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42.85% BNHA / MHA : The Musketeer Hero / Chapter 10: Power of friendship and love

Capítulo 10: Power of friendship and love

"You know how the Sports Festival is set up, right?" Toshinori asked me.

"Yes sensei!" I immediately said before summarizing the event. "The Hero, support, business and general studies courses will compete against each other. This time, the first years will have the chance to compete through a bunch of preliminary trials. Whoever makes through the initial game, face off in the finals."

"Yeah, that's pretty much what there is to the tournament. Which means that you will have plenty of opportunity to sell yourself." The number one hero said to me.

"Definitely!" I nodded.

"Know this." He looked me in the eyes. "Some heroes always aim for the top, while others happily settle. The difference between those two mindsets has a big impact on how far you go in the real world."

"I see." I made a thoughtful expression, showing him I'm taking his advice to heart.

"Thanks to your actions since we've met, I've felt less guilty that I was simply projecting myself into you." He said to me with a relieved expression. "Besides, I hadn't considered that your original quirk would be that well complemented by One for All. Mind if we think about some good combinations later?"

"Sure, I miss our chats from before entering the school, plus it will be nice having another perspective in these matters. Sometimes I feel like I'm not creative enough." I replied to him before thanking for the tea and left the now much healthier hero to finish his drink.


By the end of my next series of classes, it was finally time to meet him.

Recently, passing close to a crowd of students here in the U.A is making me feel strange.

I'm clearly developing a hunger for new powers, proof of that is my constant resistance to not hack the school files and look into which students I wished to shake hands.

Or even take a sample of DNA.

Thankfully, my quirk isn't as aggressive as those characters like Sylar or even All for One.

My copy quirk doesn't even leave my targets disoriented, like Delsin does.

But I wish to preserve my force of will as much as I can.

Besides, I'm considerably powerful already.

However, just as I said earlier...

It's time.

I approached the exit door of my classroom just to find myself face to face with a large crowd of students from other courses, calming Uraraka and Iida as I patted their backs.

"Hello everyone! Would anyone mind telling me what's the problem? Why are you all gathered here?" I asked charismatically.

The front row of students immediately flinched after recognizing who I was, while the ones behind began whispering to each other or cheering out loud for me.

"Hey, it's really him!" Said a short boy with long ears to his group.

"Wow, he's even more handsome in person." Gushed a pink haired girl with fox like ears to her friends.

"Can he really copy all of us? That's... actually scary!" Asked a tall girl with different facial features and glasses.

"Tch. They are scouting the competition, damn thief." Bakugou muttered while standing besides me.

"Ah? Who's that?" Some of the students began asking. "I don't think I remember him."

"Grrr!" Bakugou gritted his teeth at his lack of popularity, but before he lashed out I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't blame them, it's only natural they wouldn't recognize you seeing that you opted to use a mask with your hero costume." I tried to reason with him.

"Wait, is he friends with Monoma? I... I think I remember him! He's the one he rescued from that slime villain!" Someone then decide to say, ruining my effort to calm lord explosion murder.


I just mentally laughed at his short temper, while everyone in class began to criticize Bakugou's harsh action.

Even Inasa almost got physical with him.

"Don't mind him please! He's just anxious for the festival." I requested the students standing outside in the hallway while calming down my class. "I wish good luck to you all, let's all give our best and go plus ultra!"

"Thanks man! I'm from class 1B and I think you guys are awesome!" A young man with quite long, messy gray hair and pointy teeth among the crowd broke the silence. "I've heard you are the most popular individual here next to All Might. It means a lot to have such worthy opponents to compete!"

"Thanks! Now if you all don't mind." I said in a polite manner, but my request was clear to everyone.

Soon, the front row of students separated to make way so that I could pass.

I looked all around the multitude of people, but no sign of mini-Aizawa.

Man, I'm really disappointed.

Come to think of it, I guess it makes sense, he's probably trying to avoid me until we meet at the Sports Festival.

