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95.34% Marvel's Mutant Gamer (Being rewritten) / Chapter 41: Skynet

Capítulo 41: Skynet

"Did you have fun?" I asked Groot after he finished with the Skeleton King. It took him quite some time, which I spent spamming Mana Clone.

"I am Groot!" He nodded excitedly and brought over the loot that the Boss dropped. It was a freaking Cryokinesis book. Damn it! He got it on the first freaking try, while I wasted hours farming the Skeleton King.

"I am Groot?" He then asked.

"You want to do it again?" I asked, a bit surprised at his request.

"I am Groot!" He confirmed and spun around in happiness.

Since Mana Clone leveled over 20, I created one more and left him with Groot.

"Look after him and create Dungeons for him," I instructed while Groot's head was swinging left and right, looking at the clone then back at me.

Finally, he looked at the clone and said, "I am Groot!"

No freaking way! He keeps calling me mother every single time, even when I correct him, but the second he sees a clone, he calls him father. My disappointment is immeasurable!

I left the Mirror Dimension, feeling betrayed, and made my way to a book store to grab books on both hardware and software.

Creating a personalized OS will be for the best if I want to make use of the computer parts in my Inventory, and I can also create personalized computer parts since I have easy access to a lot of metals.

I did also purchase a few OS just so I can use them until I have my own and learn from them.

I returned back, only to see all of the clones cheering on Groot as he fought the Skeleton King. One of them turned to me and handed me three Cryokinesis books. I... don't even know what to say about that. I'm just gonna pretend this never happened.

I canceled the clones, receiving the information about herbs and elixirs. That gave me some info on how to negate the poison of the herb. Apparently, one of the most effective means was to use a bezoar, but it could also reduce the effect of the herb.

That wasn't to my liking, so I will have to find another way. Genetic Modification might help me with that regard. It might also help me make the herb even better. I will have to raise the skill first for that, however.

I remade the clones, gave them the new books I purchased, and left them with Groot to spawn Dungeons for him. He was having a lot of fun stomping on Skeletons.

Groot was considered just a kid at the moment, but he was already level 54. Finding other special plants for him to eat and grow faster was something I will be looking out for. I wonder how high of a level will he reach when he fully grows up.

I left the clones and Groot, making my way to Kurt. He was standing on the second floor of the house and overlooking the street from one of the windows. He was standing in the shadows, with them covering his body. Kurt was somewhat camouflaged unless you were able to see his name and level above his head.

"Hey, bro," I said and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped up like a frightened cat and turned around.

"You scared me! Did you come back just now?" Kurt asked after taking a deep breath.

"I did," I said with a smirk and continued, "oh, and you are free to bow down to your God!"

"Zat joke is getting old," Kurt said with a shake of his head.

"Not unless it's the truth," I said with confidence overflowing from me. I'm gonna rub that in for a long time.

"No," Kurt said and stepped back, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"Yes," I said with a grin.

"No, no, no, I refuse to believe zat!" Kurt said, shaking his head in denial.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I said with my grin still on and continued with an explanation, "I got a Quest for it."

"Zat's not fair! I vant to be a god too! And, and, have levels and stats. Zat is so not fair!" Kurt was ready to cry from envy.

I don't blame him, though. I would be too if my friend had an ability like that.

"You know..." I started.

"Don't you dare say it," Kurt said, with his finger pointed at me.

"You can achieve the same with hard work," I continued.

"ARGHHH! I hate you!" Kurt yelled, his hands pulling on his hair.

"You do?" I asked and shrugged my shoulders. "So, you don't want my gifts then. That's okay."

"No, no, no, no. I didn't say zat. I vant gifts!" Kurt did a 180° in a second when he heard gifts. The last ones I gave him were incredible if I say so myself, so I'm sure he wants more of that.

"Well, then you can bow to your god," I said, and he was actually about to do it, although begrudgingly.

"I was just joking, no need to do bow, I'm a benevolent god after all," I said and stopped him before he bowed.

"Come," I said, walking towards his room while he cursed me under his breath. It was honestly a bit weird how I heard everything he said as if he was speaking normally.

We entered the room, and I started pulling out computer parts, assembling him a new computer.

"Vhat are you doing?" Kurt asked.

"Making you a new computer," I said matter of factly. Was it not obvious?

"Is zat my gift?" Kurt asked, sounding both annoyed and hurt at the same time. I know you want more, but you will have to wait for the rest.

"For now? Yes," I said and continued, "but there is more. I just have to find a way to remove the poison from an herb that will grant you superhuman strength."

Kurt's eyes lit up like Christmas lights at the mention of his strength being upgraded.

"The others I will have to create, but I might want to increase my crafting a bit before that since it's a Legendary-level material that I will be working with."

Kurt was salivating, and his eyes were now like two suns illuminating the room.

I quickly assembled his new computer and Crafting even helped in that matter. That was a good thing to know.

"Here," I handed him a disk with Windows XP. Vista was released last year, but that one was godawful. "You can install it on your own."

