"I'm home."
"Y-you are early," LiangLin breathed out, still too stunned to fully understand how he just thought about the man and here he was, arms wrapped around his waist tightly, unwilling to let go.
So surprised that LiangLin didn't even think of welcoming XueYa home, only gaping at him like a dead fish.
XueYa's smile wavered at the indifferent welcome. It was barely noticeable, but LiangLin caught it.
Feeling a little guilty of welcoming him this way, LiangLin pecked him softly on the lips, savouring the taste and feel.
He had missed this, XueYa's soft lips on his own, the taste that reminded him of the salty breeze from the sea.
When their lips finally parted, XueYa's smile brightened, and LiangLin found himself smiling too. "Welcome home."
"I'll take this as you missed me?" XueYa's eye gleamed with satisfaction under the small flickering flames, but LiangLin wasn't one to admit to anything.
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