Heh, the little devil is really smart. He doesn't know how my quirk is activated and didn't want to risk exposing himself too soon.

He probably thinks that I won't have time to adapt to his quirk before it's too late.

We'll see about that.


The U.A sports festival is in two weeks, the whole event will be live on TV.

Plenty of time to train.

I do plan to impress everyone watching it, but I will look way cooler against strong opponents.

If it happens just like in canon, then I know what the games will be, so I should probably consider them my priority.

However, if during the U.S.J there was one extra Nomu for me to fight, I better be ready for whatever might pop up in this case.

Anyway, during that time, I've made great improvements with those that accept my offer.

I ran with Iida alongside the beach every morning while also pointing out his need to improve in short distances runs and turns.

"Hey Iida, I know you might find me crazy, but I guess I've discovered a way of improving your quirk!" I said casually while he was catching his breath.

"What do you mean Monoma? Is that due to that analyzing quirk of yours?" He asked wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Yes." I lied. "Hear me out first, from what I understand, if you remove your mufflers from your legs, new ones will grow. But they will be much stronger."

"What? But how did you... I mean, you are indeed right." He said after recovering from his shock. "My older brother told me the exact same thing. It was supposed to be a family secret though... man, you do have so many amazing abilities stored up! But... won't my quirk be useless until they grow up again?"

"Don't worry! I'm very aware about our short amount of time. But you see..." I went on and on about how I could heal him back quickly until he was convinced.

From his face, it seemed to hurt like a knife stab, but once I made him heal quickly, the removed parts grew up right away.

Recovery girl's quirk is so Hax in my hands.


After doing that multiple times, we decided to test the results with another race.

He still wasn't a match for me, but his evolution was... in a few words... scary.

His new mufflers could handle much more force from his engines, from his short ten seconds of recipro burst, to almost an hour now.

And to top that, I'm pretty confident that his top speed limit had at least doubled.

That's insane for a pre-sports festival Iida.

But we had a blast with our training.

It was refreshing, you know. Find another thing I enjoyed just as much as collecting quirks.

I now trained and watched them evolve, almost like they were my Pokémon.

After classes, my next victim... er, I mean... friend to aid, was the manly Kirishima.

For him I didn't have a specific method of training, at least not other than to pummel him to pieces and heal him back to normal.

Man, my flick was enough to make him go through Rappa's damage instantly.

What? He wanted to throw himself from buildings' rooftops, and was very eager to test his limits.

But healing him back right away before he was knocked out was really a more efficient... and effective method.

Though I wish to find another way of healing others... because kissing my targets is getting annoying.

And might one day get me sued.

Back to Kirishima, I wanted to force his Unbreakable Form to appear this early, because the Nomu's number difference was beginning to bother me.

What if they are suddenly easy to make?

I mean, Twice's quirk should be more than enough to make an army of shock absorption monsters.


For now, despite almost killing Kirishima multiple times with my barrage of toned down finger flicks, the boy had his super move in hands.

Fortunately, I didn't traumatize him, he was even more confident to fight me.

Also, I paired alongside Tsu and Reiko to train with them.

Me and Reiko began to levitate all around multiple small targets that Tsu had to capture by whatever means she was capable of.

This not only made her more agile and precise, but also made Reiko become more creative with her quirk.

My goal was to make Ghost girl capable of flying, and to a point I succeeded.

She can't fly like Superman, but you'll notice that she can now glide very fast around the ground.

Quite similar to Nana Shimura and Koichi Haimawari.

Tsu's progress wasn't that flashy, but I'm sure her legs just got thicker.

... wait a minute.

Never mind, moving on.

After that, I paired up with Mezu, Kyouka and Toru.

This time, I switched between being the role of hunter and the prey while playing a more serious version of hide-and-seek.

I didn't have any quirk specific for tracking invisible girls, but I made use of a few thermal goggles. And I had that chameleon's invisibility quirk to use and push the others to find me.

Actually, Toru began failing miserably to hide herself.

Jiro gave her a break, saying that she was exposed to the climate due to being naked.

