back and various tribal tattoos across his left shoulder was heading straight towards them. He was wearing a mask with a rocket launcher in one hand and a shield in the other.

''Hey, stop! What do you want?!'' Sanji called out to him just the man leaped into the air and poised himself to attack them

''To destroy you!'' the man said with a deadly tone

''Oh, is that all?'' Sanji asked as he prepared to defend an attack as Zoro was also preparing to cut the man just before Luffy also came running up behind them, asking what was going on but the guy with the mask was already there. Even though they were outnumbered him, the man was able to fight with all three of them with a rather ease since their movements were slow and sluggish so it was easy for him to kick all three of them down before he pointed his bazooka down at them, getting ready to fire.

Just Luna was getting ready to attack while Chopper was yelling on the background and Nami was asking the three of them to what's wrong as Usopp was still shaking and laying on the floor ''That's enough!!'' an aged voice yelled out and they saw two figures were now coming right at them. He was an old man with a long, white mustache and beard, wearing a knight's outfit and wielding a lance along with a large pink bird with a red polka dot pattern on its body. He jumped from the bird's back and struck his lance onto the masked man's shield and pushed him off of the ship, sending him back through the clouds

He then, landed on the side of the ship while Nami was looking terrified ''What?! Who is it this time?!'' causing the old man to turn towards them and step onto the deck

''Ohh, I'm the knight of the sky!'' he confidently declared to them, causing Luna to start mumbling something about a knight shouldn't look like this while looking at him weirdly. The knight of the sky look around him after his declaration ''Did he leave?'' sounding like he was asking to himself

''What's going on... Who was that guy?'' Nami asked as she was looking at the direction the masked man is gone but then without waiting for an answer, she glares back at three men, who are were laying there with a breathless state ''Also, you three are useless! Three on one and you still lost!'' causing Luna to sweatdrop while Chopper was thanking the old man for saving them which the old knight man replied that this was a service

As Zoro and Sanji start to say they feel weak and Luffy also agreeing with them while saying he could barely move

''The air is pretty thin up here, its why you guys feel so tired'' Luna said causing them to understand the problem while the old man was now asking if they were Blue Sea people after hearing what Luna said

''Blue Sea people?'' Nami asked with a confused face before she remembered that Luna was saying their sea was called the Blue Sea ''By the way, who are you?''

''I would be the 'Knight Of The Sky''' he answered calmly before he adds ''Blue Sea people are what we call those who live beneath the clouds. You are currently 7000 meters up on the White Sea. The White-White Sea where I assume you are heading is still further up, 10,000 meters'' he said before he hopped up and sat down on the rails of the second deck and look down at them as Luffy was finally sitting up and saying he was getting used to it while Zoro was also agreeing with him

Chopper, on the other hand, was asking how was that masked man was able to run on top of the sea to the old knight ''Now, wait a minute... You probably have a lot of questions but first things first. I need to talk business with you'' the knight said, changing the subject

''Business?'' Luna asked with a confused face

''I'm a freelance mercenary and this is a very dangerous part of the sea. Those who do not know how to fight in the sky will be attacked by those guerrillas like before or become food for the sky fish. One whistle will cost you five million extol for me to come and save you!'' causing every one of them to look at him weirdly with a clearly confused faces

After a moment of silence as they look at each other and almost could see the question marks above their heads, they turned to look at the old man with tilted heads ''What are you talking about, old man?'' Luffy asked, causing the old man to look surprised for a moment

''Quit acting like a fool, the price is very cheap already!!'' the knight said as he waved his arms around ''I won't accept even one extol less than that! I have living expenses too!'' but he only made them look more confused

''That's why we ask... Whats an extol is and what is the whistling thing?'' Sanji asked, confusing the old knight this time

''You people...'' he muttered in surprise ''Didn't you come here through the Summit of High West? You must have been to one or two islands, right?'' as he looks down at them

''Right, Luna was told about that'' Chopper said causing the rest of them to nod while Zoro and Nami also thought about the man in that old man's bar for a brief of moment

''We came up via the Knock Up Stream'' Luna said casually, shocking the old knight

''What?! You guys actually came via that monstrous stream?!'' he asked with a surprised voice ''I never thought there would still be people this brave..'' sounding astonished before he asked ''Did you lose one or two crew?''

''Nope, we're all here'' Luffy replied as he looks up at the old man with a big smile on his face

''Other routes are not like this. If hundred people want to go to Sky Island through the other routes, it would be a gamble with no way to predict how many would survive'' He said as they nod their heads once more, remembering Luna also telling them the same thing ''However, The Knock Up Stream means that either everyone dies or everyone gets there together. Those are the only two outcomes'' He said grimly before he adds ''Not many dares to take this gamble, especially people in these years. I deeply respect your navigator who has both courage and real strength'' causing Nami to blush as she was saying thanks while Usopp smirked, trying to take credit for that before Nami's face turn into a scary one and grabbed his face threateningly

The knight then stood up and took out a whistle before he spoke ''One whistle. Blow this whistle once and I will come down from heaven to save you!'' as he dropped the whistle down onto the main deck, where everyone was standing ''Using the currency of the sky, each whistle would cost five million extol but your first whistle will be free as my gift to you.'' Turning around and preparing to leave ''Use the whistle to call me at any time!!''

''Wait!'' Nami yelled out, stopping him for a moment ''We don't even know your name!''

''I would be Gan Fall, the knight of the sky!'' he declared as the weird pink bird landed next to him ''And this is my partner, Pierre!!'' as the bird starts to screech and transform ''And before I forget, Pierre..'' while everyone was looking with an interest ''Even though he's a bird, he has the power of the Uma Uma Fruit.'' as he hopped onto the back of the horse with white wings and its still pink body with red polka dots ''Which means he can become a winged horse!'' before he rode off into the clouds ''I wish you luck brave ones!''

While everyone was watching him depart with sweatdrops and weird faces ''It turned into a strange animal in the end'' Sanji commented as every one of them agreed with a nods

''In the end... He didn't tell us anything we already don't know..'' Luna said as they were still looking after Gan Fall, who's already disappeared from their sight

''Yeah... Really, nothing at all'' Usopp add slowly after Luna

''Which way do we go from here now?'' Sanji asked, wondering how they will get higher as Zoro was saying that they were now back to square one

''Okay, let's call the old man and ask him!'' Luffy stated, causing Luna to smile big as she claps her hands

''Luffy! That's a good idea!'' as Luffy turned to her with a big smile and was about to blow it before Nami, Usopp, and Chopper jumped on him, trying to take the whistle while they were also yelling at Luna but soon the three of them start to fight over the whistle, saying that the weakest one should use it and all three were saying that they were the one who's is the weakest

''Your arguments are quite strange..'' Robin said as she looks at the fighting Nami, Usopp, and Chopper with a rather weird face.

After fighting for a while, Nami fixed the whistle to the mast and said that the one who gets into trouble go and blow it and it was fair for all which they agreed before Nami turn to Luffy, Luna, Zoro, Sanji, and Robin, telling them that they were not going to blow the whistle under any circumstances, which they agreed and promised they wouldn't touch it

Once everything settled, they spot what looks like a waterfall in the distance and decided to head there. They were all in front of the ship, looking at the beautiful scenery as the ship sail across the clouds but soon, their path was blocked by clouds.

''They are blocking our way... What do we do?'' Nami said thoughtfully as she was looking at the clouds in front of them

''Those big clouds look like they are floating on top of the ocean, sort of like icebergs'' Sanji said as he let a puff from his cigarette. While Usopp was questioning what kind of clouds they were and Nami was saying if they were just normal clouds they could sail, Luffy stretches out his arm to found out and even grab a piece but when he did, his hand bounces right off, causing Luffy, Luna, Chopper and Usopp's eyes to shine and soon four of them were jumped right onto it and bouncing around the giant cloud with laughs.

While they were enjoying themselves, Nami was thinking hard ''If the clouds are like that, the ship can't get past this place...'' as her hand was on her chin, looking so thoughtful before she turned and shouted at them ''Hey!! While you are up there, try to find a route fo the ship to pass!!''

''Oh, okay!'' Luna said but she didn't move from where she was laying, causing Nami to yell at her, as Usopp was calling Luffy, saying he was seeing something while Chopper was laying besides Luna on the cloud with a rather blissful face

''There is a giant gate there!'' Usopp yelled out with Luffy

''A gate?'' Nami questioned as she looks at him

''Yeah! Under that waterfall looking cloud, there is a huge gate!!'' Usopp said as they all jump back onto the ship. The ship then began sailing in between the giant clouds with Usopp giving directions while Luna and Robin were discussing the clouds. After sailing through the clouds, they soon reached the waterfall on top of the clouds and they saw the giant, gold and white gate that Usopp spotted

''Good...We seem to have passed through'' Nami said with a sigh as she looks at the gate with a sign above it says 'Heaven's Gate'

As they were all looking impressed and were admiring the waterfall, Usopp suddenly begins to shake with a paled face ''Heaven's Gate..'' sounding nervous and start to sweat with a terrified look on his face ''Gotta be a bad omen. It's like we're going to die..''

