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43.1% An ton's Journey ( StarCraft + other worlds) / Chapter 49: Simple life of 'smart' leader.

Capítulo 49: Simple life of 'smart' leader.

After asking scientists more about difference between my zerg and classic examples, it seems that I was mistaken about their life expectancy.

As long as they have access to creep, They can live infinitely, but without it, they would not be able to live forever.

Normal zerg, could live a life eating meat. But depending on kind of zerg, and with no creep in their food, they would begin to die with time.

Normal life expectancy, for normal zerg is around 1-20 years, for air units it was 10-100

For leviathan, unknown.

But with my mixed kind, it is expected that even zerglings could live up to 500 years without eating creep, and there are signs of the number being bigger.

This means, that my zergs are much better. And this is not even including connection to the psi energy.

As I already got used to my new body, and even ate enough to stop being malnourished, it was decided that it is safe fir me to begin learning how to use psi and force.

As for the zerg ability to use force, it was not yet found.

Midichlorians existed in their bodies, but for now, Queens and scientists didn't find a way to grow force using zerg.

Well, as they are doing their job, I should do mine.

I went to the field, where nothing important was around, and tried feeling psi energy, like protoss said to me. At first, I felt nothing, until my feelings reached hive mind.

Hive, as it was, showed me the feeling of having psi energy, as cerebrates, being animals with exceedingly good senses, already felt this energy and were trying to understand it.

As I felt it through the shared connection, I felt being encompassed completely by it. As my eyes were closed, I didn't see the visual representation of psi energy.

My feelings were concentrated and directed on feeling psi energy, and I didn't realize that I was releasing lightning from my body. Lighting mostly was being released to the land, scorching it and creating black spots all around me.

After finally finding my connection to the psi energy, Ii opened my eyes, and by opening eyes, all the lightning stopped being released and began flowing out of my eyes and mouth.

Flowing, like fire made out of electricity, and dispersing into the gas before even reaching ten centimetres out of my eyes.

With every breath, I was feeling it better and better.

After looking at myself in the mirror, I was surprised at my appearance. I was not scared of me burning. Upon touch, fire just ignored my hand and continued through it, uninterrupted.

Let's try using it.

I began feeling it, and motioned it to move itself in front of me and destroy the stone.

As I done it, the stone just exploded in pieces, leaving melting point in the center of the explosion.

As I continued testing, simple things like move, explode, push, and burn were done instinctively.

As I tried creating something, it was not working like before. After an hour of trying more difficult techniques, I tried creating my hands that I lost before, remembering that I was told them being my construct.

This worked, an much easier then anything else.

Even though I didn't feel them being part of my physical body now. I felt them like all the other psi energy, but much easier and more detailed.

After trying some things with my energy hands, I decided to try and feel the force.

Unlike psi energy, with force hive couldn't help yet, so in this I was alone. Even though hive began trying to feel it too. But having small concentrations of midichlorians made it hardly possible.

Spending couple of minutes trying to feel it, I began changing positions, trying to imitate meditation that I saw in Jedi's archives.

Yes, I tried looking in to the force while having metal body of the probe. Hope dies last. But at that time, my hope died after confirming that robots can't use force. Midichlorians were needed, and I didn't have them.

After trying to feel it, think about it, calm down my thoughts, I didn't feel it yet.

So, after some time, when sun was going down, I went back to the city. To test my midichlorians. I forgot about it. I need to test their concentration.

I, by my own stupidity thought that because system mentioned force changing required energy for evolution, I could use it easily.

So, I didn't check. But everyone born in this world are connected to the force, but most of them can't use it.

After returning home and eating, I used tester on myself.

But as tester transferred data to the computer, It showed strange results.

Concentration itself was aroun 13k, but it's number was changing, as tester still transferred data live.

As I understand, my midichlorians concentration either unstable, or I need different tool to test it.

As other tools required force users, I sent a order to create a different way to test it.

