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60.3% In another world with the crafting system / Chapter 79: Toss a coin to your builder!

Capítulo 79: Toss a coin to your builder!

"Failure 29? The Conqueror?" Will read the description properly.

'Failure 29' is the name of the magical item that can control the weather. Only that this magical item did not seem like a magical item at all, it was… unique. Not only that but it's creator 'The Conqueror' thought it was useless.

It is made from a gold material that is not from this world, and that cannot break or rust. Making it already a very unique item.

"Huh. Now I know why Christopher didn't break the magical item. Not because he didn't want to but because he couldn't. If he was smart, then he wouldn't even have mentioned this item in his diary, or at least lie and say that he broke it. But thank god he didn't, 'cause the item is now mine."

Will wondered a few things about Christopher, but seeing the item explained a few questions he had.

If he were Christopher, he'd destroy the magical item before he died, so that way nobody would be able to abuse its power.

"Still, not from this world… I think that maybe some meteor hit this planet and that's how this 'Conqueror' was able to make the material… or he was an alien. Probably the first one."

Will heard from the Empress that the anti-hero metal came from a meteor that crashed into the planet. But he has never heard of an indestructible gold metal, not even the anti-hero metal could be called 'indestructible.'

"I'm probably still too ignorant about this world… unless."

Will went inside his 'castle' that was still being built.

"Will, are you okay?" Sandra asked.

"I'm fine. I'm happy, really." Will's face didn't show it but he was happy, but he just wanted to know something. There is something he is curious about, who exactly is the Conqueror?

Will searched through his personal chest, grabbed his communication stone, and messaged Jack.

{Jack, does a type of indestructible gold metal exist?}

Will waited a few minutes before Jack responded. Jack is his friend. And also is a blacksmith, so his knowledge on rare metals must exceed his own. It wasn't until a while ago that Will didn't even know that anti-hero metal existed.

{Gold exists, but I have never heard of an indestructible gold metal. The toughest metal currently is without a doubt anti-hero metal.} Jack responded.

Jack found Will's message to be weird. As a blacksmith he knows that gold is a very soft and heavy metal.

'So it's either so rare that even Jack doesn't know, or… this is the only indestructible gold metal in the world.' Will thought as he looked at the golden ball in his hand.

{What about someone named 'the Conqueror' perhaps he was a hero? A blacksmith? Someone?}

{No, I am pretty sure I never heard of someone with that title or name. I know all the heroes' names by heart, especially yours. And I know some famous blacksmiths' names, but I have never heard of 'the Conqueror.'} Jack responded truthfully.

{I know you didn't ask for my opinion, but I have never heard of him either, and I know all the famous sorcerers names.} Jasmine suddenly responded. Their handwriting was all too different.

'Perhaps the Great Sage knows, he's the oldest man alive. But, if I start asking him the same sort of questions I am asking Jack, perhaps he'll suspect me, and that is the thing I least need right now.' Will thought.

The existence of the golden ball is too powerful for people to know.

"It's better to just leave it be. Not like learning about the Conqueror is that important, whoever it is." Will said to himself.

{Thanks Jack and Jasmine.}

Will placed the communication stone away and started to carefully inspect 'failure 29' to figure out its functions.

He had hoped that if he learned who exactly is the Conqueror, perhaps he could learn more about the indestructible gold metal, or something useful.

"Okay, so it must be simple considering the fact that even an ordinary hero was able to use this item… Hm… make it rain?" Will said, gently to the ball.

Nothing happened.

"Okay… make it rain, please?"

Nothing happened.

"Sunny. Let there be sun! Praise the sun!"

Nothing happened.

"I wish that it would snow."

Nothing happened.

Will rubbed the golden ball with the sleeve of his armor, but nothing happened.

"Welp, no genie inside. Don't know why I thought of that, this isn't a magic lamp. Then how about…"

Will cut his finger with an iron knife he crafted just now. He dropped a bit of blood on the ball in hopes that something would happen.

In some movies he's seen all it takes is a single drop of blood for something to happen.

Nothing happened.

"Okay, how the hell was Christopher able to figure out how this item works in the first place?"

Will got a bit frustrated, so he instinctively tightened his grip on the ball, which activated a hidden button on the ball.

The ball revealed it's true form, and it opened like a bakugan ball.

