"...brother is not here."
"Uh?" Si Ning blinked and turned to Xiu TianZhao as he tried to mask that he hadn't been listening to him by pretending he only didn't get the last part while trying to maintain an innocent look to avoid feeling guilty because he had only exchanged greetings with Xiu TianZhao and had been in thought since he rode his horse into the place and was still in thought after dismounting as they started walking.
"Brother is not here." Xiu TianZhao repeated. "You have been looking everywhere like you are expecting him to pop out from nowhere but he is currently with mother." He explained.
Si Ning as Xiu TianZhao’s best friend cant find out if it is a crime to stare at a Prince because Xiu TianZhao can never bring it up whether it is a crime or not, he can’t even scold Si Ning ‘cause they are besfriends.
I hope this explanation have a meaning.
Thank you for your support.