After providing some blood, for possible tests, I continued to expand zerg territory to the fourth solar system, and at the same time I was training to use psi energy without connection to the hive.

But after couple of days, I felt that Hive was not sending me energy after I first felt it, meaning that phenomenon of leaking psi energy was from my powers alone.

Also, while not using it actively, only my eyes were emitting fire. Transparent fore with bluish-white hue.

After understanding it, I decided to connect to the psi energy the moment I land at the planet, remembering the charred place where I first connected to it.

I was not so stupid as to test it in the middle of the flight.


~ On the planet ~

That was right choice, I said to myself after channeling energy. I couldn't control it like normally, amount of energy was so big, that controlling it would require a lot of work.

For now, I could only use it as passive psi storm around me, but not for long. My body was not strong enough to contain all the energy for long.

It was being destroyed from inside, so I decided to limit it's use, until I could control my energy easily.

I will need to wait until Templars would be summoned, and train while waiting. Chances are not big, as getting big batches are too dangerous, thousand is pretty safe. Safety comes first.

So, next Month consisted of trying different things with psi energy, attempts to feel the force while flying between planets and places to spread my influence.

Nowadays, I was searching for a ways to get safely to the next solar system, so only 4 systems are under my control.

But even with only four planets, Zerg were spreading with insane speed. And protoss researchers even mentioned probability of creating weapons that could be used by zerg.

As they were partially protoss, it wouldn't take long to test first prototypes.

Also, it seems that genetic team began researching materials concerning force, that were not available through the Khala.

And one of them even suggested to research fusing protoss with my special zergs.

And after looking into it, it seems that that researcher is close to the age of death, and his health is dwindling.

So, I can understand his reasons.

But after consulting with other specialists, creation of the team was postponed, as there were not enough people for it.

Our stalemate with protoss entered another level, they decided to talk with us.

But they would need to talk to me in the flesh, not through the screen. As this was too dangerous, I didn't accept it. Currently, I don't have almost invincible body.

Even though my body was getting stronger and stronger, as I restored my weight, and trained in psi control, I was not overconfident anymore.

They even took apart my super durable body, I won't risk it just for a chance to have peace.

So, currently they are trying to pressure us by amassing all more and more ships on their side. Showing their increasing army.

As counterparts, I had to place queens in charge of producing flying units. And as cerebrates were the only ones who could coordinate creations of Leviathans, I began creating all more and more cerebrates.

Every new cerebral increased requirements for the next, because establishing new controller over the hive, changes areas of control of other cerebrates.

It is cheaper, if I placed l them far away, as it doesn't require recalculation of control.

Cerebrates, being able to think much better then any other unit in the swarm, had their own projects. But for now, they either created Levis, or helped researchers to understand their genes better.

As for feeling the force, it was on background, operated by living units all across the hive, not needing unnecessary involvement.

For now, every planet is protected by one leviathan, making me to have a total of twenty levis.

Bit those Levis are only km long. I decided to hasten the process of their birth, and their production used too much time and resources.

Currently each of ten cerebrates can produce two Leviathans per month.

And each planet can only produce one per month, so I was limited to 20 Leviathans a month.

If I would decrease their size even more, I would be able to amass a lot of big ships, but I prefer having normal sized ones, instead of smaller and weaker versions.

First experiments of zerg using psi weapons will begin in two weeks.

So, until that time I would be trying to establish peaceful relationship with protoss and train myself in use of psi energy.

~ After a week ~

" Hello, so, we finally meet each other in peaceful manner " Said protoss commander, sitting in his chair on his ship, while I was in Arbiter watching at the screen and feeling annoyed at his last attacks on my planets.

" Indeed, we finally can talk, without fighting " I replied, calmly, as it was better not to anger him.

" I heard from my team that you wanted to come to peace? " He said with pride in his voice.

" Yes, I don't think it us good to fight between us, as we have bigger enemy to fight. " I said, drinking from cup filled with water.

