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94.65% In another world with the crafting system / Chapter 124: Title hidden

Capítulo 124: Title hidden

Both the Great Sage and the mountain dragon kept fighting with all their strength. The area around them had been completely destroyed mostly thanks to the mountain dragon, there was nothing left of the once beautiful forest.

The Great Sage flew up high and conjured lightning from his hands. He threw a high number of lighting bolts right at the mountain dragon's head. To the dragon the lightning attacks made his head feel slightly numb.

It stretched his wings and flapped them once with all his strength. It created a ferocious wind that can shred any building to bits and pieces. The Great Sage teleported away before the fierce wind could hit him.

He might be causing some damage to the mountain dragon but not enough to kill it. He kept on testing all his abilities on him to see which were more effective.

'Oh screw it! If I can't damage him from the outside then I'll crush him from the inside!'

He then teleported inside the body of the dragon closest to his heart . It was wet, dark, and slimy. He couldn't even breathe inside. But that didn't matter and he proceeded to unleash hell, by causing damage to anything.

He was familiar with a dragon's anatomy more than anyone in the world. The problem was that not only he couldn't see anything, the mountain dragon was so big that he didn't know exactly what he was trying to destroy but he was aiming for the heart.

The mountain dragon screamed in pain. It hadn't been in such pain ever since he fought the cyclops and got that wound on his abdomen. He couldn't think of anything that could force the Great Sage outside.

The Great Sage continued unleashing all his spells. Using the light from his spells to see he noticed a giant heart in front of him. He unleashed any spell he could think of to damage the heart.

The Great Sage could hear the mountain dragon screaming in pain and agony But, then he noticed something he hadn't thought of before:

As it turns out it wasn't only the dragon's scales that were extremely durable, everything else in his body was also extremely durable. He could see the giant heart taking some damage but not enough to destroy it.

Nonetheless, injuring him on the inside proved to be more effective compared to hitting him on the outside, until the mountain dragon was clever enough to shrink down in size in a split second and nearly crushed the Great Sage to death.

As soon as the Great Sage teleported outside gasping for air after being nearly crushed. The sticky and wet feeling from his clothes and body instantly evaporated from the aura coming out of his body.

He saw the mountain dragon was now the size of a baby dragon, and then it grew to the size of a mountain again in a second. It had shrunk down to the size of a baby on purpose as it didn't think his true size would, a regular sized apex dragon, was able to crush the Great Sage to death fast enough.

'He not only has an extremely durable body including his scales and organs, but he can shrink down to the size of a baby?' The Great Sage thought. This dragon was more problematic than he thought.

He can still feel the crushing feeling around his entire body. He did think that if he hadn't teleported out in time he would've been crushed for sure.

'That hurt!' The mountain dragon thought as he clenched his heart.

Now that he realizes that killing him on the inside won't work, they begin to fight once again.

The Great Sage used anything he could on the dragon, lightning, fire, ice, magma, punches, mana attacks, crushing attacks, teleportation, anything he could use, but nothing could kill him, it could damage him, but not kill him.

He had tried to aim for his eyes and the damaged area around his abdomen, but the mountain dragon always countered and protected himself.

Every minute that the fight dragged on it affected everyone in the world. The people from the Empire and the Reyes kingdom have long since taken shelter to protect themselves from the threat.

The Empress led her people around the Sun kingdom to take refuge just outside the Sun kingdon's walls. This was definitely throwing a wrench in her plans, but the lives of her people mattered more. And the closer they got to the Reyes kingdom the more the fight affected them.

None of her men had suffered any permanent injuries as they carried regenerations and healing pills. They continued to follow their Empress, and she was still adamant on attacking the Reyes kingdom.

The Sun kingdom's people had already taken refuge underground. They could all feel above that something horrible was happening due to the surface shaking violently constantly.

Sandra had sent numerous messages to Will to check up on him, but he was too busy to notice. If it weren't because of the Golem beside her letting her know Will was safe she would've ran outside and rescued him no matter what happened to her.

What she didn't know is that Will can respawn an infinite number of times, she didn't know because Will was afraid that if he told her the Great Sage would know.

He had long told her about her system because he didn't think Sandra would know because he doesn't understand it either, then that would mean that the Great Sage was also likely to not understand the existence and importance of his system.


Will was creating an extremely large Golem. It was still unfinished but it had a flattened-cylinder shaped body. Its body, unlike the rest of the Golems, was made of all types of metal he had, iron, copper, gold, titanium, steel, and so on. It also had hundreds of legs the shape of a spider sticking out of its sides. There were also hundreds of guns of all types sticking from his body, the guns were all made of titanium however.

The only part of the Golem Will was going to enchant was the guns because without the infinity enchantment the guns were useless.