''Yeah..'' Zoro said as he was sitting on the railing with folded arms, with a smirk on his face ''Maybe we're actually dead'' he suggested

''Really? If that's so, then that would explain this strange place..'' Sanji add after him, looking like he was thinking over it, causing Chopper to yell out in shock, asking if they already dead while Luna was smacking both of them in the head, saying not to scare Chopper. As Luffy was saying Heaven looks fun and they finally gonna get there with laughs, Zoro was groaning while Sanji was saying sorry to Luna and Chopper was looking so relieved that they weren't dead in the end.

''Look!'' Usopp suddenly point over to the platform of the gate, getting their attention ''Somebody is coming out!'' causing everyone to turn and look there only to saw a little, old lady with wings on her back

''I'm Amazon, Heaven's Gate inspector. Are you here for sightseeing, for fighting or other?'' she asked as she was taking pictures of them ''Actually, it doesn't matter why you're here. If you want to go up, each person must pay a one billion extol entrance fee. That's the law.''

''She really had wings!!'' Luffy said as he looks at her unbelieving face and being filled with Sanji's angel poems until now ''So that's how angels look?! She looks like an umeboshi!'' he stated as Luna look at him after this

''That's rude Luffy, she is just an old lady'' causing him to blink before he sheepishly smiled at her as she scold him

Usopp however, was looking shocked ''One billion extol... How much is that when converted to berry?!'' while Nami was nervously smiling and saying that they don't have any money but the old woman said that they could still go up, shocking Usopp much more and causing Luna to frown with narrowed eyes

''Also, if you don't want to go up, it's okay too'' causing them to look at her weirdly in silence as she also add ''I'm not a guard nor am I a soldier. I just want to know your intentions''

While Nami was saying then it was sightseeing with a rather unsure look ''Then we're going. We want to go to Sky Island'' Luffy said while he was also looking unsure before he also add ''Even though we don't have money, we're going Granny!'' As he looked more confident this time with a smile on his face

''This is too suspicious'' Luna lowly said while she was wildly glaring at the old woman with folded arms as Robin made an agreeing voice beside her, glaring at the old woman with a much more calm look. Zoro was also looking skeptical as he was also beside them and staring at the old woman

''Really? Eight people then, right?'' Old woman Amazon asked, causing Luffy to blink for a moment with how much easy that was

''Right! But... how do we get up?'' he asked as he look at the old woman but rather than answering to him, suddenly two large claws rose up from under the ship and grabbed onto the sides of the Going Merry. As the Strawhats were starting to screaming and looking at the claws while yelling/asking what that was

''Its the White Sea's famous express lobster'' the old lady said as the lobster raised up and placed the Merry on its back before it took off through the gate and began climbing up the waterfall.

While they were all hanging on tightly as the giant lobster began climbing some sort of spiral road that went further up into the clouds with very fast speed, Heaven's Gate inspector, Amazon was reporting,

''Oh mighty God and his Priests, to those wanting to visit God's country, Skypiea, to these eight illegally entering travelers, bestow upon them Heaven's Judgement.'' as a little smirk appeared on her old face.


After the terrifying ride on the Milky Road, they could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel

''Look, its the exit!'' Nami yelled out as they get closer to the light and saw a sign on the side of the clouds that was saying 'Godland Skypiea'

''Godland..?'' Robin asked as she read the sign while Luffy was seeing only Skypiea part and grinning while screaming out excitedly

''It's not an exit!! Its an entrance!'' as they were all also had smiles on their faces with excitement.

When the Going Merry burst through the clouds and landed on the White White sea, under the bright light, they all see the breathtaking view in front of them

Under the bright sunlight, an island made of clouds, filled with sparkling buildings and roads made up of soft-looking clouds was in front of them. There were several smaller clouds that held buildings and trees and there were also several large roads made up of clouds and embedded with what looking like twisted up vines crossed to the smaller islands. It was truly a magnificent sight to see.

As soon as the Merry came to the cloudy beach, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper jump off the ship and start to run to ashore on the soft clouds with joyful laughs.

''Hey, what about the anchor?! There is probably no bottom here, right?'' Zoro asked Luffy as he shout out but the answer he got was just don't worry as Luffy couldn't care less about that at the moment since he was having fun on the cloudy beach, causing Zoro to sweatdrop

''Just drop it, clouds should be able to hold it'' Luna said indifferently before she went to change her clothes along with Robin and Nami

''This scenery is really amazing... It's like a dream...'' Zoro said while looking around as he was also dropping the anchor into the clouds and seeing only a part of it sink, made him think that it was really shallow down there

''Yeap,'' Sanji said, agreeing with Zoro even though it was rare while folding up his pants ''Also, seeing their happy faces...You can't help it!'' before he jumps out from the ship with a big smile, causing Zoro to sweatdrop once more while he was grumbling Sanji was just like them too

While Nami was yelling about they forget to let go of the south bird, which it was flying away now with dirt look on its face, Luna also got off of the room. She was wearing a light yellow, thin-strapped dress with white floral patterns on it that comes just under her hips. She was also wearing her rope sandals and there was a white, thin belt around her waist as her pitch-black katana was hanging from it on her left side as she was also wearing her bracelets like always too.

After Nami also hopped off the ship ''What about you?'' Robin asked to Zoro, who's sitting on the railing, saying he will go too ''I never thought that navigating and landing could be adventurous, too'' She said as she look at the crew, who's enjoying the island with laughs with a slight smile on her face, causing Zoro to look at her with a raised eyebrow for a moment while Luna was slightly smiling too

''Let's go, Ro!'' Luna said with a much more big smile this time and hopped off the ship too with Robin following behind her

''Haah!!!'' Luffy took a deep breath after playing around a little ''This place smells adventure!!'' he yelled out with a big, excited smile

The moment Luna landed on the shores of the beach, however, she suddenly froze as her smile fade. She frowned with the feeling washed over her. She knew Enel was strong and all but she didn't care much about him until now since she was full of the idea about the holiday and she also knew they would all be fine in the end but having feeling it, was different no matter what.

''What's wrong?'' Robin asked as she jumped off right after her and saw that she was frowning with a serious face unlike the happy one before

''Someone is watching us'' Luna said as she closed her eyes, she could almost feel the eyes on her, and this caused her to question just how far his range was going

Robin, on the other hand, was looking around to understand what she was talking about and tried to find someone but she too frown after Luna also add, ''With haki'' surprising her as she thought that she had never come across with haki users in the Paradise and only saw a couple of them while traveling in the New World with Luna ''Seems like that talk might be sooner than I thought'' Luna said, causing Robin to made an understanding face in an instant

''This is not good though'' Robin said, looking uneasy for a moment as she knew that haki users were not easy to deal with at all

''We don't know anything yet'' Luna said as she look at the crew before she made a smile ''Let's think about it later!'' before she run off with her big smile that returned to her face again

Robin also made a little smile as she look at them. Usopp was building some cloud castle on the beach, Nami was relaxing on some soft looking cloud couch there, Luffy was hanging from the tree with a laugh and trying to bite some strange fruit, Sanji was running around with flowers for girls and Luna went to play with Chopper. They were all laughing and playing around

Just as Robin start to walk there, Zoro also hopped off the ship and moments later he saw something like a little white fox when they start to hear a beautiful sound of music that filled the area, getting everyone's attention

''Huh?'' Luffy turned his head towards to sound ''What's that sound?'' as he was still trying to bite the exotic fruit in his hands

''Harp?'' Luna asked to herself lowly, also looking at the direction of the sound was coming

''What's that?!'' Sanji yelled out before he pointed to distance of the beach ''There is someone over there!!'' causing Usopp to freaked out as he yelled out if it was the masked guy or another guerrilla but when they all look, they saw a beautiful girl with a long, blonde hair that tied in two braided pigtails and she also had something looked like two antennas on top of her head along with miniature white wings on her back.

They all stare at her as she was standing on top of a tall cloud while playing a harp and looking out to the White White Sea. ''Wait!'' Sanji suddenly gasped, as the cigarette in his mouth fell down ''It's...'' he had an astounding voice ''She is an angel!!'' He declared as his eyes suddenly turned pink beating hearts, causing Luna to sweatdrop as she was murmuring ''No, she is just a human girl''

She played with the harp for a few minutes before she stopped and look at them with a kind smile on her face ''Heso!'' she said with a soft voice and a warm look on her face

They all look at her blankly, confusion clear eyes as they tried to figure out what she just said while she was calling the furry creature that Zoro found moments earlier ''Su, come here'' she called out as the little fluffy looking white fox start to happily go over to her. As she also walks out to Su, she looks at the Strawhats ''Did you come from the Blue Sea world?'' the girl asked

Luffy just look at her blankly at first ''We flew up here from the bottom..'' before he made a friendly smile ''Do you live here?'' he asked as he was holding two weird big fruits under his both arms

''Yes, I live here and this is Skypiea's Agel Beach'' she said warmly before she noticed the large fruits under Luffy's arms and laughed a little as she offered to help him to open it. She show them that one had to cut through the bottom since the top was like steel and not bite it but you have to drink it

''My name is Conis and this little one is Su, she is a cloud fox'' She said as she bent down and pick up the little white fox in her arms ''If you have any problems, please let me help you''

Sanji tried to talk with the words he picks up from his pink world but Nami pulled his ear and throw him down as she was smiling to Conis and start to ask questions. Meanwhile, Luna was cutting the bottom of the fruit with her throwing knife she was carrying under her dragon bracelet and was giving it to Chopper, who's waiting with sparkling eyes as Luffy was yelling about how delicious it was.