But I didn't buy that, she was even sillier than she usually was.

Girl, sometimes trying to not appear suspicious, is just more suspicious.

Especially if you had not mastered the acting arts like me.

But anyways, I'll deal with her later.

I'm not really in a hurry.

In the evening, I warped Inasa with me to ground beta and we went all out there, not forgetting to use that villain's quirk responsible for jamming the security and communications in the U.S.J. so that we weren't punished for "fighting".

Even though his winds were getting stronger without me interfering, I decided to push his control limits.

Punching gusts of winds all around like All Might did against Midoriya and Bakugou, busting blocks like if it was child's play, I forced him to block and diverge the strong gales I threw at him.

He won't be allowed to suit up during the Sports Festival, so flying high into the sky was out of my plans for now.

After we finished our training, I repaired most of the fake town using cementoss' quirk, and left the same way we arrived.

I wanted Uraraka and Ibara to excel in the rescuing department, so we went back to the U.S.J whenever the school allowed us.

Ibara's vines were confusing to me, though she needed sun and water to power them, they were very practical to basically every environment or situation.

I didn't have a better plan for her other than to just train her combat abilities.

Same for Ochako.

Though in her case, I pushed her to "fly" around with me, while floating some heavy ruble from the zones.

She puked from time to time due to exhaustion, but nothing that a kiss wouldn't heal.

But they weren't the only ones going to train there.

Awase was getting crafty with his quirk.

He could fuse things together at an atomic level, not to mention that he had no problem with mixing organic and inorganic stuff.

I knew he preferred to train alone, but my subtle suggestion to fuse himself was all that it needed to make him attempt to reach Mirio's level and scale.

I also talked with Yui, and convinced her to accept my gift to her. Her own utility belt, filled with a myriad of multiple gadgets and tools I thought she would find useful.

As for Momo, I convinced her to focus not only in her quirk, but in her body. We even wrestled and sparred to train her skill and agility.

Of course, I didn't pummel her like I did with Kirishima, but after showing her some MMA moves and telling her the importance of paying attention to her surroundings, she was pretty much exhausted.

But man, saying that she was a fast learner was such an understatement.

That idea was also extended to Kendo, who wasn't able to knock me out this time.

Let's see... who else?

Bakugou trained alone, just like Todoroki.


Oh yeah!

Almost forgot about the trio that basked in the shadows.

Tokoyami, Shihai and Kinoko.

The chicken of darkness was very determined to improve his fighting ability, but I suggest that he tracked and hunted the others.

We were allowed to use one of the school's stadiums at night for that.

All though dark shadow definitely packed quite the punch, it's major appeal was its versatility and... dare I say, self conscience.

I know it's weird, but I hadn't manifested my own dark shadow until this point.

When I did though, I had quite the surprise.

I had already guessed that my dark shadow wouldn't have bird features like Tokoyami.

But despite its frame resembling mine, it didn't seem to have a mind of its own, opting to repeat some of my sentences with a filtered version of my voice.

It reminded me a lot of the Invisible Black Matter from Ajin, though mine was connected to me and didn't have legs to walk by himself.

That raised the question for me.

Is Fumikage... immortal?


No! Better not risk it.

Anyways, versatility and consciousness, gotta push him to not get trashed by Bakugou or Todoroki.

I stole his idea by coating myself with my dark shadow and also made it carry me through the night sky with my own Black Fallen Angel, but I ended up using the same excuse I made to Iida and convinced him to "copy" me.

Shihai's quirk wasn't that useful to me, given that I could easily outspeed him even on a new moon night, and hide with my invisibility even on a sunny day.

But I liked his spirit, he did refuse my help like Bakugou and Todoroki, so I had to be creative and use reverse psychology.

He is a sly, deceitful schemer, who prefers to catch people off guard. I just had to challenge his pride and soon we were swimming through the shadows and fighting like ninjas.

"Heh, you're not that bad, mighty boy." He said to me grinning while catching his breath.