Will had the idea of creating a godzilla type Golem the size of a mountain to rival the mountain dragon, however he couldn't due to how much resources and time it would take, something which he simply doesn't have.

Will believed if he had a few more months to prepare he would have made a mecha godzilla Golem made out of pure enchanted titanium or enchanted steel.

That's when he thought of creating something of equal size but lighter in mass and weaker.

Beside him was a worker Golem describing the fight to him in great detail.

Behind him were 10 unenchanted helicopter Golems. Everytime a helicopter Golem got destroyed another one would fly over to continue watching the fight, that way Will can always know what is happening. He didn't bother enchanting them so as to not waste any time creating the giant Golem, it was already easy creating a helicopter Golem all it took was a second.

Will just hopes that the Great Sage can last long enough for him to craft {Sovereignty} and the giant Golem he had in mind. He believed it might be enough to help him kill the mountain dragon.

'Hang in there, Great Sage.'

Sometime later…

The fight between the strongest hero and the strongest dragon continued on and on.

The mountain dragon roared in pain as the Great Sage flew and teleported around the mountain dragon like an annoying fly. He covered his fists in mana and could make powerful punches which affected the mountain dragon.

Every punch the dragon took the area shook violently. Whenever he tries counter attacking the Great Sage always sees it coming and teleports far away to avoid his attack, a hit and run tactic.

The worst part is that he had already shown what he's capable of and now the Great Sage knows how to counter every single one of his attacks, by running away and avoiding all of his attacks.

The truth is that the Great Sage can tank some of the mountain dragon's attacks, it was just easier teleporting away.

And he had a hard time keeping his eyes on the Great Sage since he was tiny, fast, agile and it was easy for him to disappear from sight(teleporting), were it not for the mana around his body that acted as a beacon he wouldn't find him as easily. He always kept his hand or a wing on his abdomen to protect himself.

He had thought of shrinking down to his ordinary size to fight him but he knew that that would be a mistake, his enormous size is the one thing keeping him from the Great Sage obliterating him on the spot. Either way he was at a disadvantage and could not hurt the Great Sage at all.

The last time he hurt him was when he nearly crushed him to death when the Great Sage teleported inside him. Ever since then the Great Sage hasn't attempted to teleport inside him again.

That's when the mountain dragon thought of something, he just needed to wait, wait for the Great Sage to get tired, weaker, and slower.

Dragons can go up to weeks without sleep, eating, or drinking, they can easily outlast any man in a battle of endurance.

And so that's what the mountain dragon did, he waited. He continued taking on the Great Sage punches, countering only when he saw an opportunity but always falling.

The battle raged on for several days with no end in sight.

The area around the mountain dragon and the Great Sage was entirely decimated.

A heavy rain began to pour down followed by thunder and lightning.

The mountain dragon continued tanking the Great Sage's blows. None of his scales were damaged in the slightest, but he could feel the bruises left by the Great Sage after tanking his punches and kicks for days.

The greatest show of strength he had seen from the Great Sage, as well as the closest he had been to dying, is when the Great Sage was able to punch the mountain dragon on his chest area, launch him all the way to the planet's stratosphere in a single punch, before he got kicked down from above into the planet again. It took all of the Great Sage's strength to punch a mountain sized dragon that high.

At that point is when both of them realized that it was the Sage's one time to kill the mountain dragon, and he had blown it when he kicked him back down to the planet. Had the Great Sage simply continued punching or pushed the mountain dragon further into space perhaps he would've won, ever since then the mountain dragon made sure that it never happened again.

The Great Sage always aimed for the abdomen but never could reach it. He also tried only aiming for one spot to cause more damage, but the mountain dragon was always moving, protecting himself, and countering his attacks.

After the second day the Great Sage couldn't even feel his hands anymore from punching the mountain dragon's scales too many times. Were it not for his hero abilities his hands and feet would've been broken and bleeding.

The mountain dragon smirked inwardly. It was barely noticeable, but he could feel how the Great Sage's impacts were getting slower and weaker, whereas he wasn't even tired at all.

In a few more days he was confident the Great Sage would be too weak to fight him. If he were to retreat to recover his stamina, the mountain dragon would then fly towards the kingdom he has protected for 300 years, which would then force the Great Sage to continue fighting him.

The Great Sage was sweating slightly and breathing a bit heavily. He knows he is hurting the mountain dragon, but couldn't kill it. He had two chances to kill him but failed.

'How do I kill him? He hasn't been able to hurt me in days and yet I can tell I'm losing! At this he's going to win.' The Great Sage thought as he continued punching him and throwing any magic attacks at him.


Will was adding the final details to his golem.

His mask covered his face but beneath it one could see he was mentally exhausted, he hadn't slept, nor had taken a single break in the past few days. Every now and then the mountain dragon would roar and it would damage his ears and cause a ringing noise that would last for some time.