Nami's question, on the other hand, wasn't answered since Conis's father showed up on something he was riding on the sea and almost crashed into them as he tried to stop. He was a bald man but like Conis he also had antennas on his head with a round beard around his mouth. He was just like his daughter, he was a hospitable man and he has even invited them to their house for lunch.

While they were cheering about a sky island meal, Nami was asking the thing Pagaya was riding as she remembered to read in Norland's logbook, the thing called 'Waver' a boat that can sail without wind. Nami's questions answered when Conis said it was dials that made it move and seeing they had no idea what they were, Conis's father, Pagaya and Conis start to explain what dials were and the different kinds of dials to the crew.

After a little while later, Luna was trying to save Luffy from the cloud sea since he went to rode the Waver and failed miserably while Pagaya and Conis were explaining the dials to them as they were also watching Luffy.

After Luffy's failed attempt, this time Nami decided to try and ride the Waver while Zoro and Sanji were bickering at each other for something again. Much to Pagaya and Conis's surprise, Nami was actually pretty good at riding the waver, causing Luffy to sulk after he got over his shock and start to yell at Nami to come back and they will go to the man's house to eat a meal, looking jealous somehow, causing Sanji to kick him while saying not to yell at Nami

''You guys go ahead!!'' Nami yelled out, sounding like she was enjoying herself way too much ''Mister, can I ride a little longer?''

''Yes, please be careful!!'' Pagaya yelled back, looking worried somehow

Just as everyone turn to go to Pagaya's house, Luna turn to look at Nami ''Hey Nami! Be careful and don't go too far! We still don't know much about here!'' She shout at her but the only answer she get was Nami's laughs as she was saying she will be fine, causing Luna to sigh before she turn back and start to walk

After everyone, except Nami, began to follow Pagaya and Conis to their house for a meal, they began to walk up giant stairs made of clouds and as they were walking up the stairs, Pagaya start to explain the different types of clouds they had on Skypiea. It was fascinating to hear about the different clouds, especially for Luna and Robin as they found this interesting. Luna was heard about the island clouds were made from special particles that are in sea prism stones but she didn't know the details about them and various of the dials were interesting too. She had seen them before but there were too much of different kinds of them on Skypiea


They were now Pagaya and Conis's house that overlooked the sea clouds. Sanji was followed Pagaya into the kitchen while the rest of the crew made themselves comfortable in the living room. Robin was asking Conis a variety of different questions about Skypiea and Luna was looking at Conis with hidden suspicion as she was thinking that they were too welcoming and she was looking like she already knew they're coming from the beginning.

At some point, Conis start to explain more about the dials and how they were working and saying that they were made from remains of particular shellfish which have the ability to store energy and matter while Usopp and Luffy was playing with the dials they found on their home

Soon, Sanji come out from the kitchen with Pagaya following him. He was carrying trays of food that were looking so delicious and they began to enjoy their meal while getting lost with their amazing tastes

Sanji went to the window while everyone was eating their launch, staring out at the sea ''Where did Nami go?''

''She was riding the waver'' Luna said as she took a bite from the lobster with a smile, praising Sanji in her mind as to how delicious it was while Luffy was doing what Luna had in her mind loudly

''No, she is not on the sea.,'' Sanji said slowly as he look around the sea, now starting to sound worried

''Then she probably went a little far. Just forget about her!'' Luffy said through a mouthful food, still a little irritated about the waver incident, however, they noticed how Conis and Pagaya got anxious and tensed up after Luffy's words

''F-father, will it be alright?!'' Conis asked nervously

''Ohh, Conis, my daughter, I have a bad feeling about this too'' he answered as he was sounding apprehensive

Also noticing the uneasy looks on them as well ''What? What are you talking about?'' Luffy asked as he look at them

Conis turned to them after this ''In Skypiea, there is one place where no one should ever enter.'' Conis start to explain with a worried look on her face ''That place is very close to this island and with waver, one can reach there very fast.''

''The place no one should ever enter... What's that?'' Robin asked after she took a bite from her meal

''Its the holy land.'' Conis answered to her, surprising them ''Its where the God lives, Upper Yard.'' causing everyone except Luna's eyes to widen in shock

''God is there?!'' Luffy asked, looking really surprised ''In the place that no one should ever set foot in?!''

''Yes, this is 'God's Land' and it's ruled by the almighty God Enel!'' Conis said, looking worried ''He knows and sees everything,'' Conis went on with a slightly scared voice now ''He's truly omniscient. He keeps his all-seeing eyes on everyone, always'' she said as she was slightly looking down, causing Luna and Robin to look at each other for a moment as Luffy's eyes start to shine and noticing that in an instant, Usopp gasp in fear

''Hey Luffy!!!'' he yelled out with a terrified look on his face ''What are you thinking about right now?! You just heard what she said, right?!'' as he grab Luffy's shoulders and start to shake him violently while Luffy had a bright, shiny big smile on his face ''No one should ever set foot, means nobody may enter!!'' seeing Luffy was only smiling ''Luffy?!!'' he scream out in terror

''Oh, really...'' Luffy said as his eyes were sparkling ''There is a place that nobody may enter?'' he asked like an innocent child but it only terrified Usopp more as he let him go ''I see... A place that nobody may enter...?'' Luffy slowly repeat but the look on his face was enough them to understand is intentions

'He is going for sure' every Strawhats thought the same thing as they look at Luffy but Luffy then suddenly turned to Conis ''Huh? But even though it's forbidden, God will forgive us, right? He is really nice, right?''

''Ah.. but breaking the rule set by God is disrespecting God..'' Conis said as she looked worried again but Luffy didn't seem like he minds it at all

''Really? Oh well, it doesn't matter'' he said with a shrug as he took a bite from the food he was eating while Chopper was gasping in shock as he thought 'He'll go even though he knows he won't be forgiven?!'

''If this Upper Yard is so close here, you must have seen what this God Enel look like, right?'' Luna asked to Conis, looking calm as she took a bite from her meal

''Oh no!'' Conis said in a panic as she raised both of her hands up in the air and waved them a little ''Upper Yard is sacred ground and a place only for our god to rest. Like everyone else, we are also not allowed to go there'' She said quickly as she was looking like she was hoping this wouldn't anger the god

Luna, however, had a slight smile on her face ''Do you know the punishment of going to this forbidden place?'' she asked as she look at both father and daughter while others were also looking at them

''It is our belief that if you break the rules and go to the Upper Yard, you won't return back alive'' Pagaya said, looking grim, causing their eyes to widen for a moment and Usopp to gone pale with fear as Pagaya went on ''It is why I'm worried about your friend Nami as well as the rest of you'' he add, causing Sanji to freak out as he run over to the window and began to scream Nami's name while Luffy was saying that they should go out and look for her with his still shiny eyes

''You don't care about saving Nami!'' Usopp yelled at him as he start to shake him again ''You just want to go that place we shouldn't go!!'' while looking absolutely terrified

Luna put a hand on Usopp's shoulder, causing him to look at her with teary eyes but Luna just smiled ''Give it up!'' as they all start to get up to go back to the Angel Beach while Usopp was yelling as he look at the sky with his hands holding his head

''Nooo!!!'' Who knows maybe to the real Heaven's...


Nami on the other hand was hiding very close to Upper Yard from Enel's Priests as they called themselves. She saw the man who asks help from her as he was hunting down and the man was just got disintegrated with a massive beam of energy had fired from the sky.

''I think that guy was talking to somebody..?'' One the man said as Nami was hiding and listening to them

''It was the guerrilla that got away just now'' Another one said

''That guys was begging for his life, right?'' Another one asked as they shortly laugh at this, like mocking with him

''But what was Enel-sama thinking? Why did he do it himself?'' The first one who was asked a question asked again

''Time was up, probably'' One of them said casually causing the other one to ask

''Time was up?''

''The next group of illegal trespassers has already entered this country.'' One of them explained as another one asking ''again?'' but he went on his explanation ''We received a message from Amazon. It seems eight citizens of Blue Sea came up on a ship.''

Nami's eyes widen at this as she thought that was themselves while thinking that old lady on the entrance 'Does that mean we'll end up like that person earlier?!' she thought as the Priests were talking like eight of them were nothing, as they were bored and disappointed they were just eight 'Come to think of it, what was that earlier?! Who really are they? What is this place?!' Nami thought in panic as she waited for them to go and as soon as they were gone

''This is bad! I gotta hurry up and warn everyone!'' as she starts to head straight back to Angel Beach


Strawhats meanwhile, was looking at the group of men, whose coming towards them with rather slowly since they were laying flat on their stomach and crawling. All of them were looking at them with their mouths hanging open, except Robin but even she had a bewildered look on her face as she was looking at the group of men.

