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42.24% An ton's Journey ( StarCraft + other worlds) / Chapter 48: Serious Anton

Capítulo 48: Serious Anton

What the heck? where are my hands? what happened?

"System!? what happened with me? " I asked, not understanding what happened and making it obvious to ask the one who knows more.

" These two hands were psi constructs. " System replied.

" ? What are those psi constructs? some kind of psi ability? why did I have them right after evolution? " I asked, calming down a little, as my body was not damaged from my exercise.

" This is natural invocation of your psi powers. Everyone have their own natural affinity to certain abilities. Sometimes it is called talent. As for why it existed after evolution, it was because in process of evolution psi energy needed to be used and it became hands. What is peculiar, though is that you felt them like real hands " System replied.

" I see, so could you explain to me why do I have woman's chest? I don't remember being woman. " I asked, as it was weird to feel them.

" Larva is a creature that give life, so it doesn't have a gender, but as in your mind the one who gives life is woman, your genetics were changing with time. Most probably, in next evolution, that would probably not happen soon, you will become what you would call woman. " System replied.

" What? is there no other choice? " I asked.

" If you would've been against this, and never felt interest in what is it like to be a woman, then you wouldn't become one. But now, there is no way back. And the longer you live, the more feminine your physical body would become. Well, you yourself wouldn't change, only body. " System replied.

This is a lot to think about.

After thinking about what is waiting for me, I was glad that my mind wouldn't change and I decided to finally continue my tests.

Concerning running speed, I definitely could run at least thirty kilometres per hour, with no strain. Meaning, I would be able to keep up this pace for long.

I ran around Arbiter at that speed for at least three hours and felt no exhaustion, but when I sped up more, I began feeling tired from it.

So, thirty km/h is the normal running speed for me.

After relaxing and eating, I found out that I don't need to eat that much anymore. One kg of meat or a little more was enough to fill my stomach. It is good, I don't need to hunt so much.

After eating, I began lifting weights again, as now I had two pairs of hands, I checked them again one by one and in pairs. After checking them in pairs, came the final test for hands. how much could I lift with all four hands.

Each hand alone, could easily lift a hundred kg of weight for a long time, pairs of hands could lift up to four hundred kg at best, with 350kg being comfortable weight for a continuous lifting.

As my hands were tired, I decided to prolong test for three more days.

In these days, four hand lifting allowed me to lift a tonne comfortably, allowing me to be proud at myself. Especially with such a thin body.

Lifting a tonne on my legs was possible too, but with a little unusual balancing issue as I had to get used to my tail.

Ah yes, tail. It could lift twenty kg on its top and use it for a long time. My tail was wider only on the starting point, across it's length it was pretty slim.

Nonetheless, tail was extremely flexible and controlling it was easy.

After doing some more tests of my flexibility, durability, skin resistance and such, I was glad that I evolved.

I was stronger then most adult humans while being malnourished, making me happy.

After my tests, I returned to the ship and looked at myself again, I think I need clothes.

After thinking, I decided to go and get my nanocostumes back.

After getting back and finally wearing them, they covered me in latex-like costume, making me look good enough that I decided to keep ot that way.


After finally making myself wear normal clothes, I now was wearing a T-shirt, shirts and shoes that were looking like some sci-fi sports shoes.

Well, they were comfortable and reduced strain on my legs by decreasing impact on the legs.

After looking at myself again, something was off. And after some pondering, I wore a leather jacket, without zipping it, successfully making me look ok.

After making myself look presentable, I decided to meet the scouting party myself.

As I approached them on Arbiter, they came in contact with us.

" Hello, welcome to my system " I said while smiling.

" Executor? you look different from before. " Said one of the pilots of scouting party.

" Oh, how did you know? " I asked.

The moment I answered, I saw many protoss warping in. Scouts, Carriers, and other kinds of spaceships.

" Give up, An Ton. You can't hide anymore. You will be undergoing a judgement! " Said someone, whose face was now showed instead of pilot's one " Unknown protoss said.

" Who the fck are you to order me around? And why the heck do you think I was hiding? " I answered, silently ordering all zergs that could fight in the space to converge on my location.

Mainly I had Mutalisks, Overlords and three Leviathans that finally were ready to fight against my enemies.

As Zerg didn't have warp engines or hyperdrives and travelled through warp using tunnels, Behind Arbiter, many big tunnels appeared, from which thousands upon thousands of Mutalisks came out, followed by Three massive Leviathans that dwarfed even Mothership that arrived before any of my zergs came.

" So, what would you say now? " I said, looking at his frozen image, as he definitely didn't expect anything even remotely like that.

After my taunt, he disconnected. And battle began.

From the Protoss's side I saw scouts shoot first. Thousands if not tens of thousands of rockets were being released one after another, successfully covering their side by them, while they were flying towards us.