Were it not for the magical glove that can heal his wounds he believes he would've been deaf by now.

"Master," the Golem behind Will suddenly said, "We have finally achieved your goal. We can create {Sovereignty}"

"..." Will was so focused on finishing on his golem he didn't even hear him.

"Master!" The Golem reached out to Will's shoulders.

"What?!" Will jumped back from being touched in the shoulder unexpectedly.

"The mana ores, we have collected enough. You can finally craft {Sovereignty}"

"Already? Finally! Is it all packed into a chest?"

Will immediately teleported to the deep caves using the waystone that was near him; he didn't even wait for his Golem to respond. Upon teleporting to his caves he saw a large group of people who were getting used to living underground.

The people all turned their heads to Will who got their attention. They hadn't seen nor heard from him in days, to see him again made them feel happy.

Will had the Golem tell the people what was going on to give them some rough idea of what was happening. Not knowing would've made them crazy and might've caused many of them to go wild on theories. The last thing he needed was another problem to take care of.

When they heard that the Great Sage was taking action himself everyone felt relieved. Will might be their king but everyone knows that the Great Sage is the most powerful hero alive.

Before they could even react, Will teleported many times to where the Golems had gathered the mana ores.

Sandra was asleep. She waited for Will and knew he was working hard for their sake. That's why she didn't want to bother him after all this time. She waited for days without going to sleep as she was afraid she would miss him. A couple hours later her body couldn't take it and she fell asleep on the floor. One of the Golems in charge of taking care of her carried her to a bed and cared for her under Will's orders.

Will saw dozens of open chests in front of him which were all filled with low and mid tier mana ores to the brim. Others were filled with 100,000 gold bars, 10,000 tungsten, 10,000 cobalt, and 10,000 titanium bars.

The enchanted pickaxes also had an enchantment {Auto-smelter} that can smelt ores without having Will waste time smelting metals, because of this enchantment Will had an abundance of coal.

'This is gonna suck.' Will let a tear out to see so many resources being used to craft an item that may or may not be good.

Even in video games he hesitated to use precious consumables, ammo, or valuable one-time use items even when fighting the final boss.

With this he was nearly broke. It required a high number of metals to create {Sovereignty} which at the time seemed like an unreachable goal, thankfully he had his enchanted pickaxes and his army of Golems which worked for him 24/7 that could gather the materials.

For the next twenty minutes Will transformed all the mana ores into High-tier mana ores.

"This is it. The moment of truth."

After making sure he had all the materials collected he finally crafted the item he longed for, sovereignty.

He was hoping that Sovereignty could help him take down the mountain dragon, The system would not tell him what Sovereignty actually does other than say that it functioned like the pack-a-punch machine from Call of Duty zombies, then again when has the system ever aided him when it comes to this stuff?

It appeared before his hand because it was in its shrunken state, once Will places it on the ground it'll grow to its full size.

It didn't appear to be anything special as he had imagined. It looked like an oversized coin the size of his hand. It had blue markings around it that he recognized, it was very similar to the markings he saw on the Goddess Lea.

It was made out of tungsten, gold, titanium, and cobalt. The bottom part was made mostly of titanium and some gold, the sides were equally made of cobalt and tungsten, the upper part was made entirely out of gold.

A blue screen appeared before him when Will tapped it with his finger.

{Sovereignty: The ultimate tool. It can make any item reach its full potential}

{Note: Once placed it cannot be removed. Choose wisely where you place it. It is nearly impossible to destroy(except by the user wielding a powerful pickaxe)}

Will couldn't contain his joy, he wanted to place down Sovereignty right then and there to see what it could do, but he held himself back from doing so. Once he places it down he cannot remove it unless he wants to destroy it.

From experience, if he were to destroy it he wouldn't get the item back just some resources that were used to make it.


He could faintly feel the underground caves shaking from the intense battle happening from far away. Everytime the dragon roared, the ground would shake.

Will thought that by now he would have gone deaf were it not for his magical glove that heals his wounds.

Ignoring the crowd of people, including a sleeping Sandra, Will teleported back to the surface using the waystone.

As soon as he appeared on the surface he flew a bit away from the waystone and his Golems. He didn't know what to expect but he thought it was better if there was some distance between sovereignty and his Golems.

His kingdom was still far away.

"Please." Will clutched onto Sovereignty with both hands. "Don't let all my time and resources be for nothing." Will placed the coin down.

To his surprise not only grew upon touching the ground it even merged itself to the ground. It grew 10 meters wide and covered the ground Will was standing on.

For a split second, the ground where Will was standing a blue light shined.

Surprised, Will flew back. It didn't expect the light or for it to grow to that size. As soon as he flew the light disappeared.

"What was that?" Will said.