Kurt started installing the OS while I went to my room to assemble my computer. I pulled out the book, Genetics and the X-Gene, I got from Essex after I finished making the computer.

Since I was planning on trying to fix the poison issue with Genetic Modification, I figured the book will be a good way for me to understand the skill better.

The book seemed to be handwritten by Essex himself and had everything he had researched on the X-Gene. He described it as the trigger that gave mutants their powers, something only they carried, and it was set on the 23rd chromosome. The X-Gene can be carried passed on by both males and females.

That was the introduction of the book. After that, it was about all the experiments Essex had done with the X-Gene, both his successful and failed ones.

Essex was a madman, and I was certain of that after reading his book. He had experimented on people ranging from old and feeble to young babies and even unborn ones. He was also obsessed with finding out how the X-Gene worked in different mutants and copying that effect on himself.

Essex's research and experiment were disturbing, but they at least gave me a lot of insight and even leveled up my skill. The only problem was that he had solely worked with humans and nothing else. He had never tried experimenting with other creatures or plants.

Since I was done with the book, I checked up on the clones and Groot, who seemed to be having a lot of fun. I canceled skill, receiving the knowledge of all the books they read, and recreated them. One of them left to buy more books while the others stayed with Groot.

I then went to cook some food while still waiting on Peter. He sure was taking his sweet time.

After making sure grandma had eaten and giving her a massage before I bed, I started looking through the equipment that I had for Genetic Modification. It was at that point that Peter finally messaged me.

[Peter Parker: Hey... um... I'm done on my end. What's up?]

[Can you swing by? I have some stuff to show you.]

[Peter Parker: Sure!]

[Peter Parker: Actually, can you open me a portal? It will be faster that way.]

After he told me his location, I opened a portal near him, and he came over. He was wearing his black and blue suit that I had patched up for him, but it was scratched in various places. It looked as if he had been in a cat fight.

"What's up?" Peter asked while removing his suit, and I couldn't help but notice the red lipstick on his cheek and around his lips.

"Well, you certainly had an interesting experience," I said with a laugh.

"What do you mean?" Peter asked, a bit flustered.

"Your face is full of lipstick," I pointed out to him.

"I-uh," Peter stuttered and quickly rubbed his hand to remove the lipstick.

"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" I asked while laughing, and he froze in place with wide eyes.

"She didn't get my tongue," Peter whispered, but I heard it clearly.

"So, no tongue? Then just simple kisses," I nodded, and his cheeks were reddening fast.

"W-we didn't kiss!" Peter said, looking away in embarrassment.

"Really?" I asked with a pointed eyebrow. His face was covered in lipstick when he arrived, plus lies don't work on a God of Deceit.

"Uh... um... Okay, I was chasing a thief in a cat costume, and I caught her, but then she kissed me and escaped. Then I caught her again, and she again kissed me. And, and, I kinda froze up, and she escaped," Peter blurted out quickly.

"Sounds like you got a girlfriend," I said, remembering what happened with Jean.

"What??!?!? But, but, but, I don't even know her name. And, and, I don't think she knows mine as well! I mean, I've never had a girlfriend before. Does it really work like that?" Peter said while walking around the room, both panicked and flustered at the same time.

"It did for me," I said, and he got even more alarmed. I barely was restraining my laughter at this point.

"What do I do? I-I don't even know her name! She's also a thief. Am I going out with a criminal? Does that also make me a criminal?" Peter questioned, still walking around in confusion.

I did not say a word when he mentioned ''thief." How I got my new goodies was my secret and mine alone. No one else can know.

"You'll work it out. Having a girlfriend is pretty awesome. Even though I still don't understand it," I said before changing the subject since he was really panicking at this point.

"By the way, do you need a new computer?" I asked.

"Yeah, but umm... there is no need for you to buy me one. I can just get one myself with what you pay me for lessons," Peter said.

"Don't worry about it, I got some loot from by looting an evil guy's lair," I said and pulled out the parts from my Inventory.

"But that's not why I called you," I said as I continued pulling out the accessories I had made for him. "Neither is this, but you should still put those on. They give a good bonus."

"I called you over because I want to make an AI," I said while he was looking over the items I gave him, but the moment he heard, "AI," his head snapped towards me.

"No, no, no, no," Peter said, shaking his head and crossing his arms in front of him.

"Hello, Skynet? Have you not watched the Terminator? I don't want to be responsible for Judgment Day, okay?" Peter said, and I understand him, but I believed we could do something about it, something to prevent that from happening.

"Well, no one has come from the future trying to stop us, soo it either doesn't happen, or we stop it before it happens," I said.

I wanted his help since I really wanted an AI. I think that will be super useful for us, or me specifically. For a fact, I know Essex has clones and bases spread throughout the world, and an AI will work wonders in finding them.

"You are not wrong about that," Peter said, putting the AI idea into consideration.

