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73.33% TerraCore / Chapter 33: Chapter 31

Capítulo 33: Chapter 31

Making my way to the 1st floor, I quickly leave the settlement to go to the train station. Luckily for me, the supposed train station isn't really that far from the settlement itself. Just a few meters of walking and I eventually arrive at my destination.

"Evee, I'm here"

"Oh, you've finally arrived. Quite the nice timing Bruce, I was about to explain to miss Katherine who you are"

Not far from where I was, is the person whom is Claire's teacher and the one who organized our current mission. The supposed miss Katherine, herself. Looking at her more closely, I can tell that she's older than me. Yet I'm somewhat surprise by how young she looks. Not even a single wrinkle exists in her face, nor any signs of aging. I wonder what secret she uses to keep her looks.

"You must be the one whom Evee mentioned, Bruce wasn't it?"

"A-ahh... yes. That would be me"

"I see, nice to meet you Bruce. I'm Katherine Pandemonica, Head of Education and a teacher at the settlement"

"Nice to meet you too, miss Katherine. And I would also like to thank you for taking care of my sister"

"I have a peculiar student whom boast about her brother named Bruce, a lot. Are you perhaps, said Bruce?"

"T-that would also be me"

"I see... I didn't know that Claire's brother works as an Agent for the settlement"

"Yeah... I tend to keep my job as a secret. I don't want Claire to worry about my work"

"That's understandable, kids tend to worry when they know that their family works a dangerous job. But to share a bit of my opinion, I think that you shouldn't keep said job of yours a secret for too long. She'll eventually find out about it and when we she does. Your preparedness in said situation, will be up to you"


"Please don't mind my words, just think of it as an old lady's rambling"

"U-umm.. Sorry"

"Again, don't mind it. I'll be in your care until the mission is over, so please focus on the task for now"

"Right... I should be focusing on the task"


"Don't wrap your head too much around it. It's just an escort mission first and foremost"


"Well... considering that we're a bit early how about you try and introduce yourself to the others. I've heard that you're still new, so the others might not know much about you"

Heading miss Katherine's words, I began glancing at the place. It seems that Evee and me aren't the only one whom participated in said mission. For not too far from where miss Katherine stands, are two unfamiliar people. Standing in place and observing me.

I suppose these are the people whom miss Katherine mentioned...

Following miss Katherine's advice, I began introducing myself to the others.

"A-ahh.. My name's Bruce Edwards, a new recruit. So nice to meet both of you"



"Nice to meet you, Bruce! The names Pebble! I like cute things and warm food. Wait considering that you're new, that essentially makes me your senior.... Hahahaha, I've never been a senior before. I guess I should also call you junior from now on. But don't worry, with me around. You can rely on me on stuff and while at it, I can also teach you many things. Did you know junior, despite how cold Evee may look? Her favorite things to eat are candies, mainly the sweet ones"


"Hey! Who allowed you, to tell him that?!"

"Hahaha, there she at it, again... You should be nicer to our junior Evee, it's pretty rare for us to even get a new recruit"

"I know him far longer than you, so you shouldn't be saying that to me"

Meeting the new faces, I was quickly overwhelmed by Pebbles presence. For a hulking guy, his pretty talkative and engaging person. Even after he already introduced himself, he still won't stop shaking my hands. The other guy in the other hand is quite the opposite. Despite me introducing myself, he didn't even respond back. I guess the mob of weird people in this place is still ongoing.

"U-umm... can I please get my hand back?"

"Oh? Ahaha... I forgot. Meeting news faces is pretty rare for me, so I can't help but get excited"


"By the way this other person here, is named Null"

Null and Pebble, what a weird name.

"He isn't really the talkative type, so please don't let his silence get to you. He's a pretty chill guy when you get to better know him"

"No need to worry, I didn't find any offense in his attitude"

"Hahaha, you're quite a nice person are you. Hey Null! At least try greeting our junior here"


"...Nice to meet, I guess... Just don't get in my way, when trouble comes"


It seems that this Null person, is quite cold. I guess that's understandable, considering I'm still new.

"The train's almost here, have you all fully prepared your things?"

"I'm fine on my part"


"I see... how about you, junior?"

"My weapon is ready and I bought a few monetas in hand. So, I think that I'm prepared"

"That's great, preparedness is key afterall"

Hmm... with how this Pebble person is acting, it's seems that the leader of this escort mission is going to be him. I guess someone that can lead and manage this many people would be needed.

"Are there any problems in your part miss Katherine?"

