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10.93% The Mutant Sorcerer / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Denial Of Nothingness

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6: Denial Of Nothingness

"Denial on Nothingness,"

As soon as the words left his mouth, the world shifted. The laws of the universe were being rewritten where once there was nothing, now there was something. From nothing came out something. From the denial of nothingness, there was creation. A veritable miracle was performed where something was created out of nothing from Isaiah's will. The laws of equivalent exchange were shattered and reality warped. In front of Isaiah and the Ancient One stood an identical set of teacups that he had been drinking from. There were no special effects, no light show, no warping. There was nothing. It was like the teacup simply appeared out of thin air which it did.

The whole time, the Ancient One observed the boy and expanded her senses towards him to try to see any change in him. Nothing. No mana, nor Universal energy was used. In fact, no magic was used. It was like Isaiah had simply willed for the set to exist. He had quite literally denied their nonexistence.

Denial of Nothingness. In another world, it was considered True Magic since its effect couldn't be reproduced by science or magecraft. It was magic that produced miracles by creating something out of nothing. There was no price as it bypassed the laws of equivalent exchange. It is considered the first True Magic. The second one was called Operation of Parallel Worlds and it was owned by a Dead Ancestor called Kishur Zelretch Schweinorg. The third True Magic is called Heaven's Feel and it was once owned by the Einzbern family. The fourth one was not discovered. Finally, the fifth one is called Magic Blue and it is owned by a magus named Aoko Aozaki. However, this is a different world and the rules of this world are completely different as no one draws power from the Root except for young Isaiah and therefore no one has knowledge of these five True Magic.

Isaiah's teacher grabbed the teacup and examined it. She felt no traces of energy in the cup which means that it's real and it was not conceived using magic like (Projection).

"Truly incredible. To simply will something into existence. And this does not stop at objects, am I right?" she asked wide-eyed.

The boy put his glasses on and shook his head,

"Yes, you're right. When I said anything, I mean anything even concepts. I could even create a whole new world if I had enough knowledge." he said before adding in the end, "Not like I'm going to"

The woman nodded before putting the cup down.

"Isaiah," she called and the boy noted the serious tone in her voice.

That was her no-nonsense voice. It was the voice she used when she was not a teacher, but when she was to Sorcerer Supreme.

"Yes, teacher?"

"I will ask you one question and I want you to answer honestly. Do you understand?"

The child nodded.

"Can anyone else obtain this power and knowledge?"

When ge heard the question, he pondered.

'Can someone else obtain (Denial of Nothingness)?' he thought.

After almost five minutes of thinking, he finally answered,

"The answer to that question is... a yes and a no."

"What do you mean?"

"As you know, the Root has another name, the Akashic Records. From what I have gleaned, it is a place that records everything in the multiverse from the past, the present and the future. It is also a place where the concept of time and space does not exist. It literally exists outside of the multiverse. To reach there is like going through a gateway. However, those gateways have a first-come, first-serve concept. If one goes through a gateway and reaches the Root, that gateway closes and no one can ever enter through it again. They will have to find another way to reach it. They may use any means to reach it. They can use existing means or create new ones. Those who want to reach the Root have to create their own way. If they succeed, that way will be closed."

"Then how did you reach it?"

"By pure luck," Isaiah answered as he let out a small grin.

"Really?" his teacher quirked an eyebrow.

"I don't know. Maybe it was pure luck that I reached the Root, maybe it has to do with my Origin or it was even my destiny. I don't really know," the boy shrugged, " What I do know is that no one can use my way anymore. If it was by pure luck, that means they will have to find a way that doesn't rely on luck."

"I see. Then why did you also answer yes?"

"That's because (Denial of Nothingness) can be taught. But, I don't ever plan to teach it to anyone. Besides, I'm pretty sure that their brains would implode from the knowledge if they don't have the right mind and skills." he said and quickly added when he saw his teacher about to ask another question.

"I understand. Then, has anyone achieved the Akashic Records before you did?"

The boy grinned before holding up three fingers.

"There were three names: Kishur Zelretch Schweinorg, Aoko Aozaki and the Einzbern family.

"How are they?"

"Zelretch is a Dead Apostle or a vampire who create the Second True Magic called the Operations of Parallel Worlds. He can travel throughout the Multiverse. He is also able to use the magic from other worlds using an artifact of his creation granting him nigh-infinite mana."