''Why they are crawling on the ground?'' Sanji asked as he lit a new cigarette while looking at them weirdly

''Dunno... Maybe they're just pervents'' Usopp state, looking thoughtful as Chopper believed in him immediately and just thought of them as pervents

''They certainly have some issues'' Luna said as she look at them, she really didn't understand why in the hell they were crawling while they could just walk

When the men got in front of Pagaya and Conis, they got up on their feet back and held up the index and pink fingers of their left hand and placed in front of their forehead before they spoke ''Heso!'' they all said in unison, causing Luffy to made a weird face before he turned to Luna, who's also looking at them weirdly besides Luffy

''What are they talking about since earlier?'' he asked, causing Luna to look at him

''They say this every time when they saw each other'' Luna said as Conis and Pagaya were also saying 'Heso' at the men that came ''Maybe it's a way to say hello?'' She suggested before both of them blink at each other blankly and turn to them with a sweatdrop

''Well, look what we have here!'' The man in the front, wearing a long cape, obviously their leader ''You must be the Blue Sea dwellers who have been illegally entered the Skypiea! Prepare to have the weight of Heaven's Judgment brought down upon you!'' he yelled out as he look at the Strawhats while Pagaya and Conis was gasping in shock, causing Luffy to look at them and ask what are they talking about

The leader then pulled out a stack of photos from his coat ''There is no denying it. We already received this from the watcher of Heaven's Gate Amazon. This is a picture taken with vision dial!'' he stated, causing Luna to frown

''I knew that woman let us go that easy was suspicious'' as she clicked her tongue while Pagaya was trying to say that they were not bad people to Captain McKinley, the leader of the group

''Why's he calling us illegal trespassers?'' Sanji asked in annoyance

''Must be talking about the one billion extol entrance fee because we certainly didn't pay it'' Robin said calmly

''But that old lady said we could pass!'' Usopp said with a frowned face

''Please stop making excuses and just admit your guilt!'' Captain McKinley said loudly before he went on ''There is no need to panic though. According to Heaven's Judgement, illegal trespassing is only a Class 11 crime. After serving the punishment, you will immediately become regular tourists.''

''You should have said that earlier!'' Sanji said as he sounded suspicious about this ''I don't like it but what's the punishment?'' he asked as he stood with folded arms

''Its very simple.'' McKinley said casually ''Just pay ten times the entry fee! Each person is now ten billion extol, which means eighty billion extol for eight people. Pay now and your criminal status will be erased immediately!''

''Who carries around that much money?! How much is that in berry anyway?!'' Luna yelled out at him with the unreasonable money amount

''How don't you know?!'' Usopp asked Luna as he look at her ''Didn't you go to the sky island before?'' causing Luna to avert her gaze with a little pout for a moment

''I didn't pay for anything, I just run off'' with a shrug as she was looking another side, it wasn't like she was carrying money on her all the time

While Usopp was looking at her with a little sweatdrop ''Berry..That's the currency of the Blue Sea, isn't it?'' McKinley asked but it didn't sound like he was asking them since he add ''In berry...ten thousand extol is one berry.''

''Which means how much?'' Usopp asked with a confused face as he was counting his fingers

''Eighty billion extol would mean eight million berry'' Robin answered him with a calm look

''Too much!'' Sanji suddenly yell at McKinley after hearing Robin ''With that much money I could buy tons of rice! We risked our lives to get here! Why do we have to pay that much of money!?!'' looking so pissed off

''If you had paid the entrance fee in the beginning, it would have been only 800,000 berry'' McKinley said with an indifferent expression

''That's still a lot!'' Sanji yelled at him before he turn to the rest of them ''Forget it. Let's just ignore them and find Nami-san. She may be lost somewhere and crying right now''

''This is only a warning but we are the White Berets, the direct servants of the high priests and if you continue to deny you guilt, your criminal status will only become worse!'' McKinley warn them with a calm look as the crew huddled together and was talking with each other now

''Do we have enough money?'' Usopp asked as he look at Luna with a worried look on his face

Luna sigh ''Of course...'' she said slowly and for a moment, Usopp and Chopper had smiles on their faces ''We don't.'' Luna finished with a serious face, causing Usopp and Chopper's jaws to fall

''We don't?!'' They asked loudly with shocked faces

''No way we have that much!'' Luna yelled back at them before she let a sigh ''We're pirates, it's not like we need to pay anything anyway. Let's just forget about them and go to find Nami'' she said with a nod while Luffy and Sanji were also nodding along, for different reasons though

''That's right, we have to find Nami-swan!'' Sanji state with a serious face

''Yeah, let's go to God's place and find Nami'' Luffy add after him with a smile, causing them to sweatdrop for a moment as his intentions were way too obvious

As they were discussing their different problems while ignoring the soldiers, leader McKinley start to become angry

''Ignoring the White Berets!'' He suddenly shouted ''That is a 9th class crime!'' he yelled out as he point a finger at them, causing Pagaya and Conis to gasp in shock while all Strawhats turn to look at them

''Shut up! Do you wanna fight?!'' Luffy yell back at him with anger, causing Usopp and Chopper to go over him while they were saying they should wait for Nami and maybe she could do something about the money but just then, Nami's voice got everyone's attention

''Wait!!'' causing Sanji's eyes to turn in hearts in a matter of seconds ''Luffy! Don't oppose those men!!'' Nami yelled out, sounding panicked

''Why not?!'' Luffy yelled back at her, looking like he doesn't even care as he was still holding up his punches while Usopp was looking suspicious

''Don't oppose them..?'' But getting over it immediately ''Hey Nami!! They say we need to pay an entry fee of eight million berry!!'' hoping Nami could do something about the amount somehow

Nami let a relaxed sigh after hearing Usopp ''That's good! So we can still just pay the fee...Eight million berry..'' but she then suddenly sped up and slammed the waver right into McKinley's face, screaming out with shark teeth ''That's too damn expensive!!''

They all watched in silence with blank faces as McKinley sent flying off, smashing through the ground and lay down there with blood dripping down his face. As McKinley's men were crying his name in shock and worry ''Ah!'' Nami made a face like she just realized what she had done ''Crap! Because of their ridiculous high fine, I lost it!!'' causing Luna to laugh

Nami brought waver back to its owner and said thanks before she turned to the crew and said that it was time to run and the God was a real pain so they shouldn't mess with him ''What?!!'' Luffy asked in shock before he frown, clearly doesn't want to run away ''Why? Didn't you already attack them!?''

''That was just an accident!!'' Nami said but before anyone can continue

''Hold it!!'' McKinley suddenly yelled out, getting up from where he was laying ''There is no escape!! Not only were you impolite to us, but her action also hindered a public official which is a 5th class crime!!'' before he shout out with blood dripping from his face with a very angry face ''With the power invested in me by God Enel, I sentence you to cloud drifting!'' causing Conis to made a shocked face as she gasp in fear

''What's that? Cloud drifting sounds comfortable!'' Luffy asked to Conis with a big smile on his face

''It's not good at all!!'' Conis cried out ''It means putting you and your ship on a piece of island cloud so you will drift in the sky until you die! It's a death penalty!!'' as she was shaking a little, Usopp, Chopper, and Nami had shocked faces while Robin calmly made an understanding voice

''I see. No wonder ships would fall from the empty sky...'' Robin said, getting Usopp's attention as she went on ''The galleon that fell from the sky probably received the same sentence 200 years ago'' causing Usopp to shiver as he was starting to get flashbacks of the skeletons while Luna was nodding thoughtfully, agreeing with Robin

''Get them!!!'' Captain McKinley suddenly yelled out as the group of men to step forward with arrows and bows

''Run!! You guys cant beat them!'' Conis yelled out, causing Nami, Usopp, and Chopper to run towards to ship immediately

''Don't say that miss'' McKinley look at Conis with narrowed eyes and shadowed face ''You sound like you're trying to help the criminals!'' as he was sounding serious, startling Conis while Zoro, Sanji, and Luna was preparing to fight as Robin was also making her way to the ship with Chopper but she was looking rather calm as always

''Fire the Milky Arrow!'' Captain McKinley ordered, causing all of the soldiers to release the arrows from their bows. As the arrows sailed towards them, it left a trail of milky purple clouds for the soldiers to ride on them with skates that were powered by jet dials

All four of them stayed on the beach, dodged the clouds and arrows as they were looking surprised a little to their fighting styles. Just soldiers drew their swords and tried to slash Luffy, he jump on the air as he yell with a smile ''You guys have some cool stuff!!'' shocking the soldiers, Pagaya and Conis with his stretched arm

''Gum Gum'' He start to spin around himself rapidly in the air before he stretched and wrapped himself in his own arm and legs like a rubber ball and when he let his limbs go free ''Fireworks!'' the ball he made from himself unwrapped itself and he unleashed on them a flurry of punches and kicks of increased speed that went every direction due to his fists and feet bouncing back and forth.