When he flew back he made sure not to land on sovereignty until he got a rough idea on what it does and how it works.

But, as soon as his feet touched the ground,


He accidentally made a giant hole beneath him.

Will flew up again this time out of panic. He thought that he was wearing his full dragon armor set which grants him immense strength, but all this time he made sure to not wear his helmet.

"What? When did I…" Will touched his face and realized he wasn't wearing his helmet or his gauntlets, therefore it shouldn't be possible for him to use such strength without wearing the full dragon-scale armor set.

He looked down and realized that the dragon-scale armor he was wearing changed appearance completely.

The flamelike indigo color that came from the boots being enchanted changed to a red-blood orange color.

The color of the scales changed as well: the scales turned from purple, to yellow, then to blue as if it was breathing, it reminded Will of a gaming pc setup he used to have at home.

Even his magical rings had that same color glow as his armor.

It seemed that when Sovereignty touched his feet anything he was wearing was immediately pack-a-punched.

Even the plain ordinary clothes underneath his armor was pack-a-punched.

Will landed softly on the ground so as to not make another hole. Frankly he didn't even know how he caused the hole without wearing the full dragon armor set.

He took off his armor and inspected it.

Upon inspecting it Will's eyes and mouth were wide open from the pure shock of seeing his armor's new improvements.

He took a look at his magical rings and his mouth and eyes were open wider than before.

Then he took a look at his pack-a-punched shirt and was… mildly impressed. There wasn't much it could do for plain clothes without any enchantments or magical properties in it.

"This… this was more than worth it." Will took a look at his armor and rings, he was more impressed about the rings than the armor.

"Master!" a Golem ran to Will. "Congratulations, Master, you achieved it."

"I did, thanks to you. It is amazing!"

"Master, I hate to ruin your good mood but there's someone who wants to help take down the mountain dragon, but he seeks for your help first."

"Someone? Who?"

One day later…

The battle between the two strongest beings was still ongoing. There were no changes to the mountain dragon, he appeared to still be full of energy and strength since it began fighting the Great Sage. But only he knew that damage his body sustained from the Great Sage was getting worse, like a huge, painful bruise.

The Great Sage hasn't been injured once since his ears bled from the mountain dragon's mighty roar, and when he was nearly crushed to death.

But the aura around his body was weaker than before. He was getting slower, weaker as the battle went by. Had he been in his prime, two hundred years ago, the results would've been different.

The mountain dragon could obviously tell he was getting tired. Tomorrow, or perhaps some time today he would be too weak to continue fighting. And when he retreats he'll force him to continue fighting him by threatening to destroy the Reyes kingdom.

'Perhaps, after I kill him and destroy whatever human settlements they have built I'll go to sleep for a couple hundred more years to recover my injuries from this fight. It has been fun but I am getting sleepy. As for Lea… I'll find a way to deal with her.'

The mountain dragon was already making plans to not only kill the Great Sage but hopefully kill humanity. If they grew this strong in a couple hundred years during his sleep, he can only imagine how much powerful they would've grown in another few hundred years.

Granted that the Great Sage was only a miracle sent to them, but what if next time the humans find a way to summon someone even stronger than the Great Sage? The only reason he lasted as long as he did is because he's a mutant dragon blessed with two powerful abilities.

And so he sought to eradicate the humans before they became an even bigger threat.

'I'm not going to last long.' The Great Sage thought. His scales were impenetrable and indestructible.

'Perhaps, if I can distract him from the damaged part on his abdomen I can kill him. But… it might also kill me.'

He clenched his fists. His final attack would take all of his strength and some time to prepare, but he wasn't confident it wouldn't break through any part of his body except the damaged part of the abdomen, but the mountain dragon always protects that area.

But then…




Powerful shots were being fired from a long distance and hit the mountain dragon. Each shot was so fast and powerful that it pushed back and injured the mountain dragon; it was equivalent to being punched by the Great Sage.

The mountain dragon kept covering his damaged area with his arm as he covered his body with his wing.

The Great Sage looked back. From far away, he saw three Incredible Golems lined up beside one another. Each Golem had a red-blood orange flame around it, and they all had that same yellow, blue, and purple color that changed every second.

The weapons they were shooting with were mini cannons that had the same color as the Golems.

The cannonballs that shot out of the cannons were faster, and more powerful than before. One couldn't even see the cannonball being fired out of the cannon.

'Wait, isn't that… Williams'?'

The Great Sage once saw Will's Golems, at the time he thought they were statues of giant spiders and nothing more.

But then he heard from the king himself of the existence of the Golems and was ordered to find out how the hero managed to command the Golems that can take down dragons.

He couldn't have cared less at the time since they were not a threat to him, which was true.

The mountain dragon flew towards the source where those cannonballs were coming from. But to his surprise he felt more powerful shots coming from above him that pushed him down.