Differently to Tokoyami, he wasn't restricted to the shadows, the color black was enough for him.

From what I remembered, he could even control a dark shadow against its will.

We went on and on until he was "satisfied with our spar".

To his credit, he never really admitted defeat.

As for the shy fairy of the group, Kinoko Komori, I just pushed her to spawn larger hordes of mushrooms and helped to increase her confidence.

I didn't really care that much for her quirk, just helped her because she asked very politely.

Days passed, all that training made time go quickly.

Until the day of the Festival, I wouldn't have been able to cover as much as I've done without my clones.

But during that time, I noticed they were significantly weaker than me. However, they were still more than enough to push my classmates to surpass their current limits.


I was at home relaxing and entertaining myself with some movies on the night before the event, waiting for La Brava to contact me, when my doorbell suddenly rang.

Ding dong!

Casually making my way to check who it was, I noticed they came earlier than I expected.

"Good night Neito my dear... oh my god, look how much you've grown." Said a woman in her mid thirties as she opened her arms waiting for me to approach her.

"Welcome mother!" I hugged her affectionately and turned to the man behind her. "Father, long time no see you two." I aided him with their baggage. "How was your trip?"

"Good enough son." He patted me on my shoulder. "We had the opportunity to anticipate our flight, so your mother and I decided to surprise you. Hope we aren't disturbing your concentration for tomorrow's show."

Reiji and Anna Monoma, famous wealthy couple owners of multiple businesses around the globe.

Against all odds, these quirkless duo are my parents.

When I first learned of that, I immediately theorized that I was adopted. But after seeing how much common that was in this world, I gave them the benefit of trust.

For now, at least.

Of course I still had my doubts, but even La Brava found nothing suspicious when I requested for her virtual detective services.

She did, however, find some info about my uncle and aunt that they were probably trying to hide from everyone.

They even went to the point of altering their last name.

Regardless, at the moment I had to be a good host for my family.

I smiled at them as we made our way towards the living room and we sat down to talk. "Don't worry about it, I was just killing time before going to sleep. Please, make yourselves at home, I've organized your room."

"Oh no my dear, that's your room. We'll be just fine with the smaller one." She smiled and cuddled me.

"So, about your quirk..." Reiji said, changing subjects not so subtly. "We never knew you were capable of memorizing new quirks. That's actually quite the accomplishment son, can't imagine how much effort you must've put into it." He complimented me.

"Heh! You have no idea." I said laughing. "But to be honest, it also had much to do with luck."

"As we've told you on our calls, we are very proud of you!" Mom said looking at me with a hand over my shoulder, some tears threatening to escape from her eyes. "We know we haven't been the most present parents, but you must know that we still care for you."

"Geez, I don't hold resentment towards you two. I'm really glad both of you are following your dreams, just as I'm doing right now." I replied honestly. "Besides, I do think now we can have more in common to talk about."

"Why is that, son?" Asked dad curious about my intentions.

"I mean, as things are going, I'm on my way to become a pro hero soon enough. But I won't restrict myself to only that." I turned to them, and smirked. "I've come to acquire some very interesting quirks. You see..." I made a small gold ingot with Momo's quirk and then enlarged it with Yui's. "I'm interested in the business world. Would you by any chance be willing to help me?"

My parents looked to each other and then turned to stare at me, their smirks very reminiscent of mine. "It will be our pleasure my dear."

I was well aware that part of the reason for their visit was due to my sudden rise to popularity, but I don't doubt that they also cared for me in their own way.

I guess I'm partially to blame, I've spoiled them, being their first and only son and always portrayed myself as being capable of taking care of myself.

They weren't bad people. They just had different priorities compared to ordinary people.

And I loved them for that.

I had so many plans, and although I didn't require my parents money, their connections in the world of business was something that would make things far easier for me.

After showing a few of my quirks with clear potential, we eventually changed subjects and began talking about U.A.

As time went on, their tiredness from traveling eventually reached them and they went to sleep.

I thought about sleeping, but I had an important meeting to attend tonight.

