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53.15% Annihilation Maker DXD / Chapter 99: Something That Shouldn't be Seen.

Capítulo 99: Something That Shouldn't be Seen.

The light blinded everything and removed all the colors from the world, except the golden bright glow.

A golden pillar of light that reached far high in the sky, stood tall in the middle of Fuyuki city as it lights made everyone in the city and outside it in japan close their eyes.

It wasn't that irritating, in fact, it was peaceful and warm, but everyone couldn't help but to close their eyes and don't look at it.

Like something they shouldn't see, their instinct worked on its own and made everyone close their eyes.

From the space, Fuyuki city became a light bulb as the pillar of light can be seen clearly from there.

After 5 seconds, the light started to die down slowly. The blinding light backed down from the sky and the pillar lost its height gradually.

Like snow melting in heat, Fuyuki city that couldn't be seen because of the light, recovered its own colors as the light became particles floating in the air.

In several parts of the city, the humans and animals, whose blood was taken, started recovering to the time before the ritual.

Most of the light particles are made from purifying their blood, so it just came back to their original owners. Although it wasn't a small number of died, those who followed the spell survived.

At the center of the city, the pillar of light finally died down to reveal a small red space of 100 meters between buildings at the city fountain.

There was some blood here and there and the colors of the surroundings were red, but it was decreasing slowly, like something died here.

At the corner of this space, near a building, a young man was riding on a horse while looking at this red space. In fact, he wasn't looking at it because his eyes seemed to be losing focus and becoming empty.

Dismounting from his horse, Leo stood on the ground before he let go of the lance in his hand as it floated in the air.

In the eyes of the horse and lance, who seemed to be able to see, Leo walked towards the nearest wall.

Without looking at the wall, Leo raised his head slightly before…


Hitting his head 'gently', the wall cracked as the cracks speared like spider webs. The halo above his head passed through the wall, which made it melt and drop more rubble on Leo's head.

Made In Hell and Rhongomyniad looked at their lord hitting his head on the wall as they didn't know what to think of this.

Leo didn't care about the cracks or the rubbles on his head as he used his hand to support himself while his eyes were still empty when looking at the ground.

He wants to throw up, his stomach is trembling and he's feeling very sick now, even his head refuses to think about anything for now.

That spell, that goddamn spell at the end, must be the one of the highest-ranking things he'll regret in his life.

Using a triangle with its three corners to symbolize number 3, which means heaven. Leaving Gabriel's power in the blood to act as a link. Using the alter Rhongomyniad as the source of 'Evil' because if he used that storm without the spell, it'd kill all those humans before touching the sphere.

Everything was going well. Then, the spell chant came along.

Every time he thinks about ' The stepping stone of wickedness that supports the good deeds', Leo wants to throw himself in a volcano and swim in the burning lava.

Although he already knew it, saying and doing it was a whole different thing. He couldn't stop the spell in the middle or else, it'll explode in his face, and worst, he'll bite his tongue. So he rolled with it… Until his stomach hurt.

However, he can't throw up even if he wanted. As an angel and a higher life-form, Leo is free from the mortals' necessities. He doesn't need to eat or sleep. Also, he doesn't have to go to the toilet or even get dirty, these are the privileges of being an angel of a higher level of existence.

So, how is he going to throw up? Is he going to release some sort of rainbow-colored mana puke? He doesn't even want to think about it.

"Why do these good and evil spells have to be like this?" Leo said with a listless voice while looking at the ground with empty eyes.

He knows tens of spells about good, evil, justice, judgment, darkness, light, mercy, cruelty, and those are his strongest spells because he's an angel and the devil, but just thinking about their chants makes him want to hide in hell.

Luckily, Solomon's ten rings can make him immune to magecraft, so Leo doesn't have to use them against him.

Moreover, why does it have to be like this? Just to channel the stupid Alaya's powers that it can't use on its own?! And why does it require this amount of edge! Do you feed on edge as an energy source or you only accept edge and cringe as a tribute!?.

"Hold on…" Leo supported himself on the wall with his hand before an expression of realization appeared on his face.

The Human Order's disasters, Counter Guardians, Beasts, magi, all these things are edgy and all of them are related to humanity, which means Alaya.

The picture became clear in Leo's head. They have been tricked! It was Alaya all along! The source of edge and their suffering, the Edge Order!!. Leo never felt the desire to advent as Beast like he did at this moment.

Breath in, breath out, Leo continued doing that until he calmed down a little. You know what? He doesn't care anymore.

He just wants to go and relax. Maybe watching anime or something. Pinging the whole FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood while slumbering under the bedsheets to heal his mind and heart.