One of the reasons I want him to help me with this was because I don't trust myself in making something that will end up destroying the world. I trust Peter to keep me in check.

"Think of how beneficial it will be for us. It can design and research for us, keep a lookout on our close ones, and possible criminals in the making," I said, and he nodded. I'm sure the last two were what really made him consider making an AI.

We definitely won't be able to make it in a day. However, as long as we spend some time working on it every day, it will be done in no time.

"I also want you to look at this," I said and pulled out some Vibranium.

Making the metal into weapons and accessories was something I can do. However, I had no clue how the Wakandan people were able to weave in their clothes. If we can do the same, that will make our team so much stronger.

Peter looked it over while I explained the properties of Vibranium. He was outright amazed by what it was capable of. It was pretty much a Magical metal. I steered the conversation towards weaving it into our clothes, which also brought the subject of the synthetic fiber he was working on.

"I've made some good progress there, but there are still a few things I'm working on," Peter said, his eyes never leaving the Vibranium as he was playing with it.

"How much progress are you talking about?" I asked. Something didn't sound right in the tone he used.

"I kinda managed to make a resilient and tough string, but it's a bit costly. I'm trying to find some cheaper chemicals to make it off, but I'm a bit low on money right now," Peter explained.

"How costly? And how much did you make of it?" I asked.

"A single ball, and it cost me a bit over $400," Peter said, a bit embarrassed.

I wanted to slap him. I can literally make more than that in less than 10 minutes. Why does he keep worrying about money?

"That's good enough, no need to bother with it anymore. You can tell me the recipe or I can give you money, so you can make more of it," I said, and he was about to protest, so I pulled out $20 000 and shoved them in his hands.

"I-I can't," Peter said, trying to return them.

"Yes, you can," I said, refusing to take them back and continued, "Now, let's discuss if you can combine the Vibranium with the synthetic thread you made."

We continued talking, jumping back and forward between the AI idea and how to combine his thread with the Vibranium. Peter also told me the recipe for his synthetic thread, believing it wasn't worth the $20 000 I gave him.

By the end of it, we had some theories on both subjects, and I was happy with that.

Once Peter left, it was time for me to farm. I had a specific goal in mind. That was money and levels.

I need to know if I will get more passive skills at 500, and I wanted to have enough funds for us to buy land and a building. I couldn't use all the various equipment for Genetic Modification in my house as there just wasn't enough room. Also, having my own workshop was something I really wanted.

With that in mind, I started grinding the Ogre Dungeon. It was as easy as one, two, three. I just stood in the high the air above and shot fire arrows at the mobs.

However, I got bored of it fast, so I switched it over to the Golem Dungeon. Selling the golden ingots was also a way of getting richer, and I wanted to check out the Boss as well.

[Uru Golem Lvl. 120]

[A metal golem made out of Uru. The golem has a high resistance to physical force and near immunity from Magic attacks.]

The Boss was not a favorable matchup for me. My strongest attacks were all magical in nature, and he was nearly immune to them. I will have to prepare before fighting him, so I decided to leave ID. However, that didn't work.

[Can't exit ID while in a Boss fight.]

Fuck, I wish I was aware of that. Well, damn, I wanted to make a weapon for him, but...hmm, I can still make one, can't I? I can just stay in the air and craft it since the Boss can't reach me.

I took out some Vibranium from my Inventory and started thinking. What kind of a weapon do I want to make for myself?

[Name: William Williamson

Mutant Power: The Gamer

Level: 86 Next Level: 9%

Title: Sorcerer; Champion of the Phoenix; Minor God of Deceit and Magic]

[HP: 16,231

MP: 23,640]

[Strength: 201 + 261.3 (Martial Arts bonus) + 310(Enchanted Equipment)

Vitality: 204 + 275.4(Martial Arts bonus) + 310(Enchanted Equipment)

Dexterity: 201 + 261.3(Martial Arts bonus) + 200(Bow and Arrow of Apollon) + 310(Enchanted Equipment)

Intelligence: 401 + 585.46(Meditation bonus) + 100 (Bow and Arrow of Apollon) + 310(Enchanted Equipment)

Wisdom: 201 + 293.46(Meditation bonus) + 310(Enchanted Equipment)

Luck: 69 + 310(Enchanted Equipment)]

[Stat Points: 63

Cash: $359 467]


Create ID(Active) Lvl. 23/100 (+2)

Exit ID(Active) Lvl. 23/100 (+2)

Mana Strengthening(Active) Lvl. 86/100 ()

Massage (Active) Lvl. 33/100 (+2)+2

Pyrokinesis (Active) Lvl. 80/100 (+4)

Telekinesis(Active) Lvl. 79/100 (+5)

Mana Clone(Active) Lvl. 22/100 (+4)

Genetic Modification(Active) Lvl 7/100 (+6)

Healing Magic(Active) Lvl. 28/100

Weapon Mastery(Passive) Lvl. 59/100 (+4)]

fallingstar fallingstar

My sleeping schedule is so bad right now.

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