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28.57% The Arc Family Techniques (RWBY) / Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Capítulo 8: Chapter 8


For a long moment, Jaune does consider going to Glynda or even Ozpin. He really does. It's the look on Camilla's face, so smug and insufferable like she's already won, that ultimately stops him. He just… can't let her win. Not even partially. So, staring into the tall brunette's eyes, Jaune reaches down and unbuckles his belt, pulling it open and then unbuttoning his pants. He forces them down his legs and off his feet, and then, standing there in his boxers, he removes the rest of his clothing as well.

Upon seeing him obeying her, Camilla takes a step back and just smiles, nodding along as she watches him with her arms crossed over her chest. There's a wicked sort of delight in her eyes as she humiliates him. Or at least, that's what she thinks she's doing. If she really thinks that having to strip down in front of her is in any way emasculating… well, try growing up as the only son with seven sisters. Yeah, no. Jaune had nothing to be ashamed of when it came to his body. Sure, he was a fraud and he'd forged his paperwork to get into Beacon, but that didn't mean he hadn't worked his ass off to get to where he was.

Even as Camilla takes such enjoyment out of him stripping down, Jaune doesn't miss the way that she also studies his muscles, the edges of his toned form. Her eyes are all over him, and though she's not outright ogling him… she might as well be, for all that she's still keeping her shoulders squared, her arms crossed, and her body language aggressive and domineering.

Jaune doesn't show an ounce of fear, of course. He doesn't show any embarrassment. Honestly, he's hoping Camilla Winchester will notice and think twice about this. He's pretty damn happy with his team as is. He doesn't exactly need another girl, especially one he really doesn't care for, jonesing for him so thirstily. And that's exactly where this will go, if they continue. Thumbing the waistband of his boxers, Jaune lifts an eyebrow at Camilla, giving her one last out.

"You sure this is what you want, Camilla?"

That causes her smirk to drop and turn into a downright nasty scowl.

"Do you want to stay at Beacon, Jaune? Then you'll do what you're told. Now, show me."

Jaune sighs, and pulls down his boxers. At the same moment, Camilla pulls out her scroll, and it's obvious that her intentions were to surprise him at the last moment and take some very compromising pictures for further blackmail purposes. But then she actually sees his dick, and Jaune isn't playing around. The last time he used a technique was back before even coming to Beacon, on his sister. He'd used Eyes of Love for an admittedly frivolous purpose at the time, though in his mind, it'd been important.

Ever since though, Jaune had refrained from using his techniques on anyone. After all, they didn't work on the Grimm, and it wasn't like his fellow students were his enemies. He wasn't about to start fucking with them just to win spars or anything like that. But… well, if ever there was a time, now was it. So, as Jaune exposes himself, he flexes another muscle that only Arc Men are said to have, this one located in the genital region.

This wasn't a technique that his father had taught him. But then, what Nicholas Arc didn't know about Jaune's secret forays into his father's private library and the highly secret books on Arc Techniques couldn't hurt him, right? Though if Jaune was being honest… he would have come up with a better name then the Rod of Ecstasy for this particular technique.

Camilla's eyes go wide, her scroll drops from her hand (not breaking or anything as it hits the floor, scrolls are made to take blows) and her jaw drops open as she just sort of stares. It's funny, because Jaune knows that he's not like, huge or anything like that. He's above average size among most men, yes, but he's not walking around with a third leg or something silly.

No, it's not truly his size that has Camilla somewhat entranced, as Jaune steps forward, his sudden erection bouncing up and down with each step, but always managing to point unerringly in the frozen brunette's direction. Closing in causes her to snap out of it slightly, but even still, her earlier confidence is unquestionably… shaken.

"S-Should have known you'd be getting off on all of this, Arc. L-Look how hard you are already…"

Jaune smiles at that, as he invades Camilla's personal space.

"You're a beautiful woman, Camilla. Why wouldn't I be erect? Well? This is your show, isn't it? What are you going to do next? Are you going to touch it?"

The challenging tone in his voice jars her further, and without thinking, she lashes out and takes hold of his cock as she growls at him, now glaring into his eyes.

"Don't think you can get cute with me Arc. I'm in charge here. Remember that."

Jaune would probably be more intimidated if she were actually crushing his dick or balls in her hand as she likely originally planned to. Instead, right now the admittedly pretty brunette is stroking him up and down with her hand. Furiously, mind you, but she's not hurting him. She's a little inexperienced, and distinctly unskilled, but she's definitely not trying to make it painful, no.

Letting out a soft sigh, Jaune decides it's time to tear away the façade. Reaching up before Camilla can do much more than stiffen in response, the blond man slides his hand around her head and grips the base of her ponytail. Then, he pulls her down into a tongue-filled kiss, using another Arc Family Technique on her… specifically, the Kiss of Bliss. At least this technique had the good sense to rhyme, he supposed.

