After meeting with gaia, ainz thought if he should change his ways or not. Who cares about others think. As for I'm
Ainz Oowl Gown. Supreme Overlord and Creator of all that is good and evil
The one who stays at the beginning and watches the end of all who stay
The world shall bow to me for i bow to none
Remember the name alaya for this will be your end...
The summon was complete...
A laughter so harsh was heard
life ebbed on towards eternity
But for ainz time has simply just begun
"All shall bathe in blood , the emissaries of heaven shall call the archduke of hell
Blood shall call blood, life will fade in shadows
withering, wrenching ,slipping in the ebbing darkness of an infinite ending
The doors of heaven and hell shall open and the end of a beginning shall fall
"Fallen Down"
And the world shall know darkness
A taste of what the routes will be like..