" And what is the enemy you are talking about? Siths? Palpatine? " He asked.

" Siths are not really such a big danger, and Palpatine is a good man. He is not a Sith. After getting to know him better, and not finding any recorded proofs after your attempt at investigation, we decided to establish peace " He said.

" No, wait. What? You established peace with Sith lord? " I asked, surprised. As I long ago remembered about him. especially after looking through information taken from my mind.

" Don't slander him, An Ton, he is a good man. And all your brainwashing was cleaned from our heads, before you killed our saviour. " He said, being angry at my words.

" I see. " I said, thinking that everything is worse then I thought. All my previous actions seems to be missing or incorrect in their minds.

This is bad.

" We could talk about him later, for now. I think we need to establish peace as a danger much bigger exist. Borg. " I said, wanting to continue.

" Borg? YOU ARE KIDDING ME??!!! Again with them? They never existed! Our talk is over! You don't look like you want peace" He said, turning his connection off.

Well. fck.

I think I need to appoint someone for this position. any protoss would be better. I will need to find someone. They don't listen to me.

~ another week passed ~

Well time has come.

To try and see first zergling with psi claws and a shield.

As it came out, Zergling was placed on to the table, and operation began. They covered his existing claws, and placed a shield generator connected to his body with pipes to use psi energy as a fuel.

After awakening of zergling, I felt pain and disturbance from him, so I turned his senses off and stopped the test for now.

In the future, they would gradually create modifications that wouldn't jump right into the real test, without testing them in simulation. especially they would have to make it painless.

As they were sent back, I just lied down on to the couch and began trying to feel force.

After falling asleep, like every time I try to meditate, I dreamt of my past life. About my parents, about my family and friends. And for some reason I even dreamt about person who was my friend, but was ignoring me for half a year before I appeared here.

Ahh. Nostalgic stuff.

It was such a good life. yes, I was not really happy, but at least I was not fighting anyone.

And now, as I woke up and finally stopped thinking of my dream, I decided that I would need to feel the force by being enveloped in it by Force user.

As I couldn't just approach them and ask for it, and I even have some bad history with Jedi and Sith, It seems I would have to find a way to make a peace with them.

Well. I would continue trying, but it seems that my mind, being used to not feeling it at all, still can't understand how to feel it

As for the psi energy, I still can't understand how to create illusions or use it in any difficult way.

~ After few days. maybe a week or two ~

"Sir An Ton, we calculated and tested couple of ways to the closest solar systems. Even though we Lost some Mutalisks in the process, we bow have a way to get to them." Scientists said, as I gave them this project as we needed to expand.

" This is good. So, what is the progress with giving zerg modifications? " I asked, looking through the data on the paths that were found.

" Well, for now we didn't test it on real zergs, but in the simulation we achieved minor discomfort for first few days, while modification is adapting to the body" He said.

" What do you mean adapting? " I asked, still mainly looking at star map, but now listening more to his words.

" Well, first of all, as every zerg is different in some way, we had to find a way to create adapting system. And as we already know how to support protoss's life that was almost taken, and we already found many similarities with protoss in your special zergs, we used our old tech." He speedily said, making me not understand or hear everything.

" And by using it as a base, we now used medicine on zerg to provide time for their bodies to get used to the new part. And as this part was being connected like new part, it could be controlled and felt. This part your AI helped us with. As ot seems your past research was useful to us." He finished.

" I see, so. when will be the real test? " I asked, now interested in seeing the results.

" Whenever you want. We need a week to make the process better, and then we are ready" He said.

" I see, a week then. I will be waiting. " I said, leaving them to their job.

After it, I finally decided to try something that I was evading for a long time.

But after confirming that it was safe for me, I finally had to try.

I found a empty and clean place.

Touched the ground. And took a piece of creep in my hand.

After smelling it and not feeling anything, I finally took a small bite.

