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85.49% In another world with the crafting system / Chapter 112: Another secret

Capítulo 112: Another secret


One hour later…

In front of Will were 9 flasks made of glass. In each flask were golden drops in them. Those were the apex dragon's essence.

Will had to place the essence in something made of glass, luckily the Empire had an abundance of glass he could buy from them.

What was unfortunate, is that he ended up using a golden drop on a cup made of titanium by accident.

After making his first golden essence drop, he thought he could place it in a cup, and that cup ended up turning into a magical item by mistake.

For some reason the golden essence drops don't affect three things, anything made of glass, anything alive or dead, and the frying pan that blacksmiths use to make the golden essence.

He learned this from Jack's uncle. How he wished he learned before using a golden essence dropping and therefore using a high-tier mana ore.

"I have 9 drops to use… still, this is a surprise." Will looked at the cup in his hand.

{Magical titanium cup}

{Ability: Able to produce an unlimited amount of pure water}

Will didn't know how to feel about this. Sure, he should feel happy to see such a convenient tool, but he could tell just how dangerous this item is.

'It can seriously produce an unlimited amount of purified water?' Is what he thought. Would that mean that he can drown the entire planet in water if he isn't careful with it? Of course that would take years.

It looked like an ordinary, empty titanium cup, there was absolutely nothing in it, even when he places his finger inside the cup he feels nothing. And yet when he tilts it water comes out of the cup.

This magic cup is the third item to be made from a High-tier mana ore. The first two being the Great Sage's staff, and the Empress's earrings. And yet Will could make another 9 more magical items.

Will placed the magical titanium cup in his inventory. He wondered what other items would become magical?

He looked over to his 'Intelligent Golem' . It was just standing there staring at Will.

"Intelligent Golem, everything alright? Okay… now that I am saying it out loud again I think the name is dumb, I should change your name." Will thought.

"Oh, thank god!" The Intelligent Golem happily muttered.


"Uh, yes, everything is alright Master. But I was wondering if I could experiment on a few things with these golden essences?"

"Well I don't mind, but we have limited resources, I need more apex dragons, not to mention we only get a few High-tier mana ores a day."

Despite the Apex dragon's immense body size, the greatest essence was in its heart and lungs, the other parts of the body barely had any essence.

He ended up using the majority of its body to create 10 golden drops, he could probably create two more drops at most with the amount he had left. However what was left were the scales, which he might need to create more apex dragon scales armor.

"I just need two, Master."


Will was curious to what his most intelligent Golem was thinking.

Another Golem brought a brand new titanium, enchanted pickaxe to the intelligent Golem.

Usually any enchanted items can't become magical because they'll break apart, as if the two energies within the item would explode upon contact.

But it was different for golden drops made of High-tier mana ores and Apex monsters. The Great Sage's staff and the Empress's magical earrings are also enchanted, being the only two magical items to be enchanted.

The Golem used the golden drop and it disappeared in a second when it touched the pickaxe as if the pickaxe had absorbed the golden drop.

"Master, please examine it for me." The Golem handed the magical pickaxe to Will.

Will had the ability to check for any items information, it wasn't a unique ability for Will, some blacksmiths have a tool that can help them inspect enchanted, but as for tools that can inspect magical items was a bit more rare.

{Magical (Enchanted) titanium pickaxe}

{Ability: Able to mine a larger space}

"Um… what?" Will read that carefully. How much was 'able to mine a larger space' exactly?"


"Hold on, gotta check something." Will walked up to a part of his cave that wasn't mined. And with a light touch the area in front of Will was cleared in an instant. The materials fell in front of him.

"Woah." Will backed off a bit. He mined that much by only touching it with a pickaxe?

"Master, you just cleared the area in a perfect 10x10 meters in diameter. With a lot of Golems and with enchanted, titanium pickaxes we could clear the same amount in a few minutes, but alone it would take less than an hour nonstop."

Will thought about it, and handed the pickaxe over to the Golem.

"With this pickaxe, do you think you can gather more mana ores faster?" Will asked.

