It was a lone journey back to the Gutter Zone districts, the nightly winds brushing across the desolate streets as the gloomy air of poverty was in full splendor.
Nero was now walking through the silent street, his eyes of a cold, darkened hue as he seemed as if he had lost all signs of emotions. All except for a budding rage at the core of his soul...
Adult Nero watched this in silence and sighed as he thought, 'It's different... back then I had reacted in a blind rage and was forcibly knocked out by Grail. But now, it would seem he's grown much too calm for his age, while it might be good, he will need to let out these bottled emotions for him to proceed further.'
As Adult Nero pondered to here, his eyes flashed as he stared towards a different section of the city while muttering, "Mother..."
Hey all I hope you all had a nice day, here is the latest chapter please do enjoy :)
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