The director looked at Zhong Liang and Zhong Yi's expressions, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Although they deserved it, she had hit them too hard. Looking at their faces, it was almost impossible to tell what they originally looked like. Not only was it hard to tell whether they were green or red, but there was also blood coming out of their mouths. One of their big front teeth had fallen out.
Even though it was serious, the director still felt that it was not serious enough to give Jing Yunzhao a demerit. After all…The two brothers were also wrong.
The director frowned and thought for a moment before saying," Jing Yunzhao, you can talk to the teacher next time. It's your fault for beating someone up. Write a thousand-word self-reflection letter and hand it in. Also…" Clean the field for a week. If you cause trouble in school again, you'll be given a major demerit."