"Without a doubt, Master. But I feel that this pickaxe is more than meets the eye;"

The Golem expected something more from the pickaxe and it made him feel bad. Since a magical cup of water could produce an infinite amount of water, he thought a pickaxe or something similar could help them produce more ores, it is what his master currently desired the most.

But what if this pickaxe was used as a weapon? Would it kill any human it touches and chop them into pieces?

The idea of that was… terrifying.

"For now focus on gathering mana ores."

"But if you need an abundance of mana ores, there's a good place to get them."

"The Empire." Will knew what he was thinking.

Would giving the Empire more weapons be a bad thing for him? At the time he was desperate and traded his weapons with infinite enchantments for mana ores. Up to now he didn't know if what he did was a smart move or not.

One thing for certain is he does not regret it.

"I'll think about it, but you're right. What is the second thing you wanted to test out on with the golden essences?"

"It would be my High-tier Golem core, Master."

"You want to… make your core a magical item?" Will asked, unsure of what to expect.

"Indeed, Master. Worst case scenario the Golem core will break."

"That's a horrible thing to imagine! I spent a lot of mana ores to create that High-tier core. I can't afford to just waste it."

"I know, Master, you are entirely correct. But don't you think it's worth taking a shot? See what happens?"

The Golem wanted to try it out, but he needed his Master's permission. His words are absolute to him.

Will looked at his Golem. His core was very durable but not unbreakable.

No one knows what abilities a magical item will have once it has been created. It was all up to luck.


It took a while for Will to make a decision.

"Do it." With a dejected tone, Will gave his permission.

An Advanced Golem took out the High-tier Golem core and handled it gently.

The High-tier Golem core was in its stomach. Some Golems have their cores in their hearts, stomach, head, limbs, neck, this is so they don't all have the same spots where their weaknesses are, it would be bad if someone were to discover their Golem cores as that is their weakness as well as their greatest strength.

The golden drop disappeared as soon as it made contact with the Golem core. Will looked away, not wanting to witness the worst case scenario happening.


Will jolted upon hearing that sound, thinking the worst had happened, but no.

"Master, look."

The High-tier Golem core was on the ground, the Golem had dropped it…

That was Will's first thought. The Advanced Golem was still holding the High-tier Golem core, and yet it was on the ground as well.

There were two High-tier Golem cores.

"Holy, what the-" Will ran up to examine both High-tier Golem cores.

One High-tier Golem core was normal. The other one made Will grin from ear to ear from reading its ability.

{Magical High-tier Golem core}

{Ability: Produce a copy of this item once per week}

{Ability: Unbreakable}

An item having more than one ability is rare but not unheard of.

Will's cloak has two abilities, short distance teleportation, and manipulating its shape and fabric.

Sad thing was that once he makes Golem cores he can't return them to being mana ores, but the great thing was he just saved himself from using another 10 High-tier mana ores from not having to make another High-tier Golem core.

"Have I ever told you I love you?!" Will literally jumped on top of the Golem unable to contain his immense joy.

"No, Master."

"Oh. Anyways place this core back in the Golem." Will jumped off his Golem.

As the other High-tier Golem core was being placed inside the Golem's body, Will had an idea…

Will took a High-tier mana ore and used another golden essence thinking he could possibly make more High-tier mana ores…

{Magical High-tier mana ore}

{Ability: Unbreakable}

Will basically got something useless by using his golden essence. The pain of wasting something valuable is painful.

He may be using the greatest materials to give him the greatest chance to obtain a powerful magical item, but not every magical item he creates will result in a powerful one.

"6 left to go." Will tossed the unbreakable High-tier mana ore to the ground.

"It is all up to luck. Master. We have no way right now to manipulate or alter our luck."

"I can ask Sandra… no, her luck is just as bad as mine." Will has played many luck based games with Sandra, and neither of them are lucky.

Some people are just born luckier than others, as if they had all the figgy pudding.

Will really had no idea on what to use the other 6 droplets. Anything can be turned into a magical item like his titanium cup and pickaxe, but that just made it more difficult for Will to choose.

After what seemed forever Will made 6 decisions.

