Looking out of the big window of his room, King Zen clutched his sword, furious.
He has never felt betrayed than ever before.
As he continues to think of possible ways to subdue the brothers who had been working on together to bring him down, the more that he felt so anger running in his blood.
He was about to draw his sword when he sensed a familiar scent in the Kingdom of Gehenna.
"I am here to visit my dear brother." Eucraick said as he stands in the middle of Shadow and Umbra. "Where could he be?" The reaper side glanced at Shadow who showed no interest of answering his question.
"Thank you for such a wonderful answer, Shadow," Eucraick said and continued to walk towards King Zen's room.
Shadow and Umbra did not even think of stopping the old man anymore because they knew the fact that the protection wall has been lowered down and the Grim Reaper can just come in and have his word with his 'brother'.
So sorry for the long wait. Here it is. :) Plot by me, written by Jorna, edited by me. 4/10