Lucy felt her eyes slowly start to turn bright as they adjusted to the change in light of the corridor where she laid right now. It was as if until a few minutes she had been underwater, and she had only surfaced back up to take a large gasp of air.
"Lucy?" she heard someone's voice.
The pain that had disappeared from her body came back in twice the fold, and she felt the wetness around her while the air around was heavily filled with blood and death. As seconds passed by, the blood loss and the pain suddenly engulfed her body and unable to handle it, she screamed in pain. Her scream echoed through the corridors before it quietened, and she fell unconscious.
Theodore stared at Lucy, unable to believe that she had come back to life when it was only moments ago her body had turned cold like the snow, and her heart had stopped beating.
He turned to Paschar, who had joined them in the corridor earlier, "What happened?"
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