Above him were 4 helicopter Golems with the same outer appearance as the Incredible Golems. They shot only mini cannons at it.

Ordinary cannonballs would have nothing next to nothing to the mountain dragon even if they were enchanted. But the cannonballs, cannons, and the body of the Golems had been vastly improved.

The cannons enchantments are as follows:

{Enchantment: Explosion: X}

{Enchantment: Impact: X}

The bodies of the Golems are as follows:

{Enchantment: Infinity: I} (one of the new enchantments that can't be improved}

{Enchantment: Protection: X}

{Enchantment: Durability: X}

{Enchantment: Feather: X}

The mountain dragon flapped its wings to destroy whatever it was that was hurting him. Instead of the helicopters being destroyed by the wind pressure, they were pushed back. They were tiny and hard to see for someone like the mountain dragon's size.

"HEY! H-HEY!!!"

The Great Sage turned beside him to see Will flying beside him and shouting at him to get his attention. He got there by teleporting beside him.

'William?' The Great Sage didn't expect Will to suddenly appear beside him.

He noticed something abnormal about Will. Underneath his pack-a-punched dragon-scale armor he could feel Will's heartbeat going fast, his breathing was unsteady, and was slightly quivering, it was as if he was afraid.

Will had long since conquered his fear of death by dying multiple times. What he hadn't conquered was his fear of giant monsters.

Will's greatest fear has always been giant sea monsters. But to see a dragon the size of a mountain in front of him made him feel scared like never before.

He thought that his fear was only limited to sea monsters and the sea itself, but he was wrong. He didn't even feel afraid the last time he met a dragon and died from it. The first time didn't count as he had only been teleported to this world only for a few minutes.

Perhaps it was because the dragon was much bigger than he expected seeing it in person that his fear took over.

"T-t-take this and wear it n-now!" Will grabbed the Sage's hand and handed him a ring he thought he would need to take down the mountain dragon. He stuttered from fear.

It was a magical ring that gave him a boost of stamina, it is also the ring made by using Josh's body.

But something amazing happened after it got pack-a-punched by accident.

{Stamina ring: {Full potential}

{Grants the wearer infinite stamina} (used to only be able to give the wearer a major boost of stamina)

As it turns out magical items that have been pack-a-punched can also have their abilities upgraded, something Will didn't think was an option. That includes any magical item on his person, and his Golems.

The moment the ring was on his palm he didn't feel tired anymore.


{HP: 100,000,000/100,000,000}

'Even after fighting the mountain dragon that much he hasn't taken damage at all? Or was it because of his healing factor?'

Will thought he would need to heal the Great Sage with his improved glove that can heal all wounds.

Of course he tried to look at the mountain dragon's health bar, but his health bar was ordinary size which meant he couldn't see it from down there.

{Magical enchanted builders touch {Full potential} left hand}

{Able to move objects} (used to be limited to only items Will has crafted}

{Ability: The wearer heals all wounds instantly and can never die as long as the user is wearing it. If item were to be destroyed it'll repair itself instantly}

But as it turns out the Great Sage didn't need it in the first place.

Before he realized it, Will had disappeared. He could sense that he had teleported thousands of meters away from him in a second.

{Titanium ring of extreme teleportation {Full potential} (renamed by Will)

{Unbreakable} (apparently this ability cannot be upgraded as it cannot be broken)

{Extreme teleportation: Can teleport the user at a 3000 meter radius at not cost} (used to be 150m)

The mountain dragon got angry and was about to roar again. If it were a boss in a video game this would be his most powerful AoE move.

"N-NOW!" Will commanded his Golems.

From the distance hundreds of Golems of all kinds began firing at the mountain dragon.

To the Great Sage's and the mountain dragon's surprise, tens of thousands of red-colored bullets flew and hit the mountain dragon. From cannonballs, to mini cannonballs, and to ordinary bullets, it was never ending, like a sea of ammunition that covered the sky.

It sounded like laser beams whenever a shot was fired.

The rain of bullets caused the dragon to fall on his back. And he still covered his abdomen.

Being shot caused him a great deal of pain. The bullets were like being stung by wasps. The mini cannonballs and ordinary cannonballs were as if he was being punched by the Great Sage but it was never ending. It didn't help that he was already bruised and in pain from his earlier fight.

The area around them was clear of any obstructions that the Golems could still aim and fire at the mountain dragon while it was down on the ground.

It was truly a spectacular sight for anyone witnessing it.

"G-GREAT SAGE THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! KILL HIM!" Will teleported beside the Great Sage while the mountain dragon was being pinned down.

The Great Sage wasn't focusing on the mountain dragon, but on Will instead, as if he was in a deep thought.

Then he turned his focus to somewhere else far away. He was happy to see a familiar face.

