After Ivar and Gwen talked and decided to visit the Kingdom of Elysion the next day, they told their plans to everyone during dinner.
Ivar and Gwen told them that they are to visit Ivar's parents and tell them the good news, Devin, agreeing to giving them time to visit since it is indeed an important and at the same time, exciting announcement.
"I'm quite sad that Angeal is not actually here to hear the news," Gwen commented, the people in the mansion listening to her as they ate their food. "If she knew this, she would be over the moon to hear that I'm going to be a mother soon!"
Nodding, the others let out a small chuckle as well. Martha commented on what her daughter had said, making everyone miss Angeal right at this moment.
"If she was here, she would immediately embrace you and warn you to not be naughty! I can see her as a doting aunt to the little child!"
9/10 updates~! What do you think? Answer Devin's question! Will they have a baby Annalise? ;)