"Thank you for your concern Pebble, but there's no problems in regards with me"

With no problems in regards to everyone, we await for the train's arrival. Seeing how this is the first time I'll be riding a train after getting brought in this world, I can't help but get nervous. Adding the fact that this also my first time leaving somewhere far away from the settlement, isn't helping the case of my nervousness.

"Just relax Bruce, your being too nervous for just an escort mission"

"Sorry, I can't really help it. This is my first time doing a mission that involves leaving the settlement for a day"

"Well you should get used to it. Future tasks will most likely be similar to this"

"So, you people normally do tasks that involves leaving the settlement for long days"

"As a settlement agent we normally are tasked to do many things. We can be tasked to help the settlement residents, be guards, eradicators, explorers, construction workers and we even be tasked to help aid other settlements or factions that are in need. So, leaving the settlement is normal for us"

"Huh... quite a lot of variety with things that we can do. I wonder if office work is part of that?"

"That's quite an odd thing to ask, but who knows. Which how many things that we can be tasked off, I won't be even surprise if we're allowed to do office jobs"

"I wished such tasks exist, so that I can have a job that I'm at least good at"

"The train's here"

After a few minutes of waiting, the train that we were hoping, finally arrive. Despite not being an expert of trains, I can quickly tell that this train's model definitely looks older than the ones I had in my world. The train doesn't even look like a public train for starters and glancing at its exteriors, I can quite see that some of its parts are getting rusty and old.

Is this thing even safe to ride...?

"Please go first, miss Katherine"

With miss Katherine being the first to enter, we quickly followed suit. Being greeted by the train conductor, Pebble quietly gave the man some monetas. After which, he was calmly given some ticket like papers.

"Here's all your tickets, try to not lose it"

Receiving our tickets one by one, I quickly scan the thing to see its contents. Reading the thing it seems that the ticket informs us to our seats and our destination.


Category: Item

Description: Unknown

I guess using Identification on this thing, is pretty useless.

"It seems that we'll all be seated at the 3rd cart, so I advise you all to be quiet and not disturb anyone on board. Junior and Evee will sitting together at the right seats while I'll be joining miss Katherine on the left. Null here will be seating at the back of where miss Katherine will be located. Understood?"


With our roles now assigned, we calmly made our way to the 3rd cart. In order to not arouse suspicion of our presence, we tried going to our seats in different pace. Null being in the closest seat, tried going first which was soon followed by miss Katherine and Pebble, and lastly our group.

Sitting in our seats, we calmly act as if we're just regular passengers. Even glancing at the window and reading some newspaper time to time. But knowing our objective, we mainly focus our attention to miss Katherine herself who's peacefully seated in her seat, while we try looking for anything suspicious or dangerous.

While doing my current task, I can't help but recall some of those action movies that I watched back in my world. With how secretive and alert we are. It's quite a thrilling experience, if I'm being honest.

"Hmmm... say, care to explain why we're doing this again?"

"We're still on the job dumbass, try keeping on the lookout"

"Sorry, you've never really clearly told what this job was supposed to be. So, I'm just curious"


"I don't have the full details. But from what I know, miss Katherine has some businesses with the Union. And that's why we're escorting her to Foundation City"


"South Terracore United Union. It's a union created 40 years ago, to help unite the many factions of South Terracore. Many policies and rules that reigned in this place are mainly the Unions creations. I'm surprise that you don't know about them"

"Well... I originated from East Terracore, so I'm fairly new to everything here"

"I see... I never knew that. Well in any case all you have to know, is that many factions are part of the Union. And that includes our settlement"

"That's understandable and I suppose our trip to Foundation City, has something to do with the settlement's supposed business with the Federation"

"That seems to be the case..."

"So is the Unions base of operations, located in Foundation City"

"The Union doesn't really have a clear base of its own, they have a building created at Foundation City. But where they hold their businesses and summits can be pretty much everywhere. The last time I escorted sir Banner to a summit, it was located somewhere else"

"I see..."




"Say... Evee. Are there any things that you can recommend me, in Foundation City?"

"What now?"

"Well considering that I'll be visiting the place, I might as well buy something for Claire"

"Why would you question me that. Do I like someone who's very engage in shopping trips?"

"You've visited many places, didn't you? So, I think asking you for recommendations is a somewhat fair question to ask"


"What are the things that Claire likes, anyway?"

"A-ahhh... aside from Mushboar steak, I can't really think of anything"

"Are you kidding me? You're her brother, yet you don't anything much about the things that she likes"

"Please ignore what I've just said. I'm a failure of a brother, for not knowing the things that she likes..."