"DUUDE!" Will wanted to shake the Great Sage's shoulders thinking that he was in shock or something, but he responded, "Wiliam, can you hold him like that for about thirty seconds?"

It was the first time Will had heard the Great Sage's voice in his mind. Will didn't bring the object to block his telepathy, he thought he didn't need to anymore.

"I can." Will said. He still had some more aces up his sleeves.

Will wasn't confident in killing the mountain dragon, to hurt and distract him was no problem. His plan was for the Great Sage to kill him and for him to provide assistance, because Will had no method to instantly kill the mountain dragon.

The Great Sage teleported away. Will didn't see him but he knew he was preparing something big.

Then he saw the mountain dragon moving around hysterically trying to escape and destroy his Golems.

"Oh no you're not!"

With his ring of extreme teleportation, Will teleported towards the head of the mountain dragon. Perhaps it's because the Great Sage is helping him and because of the rush of adrenaline, but Will forgot his fear.

Using the momentum Will landed a clean uppercut at the dragon's chin which made him fall on his back again. The punch he received was even stronger than the Great Sage's.

One of the bullets ricocheted off of Will's body.

There was a small crack on the mountain dragon's scales. It was tiny but it was there, in fact Will didn't even notice it.

Will felt an incredible amount of pain coursing through his arm, his scales were so durable that if it weren't for his healing glove his whole arm would've broken.

At that moment the mountain dragon thought, 'How? HOW? HOW?! How can there be another one stronger than him?'

Of course Will's punches were nowhere near as strong as the Great Sage's, until his armor got pack-a-punched.

{Enchantment: Strength: X}

{Enchantment: Protection: X}

{Enchantment: Durability: X}

{Enchantment: Fire protection: X}

{Enchantment: Feather: X}

Just the strength enchantment alone gave him strength nearly as strong as an apex dragon. But that wasn't all.

{Set bonus: Strength of a hundred apex dragons} {Full potential}

Of course there is one last factor that aided in his strength.

{Power bracelet: Multiplies the wearer's physical strength by 20x {full potential}

It was a gift from the Great Sage to Will that also got pack-a-punched. It was too bad that it was not made out of apex monster essence and high-tier mana ores, otherwise it would've granted Will 50x or 100x his physical strength.

Will quickly teleported in the throat of the mountain dragon. It was dark, wet, and it smelled. Out of his inventory he took out several items and tossed them on his throat. He used his {Builders gloves} as to not touch the items at all.

"The hunger!" Will summoned out the new improved skeleton.

{The hunger ring: Summon a giant, steel, skeleton} {Full potential}

The giant skeleton used to be around 11-12 ft tall. But now it was 50 ft tall after its ring got pack-a-punched.

It was also made entirely out of steel, only its teeth were made out of steel before.

Without orders the Hunger began running down the dragon's throat and with its sharp, pointy, metal fingers he sliced the mountain dragon's throat. Will had already given him the command before the battle to save time in advance.

The throat of the mountain dragon was also very durable like the rest of its body so the Hunger couldn't do much damage like it should, but any being would feel an incredible amount of pain if their throats were being cut from the inside.

'Who knew these failures and the Hunger would come in handy for this fight.' Will quickly teleported outside.

Under the hail of bullets raining down on him, the mountain dragon stood up as he felt an incredible amount of pain on his throat as if it was being burned, cut, and frozen at the same time, and then he started to feel weak and tired.

He wanted to cough out whatever was causing his pain but the sea of bullets didn't let him.

Then he saw someone he thought was long dead, the cyclops that caused him his pain, and he was right in front of him.

His figure was pale like a ghost. But to see his figure again made him angry and afraid. He could see his ghostly figure taunting him, screaming at him.

There were also tens of thousands of regular sized monsters, mostly cyclops and dragons taunting him, cursing him for killing all of them.


He wanted to roar, to move, to do anything but the bullets and the pain that was spreading around his neck. He was also feeling tired and weak.

The items Will threw on his throat were as follows:

{Cursed enchantment bullet: Weakness: X}

{Cursed enchantment bullet: Fatigue: X}

{Enchanted titanium ring: While wearing this ring, the one(s) the wearer has kill will come back to taunt the wearer}

{Enchanted titanium pistol: Freezes anything that touches}

{Magical titanium ring: Burns anyone that it touches}

Will didn't pack-a-punch those two items because he was afraid if he released their full potential he would burn or freeze to death by simply looking at them.

The problem with those two items is that the mountain dragon was so huge that it would take days or weeks for the burn and freezing effects to reach its entire body. Not to mention there was the slight chase that it can cough it out or burn it on the inside with its fire breath.

As for the cursed enchanted bullets, they would take time for the dragon to be fatigued and tired. And for some reason its ominous appearance is the same as it was before it got pack-a-punched.