{Magical enchanted builders touch (right hand)}

{Able to move any items you have crafted and only the ones YOU have crafted, nothing else. Like using telekinesis. And only the system user can use this ability}

{Ability: Triples the wearers grip strength}

Combined with his apex dragon strength and the bracelet that also grants him strength, his right hand has become insanely strong.

{Magical enchanted builders touch (left hand)}

{Able to move any items you have crafted and only the ones YOU have crafted, nothing else. Like using telekinesis. And only the system user can use this ability}

{Ability: Heals any wound instantly at the slight touch of this item}

Will tested this out. This glove can heal him from any wound as long as it is not fatal, it could even restore a limb in seconds, even touching others with this glove could heal him though he has yet to test out that theory himself.

The scars on his face were healed the moment he touched the glove.

He had always been jealous of the hero's regeneration but even their healing ability paled to this glove.

{Magical enchanted Apex dragon mask}

{Ability: Able to store an infinite amount of items inside}

{Ability: Unbreakable}

At first he was worried that the droplet would not affect the mask because it was made of dragon scales, his worries were for nothing in the end.

Safe to say that Will did not want or expect this ability, but he wasn't too unhappy about this outcome. None of his other items could store an 'infinite number of items' like this mask could.

{Magical enchanted titanium pistol}

{Ability: Freezes anything that touches this item}

This item killed Will as soon as he created it…

One might think his magical healing glove would save him, but the glove cannot heal a person when his entire body is frozen.

It didn't matter if he touched the gun with his armor or not, it still froze him. Weirdly enough as the gun dropped on the ground it didn't freeze it meaning that only freezes living beings.

Will placed the weapon in a safe place. It was too dangerous.

As of right now Will has had two failures, the gun that freezes people and the High-tier mana ore that is unbreakable.

After that Will realized he has 10 fingers and no rings, that gave him an idea.

That idea ended up being possibly the best thing to have happened to him.

{Magical enchanted titanium ring}

{Ability: Unbreakable}

{Ability: Grants the wearer insane luck one time}

"Holy…" Will couldn't believe it.

Luck of all things? But it was one time use which made him feel like it was more like granting him a wish.

This is a first. What can he use it on? Or how can he use this ability? Should he use it now or should he use it later? Was there even a right answer?

Will knew what he had to use his luck on, to make a powerful magical item.

But what item should he use it on? That is if he could use it. Will had to make this one golden essence droplet count.

Should he use a sword? Swords are cool.

How about a gun? He has been using guns this whole time.

Or a piece of armor or jewelry? Who knows what they might do.

After much thinking Will made a choice, and he felt that this was the correct choice above all else.

{Magical High-tier mana ore}

{Ability: Unbreakable}

{Ability: Produces a copy of this item every hour}

{Ability: Grants whoever touches this item the ability to fly}

Upon reading that Will could barely contain his excitement.

His insane luck gave this item three abilities instead of two or one and they were all extremely useful.

Now his High-tier mana ore production has gone from 3-4 per day to 27-28 per day. His dream of obtaining that pack-a-punch machine seemed more realistic now.

Not only that but he could fly without the need to rely on dragon wings or his chair, and it seemed to be permanent, too.

He could control how he flew as well.

Will really wanted to make a magical weapon but really felt that this was the best choice in the long run.

As for the ring…

{Magical enchanted titanium ring}

{Ability: Unbreakable}


The luck ability was gone.

It should have broken into thousands of pieces, but because of the unbreakable ability it also had it did not break.

"Golem, make sure never to tell anyone about this, but I don't think I should be telling you to do that in the first place." Will said.

"Obviously, Master."

"Now that I found a method to obtain lots of High-tier mana ores all I need are more apex monsters."

"Master, can I say something that might disturb you but could potentially help?" The Golem said, unsure if he should say what he was thinking.


"Have you ever considered using the body of a hero to absorb their essence?"


"Apex monsters are powerful which is why they carry stronger essence compared to weaker monsters, but what about heroes? Are they not strong?"

Will looked at his Golem for a solid minute. No one could tell what he was thinking behind his mask.