"GAH!" Will was spooked out by the ball that he accidentally let go and it fell on the ground. Since it was heavy it made a loud noise.

The golden ball split itself in half, revealing inside a little golden cylinder, though to Will it looked more like a pencil without a pointy tip. It was the length of the ball's radius.

On the tip of the cylinder was a golden shaped eye, like the symbol of the eye of Horus that the Egyptians have. There were even three long golden eyelashes attached to it that were evenly spread apart.

"Woah… what the hell." Will has never even thought or heard of something like this.

"This isn't a magical item at all. This is something else entirely." Will thought, and he knew it made sense.

The magical items that Will has seen or used are not this complex. They're just ordinary items that defy all logic.

His cape is a cape that can teleport him at short distances. The bracelet and ring he has cans store items inside. Valerie's earring lets her see people's biological clocks, but she's the only one who knows about it.

But this item in his hands, is more like a machine.

"Wait… if this is a machine, then." Will scanned the golden machine with the magical item locator, and it did not glow. The box where Christopher hid the ball in is a magical item, which is why it glowed.

"Knew it." Will sat down and thought about it. Such a powerful item was intentionally made from scratch. Magical items are only made by chance, and even then the chances of making a magical item are very low.

"Somebody was seriously able to make this? Seriously? Then how come I didn't unlock it the second I touched it? How was he able to do it?" Will asked himself, but he knew he couldn't give himself the answer.

Usually when he touches a new item, the system will tell him all the materials needed to make it even when he hasn't discovered the other materials. For example, Clement's weapon needed mana ores to fix it, even though by then he hadn't discovered a mana ore. But this time it didn't work.

This meant that he needed to make it by hand, like his golems, or his castle and buildings.

Or it might be something else that he doesn't know yet. Unfortunately the system won't help him, as Will had figured out the system's functions by himself, and he still had yet to learn everything about his system.

Will wondered if Christopher knew that it wasn't a magical item, but a powerful machine instead. Was he that dumb to never realize it?

'Christopher must've been dumb. I mean I'm an idiot and I was able to figure it out in a second. Well, that doesn't matter. I shouldn't dwell on it too much.' Will decided to let those needless thoughts be put to the side.

Someday he hopes that he'll find out the questions sooner or later. Who was the Conqueror? How was he able to make such a machine?

He felt that for every question that gets answered, two more questions pop up.

"Now, to find out how it works." Will looked through the golden eye, like looking through a telescope. Since there were no other buttons on the golden machine, and there was a golden eye, this meant that the eye had a function or something.

Will was going to figure it out himself, again.

Looking through the golden eye, nothing happened.

"Am I not supposed to look through the eye? What would Markiplier do?"

Markiplier is one of the greatest puzzle solvers Will has seen on youtube. There are others who are better indeed, but Will thought that he was the greatest.

"Hm… the only thing that's out of place are these 3 freakishly long eyelashes. Why three only?" Will thought that it was weird, since an ordinary person has many eyelashes. Then again this was a golden machine, so it did look normal somewhat.

Will pulled on the eyelash that was on the right, to see if anything would happen.

And to his surprise something did happen.

Without using much force the eyelash dropped down before going back to its original spot by itself. It even made a very soft sort of 'click' noise, like gears at work. It was so faint, but Will could hear it because he was alone in a room.

"That didn't do anything. Unless..."

Will looked through the eye once more. And to his surprise, it seemed very dark. Barely any light was visible. as if somebody had turned off but one light.

Will pulled the machine away, and his room looked normal.

"What does that even do?" Will pulled the middle eyelash this time.


Will heard a thunderstorm outside the castle.

"Could it be? Actually?" Will ran outside the castle. To his surprise, he saw thunderclouds forming above his castle, covering the entire northern lands.

Adaline merely hissed at the thunderclouds. This is her first time ever experiencing a thunder cloud, and it freaked her out slightly..

"Thunderclouds? But it was sunny literally seconds ago." Sandra said, confused. Weather isn't supposed to be like this. Then again, this is a new world so she didn't know if this was normal or not.

Beneath the mask of his, Will smiled. He wanted to laugh out loud like a madman. For the longest time he has been waiting for this moment.

Now he can finally live in this land without the heat bothering him anymore. Now the kingdom he envisioned can finally come true.

Rias, who was sitting against the castle walls for some shade, looked at the dark clouds above.