Will teleported beside one of its helicopter Golems.

"Don't stop firing and send him in! SEND IN THE DEVOURER OF GODS!"

The hail of bullets continued. While the mountain dragon was still confused, weakened, tired, and being shot at from all angles, it failed to notice something was coming from underneath.


Out of the ground, a giant worm quickly wrapped around the mountain dragon's head, neck, and arm.

'A WORM?' The mountain dragon thought, surprised.

The giant worm had a long, claw shaped mouth that it bit on his nose to keep it from falling. Its entire body had a blue, yellow, and purple color that changed between those three colors.

It had hundreds if not hundreds of guns attached around its body, from cannons, to machine guns, and it fired at him with everything it had.

It was so fast and unexpected that the mountain dragon didn't have time to defend against it. With one hand still covering his abdomen, he used his other hand to push it away.

This was the worst pain and situation imaginable for the mountain dragon.

The best part about the Devourer of Gods? Its entire body was pack-a-punched.

If Will had more time and resources he would've made more improvements in all areas. He honestly thought that the mountain dragon wouldn't wake for a long time.

Will used the Devourer of Gods, a boss from the Terraria calamity mod, as a model because this is one of the bosses that he thought was perfect for distracting the mountain dragon while the Great Sage thought.

Will's first thought was to only use the Devourer of Gods to fight the mountain dragon along with the Great Sage. He had no idea that {Sovereignty} would exceed his expectations beyond his imagination.

The Devourer of Gods was smaller than the mountain dragon by a small margin.

'Where is the Great Sage? It's been at least thirty seconds!' Will thought. This is the perfect chance for the Great Sage to strike before the mountain dragon can recover.

Then he felt the air was getting warmer around him.

He looked around, above him he saw a figure coming down from the sky like a meteor.

The mountain dragon noticed it, too, because he was facing up. And at that moment he knew that if he didn't move he was going to die.

At that moment the Devourer of Gods released its grip from his nose and bit his left eye and started drilling inside, causing him more pain and blinding him.

The mountain dragon gripped tightly onto the Devourer of Gods. But, an arrow came out of nowhere, made contact with its other eye, caused a powerful explosion in its eye, and therefore he got blinded in both eyes.

From far away, Silvas was standing on top of an Incredible Golem to help out his friend.

He was holding an enchanted bow, his favorite bow that had been enchanted and pack-a-punched by Will, as well as all his arrows. He was waiting for the perfect time to strike and blind him.

He was also wearing a full, titanium armor set that had been enchanted with the best enchants and pack-a-punched to protect him.

"Roy!" Silvas said as he looked at his friend coming down from the heavens.

The Great Sage had teleported himself so high that for a second he could see the entire planet. Then he flew down at a tremendous speed to build up as much momentum as he could.

He used his mana as a protective layer around his body to protect himself from burning alive. He pointed his staff towards the dragon's abdomen.

As he got closer he stopped protecting his body to focus all of his mana on a single point, his staff. Its staff shun a blinding blue light, like a fallen star. The clothes and his body began to burn, but his body was healing as fast as he was taking damage.

The blue light was so bright that it could be seen from both of the kingdoms and the empire.

Will saw what he was doing. But there was still one problem, the mountain dragon was still keeping one hand on his abdomen.

The Devourer of Gods was keeping one hand in place, the rest of Will's Golems kept it pinned down with their hail of bullets, the items Will shoved down its throat kept it from roaring, or breathing fire, and kept him tired. And it didn't have time to use its wings to protect himself before the Great Sage could reach his abdomen.

Not only that but it was blinded and couldn't see anything anymore.

Will quickly teleported first to the dragon's abdomen. Using all his strength, he kicked the dragon's hand away from its damaged abdomen. Will could feel an incredible amount of pain on his leg but it didn't matter. It was only for a moment, but that moment was crucial for the Great Sage to kill it.

The mountain dragon tried to cover his abdomen again but it was too late.

The Great Sage made contact with his abdomen.

The Great Sage broke through the abdomen of the mountain dragon, and exited through the other side.

The momentum was so powerful it pushed Will away violently. Will couldn't stop himself from being thrown like a ragdoll.

The mountain dragon gasped, it was so sudden and so quick. He could feel he was bleeding, his heartbeat was slowing down. He couldn't see anything either, everything was dark, and everything was getting quieter.

'Am I already dead?' He didn't know what to think. He couldn't see, hear, or feel anymore.

And at that moment he passed away. The most powerful dragon this world has ever seen was dead.

Will stood up after being tossed like nothing. After the Great Sage went through the mountain dragon the Golems finally stopped firing at the dragon.

Will teleported on top of the dragon. He could see a giant hole inside the mountain dragon. There was even a huge hole underground like a tunnel.