Regardless, Camilla melts at this point, which certainly makes things a little odd. He's completely nude, and she's still wearing her huntress outfit, which for Camilla Winchester, means some pretty fancy-smancy armor. Having her pressed up against him is more uncomfortable than pleasurable, but Jaune doesn't let that show as he works his tongue around hers for about a minute, before pulling away and ending the kiss.

All the while, her hand has still been on his cock, stroking it up and down methodically. Of course, when Jaune looks down at it, and then up into her dazed, slightly glazed eyes, Camilla finally comes back to herself and realizes what she's doing, pulling away with a heated blush on her face as she stares down at her hand like it's betrayed her or something.

Jaune holds in a chuckle, as he crosses his arms over his chest this time, leaning back rather nonchalantly against the desk behind him, despite his abject nudity.

"Well, Camilla? What happens next? Only… if we're going to go further than this, you're a little over-dressed, don't you think?"

It truly is up to her. Jaune might have used his family techniques on her, but those techniques don't constitute mind control, or anything like that. One might call them emotion manipulation, or body manipulation, but then, in a way, everything that ever happened between people, especially horny young people like the two of them, was a product of emotional and biological manipulation. Arc men just had a severe advantage in that category over other men, truth be told.

Still, whatever Camilla's original plans were, likely involving plenty of humiliation and further blackmail and the like on Jaune's part, they're utterly dashed at this point. Jaune sees the moment that Camilla realizes this, or more accurately, the moment where she decides she doesn't want to move forward in that direction any longer. He's not at all surprised when the brunette begins to strip right in front of him.

He doesn't bother going for his scroll, or anything like that. Jaune isn't the kind of man who needs to resort to blackmail. He's more than willing to either live or die on his family's techniques, and his own application of them. He does however move forward the moment that Camilla finishes kicking her panties off her feet, standing there now just as naked as he is.

Moving in, Jaune takes control yet again, his hands encircling her toned hips and grabbing onto her firm ass as he kisses her hard once more. Camilla, meanwhile, moans into his mouth, her own hands coming to a rest on his shoulders. It makes it all the easier to lift her up onto the desk behind her after a few more moments of kissing, sitting her on the edge and spreading her legs apart as his cockhead presses up against her moist, wet slit.

Here, Camilla's breath hitches in anticipation… here, Jaune stops dead in his tracks and ends the kiss to pull back slightly and look into the brunette's eyes.

"It's still your rodeo, Camilla… what shall we do next?"

Letting out a low growl, wrapping her arms around his neck and lacing her fingers together, Camilla also wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him in close and causing his cock to slide up along her slick slit and across her flexing abdomen. With as much imperious superiority as she can still muster, the flushed, breathless brunette pants out her latest order to him.

"I want you inside me, Arc. And don't you fucking dare hold back."

Jaune just offers a sardonic smirk in return.

"Aye, aye, Captain."

Before she can respond to his cheek, he pulls back and thrusts forward, slipping himself inside of her just as her mouth is opening. Whatever words Camilla Winchester might have had for him are lost as the brunette moans wantonly, her insides tight and clenching down around his cock, even as he tears through her hymen. He's not surprised she's a virgin, but he IS surprised that the evidence of her virginity is still intact.

Regardless, as he fills her with his meat, she's more than wet enough for it not to really matter, the pain of her first time practically nonexistent up against the pleasure that being filled by his shaft brings her. The brunette tosses her head back, and Jaune quickly picks up the pace, his hands sliding around from her hips to her ass again, gripping what he can of her firm, toned derriere as he slams into her again and again. His thrusts rock the desk beneath Camilla each and every time, but not as much as they rock the brunette's world, visibly so.

Her face, which tries to remain haughty and imperious at first, despite already being nearly as red as a tomato, contorts in pleasure rather quickly. She tries to keep her eyes on him, tries to act like he's nothing more than a bug beneath her foot… but it's so hilariously obvious that he's not at this point. Camilla Winchester is a woman that's excellent at self-denial, from what Jaune has seen so far. The fact that he hadn't been scared of her for even a second never seems to have truly penetrated into the brunette's thick skull.

Instead, it seems that Jaune will have to get it through to her another way that he's not looking to be anyone's toady or stooge or butt-monkey. With a growl of his own, the blond young man redoubles his pace, and is finally rewarded with a truly silly face from Camilla as the brunette promptly orgasms around his cock. This isn't by happenstance or accident, mind you… not all of the Arc Family Techniques have to do with special muscles that only Arc Men have.

It's his first time using the full version of this particular technique in practice, but as Camilla climaxes a second, and then a third time around his pistoning member, Jaune's pretty sure he's doing it right. His fingers dig into her ass at all the right spots, while his member slams up against her cervix, again and again. When done right, it induces immediate and orgasmic releases in the woman… as is the case with Camilla, right now.