Carriers were still coming in batches, making total number of Carriers that came after me a hundred.

As I already had around ten planets under my full control, and unlike the game zergs were not always coming out the same, Difference between the units of the same type existed.

Some of Mutalisks were bigger, some smaller. I even saw one with two mouths.

After protoss began their attack, my Mutalisks began shooting rockets down, and shooting their glaves at the enemy.

After couple of seconds, I couldn't see anything but glaves bouncing from one rocket to another.

After protoss's released all the interceptors, artillery arrived and began targeting Leviathans that were continuously moving towards the Mothership that tried covering their army in invisibility.

The only problem for their plan was that Overseers were available in masses, and because zerg were still coming out of tunnels, there were no end to the numbers.

As one of the Leviathans was being targeted, he was almost separated in halves, so it shot out pods with zergs in the direction of the Carriers and Mothership, that was still standing strong.

As materials that protoss received in this universe were much better for the shipbuilding, it was much harder to destroy any of attacking protoss.

Even though it was hard, under relentlessly increasing number of zerg, it was just a matter of time.

After leviathan was on the verge of death, I ordered it to create warp tunnel and escape to the closest planet for recuperation.

As it was still a massive living ship, it was good idea to not waste it.

After successful escape, I looked at the battlefield again, for me it looked like a chaotic mix of randomly flying Mutalisks, interceptors and other small ships that were distracting attention from spell prisms that were concentrating their fire on two surviving Levis.

By luck, one of three first Levis was mutated a lot more then expected. It was not bigger, but had sacks of gas inside that he could produce and release. These sacks were collecting gas that was enriched by the psi energy that was inherited from Protoss's side of their bloodline.

As it was releasing gas for a long time, the moment it emptied them, blue fire filled a big portion of the battlefield, covering even Mothership in it.

After it happened, and protoss being pushed back, I saw how their forces were retreating.

As they were retreating using warp, but from the looks of it Warp spires, I didn't order to chase them down. I didn't have a way to travel so far yet.

It would take time and resources to even approach the technology that would allow a creation of warp tunnel that would be able to show similar results to Warp spires.

As battle was coming to an end, and there were a lot of junk left after it, overlords were ordered to collect it and deliver to the first planet.

After battle finished, and I saw the results, I saw that inability to chase them would leave me vulnerable against their attacks.

So, I began ordering queens to produce drones and send them all across the planets and asteroid field to create spore colonies.

As spore colonies were massive stationary defence against any and all approaching enemies, and the spores themselves could follow the target for long distances, I was creating a massive defence field around the solar systems under my control.

After ordering this mission that was still possible to be done by queens that had some intelligence, I came to the site of garbage collection.

It was massive. So much metal could be used.

" System, if I prepare a field covered by sunken colonies and many zergs, would you be willing to provide me with ability to summon protoss? We need our own protoss. They already found us, no real reason to not summon anymore " I said.

" I will provide you with anchors, but I am still working on calculating Tassadar's body structure. So, no hero summoning for now. " System replied.

After that, I began creating a field without creep, so it wouldn't interfere with transfer.

I used metal left from battle to create a platform and placed first anchor down. As it was small one, and I had a literal field of colonies and zerg around me, I was not afraid of any Dark Archons arrival.

Even though chances were small by themselves, I decided to land my Arbiter behind me so it would provide me with better shield.

As I placed warp anchor on the center of the platform and backed out, I activated it.

This anchor being small, around thousand protoss were summoned.

Some of them were hurt, so queens that were there for this situation began their healing process.

After three tries, I saw small group of smiths. That is what I call luck. Smiths were rarely in groups, but it seems I was lucky.

As it was last anchor available for me, and all the protoss were confused, I provided them with housing that had no creep around them.

And as I left Helper to explain situation to them, I came closer to the Smiths.

" Welcome, so, follow me. We have a long talk" I said, moving towards the Arbiter with them.

"Hello. so, do you have any questions first, before we get to business?" I asked, as I would need to understand current situation as they are connected to Khala, yet they have a knowledge about their past universe's fight against Borg.

" En taro Adun, Executor. We can see that Protoss are divided. No longer at peace. " One of them said, and they discussed what to ask as I waited for them.

" We would like to know Who exactly are you and why are we thinking of you as executor? and why do you have zergs, they were extinct before we appeared here." One of them, who was chosen, asked.

" Well, let me try and explain who I am. I appeared here before you, and had a way to warp protoss to myself. At first, I was inside a modified robotic body of a probe.." I was telling, as they interrupted me.

" But through Khala we know that you kidnapped our species, but at the same time Through Khala we are being told that no war against Borg existed. So what exactly is going on, and what are you Currently, not was" They asked, one after another, interrupting each other.