Luna, Zoro, and Sanji, on the other hand, were dealing with remaining ones in ease

''By the way, Nami'' Zoro start as he sheathed his katana ''How much money do we have onboard now? Luna said we don't have enough to pay''

''50,000 berry'' Nami said causally from the onboard of the Merry

''50,000?! That's it?!'' Zoro asked as Nami explained it would only last for them for one or two days

''Why are we so poor?!'' Luffy suddenly shout out, pointing a finger at them ''I'm the Captain, so I'll say something! You guys should think about how you spend our money!!'' causing them, except Robin and Luna, to yell at him while they were saying it was all going to feed him

Meanwhile, Conis and Pagaya were in shock that they were defeated the White Berets so easily when they heard a chuckling voice ''Ha...Hahaha, you fools..'' McKinley said with an evil smirk on his face as he was on his feet again, getting everyone's attention ''It would have been fine if you had done as I said. We, the White Berets, are the nicest law enforcers in God Land. They, on the other hand... Won't be so forgiving!'' He declared as all of them were looking at him with blank faces while Nami was startled with what he said ''With this, you have become second class criminals. No matter how much you cry or scream...Hahahaha... The Priests of Upper Yard will personally judge you!!'' He declared dramatically as he point a finger at them


After White Berets finally gone while they were crawling once again ''We were tricked!'' Nami suddenly stated as they were talking on the beach now and Nami was told them what happened when she was gone as they were also told her too ''Didn't that old lady said 'You can still go up' But once we did, it became illegal trespassing?! This is fraud! They cant do this!'' looking so angry

''That's true'' Usopp said with folded arms as he let a sigh ''However, even if she said 'You may not pass' I think we would have used force to get through''

''That's right'' Luna nodded at what Usopp said as she also add ''We never had enough money from the beginning, so even if we knew, we would just go with force and be criminals no matter what'' causing Nami to vein popped out on her forehead as her face got darkened

''Shut up!!'' She yelled out but soon her attention get by Pagaya, who's saying that since they were criminals, they can't help them anymore while staying so far away from them with Conis.

''Oh well, it doesn't matter.'' Luffy said with a smile ''We're already used to being chased by authority'' before he become serious and turn to Nami ''Also, why did you come back?'' causing Nami to blink and ask what he was talking about ''We were just about to go to 'the place that no one should ever enter' for a big adventu-' he suddenly cut himself before he blankly and seriously went on ''I meant to go there to find you.''

''You...'' Nami let a sigh as she hold up her hand ''You are a really bad liar!'' before she suddenly start to give pounding Luffy's forehead rapidly ''Big adventure?! I told you, there are some really scary guys on that island! You're just saying that because you didn't see them yourself! Even though I don't know if they're really Gods but their super realistic and illogically immense power is no joke!! And island like that... I will never go there a second time!!'' she yelled out all the while she was pounding him to made him understand

''Fine!'' Luffy yell at her too as he hold his forehead ''We'll go by ourselves, you stay here!''

''No!'' Nami yelled back at him ''Pursuers are coming!! We have to leave this country!'' causing Luffy to yell back at her again

''What?! Leave?! Don't talk crap!! Just think which is important?! Adventure or life?!'' looking so serious as he was asking this

''Life.'' Nami said as a matter of fact before she also add ''Money is the second''

Luna let a sigh ''Enough both of you'' Sounding calm as her eyes were closed, causing them to turn and look at her ''Firstly, we don't know how to go back down right now'' Causing Nami to gasp with realization ''Secondly, we're always criminals where ever we go anyway, so this isn't much of a difference.'' she then opened her eyes that was looking excited somehow ''And this place that Enel guy lives... Since he is called God and they called this place sacred...It must be a very beautiful place'' she said in excitement as she claps her hands ''That place must be the best part for our holiday!'' with a big smile, causing Nami to gasp in shock, who had been seriously listening until now

''You just want a holiday in the end!!'' Nami yelled out as she start to shake Luna while holding her collar, thinking what difference is made this from Luffy anyway ''We need to leave somehow! I told you, we shouldn't mess with these guys!!''

Not budged from Nami's yellings, Luna suddenly hold Nami's hands which were holding her collar with a smile on her face ''Nami,'' she said so calmly that Nami stopped for a moment ''You said that man who disintegrated was called treasure hunter by them, right?'' causing Nami to let her go as she blinked for a moment

''Yeah...'' Nami said dubiously, not understanding why Luna was bringing this up now

Luna, however, made a smirk ''This means there must be a treasure!'' she declared loudly, causing Nami to look like she had been struck with lightning for a moment as she had big, widen eyes while Luffy's eyes start to shine with the thought of more adventure and treasure hunt and understanding Luna's intentions right now, Usopp gasp in terror since he was Luna's target like this most of the times ''This guy is called God so, this is the treasure of the God!'' Luna went on her declaration ''How could you let go of this chance?!''

Nami was looking like she was having a war in her head at the moment ''But... it was really scary!'' she yelled out but Luna wasn't going to let this go as she look at the far away of the cloudy sea

''Only to enter this country is 100,000 berry for each...Think about how rich this guy must be...'' sounding so sweat and dreamy '', maybe billions...'' as she made a little smile ''And we may have all of it to ourselves just by going to a close island...'' causing Zoro to sweatdrop while Robin was chuckling to herself

With every word she heard, Nami eyes were slowly changing into berry signs as a dreamy smile was making its way on her face, suddenly Usopp yelled out ''Noo!!!'' in an instant he was now shaking Nami ''Don't let Luna to brainwash you like this!! What about scary people!! That beam thing you said could kill us the second we step on foot there!!'' as he had a terrified look on his face. Like Luffy and Luna weren't enough, Nami was about to go their side too ''We need to leave!! You said yourself just before that your life is first and money the second!!'' causing Nami to blink as she returned to the real world with this

Luffy and Luna, on the other hand, was frowning that it didn't work ''You are such a spoilsport, Usopp'' Luna said, looking totally dissatisfied

''That's right!'' Luffy said with a nod as he was standing besides Luna with folded arms ''Spoilsport.'' he repeat after Luna, causing Usopp to yell at them while the rest of them were sighing as Nami was letting a relaxed sigh, happy that she come back before its too late or she could join them to go their deaths, though Luna's voice was still echoing in the back of her mind with the words of 'Treasure of the God' but she shake her head, trying to not to hear it

''We still don't know how to go back down though'' Chopper said innocently with a thoughtful look on his face, causing Usopp to gasp and turn to Conis, who's there with her father and watching them until now

''Is there a safe way back?! Can we really go back to Blue Sea?!'' looking panicked now

''With the current conditions, a safe route is nonexistent.'' Conis said as she was also looking slightly worried ''There is a way to Blue Seas but you have to go back down to the White Sea, then head to the faraway east, to place called the 'Edge of the Cloud''' Conis said as they were all listening to her before she also add ''Although, I don't think you should try to run. Even though this is a sky ocean, it's still very big.''

''What, what do you mean?'' Usopp asked, looking confused now

''Are you saying we can't escape those guy's fiendish grasps?'' Zoro asked this time but he sounded that he didn't care much about it

Nami let a sigh before she made a smile as she look at Conis ''Well, at least Luna was right about one thing'' causing Luna to murmur with a sulk, saying if it was really just one thing but Nami went on, ignoring her ''Its the same with whichever country we go and if we stay here, we'll just cause you more troubles.'' before she made her way to the ship ''Now that we have no place to hide, lets just set sail! Conis, Mister thanks for your help!''

''Ah!'' Luffy suddenly turned to Pagaya like he remembered something ''Mister, can I take all the food from earlier?!'' he asked with a big smile, causing Luna to also turn to him

''That's a good idea!'' she said with a big smile too as Sanji also join them with agreement while Pagaya was saying of course and Usopp suddenly come there with also a big smile on his face, asking from Pagaya some tools to help him to fix Merry

With four of them following Pagaya and Conis to their house now again and telling the rest that they will take food and come back, the rest of the crew made their way back to the onboard ship. They were all knew that there was no way to convince Luffy to not go there since he was too excited and he was looking like he already decided to go there but Nami was still thinking of a way as they were starting to wait for them.

In the far away, a man, who's nose is bleeding, was hiding as he was watching the Merry with a smirk on his face ''Hehehehe..pursuers?! Stupid... God and his Priests are like the nonmoving mountains, only waiting in the holy land for fools that will be judged.'' he then narrowed his eyes ''You will be guided to the forbidden holy land, Upper Yard!''


When they arrived at Pagaya and Conis's house, Sanji start to mixing up a box of lunches and Usopp was taking some spare tools while Luffy and Luna were watching them, though Luna's doubts about them were just getting bigger as to how they were helpful again, especially after they said they couldn't help them anymore. While Sanji was giving Conis a beautiful launch box as a present he made especially for her, they all turn to look at Usopp with him suddenly called out to them ''Hey, something's wrong with the ship'' as he was looking out of the window, causing them to go there to look at the ship too only to see that the ship was rocking back and forth as if it was in turbulent waters

Sanji was jumped to his feet as he's taken a mini telescope from Usopp's bag to get a better look, screaming Nami's name all the while before his face suddenly turned to blue and scream out with tears ''Why did you put on that t-shirt?!'' causing Usopp to smack him on the back of his head

''Where were you looking to be saying that trash?!'' as he was screaming out

''Ahhh! The ship is running away!'' Luffy state as he jumped on the sill while crouching ''Where are those guys going?!'' as the ship was now starting to move backward with a large and dark shadow under it ''Ohh? They are moving backward, cool!!'' Luffy yelled out, causing Luna to look at the ship with a narrowed eyes

''I don't think they are the ones who move the ship though'' while she was looking at the shadow under the ship

''That's right! They didn't set sail!!'' Usopp yelled out as he point a finger towards the ship ''Look under the ship!'' causing everyone to look at more focused at it as Pagaya gasp