Besides, I still wasn't used to the massive energy that OFA provided me, so sleeping wasn't really an option for now.

Leaving a clone behind just in case, after receiving a message from Manami, I warped myself to the city.


Landing in one of the highest buildings around, I turned myself invisible.

La Brava was very helpful to find all the data that I needed, tracking all the police reports and setting some parameters, she eventually built an impressive trail.

It lead from my uncle's hometown and since recently began to approach my current position.

Glad that my leaked footage was bait enough for her.

Jumping from a skyscraper's rooftop to the other, I began to scout the streets near yesterday's latest case of stabbing.

The police speculated that either someone was mugging random citizens or was actually seeking to murder them.

I had full confidence that she was very skilled with not being caught, but I would rather avoid having her knocking in my door looking for me.

Especially now with my parents around visiting.

Night wouldn't last forever, so I was actually relieved when I finally spotted her with my thermal goggles, finding her sucking a knocked out woman's blood in an alley.

Landing silently behind her before checking no one would disturb us, I turned myself visible again.

"I see that some girls are thirstier than others." I teased, obviously alarming her as a result.

She didn't even falter, turning with her mouth dripping with blood and charged me with one knife in each hand.

Gotta give it to her, she was a natural with all this stuff, she not only acted as a hungry vampire, but also lashed out as I would've expected from one of those nightmarish creatures.

After all, if I'm not mistaken, she outmaneuvered Aizawa during a confrontation between them.

But I wanted to leave a good impression, so by deactivating OFA's layer of protection, her knives pierced my chest without a single effort of resistance from me.

As a matter of fact, I just stood there arms open and smirked.

She knew something wasn't right, despite her successful attack, my reaction just wasn't what she was expecting.

But as soon she noticed who I was, she released her grip on the knives and gave me her best creepy smile. "Well if it isn't the handsome and brave wannabe hero! I've been looking for you."

"Heh." I smiled back at her while pulling out her knives out of my chest, feeling the agonizing pain of regeneration. "Likewise. I heard you now go by the name of... Himiko Toga." I offered the knives back to her.

Himiko's smile faltered a bit. "Wait, you were expecting me? But..."

I bowed respectfully with a hand close to my chest and the other behind my back. "It's so nice to finally meet you... cousin."

Her bright yellow eyes widened after I gave her my version of "I am your father" before she came giggling towards me for a hug. "Are you really serious? You mean I'm really related to the next coming of All Might?"

I hugged her back and replied charmingly as I felt her between my arms. "It appears to be the case. Now look at you, you are so cute!"

She faltered again, wiping her bloodied mouth and asked. "Do you really think so? But my mom and da..."

"I'm aware of what happened. But know this, I see you for who you really are." I said before wiping her blood with one finger from one of the scratches the attacked woman made on her, and then I proceeded to taste it.

Right in front of her eyes, my appearance began to shift to mach hers.

I became shorter, my face became prettier and my male features turned to those of a female.

"Yay! Your blood tastes really good Himiko!" I said mimicking her tone and posture, before turning back to myself. "So... would you like to come with me? I have a Festival to win tomorrow." I asked before making multiple clones of me. "If you want, you can disguise yourself as me."

"That's so cool! I want to go with you! I want to be you!" She gleefully cheered.

"That makes me so happy, Himiko. We are family after all. The others might had abandoned you, but remember..." I offered my hand while summoning a warp gate behind me. "I will always be here for you."

I guess if she was capable of, her pupils would certainly assume the shape of hearts. Such is the love that oozed from a lovely Yandere.

As she accepted my hand and we crossed my gate, my clones began to heal the unconscious woman and took her to the hospital.

Of course, they turned invisible so as not to show my face around the city while carrying her.

Night proved to be very fruitful for me.

After bringing my dear cousin with me, I summoned multiple clones and thanks to Vlad's quirk helped her to fit in amongst them.

After that I began to prepare for the Sports Festival.




*Hope this chapter is of your liking. Anything you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

Any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

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