As much as she tries to hide it, as much as she tries to hold back and keep some semblance of control over the situation, despite her control having unraveled long, long ago, Camilla is soon throwing her head back again and again, crying out in ecstasy and bliss, her eyes eventually rolling backwards in her skull, and her tongue even lolling out of her mouth in what the books had called 'ahegao'.

As Jaune makes Camilla 'ahegao' over and over again, he knows he's effectively ruining other men for her. Oh sure, given her personality, she'll probably still try with others, not wanting to be beholden to him for anything… but Jaune is confident when he says that not a single man in Beacon can stand up to him in this particular arena.

He doesn't cum inside of her though. Instead, Jaune forces himself to stop after Camilla's dozenth orgasm, pulling out of her with his cock slick with her juices, but still rock hard and throbbing. It takes some concentrated willpower, but he's able to make his member go down, even as Camilla collapses back across the desk she's on, laying there sprawled out, panting heavily and trying and failing to catch her breath.

She's still recovering by the time Jaune is dressed and ready to leave. He walks over to her, and places her scroll on her sweaty, convulsing abdomen, looking down at her face as she stares up at him, eyes wide.

"Y-You… you didn't finish. W-We're not finished, Arc… where do you think you're going?!"

Jaune smirks, not at all surprised that Camilla bounced back rather quickly. If he'd kept going, he might have broken her mind permanently… but that wasn't something Jaune wanted to do to anyone, especially not for the sole purpose of keeping his secret. He'd rather leave Beacon than ruin Winchester's life like that.

"I'm leaving. You've got a choice to make now, Camilla. You can still go to the Headmaster. Go ahead and tell Ozpin everything. Get me expelled, because whatever power you think you have it over me, know that I would rather leave Beacon than be under your control for even a second."

Camilla's nostrils flare at that as Jaune leans forward, and though her face expresses anger, she's still nude and freshly fucked, sprawled out before him. It's impossible for him NOT to notice the way her inner thighs rub together at his tone, and Jaune makes sure to slide his gaze down to that special place betwixt her leg that he just plowed into oblivion, before slowly making his way back up to Camilla's eyes.

The brunette huntress flushes furiously, and averts her gaze.

"However, if you do that… this will never happen again. I'll be gone, and you'll be here at Beacon, left with little more than a memory of me. I hope it's enough. I truly do. Because if I'm expelled, we will never see each other, ever again."

Camilla scowls.

"W-Who would even want to fuck you, Arc? What do you think I am, some k-kind of slut? I'm a huntress, y-you damn bastard!"

Jaune just smiles and pulls back, stepping away.

"Sure, Camilla. See ya around."

"What?! Arc! I didn't give you permission to leave! Arc! AAAAARRRRC!!!"

Jaune slips out of the classroom and down the still-empty hallway, and as the door shuts behind him, Camilla's angry yelling is cut off entirely. Jaune lets himself get around the corner before he lets out a long breath and then winces in discomfort. See, because he was an Arc, he could make his erection go away if he wanted to… but that didn't mean he couldn't suffer from blue balls if he got himself worked up towards a release before doing so.

His seed was churning in his nut sack, waiting to be released somewhere… and while Jaune could have found a bathroom and just jacked it really quick, he knew without a doubt that he would end up masturbating to Camilla Winchester's taut, toned, fit form if he did so. Even if he'd clearly had the greater effect on her, she hadn't had NO effect on him by any means.

The thing was, Jaune didn't want his next release to have anything to do with the bitch that had tried to blackmail him. Sure, his entire presence at Beacon now relied on her coming back and begging for seconds, but that didn't mean he had to give her EVERYTHING. Instead, Jaune preferred that he cum with a girl he actually liked. Oddly enough, what should have been an easy decision was suddenly more difficult.

Pyrrha was the obvious choice, sure. Or one of his other two teammates, but he didn't exactly want to get drawn into another foursome, or even a threesome, and where Nora Valkyrie went, Mulan Ren followed, and where Mulan Ren went, Nora Valkyrie followed. So yeah, Pyrrha seemed like the woman he should be seeking out right now.

But did he really want to encourage her latent tendencies by singling her out like that? And at the same time… hadn't he already made some other friends as well that might be able to help him out? Ruby and he had had a pretty good first meeting together, and maybe she would be interested in taking things a step further. On the other hand, there was a certain dark-haired, yellow-eyed young lady who'd snuck into his bedroll the night before orientation and sucked out a load without permission who owed him one as well.

Pyrrha, Ruby… or Blake Belladonna. For the moment at least, those really seemed like his best options for a quickie, so to speak. His balls, still churning even as Jaune kept his cock from ripping right through his pants by sheer force of will, would not be denied forever.

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