He was basically asking to use Josh's body to make a weapon.

In many ways Will felt he had a good point.

But in other ways there was so much wrong with what he just said.

Killing people is something he doesn't mind doing but it is something he wants to avoid if he had the choice. Even if Josh deserved everything he got, doing that to someone would leave a bad taste on his mouth.

The heroes who he imprisoned and blew up their bodies were recovered, well in reality all his Golems could recover were some limbs, everything else was most likely reduced to atoms.

Truth is this idea was hardly original. Many people have thought of using the bodies of dead heroes, at least the ones they could retrieve, to make powerful weapons.

It was the Great Sage who did not allow such a thing to happen. Many kings persuaded him to change his mind, but even till now the Great Sage will not permit such an act to happen to the heroes bodies, not because he cares about them.

This hasn't stopped people from trying.

"Bring… bring Josh's body using a chest, don't let anyone else see it." Will sat down. His joyful mood turned sour quickly.

At any other time he would've most likely refused. But now that he knows that a giant mountain dragon exists, he didn't feel that he had the right to be picky.

A soldier Golem carried an empty, iron chest on his arm as he exited the cave.

"Golem, tell me what I should do now." Will wanted to change the subject.

"Well we should work on the other Golems. Now that you can produce High-tier mana ores faster we can make more magical items, but we lack essence."

"Yeah but do you have any idea on how to take down apex dragons? We could only take down those two dragons because of the sheer amount of cannons and sent…ries… oh. I see how now."

The High-tier Golem nodded as he knew what his master was thinking because he was thinking the same thing.

"Well you just gave me some nice ideas for the Incredible Golems. Oh that's right! We need to give you another name… Wiseman. That could be your name, or Wise for short."

"Master, please don't. Please." The Golem didn't even think it was capable of cringing, yet his master proved him wrong.

"Well we have to think of something, otherwise you'll be nameless forever."

"Hey, that's a nice name, Nameless. I wanna be called that."


"Absolutely, Master."

In reality he neither hated or liked the name, he just didn't want to cringe again for his master's unique naming ability. The feeling is something he did not want to experience again.

"Well alright, Nameless it is."

'Feels nice to have a good name.' Nameless thought.

After a while of coming up with new ideas and details on his Incredible Golems, the Golem who left to retrieve Josh's corpse returned.

Josh's body was tossed on the ground. His lifeless body flopped to the ground.

"Toss it in the fire pan, with the High-tier mana ore, you know how it goes." Will sat down and couldn't help but look away as his Golem did all the work.

He felt conflicted. Was he being a wuss? He also felt like a hypocrite for some reason, was it because he didn't spare the apex dragon's body a second thought before turning it into essence? Possibly.

"Master, it's done."

Very gently Nameless brought Will a single gold drop essence inside a flask.

Using the titanium he had nearby, Will created a brand new ring and handed it to Nameless.

"Use it on this."

Will's plan is to wear one ring on each finger. He had two magical bracelets, one that grants him strength and another that lets him store items. With his magical mask that can store an infinite amount of items he intended to replace the bracelet now that it was useless to him. Perhaps he could give it to someone else.

The golden drop landed on the ring and disappeared instantly.

"Here, Master."

Will reluctantly held the ring.

'God, maybe I am a hypocrite for feeling this way. What's done is done. Doesn't matter anymore.' Will then proceeded to examine the ring.

{Magical titanium ring}

{Grants the wearer an abundance of stamina}

It wasn't too grand or powerful, obviously.

Josh was never a powerful hero, only his abilities were. Apex dragons are insanely powerful, and the more powerful a being is the more powerful their essence becomes.

"Hmm… I'll wear it for now till I can find something better." Will wore the ring. He didn't feel anything.

Will got up ready to leave to work on his Golems.

"Nameless, be sure to take good care of the magical High-tier mana ore. Keep it safe where no one can find it."

Will has another secret he cannot tell. Some might say that the High-tier mana ore that can produce more High-tier mana ores every hour is more precious than the exotic flower, and exotic seed.

"Yes, Master."

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