"That is incredible, what about the other two?"

"The Einzbern had the Third True Magic and it was called Heaven's Feel. It gives the user complete control over the soul and it also materializes the soul granting the user true immortality. It also gives infinite mana using perpetual motion when the soul is materialized. However, that family lost it over the generations. Finally, there is Aoko Aozaki. She is the user of the Fifth True Magic called Magic blue. I don't know its true power however two of its abilities allow her to time travel and make the laws of conservation of mass shoulder the debts of a past without future," Isaiah took another sip after explaining.

The Ancient One nodded as she assimilated the information before letting out a small chuckle.

"You never cease to impress me, Isaiah Sharpe."

The boy grinned,

"I aim to please, Teacher."

"By the way, you never told me, which True Magic are you the user of?"

"I am the user of the First True Magic, Denial of Nothingness," the boy said a little smug.

The teacher saw the smugness and released a smirk before smacking the boy's head.

"Ow! What was that for, Teacher?"

"There was no need to get smug about it." the teacher said with a grin, before dropping it.

"Pleasantries aside, you know what kind of uproar this kind of ability would incite right? Not to mention your Mystic Eyes of Death Perception."

"Yes, Teacher."

"Good, now..." the Ancient One was about to say something when Isaiah's eyes started to glaze.

Her eyebrows rose before extending her hand towards the boy and telekinetically held his body before it crashes on the table. She made the table disappear before conjuring a bed for the boy to lie on. She had done this many times when the boy would get his visions and recognized the tell-tale signs of them. She then closed his eyes so that they don't dry out and conjured a chair before sitting by his side. She could see the eyes twitching underneath his eyelids indicating that he was seeing a vision.

10 minutes later, Isaiah finally woke up as a slight headache assaulted him.

"Welcome back, Isaiah. How are you feeling?" his teacher asked.

The boy groaned before replying,

"I have a slight headache, otherwise I'm fine."

"Hmm. Was it another vision?"


"Tell me."

"This time, it wasn't about someone performing a spell. It was more of an event. I think this time it was the future."

"How do you figure?"

"What is today's date, Teacher?"

"It is the twelfth of December."

"Okay, and where is Westover hall school located?"

The teacher frowned before walking to a table where a desktop computer was placed. She turned it on and typed the school's name.

"It is located in the United States, specifically in Bar Harbor, Maine."

"Alright, here's how it goes. The vision starts with a school dance at the Westover Hall school. On one of the banners, I saw " School dance! December 17th". That's why I asked the date and knew that it was in the future."

His teacher nodded,

"Okay, continue."

"Anyways, the vision focused on a pair of brother and sister. They both had olive skin with dark hair and brown eyes. Anyway, suddenly this pair of siblings were kidnapped by a tall man with heterochromatic eyes and was dragged away. A boy with jet black hair and sea-green eyes hiking a sword run after them. The weird thing was that the other kids didn't seem to notice the sword he was holding. The vision then changed where the man was standing close to the edge of a cliff while a goat-legged boy, a girl with black hair and blue eyes with freckles on her face holding a spear and shield, and the same boy with a sword were in front of the man and a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes were in front of him. They were all like thirteen to fourteen years old, except for the black hair girl, she looked sixteen while the sister looked twelve and the brother looked ten. The sibling pair were right behind them. This time, there was a tail with spikes protruding from behind the tall lanky man. They were shouting at each other. The man then transformed into a manticore!"

"Are you sure it was a manticore?"


"And do you know what they were saying?"

"No, not this time."

"Hmm. Continue."

"Anyways, they were shouting at each other when suddenly, a rain of silver arrows fell from the sky towards the monster. It tried to retaliate by launching its own volley of spikes, but another rain of arrows descended on him. It then tried to jump on the girl with blue eyes and the boy with sea-green eyes to kill them. However, the blonde-haired girl suddenly tackled him and they both fell off the cliff. Afterwards, multiple girls in silver parkas appeared from the tree with a girl with silver eyes and auburn hair leading them. The vision then ended."

"I see." the woman slowly nodded.

"And you know what the weird part is?"

"What is it?"

"It was like I was there."

"While the event was happening?"

"Yeah, I was in the background observing them."

The sorceress didn't answer but nodded as she contemplated the vision.