* Chomp *

As it's taste was spreading in my mouth, I felt the desire to eat more of it. And as it didn't taste bad, I finished this portion in couple of seconds.

After this, desire didn't stop, so I continued eating eat until I was full.

It didn't have a strong taste, but it brought satisfaction and fullness to my body.

It went better then expected. Except I ate a lot of it. Don't even know how much.

It seems I am really zerg. And needed it. Well, not that bad. except the texture.

Maybe I should cook it next time? I will ask some protoss to cook it for me.

As travelling to the closest system would take more then a week, I decided to wait until first modified zerg would be made.

And before everything, I began ordering creation of queens. And unlike the game, only one queen could exist per hive.

I mean. I had hundreds of Hives, so it was ok for me. Each queen was a little different. Some were resembling zerg, some protoss, some were even strange mix of both that was ridiculous to look at. But after some time, as days were passing, I finally arrived at the testing place.

They placed zerglings to sleep, and injected some liquids in their bodies. After that, they began cutting their bodies open and connecting new parts via some kind of strings. They said it was to connect it to the brain and nerves.

After connecting, they placed it on repaired skin, and strapped it on. Some weapons were just placed like a gloves on different zerglings, except for connecting part.

Some were mounted on their bodies, and some were even implanted inside their bodies.

There were a lot of test subjects. And for now, I felt nothing from sleeping zerglings.

As modifications were finished, and all the inner parts were sealed, medics left the scene and waited until awakening.

After an hour of waiting, first zergling woke up. From him I could feel little discomfort, but as queen was on site, to help these dog-like guys with their new parts( I didn't want to explain it ), confusion left the zergling fast.

After it, as it was getting used to his new claws, other were waking up.

And as result, except minor discomfort from all of them. Even on heavily modified one, everything was alright.

They could easily control their new parts, and now scientists were congratulating each other.

As for me, I was thinking about adding armor to the parts where I was not protected by my own. Strangely, my heart was not protected as chest existed. Strange stuff.

I didn't really care if I was transforming in to the woman, but why does this transformation leave a hole on defences of my body?

Well. As system was using resources for anchors, I asked it to wait for a day and provide me with armor for my chest and helmet. As nanobots were not as strong or durable as something that system would provide.

After getting my armor, I was confused. It looked like it would fit right on my chest.

Oh yes, system knows a lot about my body. ot helped me survive the evolution.

And as a side note, ot didn't know much about force, so it couldn't help with it

As I wore it, and connected parts from behind, now my body was fully covered in armored plates with accentuated chest, as it was colored gold. just like protoss ships.

As for the helmet, it was futuristic full coverage helmet that was reaching to my natural armor that covered my neck, making connection seamless.

Now, as every part had protection, I took off my helmet and used nanobots to wear clothes. This time, I wore Protoss classic clothes. Kind of strange that they have so much open parts with it, but who cares.

After setting off to the new systems, and taking ten drones with me, I began trying to meditate without falling asleep.

At first it didn't work. But after a week of travel, right before reaching the system, I finally emptied my mind ( mostly ) and didn't fall asleep.

In the process of emptying my mind more, we arrived. And a little push that I felt after we left warp, disrupted me.

And as I had no way to get back in meditation, I began creating new colonies. In these three new systems, only eight planets were good enough to begin colonies on them, so I just placed hives on each, and after they were built, ordered queen creation.

As no planet had life on them, except one, it was not difficult for queens to spread.

On the only planet with life, I landed and created a colony. But as this planet had a species that was sentient and it could travel through space, right after hatchery began it's creation, native species arrived on the space ships.


Thank you [ Dark Knight ]


``` Author's note ```

`` 69+- words ``

` 3469 words on chapter `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Well, this is just how Anton lives. Nothing grand happened, nothing super bad or good.

Just growing hive and making plans for the future.

And next chapter will have some action, don't worry. not every chapter should have it.

p.s. -patreon members read chapter day earlier.

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