"Great Sage?!" Will called out to him.

After a while of calling out to him Will didn't get a response.

"William? Where's Roy?"

Silvas appeared before Will. Thanks to a helicopter Golem Silvas made it faster than he would've gone on foot.

"I've been calling for him. I don't see him."

"Roy? Roy!" Silvas called out to his friend.


They both heard a soft and weak voice.

Then they both got forced teleported away from the mountain dragon's body and onto the ground by Roy.

In front of them they saw the Great Sage lying on the ground. Most of his clothing was burned.

"Roy!" Silvas ran up to him.

'Didn't think I would see you here.' The Great Sage said.

"Me neither, my friend."

'Especially after our last talk.'

"That doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter." Silvas assured him.

He used his ability to check on his friend's condition. A green light enveloped the Great Sage's body.

Silvas had a horrible shocked face. His friend was dying.


"I know." Will could tell simply by watching his health bar.


{HP: 65,000.000/65.000.000}

{HP: 64,900,000/64,900,000}

It wasn't just his HP that was going down, but his max HP was decreasing as well, something Will hadn't seen before.

He used up so much mana and went over his limits that his body couldn't take it. Even his healing factor couldn't save him.

Will took off his glove to heal the Great Sage. But Roy held onto Will's arm.

'I know what you're going to do, William. Don't do it.' He gently pushed his arm away.

"But I can heal you! I can save you!" Will said. If the description of his glove was correct it can save Roy from death.

Both of them didn't have a close friendship. But Will thought he could at least save him.

'I know you can. I know you can, William… but, I am so tired. But, now that you're here, I can finally rest. I can finally see… her.'

The Great Sage smiled, blood trickled down his lip.

Silvas and Will looked at each other. What did he mean by that?

"Roy, what are you talking about?"

'I can't say. I can tell I don't have much time, but just know, both of you, I wish I could go on but I am just tired of it all, I just want to finally rest after three hundred years. I was waiting this whole time, for a hero, like yourself, William, who can protect humanity and the elves, who can take my place to protect them. I'm sorry for leaving you with this huge responsibility, William, but I really can't go on anymore.'

"Roy, don't talk like you're gonna die."

'Oh, Silvas, my time is long overdue, thanks to you. Because you gave me the exotic flower you also gave up the chance to save your wife. Just wished I could've protected the elves better till the bitter end. And at least, I get to die beside a friend.'

Silvas let out a single tear escape from his eye.

"You already did a lot for us for over 200 years."

"Sage, protect them from what?" Will asked.

The Great Sage grabbed Will's arm and Silvas's arm and said,


Both Will and Silvas got a bunch of information dumped onto them.

Information about what really happened three hundred years ago.

Something he could never say because of his curse.

{Cursed: Dead men tell no tales: Cannot speak at all, tell, or mention anything about a specific topic, or else death will be immediately cast on the victim}

The Great Sage gasped as he could feel his heart stopped beating.

The world seemed to have stood still.

Everything went quiet. It felt as if the weight of his world had lifted off of his shoulders.

The bright sun for some reason shone brighter. He felt warm and comfortable, as he was enveloped in a loving warm embrace.

For some reason he could hear the voices of children laughing.

There was the faint smell of corn soup. The smell was so delicious it reminded him of his younger years.

He could also see a figure reaching out to him. It was a figure he had almost forgotten.

A beautiful, middle-aged woman, wearing a long white skirt, with a white gown over her head and long white sleeves covering her arms. She was reaching out to him and calling him by his name, with a loving and caring smile on her face that could melt anyone's heart.

Roy was so happy to see her that he couldn't stop crying. He reached out to her and said,


"Roy, I've been waiting for thee, my sweet."

He took her hand as she gently pulled him towards her in an embrace. The Great Sage wasn't an old man anymore but a 6 year old kid.

"Thou art finally home."

"I'm finally home."


{HP: 0/61,000,000}

Will saw his HP suddenly drop down to zero. Everything that the Great Sage saw in his final moments only he saw.

For some reason Will looked back at the sun, feeling that he had missed something.

Silvas could tell his friend had already passed away. But from the look on his face he was at peace.

Silvas closed Roy's eyes and said, "rest, my friend. I'll see you in the afterlife."

Silvas took a deep breath, stood up and looked at Will. He dropped his powerful arrows and bow that Will had lent him.

"I'm taking his body, William, please don't try to stop me. And also, thank you, for letting me help him one last time, and for everything else."

Silvas didn't wait for a response and carried the Great Sage's body to the forest to be buried and to be kept safe.

Will had thought of using the Great Sage's body to craft it into a powerful magic item. But for some reason it just didn't feel right anymore.

DemonGodHiatus DemonGodHiatus

Title: Death of Roy Morgan

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