"What should I do, Teacher?" the woman looked at the boy and saw something in his eyes that made her smile. She saw something akin to hope.

"What do you think you should do?"

The boy looked down as he squirmed on the bed and the woman grinned a little.

"I...huh. I think I should go" Isaiah said after hesitating and giving a wry smile.

"Alright," she said.

"But I-wait what? What did you say, Teacher?" the eleven-year-old asked confused.

"I said, alright." she gave a grin.

"Really?" the boy asked, his eyes sparkling.

"If you ask me one more time, I will change my mind." the woman said as her eyebrow twitched.

"Okay! Okay!" the boy replied. Not before letting out a "Yes!" in a whisper although the woman heard him.

It's been some time since the boy felt like going out of Kamar-Taj's territory and exploring the world. And since he lost his memories, it was like his whole life was in Kamar-Taj.

"Good, since we have two days before you go. I want you to read these," she said before conjuring some books.

Isaiah picked a book up,

"Greek Mythology 101? Why Greek mythology?"

"If what I suspect is right, then you are going to need to remember the facts in these books. What I can tell you is that most of them are real."

"Are you saying that Greek myths are real?"

"Yes, it's a vast world after all."

The boy took the books and was starting to leave the room to go on his own when his teacher stopped him.


"Yes, Teacher?" he asked as he turned around.

Orange energy sparked around her fingers as an illusion of a newspaper appeared in front of them.

"Is this the boy you saw in your vision?" she asked while pointing at a photo of a younger version of the boy he had seen in his vision. Besides his photo was one of an older woman that he assumed was his mother seeing the facial similarities.

"Yes, that's him! Although, he looks a little younger in this photo."

He looked at the title of the news article,

[Missing mother and her twelve-year-old boy after their car was found with a hole through the roof]

"Perseus Jackson... Is that his name?"

"Yes, now run along. You have some materials to read."

"Okay, teacher. See you later!"

"See you later, Isaiah"

And the boy left the room.

"So he's going to involve himself with the Greeks huh? Well, that's unexpected. Of course, I shouldn't be surprised since it's Isaiah after all."

Two days later, at around 6:00 PM in the US, Isaiah was packing a bag that he would take when he goes outside.

"Water bottles? Check. Snacks? Check. Spare clothes? Check."

At that moment, a small portal appeared and a slip of paper fell through before the portal closed. Isaiah picked it up and read it.

[Come to the Orb of Agamotto with all of your things -Your Teacher]

He nodded before zipping his bag up and walking to the room where the Orb of Agamotto was floating above the Eye of Agamotto.

"Hi, Teacher!" the boy said.

"Hello to you too, Isaiah. Do you know why I called you here before you leave?"

The boy shook his head,

"No. I thought you wanted to say bye to me."

The woman chuckled at the statement,

"Well I do want to see you off, but there is something else we must do before you leave."

Isaiah tilted his head,

"We must find a relic for you."

this in turn surprised Isaiah,

"Really!, you think I'm ready?"

"We'll have to see if one of the relics chooses you." she then turned around towards the doors leading to the three sanctums.

"Which one do you want to go to first?" she asked.

"Huh... This one." the boy pointed at the New York sanctum."

"Alright." replied the woman and opened the door.

After opening the door, they walked through a translucent screen which was a portal connecting the sanctums to Kamar-Taj and arrived in the room of Relics.

"Now, I want you to walk throughout the room," she said.

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"Huh, okay?"

The boy then began walking inside the room. He saw many relics on a display like the Cloak of Levitation, the Cauldron of Cosmos, the Staff of the Living Tribunal, and many more. However, Isaiah felt nothing coming from them. He continued to walk through the room. After fifteen minutes, just as he was about to finish walking and go back to Kamar-Taj, he felt it. A certain feeling. He felt some sort of attraction somewhere. Guided by his instincts, he walked through the relics and finally found himself in front of a pedestal. The feeling intensified when he looked at the object that was placed on the pedestal, a ring.

"I see, you've found something." the voice of the Ancient One said as she approached the boy.

"Yeah, but what is it?"

"I do not know," she said.

"What do you mean? How is there a relic that you don't know?" the boy asked.

"This ring was found by the previous Sorcerer Supreme, but he wasn't able to peer into his secrets. No one could, however, this is the first time there is a reaction to it. Do you know why?"

The boy looked down as he thought and answered,

"Is it because I possess mana?"