''That's...!! White White Sea special super speedy shrimp!'' It was a giant lobster, bigger then the one who brought them up, carrying the Merry on its back while going to somewhere with a high speed as a group of big sky fishes were also following the ship

Before the ship was out of their sights, they could hear Nami's voice, screaming out at the top of her lungs ''Luffy..! Luna..! Usopp..! Sanji..!!'' her voice echoed before they faded away while they were all watching in silence with blank faces

''Why did she wear a t-shirt?'' Sanji asked, breaking the silence as he was sweating a lot, looking shocked

''Get over it!'' Usopp yelled out at him before he turned to Luffy ''Hey Luffy!! This is bad! What we do now?!'' but Luffy was looking confused for a moment

''Where are they going?'' he asked thoughtfully

''Where?!'' Usopp yelled, sounding like how could he even ask this ''It has to be...!'' Cutting himself before he start to blink with more calm looking ''Where?'' he repeated as all four of them look at each other with dumbfounded looks before they turned to Pagaya

''Where are they going?'' they ask in unison, looking all blank as they were standing side by side

''Super speedy shrimp is God's servant. Anything it transports is always a sacrifice for God.'' Pagaya replied in a slightly worried voice, causing Luna to narrow her eyes ''In other words, they are going to the North-East portion of God's island the Sacrificial Altar'' he said grimly, causing Sanji to gasp in horror

''Sacrifices?!'' He yelled out with a totally freak out face ''Nami-swan and Robin-san and the others will become sacrifices?!! Sacrifices for that God?!!'' Before he completely lost himself ''That asshole!! Don't toy around with people!!!''

''Please wait! You misunderstood!!'' Pagaya said, trying to calm down Sanji before he start to explain to the four of them that their ship and their friends were now hostages and the ones who must face Heaven's Judgement were the four of them to get them back.

''So how are we gonna go there?'' Luna ask then, looking calm with folded arms while others were trying to understand the situation

''If there is a map.,'' Pagaya said, causing Usopp to look at his bag and pulled out a map from it. As they sit around the small table in the living room with a map on the table, Pagaya showed them where the altar was and how to get there. He explained they were being headed to the Upper Yard, where the Priests were waiting for them and there were four of them while also adding that if they want to save their friends they should get through the Priests first.

''Those guys did a nice design. So if we want our crew and ship, we can only go from the front..'' Sanji said with a frowned face as he bite his cigarette while looking at the map

''That's our trial... Its the judgment of heaven...'' Usopp slowly muttered like he was trying to wrap his head around the situation

''It sounds like a game, this all trial thing...Maybe the God is bored'' Luna said casually as she look at the map too

''But...We just need to deal with these Priests and send them flying with a punch, right?'' Luffy said with an excited smirk on his face, causing Luna to nod with a smile too but Usopp was shaking, saying that it can't be that easy, Luffy only laugh at him though

''Don't be careless!'' Pagaya suddenly said, looking worried ''Those four Priests are stronger than you think!'' before he add with an obvious fear ''Most importantly, God Enel himself is on Upper Yard!''


They were now walking through what looked like the main shopping district on the island, a place called Lovely Street. It was a very beautiful place as they walk through the streets with bags on their backs with Conis leading them through the crowded street but as they walked through they couldn't help but notice that they were being avoided by everyone

''Are they... trying to avoid us?'' Usopp asked as he glance around

''Yeah..'' Sanji said with a sigh ''They probably know we're criminals'' looking so down since the girls were staying away too

''Hahaha! It's nice with nobody blocking the street'' Luffy said with a laugh, looking happy while Sanji murmuring with a depressed tone that the angels were avoiding them.

Luna, on the other hand, was looking at Conis, understanding what's going on here while also glancing at the white berets, who are secretly following them and she was thinking that they should just hurry up and go already so Conis would also be fine as Luffy was looking around and finding strange things, causing Sanji to yell at him, ''Luffy!! It's not the time for fooling around! Nami-san and Robin-san and others were taken as sacrifices! Are you going to save them or not!''

Luffy didn't seem concerned at all though ''Save them? Don't worry, Zoro is with them''

''We can't rely on that guy!'' Sanji state with a yell

''Hopefully, the ship is okay. Its been so much trouble recently'' Usopp muttered in worry, ignoring Luffy and Sanji

''Yeah..'' Luna add besides Usopp, also ignoring the two of them ''Especially after what happened to her in Jaya..'' She muttered silently, sighing together with Usopp. They were tried so hard to fix the Merry while Luffy was gone to take the gold from Bellamy and she was so persistent about they should show priority to the keel, which it was caused her to explain the importance of the keel to Usopp at that time. She could only hope that even if it's little, this would help the Merry, at least for a while.

Both of them get out from their thoughtful states with Luffy's sudden shout and running to something in the middle of the street. It was some kind of statue made up of mud, encased behind glass. Four of them look over it in an interested way and made their opinion as to what is it but Conis answered them, ''That's Vearth, the idol of the citizens of the sky.''

''Eh!?'' Luffy made a weird face after he heard Conis ''That thing is your idol? Are you stupid?'' causing Luna to look at him

''Don't say that Luffy'' Sounding like she was scolding him ''Every people had their own belief and no one had any right to say something about them'' she said, causing Luffy to look at her with confuse, he could understand her but he still couldn't understand why they have worshiped this mud.

Conis laughed at this a little though, ''Hmm, its probably too hard for citizens of Blue Seas to understand'' and show the way to the port. Luna glance at the mud statue for the last time before she also follow Conis. She could understand their problem and their yearning for the earth, for all she knows, these people were so much like their ancestors even though they forget about them, and it was just sad.

When they come to the docks, they saw a lot of different boats with different colors and sizes. Luffy wanted the biggest gondola that he could find but instead of it, Conis led them to a tiny boat with a crow figurehead and a bright umbrella above it.

''Its called he Crow'' Conis said cheerfully as she shows the little boat

''Huh?! Why this one?'' Luffy asked, sounding shocked and disappointed after seeing the other boats

''Crow...'' Sanji said slowly ''It's not even a seabird...'' sounding thoughtful

''It looks cute though...'' Luna add slowly too after Sanji as Usopp was just watching with a sweatdrop

Conis then explained that she used this until she learned to drive the waver, it was a little slow but she said that it would be useful. Luffy wanted another one but Conis then said sorry and she doesn't have money to rent the one Luffy wants, causing Sanji to kick him while saying he should apologies to her. Afterward, she explained that they should go through the second gate to enter the milky road to God's Island and that was the only way.

Luffy however, suddenly looked blank ''Hey, Conis'' he slowly he said

''Ah!'' Startling Conis a little as she nervously answered ''Yes?''

''How come you've been shaking ever since you left your home?'' Luffy asked bluntly with a blank face, causing Luna to sigh as she thought 'Of course he realized..' while Sanji and Usopp also look at Conis more carefully, who's trembling as she was also suddenly unable to look at them with her widen, fearful eyes

''I..'' She shakingly said ''Is... it that obvious..?'' as everyone on the street was alarmed and looking at them while sweating

''Yeah, what are you so afraid of?'' Luffy asked bluntly again as Sanji start to say how sweet of her to worry about them but Usopp cut him

''Will you be alright? The others on the street were clearly avoiding us, yet, you led us here..and lent u-'' Usopp, however, couldn't go on as he also suddenly cut with a rather angry voice

''Usopp, shut up!'' Luna suddenly said rather harshly, startling him with a surprise ''Don't say any more than that'' Luna said with a frown before she turned to Conis with a small smile ''It's fine'' as she looked sincere while smiling at her ''Thanks for your help to lead us until here, Conis. We should leave now'' before she start to push Usopp and Sanji as Luffy was looking frowned but Conis was looking pale and trembling so much now

''No..'' Conis said with a shaking voice ''You already noticed... then why are you...?'' as she was unable to look at them ''It's not fine at all..'' she shakingly said

''What? What's wrong?'' Usopp asked with a confused tone as Conis was sweating and shaking

''I carefully explained the details about the trial and then take you here and I even gave you a boat...How could you not understand what's going on here? And how could you smile like that if you understand it?'' Luffy was looking at her blankly while Sanji and Usopp was looking at her confused as Luna was looking at her with a worried frown but then suddenly, one of the citizens yelled out

''Hey, stop!! Don't say those foolish things!!'' all of the people were looking at them with fear now

'They all know something..' Sanji thought as he and Usopp also look at the people's fearful faces. Conis suddenly fell on her knees, like living a nervous breakdown ''Can you away?!'' she was sounding so desperate before tears also fall down from her eyes ''I'm sorry!!'' causing the citizens to yell at her to shut up, looking freaked out but Conis went on, confessing what she had done loudly as tears were falling non stop ''The one who called for the super speedy shrimp, it was me!!'' startling Luna and shocking Sanji, unable to believe what he was hearing

''The giant shrimp that kidnapped Nami?! You called for it?!'' Sanji asked in shock as Conis continued to cry

''After discovering a criminal, if we don't take them to the judgment ground, we will get killed!!'' causing all of the citizens to yell at her in fear once again to shut her up as Luffy's face was got darkened while Usopp and Sanji was looking shocked before even their face also darkened

Luna's hands curled into fists, Conis was accepting the punishment rather than do something like this but ''Are you stupid?!'' She yelled at Conis, who's crying while saying sorry ''I already told you its fine! We were already going there anyway!!''