'At least the sun is blocked. Too bad I don't know how to protect myself from the rain, or the cold' Rias thought as she curled herself into a ball. She had no way to go back home safely, so she'll spend the next few days outside of the castle until Grace or someone can bring her back.

"What happened, Will?" Asked Sandra. She asked because she knows that the weather never changes here.

"I don't know." Will lied, he didn't want her to know about the magical device he wielded now. Secretly he placed it inside his inventory, and will never show it to anybody else.

A few drops of rain started to fall. Then a heavy pour followed covering the entire place in water.

"Inside." Will gently pulled Sandra inside his castle, with Adaline following them inside. Will purposefully made the castles have doors bigger than 3 meters, the reason for that is because of Adaline, and because both Sandra and Will found giant doors to be awesome looking.

It was easy to make giant doors. The temple underneath them also had giant, heavy doors, but Will made them a little smaller and lighter for his castle.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to use the restroom." Will walked inside of the bathroom, much to the confusion of Sandra. He was acting weird and she knew it.

"GAHAHAHAHAH!" Will started to laugh like a maniac.

'I knew it. Something amazing happened to him.' Sandra recognized that laugh of his. For the many years they've been together Sandra has learned of Will's strange behaviour.

Rarely does he ever laugh like that. And when he does laugh like a maniac, it can only mean one thing, that he just accomplished something amazing.

She remembers when he laughed like that when he recovered the Blades of Chaos in God of War 4, like they were his babies. Or when he found a wither skull in minecraft, or when a powerful item dropped in Terraria, or when he found a shiny pokemon he wanted, or when he finally beat a Dark souls game, Sekiro included.

If he were still alive to see Sora in Smash, without a doubt he'd be laughing like a madman.

Will was only starting to get comfortable now in this world, which is why his old habits are starting to show.

"Ahem." Will exited the restroom.

"Wow. That is possibly the world's shortest bathroom break. Not even 5 seconds passed." Sandra pointed out.

"I was holding in a fart."


"Anyways, going outside now." Will headed up to further test out the magical device.

"It's pouring outside. Shouldn't you wait until the storm is gone? You'll catch a cold." Sandra said, worried for him.

"Ha! You afraid to get wet?"

"... Okay, for how long have you been saving that?" Sandra knew where that line is from, it's his favourite movie series.

"Ever since the movie came out." Will ran up the stairs in a hurry.

Sandra smiled. Even with that mask she could tell he was in a very good mood.

*Hiss!* Adaline hissed at Sandra. Adaline, who was already tired, lay down in the corner of the room to sleep. Now that she was back, she could finally rest and eat properly.

Will was on the roof of his building. The thunderstorms were still there, but there was no lightning for some reason. Only heavy rain, and strong winds.

"Okay. Now to figure out how this works." Will looked through the magical device's eye. It looked pretty much the same.

Will pulled down the eyelash on the right while looking through the eye. Much to his surprise, he could see a change in the weather by looking through the eye. There were no clouds anymore, it was just sunny. But the second he stopped looking through the golden eye, all he could see were the thunderclouds.

"Woah. How did I activate the device again?" Will pulled down the eyelash in the middle. And in literal seconds, the dark, ominous thunderclouds disappeared in a second.

It was replaced with clear, blue skies, and a yellow sun that shone the entire area.

This wasn't the temperature Will knew. The heat was unbearable for anybody, but the weather now was just perfect, like camping out in the middle of the day.

It was sunny, the heat was normal, not too hot, it was sorta chilly. It was simply perfect.

Will took off his mask and helmet. He felt the sun kiss his face and not scorch it. He felt like it was an exaggeration to say it scorched his face, but that's what it felt like to him. It's why he spends most of his time in cool areas, Adaline as well.

"I was worried I could never change the scorching weather into a normal one. Now I can say for sure that the castle will be perfect once we're done building it, Alex. Man, I wish you were here to see this."

For the next few hours, Will continued to test out the device. He had found out a few interesting things about this device.

1. The device can only change the weather only as far as the eye can see in a perfect radius. An average human can see as far as 3 miles away. But if he were to fly, he could see much further. And if he used the device while flying to change the weather, he could change the weather even further than standing on the ground. Plus with his enchanted mask that enhances his eyesight, he could change the weather even further.