"You already asked me for recommendations, so stop being depressed"


"Well... seeing how the only thing that you know about what Claire likes, is that she likes Mushboar steak. Then I can assume that she likes food in general"

"I suppose you're right..."

"Then how about we buy her some snacks, after we're finished with the task. I know a good place in the city that sells some good pork-based dishes"

"Wait... are you perhaps implying, that you would join me?"

"Well duh? How else would you find the place without me?"

Hearing Evee's words, my normal looking face suddenly turned somewhat red. With how our plan seem to be going, I can't help but think of it being similar to a date.

Wait... what the hell am I thinking. All she's doing is just helping me with my problem.

"Is something the matter you, Bruce? Your face is turning red for some reason"

"A-ahh n-nothing. It's just that this place is kind of hot..."

"I see...?"

God... I can't believe that I started misunderstanding things... How pathetic am I to think that a girl would date me...

Trying to act as if I didn't misunderstood things, I began looking more at the place. Acting as if I'm doing my job, I hoped to forget my pathetic thought from a moment ago.

While busy looking at things, I can't help but be mesmerize at the things I saw. Passing through abandoned facilities and stations. The things that we've passed somewhat reminds me of the horror settings of the games that I've played. It's kind of eerie thinking back about it.

I wonder what's the history of those places...

Not wanting to slack off in my job, I resumed my observation of miss Katherine and the surroundings once more. Seeing how nothing seems to have changed, I tried relaxing for a moment to not arouse any suspicion.


With my sight making its way to Evee, I was caught surprised to see her face somewhat red. With both of her hands holding each other, while looking like she's being clumsy in her seat. I can't help but feel as if there's something wrong.


As I attempt to ask if there's something wrong, Evee quickly averts her gaze as soon our eyes made contact. Confusing me greatly while making my attempt and situation somewhat awkward.

Ahhhh.... what?

But just as I began thinking of what's happening. My thoughts were promptly halted when the train that we're riding suddenly stopped.

The hell is going on?

With the unexpected development, occurring at the moment. We quickly focused back our gaze to miss Katherine, to see if she's okay. Seeing Pebble already on his guard, I was somewhat relieved to see that everyone's okay.

But with the mystery of why the train suddenly stopped, still unanswered. I didn't quickly relax my guard just yet. Knowing that something is definitely wrong, I readied my hand to my pistol just in case trouble occurs.

Being in the same train of thought, Evee also did the same.



As we wait for any answers to arrive, the lights of train suddenly got turned off. Which in turn, covered the train in complete darkness. Adding both occurrence to each other, the train passengers can't help but panic at the moment. With the amount of people on board, disorder and frightened voices quickly occurred. As people ask and wonder, what's happening in the train.

With the total chaos and lack of lights in the surrounding, I quickly panicked and focused my mind on miss Katherine's safety. Knowing that we can't really see that well in this place, the chances of miss Katherine being attacked is pretty high.

But just as I began to leave to my seat, I was suddenly stopped by someone, whom I can't clearly see. Seeing how I'm not being attacked at the moment; I quickly calm down and analyze the person who's in front of me.

"Is that you Evee?"

"Shh.. Quiet down, Bruce. Just stay calm and don't leave your seat"

"B-but, miss Katherine's safety?"

"Just trust Pebble on this one, he will surely protect miss Katherine from any danger. What we have to do for now is calm down and not join the chaos"


Heading Evee's words, I stopped any intention I had of leaving my seat. Calming down my senses, I quietly observed the situation through my ears and assess what really is going on. But with the limited or to be more precise, lack of information that I currently have. Making any logical assumption of what's really happening is pretty hard.

Having no sense of what's currently going on, I quickly thought of using my Identification ability to at least observe what's happening. But before I can even begin to use my ability, the once offed lights suddenly turned back on. Restoring the brightness of the place.

With the lights now backed on, the once panicked crowd started calming down. Averting my gaze to miss Katherine's seat, I again was relieved to see that nothing bad has happened to her.

But just as I try to ease myself, a sudden loud shout quickly grabbed my attention.


Judging from the I've heard, it seems that the voice just now, came from the other cart. With the number of things happening in this train, I can't help but be confused of the situation.

What the hell is seriously going on...

-End of Chapter 31




Author Note: If you're confuse of what Evee was doing. The reason why her face is red, is because she also realized that their plan is somewhat similar to a date.

Also, I made another Character Draft. I tried designing Grace, Lily and Heisenberg

Link to the draft:

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