Dawn was cutting a slice of pancake when she stopped and looked at Daryn. She frowned and asked, "What party? And I won't go to any party with you when you are officially engaged to Maya."
Daryn pursed his lips. He knew that this was going to be a difficult task. "Maya has invited me for a party at her father's place to announce that our wedding has been postponed, and I would like you to go there with me."
The spoon in Dawn's hand slipped and clanked on the floor as her open fell open showing the remains of chewed food inside. Was he mad? She gulped her food down and in a very calm voice said, "Are you out of your mind? Azura had told me that the pure bloods are after my life and you want to take me to the den of pure bloods? I am truly amazed at your logic behind this!"
What are Dawn's plans for The Jupiter Inc?
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