Esther had no words to reply. Not because she did not want to but because she couldn't. There was storm of emotions inside her that thunder all over her feeling, causing a lump to form on the back of her throat.
"And why did you came to me if you wanted to pull me away?" Esther asked. "And why after all that hard work you did to push me away—" she pulled the bracelet from her pocket and threw it across his chest. Beelzebub caught it by time, "—If you are going to ask me for help?!"
"For help?" Beelzebub whispered before he looked down on the silver bracelet on his hands. It took him a while to realize the bracelet that was on his hand, "Where did you got this?"
Esther frowned, "You were the one who had placed that on my window."
"This bracelet?" Beelzebub inquired, taking one step forward to urge her answer. "You found this bracelet on the window of your room?"
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