"Arghhh..." Mia yelled as she walked inside her house and throws her bag away...
"How dare she threat me like this?" Mia yelled.
"Who does she think she is?" Mia yelled again.
"How fucking dare she is?" Mia yelled again as she sighed sitting on the couch.
"What should I do? What should I do to make him mine? How did I even lose him?" Mia asked herself.
"I loved him... But I couldn't fight for him?" Mia asked herself as she sighed.
"He had never noticed me ever... Even when I have worked hard all these years near him? And then why her? What is there in her that he loved her... And not me? And married her in just 3 months?" Mia asked as she got up from the couch and just sighed frustratedly.
"Hoe dare she has to tell me what to do and what not too?" Mia asked.
"I have been so good all these years... Just to make Johnson look at me... But, he never did... What wrong I did?" Mia asked.