"Maybe that'll make me forget the stepping stone of weck-..." Leo stopped in his place before he raised his head again.


This time, the cracks filled all the building walls as Made In Hell and Rhongomyniad felt more confused. When they wanted to get closer, Leo just signaled them to stop and said " Just give me a second… A minute… Make it an hour"

Leo's eyes were more empty because that phrase was stuck in his head and he can't forget about it. However, in his back, what left from the blood started moving slowly towards him.

Shaking his head, Leo left the pothole that he made with his head before all the rubble fell from it. The dust was cleared automatically, it's kinda convenient to be an angel.

Suddenly, the blood gathered together before it rushed towards Leo. Its speed was very fast and its movements were completely silent, but when it reached its target, Leo turned his head and looked at it.

Whoever was in the blood widened his eyes because something was faster than him. Made In Hell appeared next to Leo before it kicked the blood.


The mass of blood was thrown across this red space like a football before it was splashed on a building wall. Falling down slowly, the blood separated from the wall and fell into the ground before its shape changed and became one of the players, Lizard.

"Are you smart or stupid? Even if I'm casting a complicated spell, your chance of sneaking on me is less than 30%" Leo said with a listless and bored voice because he's already tired from this day.

"HAHAHAHAHA!! I really dug my own grave, huh? This is funny!" Lizard started laughing like he agreed with Leo's words.

"You're insane, huh? That explains your thinking, even if you made this plan" Leo said as he raised his hand. Rhongomyniad, who was floating, flew to his hand before he aimed at Lizard.

Just glancing at what left from this red space, Leo can know most of what this guy is aiming for. It was weakening him or Solomon before trapping them here and stealing a Noble Phantasm from one of them.

This space, or rather called a game space because most of the rules here follow these players' powers. In addition to summoning that 'Blood God', it's like a battlefield provided by the multiverse space, which makes it almost a foreign world for anyone from this world.

This is why Leo and Merlin were rejected instantly when they looked at it.

In this place, players get a lot of advantages against aborigines from the other worlds, but it seems Lizard has done his homework because this thing in Type-Moon is far more dangerous, especially for a Beast like Leo.

Beasts get their power from the Human Order's evil, which makes them related to the existence of humanity to get strength, but in this multiverse space battlefield, there's no human history at all, even the connection with the original world will become very weak.

This will make Leo unable to unleash his Noble Phantasms at full force and if he was just a regular servant, then his stats will also go down.

Not to mention, in those 14 souls that left in Lizard, Leo can see Alcides' soul struggling. Alcides has a very interesting Noble Phantasm called Reincarnation Pandora, which grants him the ability to steal other servants' Noble Phantasms.

In the last battle, Lizard saw the situation wasn't good, so he decided to secure his plan and devour his servant for his ability.

Apparently, Lizard can absorb servants' souls and take their abilities, but there's a limit, which is the strength of the target, especially Solomon and Leo.

Lizard was trying to increase his power and chance to steal their Noble Phantasms or power, so he took Alcides' Noble Phantasm, summoned the 'Blood God', and manifested the game space, he even wanted more securing by taking the power of the World's Evil from Angra Mainyu.

Summoning Alcides to get a strong servant and a tool he can depose from later without losing any money, everything was well planned.

But then, the 'legit' Caster came like a meteor and blew up everything.

"Whoa! Whoa! Don't rush things, we still can have a talk, don't we?" Lizard saw the light shining on the holy lance in Leo's hand before he waved his hands.

Leo glanced at Lizard blankly as he was going to obliterate him with a light beam, but when he wanted to attack, he felt his hand stuck in the air.

"Hm? Are you serious?" Leo looked at his right arm, which was tied with several red threads that had the previous 'Blood God' divinity.

These threads stopped Leo for a moment, but the cost wasn't low because Lizard lost one soul in his disposals.

"You can't blame a man for trying, right? And you're more familiar with links than me" Lizard smiled as he wanted to leave this place while trying to slow Leo down with what left from his power. Looking at his side, there was a holographic screen next to him.

[Name: Beast VI(Lucifer/Satan)


The light-bringer.

The father of lies.

Beast of Babylon.



STG: 932.

END: 1985

AGI: 1234

INT: 2732

(Unable to appraise Luck and Charm states)

Description: One of the seven Beasts of calamity that represent the Evil of humanity.

(Unable to appraise more)

Skills and abilities:

(Unable to appraise)

Hint: Has something to do with the 4th true magic as a base]

{This monster, even my states combined didn't pass 800 points} Lizard looked at the states' screen as his eyebrow was twitching.