''You did it because you had no other choice right..?'' Luffy said after Luna as he look at Conis, sounding so angry with his darkened face ''So why..'' as all of them suddenly yelled out at her with anger ''Why did you tell us?!!'' startling Conis as she look up to them with her tears stopped now, looking stunned

Luffy grabbed her shoulders ''You're really an idiot!! You will be attacked now!!'' he yell at her with anger and worry but just then, suddenly all of the citizens start to run away from them, looking terrified as they start to yell run and it's too late

Suddenly a bright light appeared in the sky, causing Luna's eyes to widen as she suddenly pulled back Usopp and Sanji, who's beside her while the pillar of white light began to come down, looking like it was coming down from heavens. She could feel the electricity in the air as Luffy suddenly hold Conis and tired to ran but he noticed that it was too big and he couldn't run in time

The force of the impact was so great that it momently shake the whole island as the building around it got destroyed or breakdown, blinding everyone there with the bright beam of light. As soon as it disappeared, everyone blinked, trying to gain their sight back and stare at the damage that had been caused. There was so much smoke that it was hard to see for everyone but when it cleared out, they saw a huge hole in the ground, looking at it with horrified faces.

''What was that?'' Sanji asked as he slowly got up from the ground

''What happened?!'' Usopp yelled out in shock as he also got back up along with Luna, and as soon as they saw the giant hole, Sanji and Usopp start to call out Luffy and Conis's name as they were freaking out while Luna was looking at with worry. She knew Luffy would be fine more or less but what about Conis?

''Those two are safe!!'' with the sudden voice they heard above them they look up there and sigh in relief. Gan Fall, on the back of his strange pink horse-bird, holding the two of them as they were looking safe.

''It's that strange old man!!'' Usopp yelled in shock, causing Gan Fall to sweatdrop for a moment

''Strange...No, I would be the knight of the sky!! This is a special favor.'' he declared before he tossed Luffy down to them while Sanji was sigh in relief that Conis was fine ''I will temporarily take care of this girl, I will not let her get attacked.'' He then look down on them with a serious face ''Now that you know the truth about this country as well as the God's power, you should decide what you will do by yourselves. ''

Luffy fixed his hat as he stood up and look up at him ''This country's business has nothing to do with us but we have friends on God's Island.''

Gan Fall look at him with a slight surprise but there was also slight respect too ''Really... Good luck!'' and with that, he headed off across the city with Conis while the four of them head to the little crow and threw their bags into it. Usopp was suddenly giving them farewell before Luna pull him into the boat as he was looking ready to cry while Sanji had a small smile. Luffy, on the other hand, got behind the wheel and with a big smile on his face

''Alright, now forward to Upper Yard!!'' looking ready for the adventure that waiting for them.


They were sailing up the milky road for a while now and finally, they saw a giant forest in front of them.

''Hey, look!!'' Usopp pointed at the upcoming forest ''What's that!?! That giant forest..?'' with a mix of shock and astonishment

''Cool!! Is there a forest like that on the map?'' Luffy asked with excitement as he look forward, it was a huge forest with huge trees

Usopp took off the map and start to look at it with Luna beside him ''Not really..'' Usopp said as he look at the map, ''There is a forest but its not specially marked..It's just a normal forest''

Luna hummed at this for a moment ''Its a map over two hundred years. It's an old map so probably things changed over the years..'' She said thoughtfully while Luffy, who's asked the question in the first place was not listening anymore but admiring the sight in front of them, saying that he wants to climb one of the huge trees around them.

As they got closer and closer, they began to see the entrance that it was decorated with statues like the one on Lovely Street, Vearth, but these ones were much bigger, older, and was looking like not made of mud but stone. There were also torches and spears with animal skulls stuck into them, scaring the hell out of Usopp as he was looking like he saw a ghost.

''Its the entrance!!'' Luffy state excitedly

''This'll probably be our last chance to go back, are you prepared, Usopp?'' Sanji asked as he lit a cigarette

''Eh?'' Usopp look at him, coming back from his shaking state as he was looking at the scary looking statues ''Then if we could, I'd like to go back..'' He shakingly said, his eyes were darting around fearfully

Luffy laughs at this though before he cheerfully yelled out ''Let's go!!''

''You're not even listening to me!!'' Usopp screamed out as the three of them laugh at him. While they were passing the statues, the fearful look never left Usopp's face and as they sail further through the entrance, they saw multiple shipwrecks but these ones were looking like they were all sliced in half, just then, they heard the sounds of a large bird somewhere in the forest that startled Usopp so much that he shrieked

''There is something out there!!'' He scream out with horror

''That's 'cause this is a forest.,'' Luffy said, as a matter of fact, causing Usopp to gasp

''No!'' he yelled out before he show around them ''Just look around us! Those are the wrecked ships, right?!!'' but Luffy didn't budge as he said the same thing again only making Usopp snap at him, saying whats got to do with it anyway but a little while later, they heard a slight rustle through the trees and Usopp began twitching at that again and suddenly yelled out that it's coming

''Its because there are many different kinds of forests'' Luffy said while still laughing but Usopp was freaking out and he start to scream as he saw a large scythe was coming towards them behind the trees that looked so sharp

Just Usopp broke out the two paddles that were attached to the ship, Luna suddenly go the side of the boat that the scythe was coming before she unsheathed her katana and swung it in front of her horizontally, sending a flying slash, effectively slicing the giant scythe in half, causing the bottom half to fall into the cloud sea and sink before it falls down while the top half miss the ship above them.

They all look at their back, to the scythe that had a scary-looking big mask on it with blank faces at first before Sanji suddenly dropped his cigarette from his mouth and Luffy's eyes got widen as he declared ''A scythe monster!''

''We're safe..'' Usopp said as he sigh in relief, wiping the sweat on his forehead but he start to shake again when he heard Luna

''No..'' as she look in front of them with a frown ''That was just the beginning.'' causing all of them to turn in front of them and saw dozens of same scythes start to appear. Luffy suddenly start to scream out orders to start paddling, which Sanji and Usopp had no complaints as they start to paddle like crazy while Luna was cutting the ones that got too close to them. After they get past the scythes, this time large wooden spears start to come flying at them from above, and leaving the wheel to Usopp, Luffy went to the other side of the boat and protected it from there while Luna was at the other side. Like these weren't enough, suddenly a big creature come through from the milky road but Sanji kicked it immediately and sent flying away from them while Luffy was asking if it was a snake as Sanji said it was a Lamprey before more of them start to come.

After a couple of annoying traps later, ''We don't even have time to stop and catch our breath or let our guard down..'' Sanji said as he lit a new cigarette ''All we can do is to keep moving forward.''

Just then, Luffy suddenly pointed ahead of them, ''Wow, this time there is a giant in our way'' as he show a giant stone face with his hand held up to his mouth, showing four finger

''Idiot!'' Sanji yelled at him before he calmly add ''That's a statue.''

''Looks like its a dead end!!'' Usopp yelled out this time

''No, there are four openings'' Luna said calmly as she look at the statue. As they were discussing if they will be all going to different places, they got close to see what were these entrances. The river was branching off into four paths going each finger and each was a different ordeal

''Trial of swamp, trial of iron, trial of string and trial of balls.'' Luffy read loudly each one of them

''Wow, does it matter which one we go through?'' Sanji asked as he look at the paths

''This God guy looks really bored. I was right in the end, this is a game..'' Luna said as she also look at the entrances, causing Usopp to turn to her with an incredible speed

''Hey! You're gonna make the God angry! Stop saying these things!!'' looking freaked out as he was anxiously looking around

Luna let sigh at this ''Don't be stupid Usopp. Do you really think that this guy is really God?'' causing Usopp to gasp

''You saw what happened back there! It was a Godly power no matter how you look at it!'' he yelled out

''It was probably a devil fruit.'' Luna said with a frown before she add ''Even if there is a real God out there, I don't think the God would be on some Sky Island anyway.'' as she was looking so casual

Sanji let a puff from his smoke ''Don't you believe the God, Luna-cwan?''

''I believe in faith'' Luna answered without even thinking before she waved her hand dismissively ''Anyway, it's not the time for this,'' as she turned to Luffy ''Which way are we choosing?''

Luffy look at the paths for a moment before he pointed to the last one ''Balls sounds fun!'' with a big smile on his face

''This is a trial! How can it be fun?!'' Sanji snap at him

''Yeah..'' Usopp said as he look at the four entrances before he also add ''But I chose balls too. Its the only one that doesn't sound violent..'' He then start to imagine what other trials would be like, with his active imagination world, he shakily add ''Probably not violent..''

''It's decided then!'' Luna said with a big smile

''But we have to be careful. This is an island 10,000 meters in the air, anything is possible'' Sanji add as he let a puff from his smoke before Usopp began to turn the boat in the direction of the entrance that had 'balls' written above it.