" Wait, slow down. Okay, so, you have access to Khala and share knowledge and feelings with them yes? " I asked.

" Yes, and we are confused, as through Khala we see that many things happened. " They replied.

" Okay, I see. Let me continue answering " I said, as we sat down and I started explaining about Dark Archon who was brainwashed by Borg was accidentally able to be set free and he captured me and began Changing the memories of protoss.

As I was not getting in details about myself and my powers and moved the talk to the conflicting situation.

After our talk, they agreed to help me willingly, Even without orders. They wanted to unite Protoss again, as there were not a lot of them alive anymore.

And as in the war they were in alliance with zerg, who calmed down a lot after Kerrigan evolved, they had nothing against living with them.

But, creep would need to be thinned down or removed across the future cities, as otherwise it would make walking harder, as creep itself was pretty deep already.

After understanding how creep worked, and as it was mainly living using solar energy, it didn't consume wildlife, as it was needed to continue cycle of life on the planet, I began moving it out of the place where first town of protoss would exist, but as I was removing it, one of scientists that was in a group that was summoned came to me with excitement.

" Executor, sir! Do you have a moment? " He asked, looking extremely excited at something.

" Well, yes. What do you want? " I asked, as I didn't expect any protoss to be like that. I was used to their calm nature.

" Sir, I heard from my friends that you are leader of these zerg right? " He asked with enthusiasm.

" Yes. So, what is it? " I asked.

" How did you combine protoss DNA and zerg DNA in them? I never saw such a successful combination! Hybrids don't come close, as they are more of a mutation resulting from combination of zerg and protoss, but Your Zerg beautifully combine our features!" He said while being overly enthusiastic.

" Well, I don't really know. They were just like that. I was a mix, so they became like that too. So, why are yo so excited? " I asked.

" Why? Because zerg, as a hive mind, have each and every being in it's hive accumulate psi energy! And the mutations that I saw, never ever I saw so much mutated zerg! Can I begin researching them? " He asked, and after confirming that he was one of the genetic researchers. The only one in my possession, I allowed him and even provided him a laboratory. Obviously built by Probes and connected to different network.

Created by system for my new protoss.

The surprising thing, is that even though Swarm is one entity, each and every being in it have it's own mind and consciousness. And with time and growing amount of information accessible to the hive, they begin to grow personalities.

Even though not many of them begin to grow sentient enough to converse.

Zerglings mainly become dog-like, Queens grow their own personalities and begin able to speak as they spend more time with protoss.

As a result, I still can feel them, their neverending support and obedience, they begin to grow into something bigger then just slaves to one mind.

After summoning my first batches of protoss, I continued doing so every day.

And from time to time, Protoss were sending their armies in hopes of getting me. But as I covered all three close solar systems in one big protected net of spore colonies, and even had a lot of patrolling Mutalisks, Their attempts were unsuccessful.

After two months of our first battle, They began just watching us from distance, establishing some space stations between my area of influence and part of galaxy they came from.

And for now, we were at stalemate.

In these two months, I spend a lot of time establishing first protoss city and expanding zerg outside, as I still had to order capture of the planets. There were three planets that I decided not to touch at all, as they had sentient species that were far from stellar age, and I didn't really want to disrupt their growth. Even though I might do it later, but for now I felt no need.

Nowadays, my main thoughts were taken by the possibility of zergs using psi or force energies. And as I am zerg and protoss at the same time, I was excited to try and use them too.

After finally getting scientists numbers up to ten, They were making first progress in their research.

For now, I asked them to try and orient their research on war, as it was the most troublesome thing right now, and they with Smiths were working on it.

You might think. What limits you from making infinite amount of Leviathans? well, they grow for a long time, they need a lot of tissue to even begin being created, and as Leviathans are massive, these numbers are not just big.

As for Mutalisks, they could survive on consuming solar energies alone.

Being mixed with protoss, their need to devour was lowered down to almost zero, and they even received lifespan increase from them, successfully allowing to grow more with time, as Zerg units still grew with age. Just like any living being.

The problematic thing of mixing protoss and zerg is that normal mutations from normal species were unavailable. such as lurkers, devourers and such.

But on the other hand, they could get mutation right after birth.

As for their future mutations, I don't know if it will be possible to get them, only time and research would tell.


Thank you [ Grey Knight ]



``` Author's note ```

`` 81+- words ``

` 3069 words ` nice.

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Well well well. Here is first battle of zerg vs protoss, successfully allowing mc to not be so careful anymore.

Also, I am happy with all the reaction of people to my story. I enjoy reading criticism if it is logical, and enjoy all your encouragement. Thank you.

You can read chapter one day earlier at patr eon!!!

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