2. When he looks through the eye, it can tell him what weather he can change it to, like it shows him the weather he can make happen. When he pulls down the right eyelash, it changes the type of weather. And when he pulls the middle eyelash, the magical device activates and makes the weather appear that he sees through the golden eye. As for the left eyelash, it's the same as the right eyelash but it goes the other way, like swiping for choices on your phone.

3. He can only set the weather that the eye allows him to see. His choices are, sunny, cloudy, light or heavy rain, snow or heavy snowfall, hail, light thunderclouds or very strong and wild thunderclouds, strong winds, and scorching hot.

4. As far as he can tell it seems the device doesn't have a power or fuel source that it relies on. Which means that he can use the device indefinitely.

That's all he found out by testing it many times. There is a chance that there are more things he hasn't found out yet, but he'll discover them in time, that is if there is anything left to discover. The more things he found about the device the more amazed he was, and the more he wanted to learn who the Conqueror was.

Of course he didn't change the weather that many times, because Sandra was still here. He knew she was smart, and would figure out that he has a device that can change the weather, unless she already figured it out.

"Why would this machine ever be called a failure? It's literally the greatest device ever. And this is the 29th device he created. What about the other devices he created? Were they more fearsome compared to this device?"

Will had so many questions to ask, but just like the system he won't get the answers he's looking for.

He left the weather on 'sunny' which he found to be perfect. Now Adaline can grow the greenery around here without putting much effort into it anymore. And now he can bring in other types of livestock that won't die from the heat. Camels are the only livestock he knows that could survive the intense weather.

"I finally did it… now what?" Will looked at the magical device. For the longest time he only needed it to change the weather around his base, but never actually put much thought of what he'd do with it after he got it.

It's not like he couldn't plan ahead, it's just that he didn't expect to ever find the device.

"Seems like it'll be a waste to just throw it away. I don't know what else to do with it. Welp, I'll never know when I'll be needing this again, might as well keep it in a safe spot." Will placed it in his inventory. That spot will be it's spot forever.

Will could not imagine what could happen if this device fell into the wrong hands.

"What to do… what to do…" Will did not know what else to do. He could focus on the castle's interior design, but that sounds boring now. And he needed to wait until the Empress's men arrived with the mana ores and anti-hero metals.

Will walked back into his castle. He found Adaline sleeping peacefully. And Sandra was planning the castle's interior design already.

"Oh, Will! Do you want to take a break from building?" Sandra asked. She too was getting bored of building and building.

"You read my mind. What do you have in mind?" Will sat down. He found it strange that Sandra did not ask about the weather, or the fact that he was outside for a few hours.

He had realized his mistakes too late. If he tried to correct them now it'll make him seem even more suspicious.

"You remember the tournament of heroes that's coming up?" Sandra said.

"Of course I do! I thought we said we wouldn't go because Victoria will be there." Will felt disgusted by even mentioning Victoria's name.

"No, we should go because she'll be fighting in the tournament."

"Yeah, I don't see why we need to see…" Will halted his sentence at the sudden realization.

"Now you understand."

"It's so simple! Why didn't I think of that?!" Will wanted to pull his hair out.

If Victoria is participating in the tournament, chances are that she'll get hurt, because the majority of the heroes also hate her and would most likely want to hit her once or more.

Will wanted to find out if he had an IQ in the negatives. How could he have not thought of this?

"I change my mind, we're going."

"Tickets are 50 copper per person."

"Shut up and take my money! And keep the change." Will tossed a silver coin to Sandra.

"But, this is the exact change… nevermind." Sandra almost forgot that he was bad at math.

1 silver coin = 100 copper coins. And since there are two of them, and they each needed 50 copper coins for a ticket, it equals exactly 1 silver coin.

"Wait, I just tossed you a coin. That reminds me of that one song."

"I know exactly what you mean." Sandra knew what song he was talking about. It was the song that they both sang for months. Only Alex found it annoying, not because it was a bad song, but because the two lovebirds wouldn't stop singing it.

"GASP! Do we have a shelf by any chance?"

"Yeah. Over there. It's empty though." Sandra pointed at the shelf on the other side of the room.

"Perfect! And now all we need is an elf! Where did that elf go?"

DemonGodHiatus DemonGodHiatus

Did not think I would be able to finish this chapter today. Hooray for not being lazy.

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