Lucy held the stuffed toy close to her while she sat in the carriage next to Theodore. Some of the things that they had brought from the village fair were placed near their feet. Two decades ago, she had tried to go to the fair, asking Nana and Amice to cover up for her absence in her room and the castle.
She had spent barely ten minutes in the fair before being found out and taken back by the guards-scolded and punished by her grandmother for attending something so disgraceful as the fair. Now, after she had spent nearly half of the day in the fair of the village, Lucy couldn't help but feel how much her grandmother and her parents must have missed in their life.
The pure joy that she had felt while being around the crowd of people who were laughing and talking was something that could not be found in the castle life. This was what she had been craving for all these years, and to have it fulfilled, the feeling was inexpressible.
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