The players can appraise objects or enemies with certain items or skills, but the stronger the enemy, the less chance to get any information.

At first, Lizard didn't get one state from Leo, but using the game space and 'Blood God', he was able to see some of them.

However, that hint was there from the start, this made Lizard suspicious. Is the nightmare space actually helping him? He didn't have enough evidence, so he denies it. But this was very important information.

All that Leo guessed was correct, Lizard really wanted to use that plan to steal Solomon's rings or Leo's Ten Crowns.

However, it was more complicated because he wanted to use the 4th True magic, which represents most of Leo's power as an advantage.

Subtype true magic is just a branch of true magic, but the Beast that holds it can use that subtype stronger than the original true magic magicians.

4th True magic has a relation with the law of conservation of energy, also known as the first law of thermodynamics, states that the energy of a closed system must remain constant—it can neither increase nor decrease without interference from outside.

The universe itself is a closed system, so the total amount of energy in existence has always been the same. The forms that energy takes, however, are constantly changing.

Everything is linked together one way or another, the 4th true magic takes this principle to the next level with its power, which is called karmic memory.

The energy keeps changing from a form to another, but in fact, it also contains a hidden memory from the Roots, which records everything that happened.

The 4th true magic-user can harness those memories and allow the manifestation and control of things like destiny, fate, and karma. Although it is bound with conditions like strength, amount of power, and mana, the user can even kill someone just by the fact he killed a fly before, in other words, karma is a bitch.

The user can even summon past events as long as he satisfies some conditions, so he can use the achievements of others to fight. For example, a meteor fell here before, he can make it fall again around that area casually because it already happened before or it'll happen in the future.

This is the 4th true magic, the hidden link that everyone knows that it exists, even if they didn't see it with their eyes.

Lizard learned from the nightmare space about this magic before he went into the mission as he planned to remove Leo's connection with these 'links' whatever they were.

He isn't wrong because Leo's second Noble Phantasm, which links his 1st and 3rd Noble Phantasm is based on the 4th true magic in the form of humanity sins. Cause, progress, consequence, this is basically Leo's Noble Phantasms meaning.

Removing the progress(2nd NP) will disable the consequence(3rd NP), leaving the Cause(1st NP), which isn't even an attack Noble Phantasm.

The 'Blood God' was specially summoned to limit those links and the game space weakened them further.

It can be seen that Lizard found the Beast VI's weakness. If Leo was just Beast VI, Lizard's plan will really put him in a very difficult position.

But he didn't expect that his sacrifice and blood will actually become his downfall. The blood that was supposed to increase his power became a poison, even Alaya manifested some of its power in those humans souls, so their blood became a deadly curse against him.

"Hmph!" Looking at Lizard, who wanted to run, Leo still had a bored expression before green threads appeared from him and tied the red ones.

Leo looked at this before he said " Although the true destiny is far stronger, your fake imitation can be easily dominated"

"Ddraig… Burn it" Leo said quietly before moving his hand, when he did that, flames ignited on the green threads and burned the red ones in no time, which allowed Leo to complete his swing.

A beam of light rushed towards the surprised Lizard, which made him raise his arm to block the attack as some red threads appeared on his body.


Lizard's body was crushed into sludge by the light before he was splashed on the building wall again. He recovered faster than the last time before he jumped away. His lives lowered into 3, so the next attack will be fatal.

However, his thoughts of escaping were quickly extinguished because a larger beam of light was heading his way, which left him no way to escape.

{Dammit! This is where I die, huh? I really wanted a more spectacular one} Lizard looked at this as he wanted to sigh, but he didn't have time to do it because the multiverse space screen appeared again.

[The temple of blood offers you the following deal to overcome this difficulty:

The temple will allow you to summon the power of 1st seat blood god to assist you in exchange for the following.

90% of all of your states.

90% of all of your skills.

All your items and points.

Your bloodline, True Vampire.

Your level and rank in the nightmare space will be set back to the beginning.

A penalty mission with nightmare difficulty.

Do you accept?]

For his plan, he prepared sacrifices to summon some power of the Blood Gods from the temple of blood in the nightmare space.

Those temples can be used by the related occupations players to get benefits for doing certain things, like sacrificing people or hurting the world.

Lizard's occupation is the blood devourer, which increases his power to absorb souls from other beings using his bloodline.

{Wow, are you really asking? Of course, yes! Do you think I'm crazy?... Don't answer that} Lizard accepted immediately when the light beam almost reached him.

Now, he understood that the nightmare space is really helping him because, even if that deal was a literal rip off, the nightmare space would never offer something to players and it'll just let them die.