As the small boat sail the pitch-black tunnel, Usopp closed his eyes, like it would make everything better, while Sanji was saying that the one on the wheel should keep his eyes open

''But its pitch black anyways..!!!'' Usopp snap at him just at the time Luffy smiled, like he had an interesting idea

''Hey, guys! What if this is like one of those games?'' Luffy asked getting their attention

''Which game?'' Luna asked with curiosity before she add ''This whole thing is like a game anyway''

Luffy's smile got bigger ''You know, like you pick the right door and you get a prize'' causing Luna to made an understanding face and Usopp to turn his head to him with a shocked face

''Why are you saying this just now?! So what happens when you pick the wrong?!!'' Usopp yelled/asked

''Well, it could be something like...'' Luffy said, sounding thoughtful as he really thought it all over ''If you pick the wrong one then you fall off the island'' causing Usopp to freak out

''Don't say that! Do you want to fall?! We're 10,000 meters up! Do you know how many times you'll see your life in flashback before you hit the ground?!!'' he yelled out as he was breathless in the end when the light at the end of the dark tunnel began to shine through the darkness.

While the ship was sailing out the tunnel ''You are both being idiots'' Sanji said calmly as he look ahead ''Nothing like that is going t-''

Just they were out, they went right over the edge of a cliff. The little crow boat hung in the air for several seconds before they start to fall down to nothing but clouds as the four of them screamed out

''Ehh?! Did we choose the wrong one?!!'' Luna yelled out, looking so shocked as she hold on to the boat

''You've got to be kidding with me!!'' Usopp scream out in terror at the top of his lungs

After their fall, they suddenly landed back on some other milky road that they couldn't see before because of the clouds.

''That was scary... I thought I would actually fell 10,000 meters'' Usopp muttered, shivering horribly with tears streaming down his face while Luna was looking around with a rather calm look on her face now. Meanwhile, Sanji was kicking the laughing Luffy, who's saying he really thought he will be dying

Once Sanji finished kicking Luffy, seeing traumatized Usopp, he took over the wheel as others start to look around too. They were still in the forest but this time, they were surrounded with hundreds of large white balls that were hanging in the air

''What kind of trial would we have here?'' Luffy asked thoughtfully as he look at the balls and not having any idea, they just sailed around for some time. They watch the balls for a while and waited for the Priest to come but seeing nothing happens, Luffy and Usopp dropped their guard down and began to search for some snack as Sanji and Luna remained their guard up, watching around carefully. Soon, Luffy and Usopp got bored and start to play with one of the balls, passing it back and forth to each other like a real ball

Sanji look back at them and began to yell at them to be serious and watch out but just at that moment, a snake popped out from the ball and went for Usopp, ready to bite him.

''A snake?!!'' Sanji yelled out while Luffy and Usopp screaming with shock before Usopp's turn into a fearful one.

''Get out of here!'' Luffy yelled out as he suddenly kicked the snake ball off, sending it flying before he heavily breathed ''That surprised me!'' Luffy said with a surprised face but Just then, Usopp pointed out another ball in front of them and when Sanji tried to kick it, this time it ended up exploding, burning them all while they had dumbfounded looks on their faces...

''What the hell is happening?!'' Usopp scream out in fear

''I see..'' Luna said calmly, like she realized something, causing them to turn to her with expectation, clearly waiting she will explain what this was all about ''They are basically surprise balls!'' She declared but before any of them could say anything, they suddenly heard a laughing sound

"Ho, ho hoooo! It's close!! I call them Surprise Clouds! You never know what will come out of them!'' causing them to snap their heads to look at the voice "Ho, ho hoooo! Welcome to my trial of balls!'' the childish voice said as he laugh and when they look him they saw a man with a round-shaped with fair skin and long, dark red hair, sitting on some ball that was floating in the air and grinning at them. He was clad in a white, full-body jumpsuit, which has a vertical line of golden rings that run from front to back, an orange hat, orange gloves, shoes, and large, yellow sunglasses that completely obscure his eyes as he also had small white wings on his back.

''Your? This is your trial of balls?'' Luffy asked as he look up at the man but the man started to dance around while spinning happily on one of the cloud balls instead of answering, much to Sanji's annoyance

''Stop dancing! Tell me who you are!!'' Sanji asked/yelled, looking so pissed off for some reason

Luna, on the other hand, was blinking at him with a blank face ''He is looking like the balls around us...'' but she frowned a little as she heard Usopp and Sanji was saying he was an idiot and looking disappointed. She couldn't deny the fact that the guy was indeed looking idiot but they shouldn't underestimate their opponents and as she glance at Luffy for a moment, she could say that, that would always lead to disaster

''Hey, octopus! Are Nami and the others alright?!'' Sanji yelled out, causing the man to stop for a moment

''You mean the sacrifices?'' as he look down with a stupid smile on his face ''I don't know. They'll probably die if they are left there but if they escape, they will still die''

''What did you say?!!'' Sanji yelled out again but he was sounding angry this time

''You should worry about yourselves!'' the ball man went on ''After all, if you can't beat me, you cant move forward.'' he laughed as he jumped off, heading right towards them

Luffy, who's in the front, was looking ready to throw a punch ''Huuh...'' the ball man let a voice that sounded interested ''Stretching your arm?'' causing Luffy to look startled for a moment but he went on his 'Gum Gum Pistol!' anyway. The ball man dodged with a dance move and before Luffy's arm comes back, he held his hand up to Luffy's face and with some kind of shockwave from his hand, Luffy sent flying as his hat blown off and he slammed right into the tree, crashing into it and leaving a deep crater in the tree behind him as trail blood was dripping from his mouth.

While Usopp and Sanji was yelling at Luffy, trying to know if he was alright, Luna look at the man with a frown and narrowed eyes

''Luffy!! Are you okay?! It's just a normal punch, it shouldn't affect you!!'' Usopp called out in terror

''It wasn't just a normal punch'' Luna said lowly with a frown, not taking her eyes from the man as the man laughed, holding up his still smoking hand, confirming Luna's words

''Punch? There is a little difference'' but Sanji was outraged as he suddenly charged at him, asking what difference but the ball man was able to dodge his attack as he twirled around, predicting his move as he did with Luffy ''Its a power only great priests have... Mantra!'' the ball man said as Sanji was looking totally shocked, thinking it's impossible that the ball man could predict his movements just as the ball man held up his hand and sent him crashing to the ground as well.

Usopp screamed out Sanji's name this time, not noticing the man behind him ''This is different from a mere punch.'' the ball man said ''Impact!'' before Usopp was also sent flying down there ''Impact causes damage directly inside the body!'' as the three of them were bleeding and hurt, they didn't seem hurt much as they were already starting to get back up

''Sanji!! Usopp!!'' Luffy called out their name, trying to make sure if they were okay as he also reached for his hat

''That damned octopus, how could he...?!'' Sanji asked as he tried to get up, trying to understand how he was able to predict his movements

''No idea.'' Luffy said, wiping off some blood from his mouth ''Who is this guy anyway?'' but their talk didn't continue with seeing the man was now trying to attack to Luna as well but they just stare blankly as the man flew in seconds after he tried it and crashed into the ground, not too far from them

While they were trying to get up, the ball man was preparing to attack Luna as well, just like he has done to Usopp, he was behind Luna and was preparing his impact ''A shock wave.. from the dial on your hand..'' Luna said slowly as she dodged the coming attack, completely shocking the ball man as she twirled around him just like he did before and get back of him. ''Attacking from behind is just so rude,'' she said and before he got over his shock and could react, Luna punch him from behind, sending the ball man flying to the place he sent the rest as she also jumped over there

''A power only great priests have? What an arrogance statement'' Luna said with an emotionless face as she still had some burnt traces on her from before

''What...?'' The ball man asked in bewilderment as he gets on his feet back ''It can't be... A mantra user?!'' causing Luna to raise her eyebrows for a moment, as the three of them were blinking in confuse

''Mantra?'' Luna asked with a tilted head before she made a remembering face ''Oh, right! That's what sky people call it'' she then made a smile as simply add ''We blue sea people call it Observation Haki''

''Observation haki?'' Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp asked simultaneously, looking at Luna

''I will explain it later'' She dismissed it before she charged forward at him for a kick but the ball man was able to dodge this one by jumping back to where their boat is

''Ho, ho hoooo! That was close!!'' As he made a dance move, hopping around ''I've never expected to encounter another Mantra user!'' He twirled around himself before he add ''I was so shocked that I lost my calm for a moment! Ho, ho hoooo! But that's not going to happen again!!'' as he was looking like a child, laughing all along while Luna was looking at him with still a blank face, looking calm

''Who the hell are you?!'' Sanji asked, getting enough from his stupid dances

''Ohhh~~ My name is Satori!! I'm one of the Almighty God Enel's Priests! This forest of illusion is under my control!''

''Forest of illusion?'' Luffy asked, sounding confused

''Yes.. in this forest, one of the illusion is your boat!'' as he stepped on the accelerator and caused the Crow to start moving once again, surprising the four of them ''From now on, it will drift around on the milky road in this forest. Soon it will exit this forest by itself'' As he steps on some ball ''Do you get it? Without this dial boat, you can't get to the altar of sacrifice.'' They all look at him blankly but somehow seriously as he went on with his speech ''You have to gt back on board before it leaves. Although, these surprise cloud and I will not allow you to succeed.'' He then smirked evilly ''Welcome to the forbidden holy land, Upper Yard, Ho, ho hoooo! In this forest of illusion, the chance of survival is 10%!!! Its the trial of balls!!''

emmalmanny emmalmanny

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