"That's right. This ring reacts only to mana. Well, that was my theory until you confirmed it. So?"


"What are you waiting for. Take it," the Ancient One said.

"Are you sure? What if it's a relic that eats people who have mana by attracting them?"

The woman looked at him with a grin,

"Then it would have already tried to eat you. Besides, if something happens, I will be here to help right?"

The teacher said with a grin. If this was an anime, the boy would have sweatdropped at her answer. Isaiah turned his gaze back to the ring and lifted it off from the pedestal. It was a simple golden ring with engravings. He couldn't help comparing it to the One Ring from The Lord of the Rings. When Isaiah wasn't practicing magic or studying, he had started watching movies and reading books. He had finished the movies a week ago.

He placed the ring on his pinky, but it was too big. He attempted to do the same with his other fingers, but it didn't work.

'Does it need mana to work?'

He tried to put his ring back on his pinky and inject mana. And just as he did, the ring glowed before shrinking and fitting snugly on his finger. Suddenly, information appeared in his mind.

"So? Is it going to eat you?" his teacher asked.


"Then do you know what this ring is?"

"It doesn't have a name, but it has a pocket dimension inside of it."

"Hm? Really?"

"Yeah, I couldn't calculate the size though since it was too big. And it is now bound to me."

"May I?" the woman held out her hand and the boy gave her the ring.

She examined the ring,

"Fascinating. The artificer who made this ring must've been an incredible person." she started before giving the ring back to the boy.

"Did you look at its content?"

"Not yet."

"Why don't you look at it?"


The boy poured mana into the ring and he found himself in a large room. He could feel that the room alone was even larger than the training ground Kamar-Taj's masters would train on. But it was the content that surprised him. There was a literal hill of gold, diamonds, emerald, and much more precious material. His eyes almost fell out of his socket from shock at the sheer amount of wealth there was in front of him.

'W-What the hell is this! There is a literal mountain of gold in front of me!'

He gingerly picked a gold bar up and examined it.

'W-what? It feels so real."

He slowly put the bar back with trembling hands as if he was handling radioactive waste. He then turned his gaze towards another side of the room. He saw a huge library filled with books.

'Who was the previous owner of this ring?' he thought.

He went towards the library and picked a book. However, he didn't recognize the language it was written in. He picked another one and it was the same. He put it back and it was still the same language.

'I could ask Teacher if she understands the language.'

He put the book back and finally opened his eyes back in the room of Relics.

"So?" she asked.

He described what he had seen.

"I see. It must've belonged to a powerful sorcerer from the previous Sorcerer Supreme's time or even before," she said unfazed by the amount of wealth in the ring

"What about the language?"

The woman smiled,

"We'll see about that after you return from your trip. Before that here," she said before handing him an envelope.

"What's this?"

"You could say it's your allowance."

The boy looked inside and was shocked to see multiple bills of US dollars.

"There's like a thousand dollars in here! I can't accept this!"

"Keep it, in case of emergencies."

"Do people just give out thousand dollars just for emergencies?" the boy asked bewildered.

"I don't know." the woman shrugged

"O-Okay. B-but I will return it after I come back."

"You will keep it."


"You Will Keep It." his teacher said emphasizing every word.


"Good boy," she said.

She stared at the boy.

"Huh, Teacher?" Isaiah called out to the woman when he noticed her stare.

The woman lifted her hand and, to the boy's shock, ruffled his hair.


"Run along now, it's time for you to go." she softly said.


The boy took out his sling ring and put it on his left hand while rotating his hand in a circular motion in front of him. Sparks and crackling sounds appeared before an orange-gold circle appeared in front of him showing a dark forest due to the time of the day.

"Bye, Teacher."

"Bye, Isaiah."

And the boy walked through the portal before closing it. The woman looked at where the boy disappeared and sighed.

"What is this?" she asked herself.

Over the three years, she noticed that she was giving more attention to the boy. He was the first child that would appear in Kamar-Taj. Most of the people who seemed in the place were adults who had already grown and were seeking to heal. In all her years of life, she never once had to take care of a child. Due to her talents, she had already been recruited as a Master of Mystic Arts and before long become the Sorcerer Supreme. She had never once thought of becoming a mother.

"Is this what it's like to be a parent?" she asked herself before returning to Kamar-Taj.

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