Several lines made from blood rushed from Lizard's body as his expression was filled with pain. That was his bloodline, skills, items, points, and states turning into blood before they rushed towards the light beam. Using himself as a sacrifice to summon power, how ironic after all that he did.


Because this was just a casual attack, the light was broken instantly as the threads rushed towards Leo. With each thread appearing, Lizard was getting paler and his body became skinnier.

"Okay, I had enough…" Leo twisted the lance in his hand before it changed it from into the dark lance.

He actually wanted to leave this guy soul to check on something, but it doesn't seem to be a wise choice now.

The lance started rotating as the dark storm was blowing, but suddenly, sparks appeared before blue flames ignited on the lance as it joined the storm. This is Leo using his 3rd Noble Phantasm with the lance.

Leo was like holding a storm of blue flames and dark air before he jumped towards the bloody threads.


The two collided as the blue flames started burning the bloody lines instantly, but their numbers kept increasing.

Sparks kept flying in the air because of the collision between the spinning lance and the blood threads.

Leo raised his eyebrow before he sighed and chose to step on his heart one last time. He wanted to cast a spell, but before he did, he widened his eyes from the shock.

When using the spells, Leo always activates his Origin, but without his knowledge, the divinity of the blood god was sneaking from the threads and almost having contact with his Origin.

This Divinity was very weird as it could even reach something conceptual easily.

Leo's wings appeared on his back as he wanted to back away, he isn't worried about the divinity, something like that can be defeated even if it was troublesome, but he can't allow it to touch his Origin.

However, Lizard didn't allow this. He forced himself beyond the limits and pushed the threads forwards.

At this moment, the red bloody divinity touched Leo's Origin as everything became silent. It wasn't metaphorical, but literally, everything became silent.


A faint sound of something breaking echoed in the surrounding, but strangely, even if it was small, it hit Lizard like a bell and made him feel something he didn't feel a long time ago… Fear.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" Hideous screams filled the red space as the bloody threads backed away from Leo, no they weren't backing away, they were running, like they saw something very terrifying.

However, something caught them as the bloody threads scream halted like they were too scared to release a sound.

Platinum lines in the shape of ribbons caught the bloody threads easily before they dragged them.

Lizard, who was floating, felt an intense pain before the bloody threads were plucked from his body, which made him fall down.

The platinum ribbons tightened their grip on the bloody threads and crushed them into nothing easily. They didn't even have the chance to scream again before they were... Deleted.

Struggling to raise his head, Lizard looked above to his Leo floating in the sky, but his eyes were taken by the platinum ribbons appearing from his right shoulder and moving around his right black wing, which became semi-transparent.

The ribbons were also crawling on Leo's right hand, which glowed with a platinum color like it wasn't physical anymore.

Leo had a slightly pained and a very annoyed expression while holding his right arm and shoulder, like he lost all sense and control over them. The Book of The Law that was on that hand, was flipping its pages like crazy.

At the church, Ritsuka, who was waiting for the signal while looking at her command seals, saw something strange. For a split second, she could swear that she saw Leo's class change from Caster to something called Foreigner before returning to normal.

Lizard's eyes started bleeding while looking at those platinum ribbons, who wanted to form a wing on Leo's right shoulder, however, he couldn't take his eyes off the states' screen that was cracked like a mirror.

[The blood temple unable to find any information.

Using references… The entity is sending similar waves like Aiwass from Toaru Majutsu no index… Results.

Name: (Impossible to appraise).


Extraterrestrial Life Form.

The One who holds the blueprint of the Pure World.

The Guardian Angel of**$&=é$&=é&$é

The Demon dwelling in =$=$é&éé=$&é

Ein Sof O $$=é&=é$&

$é$=&é$=&)"$&é="=é$"&=$"=$é {*The screen exploded*}

Description: The angel/demon in the deepest phases, The Pure World, who isn't bound by the Sephiroth/Qliphoth $=é&$=é&$é=&$é=)àà)^$p^$&$&$&=)$&$$é&=$ {*The screen exploded*}



Toaru Majutsu no Index…

The actual words became corrupted before they lost all their meanings...

The screen exploded in front of Lizard as he couldn't believe what he's looking at or understand anything. The nightmare space and the temple of blood wasn't doing this for him, but for itself, he just happened to see it.

This wasn't Lucifer, Satan, or Beast VI. He's looking at something that shouldn't even exist in this world or… Anywhere.

At this moment, he didn't only step on a landmine, but actually, he almost opened something that was supposed to stay closed.

... A Pandora's box that closed itself a long time ago.

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